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What Is The Big Deal About Thai Girls?


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I just read a few post's and it has been on my mind for quite some time. What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?

And, why do the Thai girls feel they deserve to get 10-100 times more financially than they would ever get from a Thai guy, why do they think they deserve a huge Dowry, and why do many of them seem to just make up rules and demands like they are the only women in the Universe and are the Women of all Women??

No I don't mean all of them, I have met plenty of good ones, but I have never seen the stuff that goes on in Thailand happen in any other Country!!

Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!

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On the off chance that you really mean what you post and are not trolling, (and when I look at each of your previous posts, they all seem to be in the same vein), I will write this. What you describe can just as easily describe some women anywhere in the world and is not only a Thai phenomenon.

Furthermore, what you describe is only accurate for a very small portion of women anywhere.

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This is going to be either a very long winded topic full of every one's opinion about the varying women in their lives OR it's going to be closed by the mods after the 2nd or 3rd demeaning comment about the OP or Thai women.

Either way it should be fun... :-)

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Its like Deja Vu all over again, isn't it?

I think we should try and pull the best from all the previous similar threads to make this the most enlightening and entertaining thread on this topic this week.

I think we need:

a) a miserable whinging diatribe about someone who was ripped off by his girlfriend and who bought his father-in-law in Chiang Mai a telecoms business

:) an outrageous misogynistic stereotype of western women based on experience arising from the poster's inability to relate with any kind of person or real life in any way

c) a mild-mannered contrarian who gets involved in petty bickering over tirvia

Anyone else that we need?


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The simple answer is because they can. The other replies so far are just as accurate. No need to turn this into the same old diatribe about Thai women. Women have been playing the same game for centuries, and where there is a conman there is a sucker waiting to be parted from his cash. It all comes down to value for your money. If the product is good enough then people will be willing to buy it for the asking price. If not, then the price goes down. Quite simple.

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Agree as above; it's the same in any country, however due to economics and the wealth gap in the west compared to the east, a plumber from plumstead is the same sort of catch in Pattaya as a premiership footballer is in Mayfair.

Relationships that start with a financial offering usually end with a financial settlement.

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Most uneducated Thais believe that all Farang are super rich and stupid

The only contact that Thais have with Farang away from the tourist areas are usually those that shack up with a girl and immediately buy a house and car. So they only see farang who are perceived as rich. Can you blame them? What would you think in your home country if a man buys a house and car in a girl's name after knowing her for a few months? I would think that he is either extremely stupid or has to be so rich that the money spent would hardly dent his wealth.

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Most uneducated Thais believe that all Farang are super rich and stupid

The only contact that Thais have with Farang away from the tourist areas are usually those that shack up with a girl and immediately buy a house and car. So they only see farang who are perceived as rich. Can you blame them? What would you think in your home country if a man buys a house and car in a girl's name after knowing her for a few months? I would think that he is either extremely stupid or has to be so rich that the money spent would hardly dent his wealth.

I know, I am thick headed, but it is sinking in. It has just been a frustrating past few weeks when stuff like that comes out of thin air (and the Thai girls mouths) and I am just venting, so I guess I shouldn't be so hard on them and see things from their perspective. I guess it is us foreigners who have actually tainted them with all the above! It just seems like so many potentially promising relationships are sunk too quickly!

I do agree, Thai girls are great to just casually date for a few weeks and then just move on to the next since there are so many to chose from, I might as well make the most of it while I am here!

I remember seeing the Isaan Countryside with tons of unfinished houses and when you got the real story from a foreigner, it was just that, just one of us guys thinking with the wrong head and another casualty! But, they never talk about those stories, only the Urban Legend of the one in a million that worked out! I guess I can't blame the girls.

I just can't figure out where the school is that teaches all the girls this stuff??

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Don't sweat it, myrealpofit. Most of us have learned our life's lessons the hard way, and that goes for just about everything. And, those that got stung tend to feel bitter about it and want to vent. It's only the lucky ones who have learned from OTHER'S mistakes that feel a little cocky. Those that HAVEN'T learned from their mistakes are the ones that I wonder about. And of course, there are enough exceptions to the rule that makes more people keep trying where others have failed.

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Why are you blaming the women?

Look at the guy's handing over their life savings - They're smiling, or at least they are smiling when the whole sorry tale starts. I'm convinced they get of the aircraft that brings them here dreaming they are some kind of UN/OXFAM/PEACE CORE on two legs - Coming here looking for a woman that will let them be a 'Man' and when they find her they are going to save her.

No, don't blame the women, take a closer look at the men. It's not a pretty sight, but that's where the problem is.

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but I have never seen the stuff that goes on in Thailand happen in any other Country!!

All the things you've stated happen everywhere mate.

where else do0 guys go for the poorest , lowest edcucated girls and buy them gold, houses, support their familes and pay a sin sot for the right to do so?

and to top it off, the girls arent all that attractive :):D:D

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Get real folks, it's not just Thai women and it's not just women (in fact it's not ALL women by a long way we just get to hear about the bad 'uns). It's Homo Sapiens.

Put yourself in their place, little money, few prospects in a land where status is all and welfare doesn't exist. Suddenly you have a benefactor who thinks the sun shines out of your fundamental orifice. Sure you are going to go for the best you can get.

If any of you were in the position of some of the girls the OP alludes to you'd do just the same.

How many of you ever go to your bosses and ask for a pay freeze?

We all want more, it is the intellect that comes from education that enables us to appreciate the long term plan.

huMAN natURE as BT used to say.

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Get real folks, it's not just Thai women and it's not just women (in fact it's not ALL women by a long way we just get to hear about the bad 'uns). It's Homo Sapiens.

Put yourself in their place, little money, few prospects in a land where status is all and welfare doesn't exist. Suddenly you have a benefactor who thinks the sun shines out of your fundamental orifice. Sure you are going to go for the best you can get.

If any of you were in the position of some of the girls the OP alludes to you'd do just the same.

How many of you ever go to your bosses and ask for a pay freeze?

We all want more, it is the intellect that comes from education that enables us to appreciate the long term plan.

huMAN natURE as BT used to say.

Well Said.

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On the off chance that you really mean what you post and are not trolling, (and when I look at each of your previous posts, they all seem to be in the same vein), I will write this. What you describe can just as easily describe some women anywhere in the world and is not only a Thai phenomenon.

Furthermore, what you describe is only accurate for a very small portion of women anywhere.

Sorry, but I don't agree with you. This IS a Thai phenomenon. I have lived in Malaysia for one year and never saw anything to the extent of fleecing foreign men as to what goes on in Thailand. It is almost like these women (Thai) are operating by some sort of "union rules". I get the same kind or similar methods of operation (MO) with many, many of them. Of course, the majority of Thai women are honest and do not stoop to such tactics. It just seems to be with those who get involved with foreign men. In such cases, ethics go out the window. ..and I am NOT talking about bar girls & hookers.

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