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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Storm Chulalongkorn Hospital


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This confirms that the redshirt leaders are not terrorists.

Terrorists have guts. When they do something, they proudly take responsibility for it and are not afraid of repercussions.

Common criminals, on the other hand, go and do criminal acts, but then fiercely deny them, blaming others, while desperately trying to negotiate a deal to set them free at expense of someone else they might know.

Therefore Abhisit is completely wrong. These people are not terrorists. They are cowardly criminals, hiding behind a mass of misled followers, rejecting any responsibility for any of the provocative, intimidating and illegal acts they perform.

Would it make a difference when some mentions Sae Daeng? - The reds official war lord and terrorist leader of the black clad within the reds?

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I'm not new to Thailand but been here over 20 years and in all this time I have never experienced a state of Anarchy until now.

Even considering the usual Thai none logical way of thinking, this goes way beyond anything ever experienced here. The red shirts going to the UN and than to the EU complaining that the government is using "weapons of war" against them while they themselves are firing M79 grenades, RPG's and life ammunition at targets, seems totally .... well the only word that comes to mind is mad.

The well .. "formerly" reds claim to fight for democracy but considering all their actions, including storming the Hospital yesterday seem to be the act of an illegal mob with the aim to overthrow a government rather than a peaceful demonstration.

One thing seems obvious, if the government does not act swiftly now, the anarchy will spread and the country will turn into a war zone like some African countries have in the past with warlords ruling their regions. The government can't be afraid of using force to stop all this anarchy since the red's are clearly led by a terrorist cell. I'm sure that no one in the international scene will blame them for concise actions against an unusual large number of violent law breakers holding the capital hostage.

It is the right of the law respecting citizen to be protected by the government forces from such anarchy. This is what the whole system of governments is about, otherwise we should all be allowed to carry arms and we call Thailand "the wild East".

Chill, Herm. It's all over now, bar the shouting.

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You are a laughing stock.

and why would you expect people who would overthrow a democratically elected government to NOT use a hospital to infiltrate the red enclave?

use your insight, Insight.

Attacking from a hospital would place the hospital right in the firing line, along with all its patients. Even the most tyrannical of govts could apply a modicum of common sense and realise that, at the very least, the risk of negative PR that would follow renders the risk not worth it.

maybe you want to bet your life and your movement on your "insight".

and maybe the reds, who actually are betting their lives, find your uninformed commentary no more convincing than i do.

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This confirms that the redshirt leaders are not terrorists.

Terrorists have guts. When they do something, they proudly take responsibility for it and are not afraid of repercussions.

Common criminals, on the other hand, go and do criminal acts, but then fiercely deny them, blaming others, while desperately trying to negotiate a deal to set them free at expense of someone else they might know.

Therefore Abhisit is completely wrong. These people are not terrorists. They are cowardly criminals, hiding behind a mass of misled followers, rejecting any responsibility for any of the provocative, intimidating and illegal acts they perform.

Tom time to take off the rosies & see it for what it is. The reds have alienated their own following. Despicable behavior is all that comes to mind.

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Hospitals are Hospitals no one can justify to storm a building with 200 people , scar medical staff and all them sickly children , woman , men and elderly patients . if the reds like hospitals so much maybe they should build there own mental facility and live there. cowards stay to your colours put your shirts back on . or did you do something wrong so now you hide !

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(Don't bother responding to WhinyTheKwaai. Rubbish argument.)

The Red evolution:

1. "It was the government"

2. "It wasn't us"

3. "They were fake reds"

4. "Ok, they were reds, but they acted on their own"

5. "Ok, errrr, sorry"

So? What's the next level?

The government made us do it perhaps?? :)

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just back to my comuter, then I was SHOCKED - reds storm hospital !? #@&%*

what the h_ll they are doing ? red leaders again declared it was the individual action, they are not responsible !

meaning, as long as have have a red-shirt, you can do whatever you want - including storm hospital !

do these democratic protesters understand that they are harming hundred and thousand of life in the hospital. these life are just patients in the bed, some even on the edge of surviving !

this is what so call 'United front of DEMOCRACY'

sorry, this is very emotional, from a heart of human being !

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I am not going to make an overall assessment of the red movement but invading a hospital is certainly an act of terrorism. A hospital even in war is a place of refuge. There is no way to condone or explain this. It was a pure act of terror. They did not need to send their violent gangs in there. There are people seriously sick in this hospital and there are medical staff trying to do their jobs. Anyone trying to apologise or rationalise this away is either a propagandist or inhuman. This action should be condemned by anyone with any humanity. It was a hospital

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You are a red apologist.

And I stand by what I said. By all means give time for people to get out, but then crush the remainder.

Until these oafs move out, there can never be elections.

We have all had enough.

because dh is irritate by the people...uh, "oafs"... who graciously invite him to live in their country, he counsels they be crushed.

how does this web site attract these extreme right wing...uh, oafs?

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the red cross has just condemend the red leadership for raiding the hospital.

It is good to see them describe it as the inhumane act it was and condemn the red leeadership for it. Now either accept group responsibility for it or hand the perpetrators over without conditions

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Without wanting to offend anyone here, but could someone explain to me how it is possible that there are people on this forum who actively support the "red" shirts?

Everybody must by now have grasped the fact that they are not the "peaceful" demonstration they claim to be, but besides a number of poor of mind farmers, they are a large number of criminals with the criminal element growing exponentially since this kind of event attracts criminals like light attracts a moth.

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The actions taken by the Redshirts at the hospital are nothing short of outright terrorism. The trespassing, intimidation, bullying, and kidnapping that took place at the hospital is only a small part of the many other crimes committed by these thugs. Thousands of army and police within five minutes of the hospital and no response at all, not even a show of force. They did nothing while Thai citizens were being terrorized and kidnapped. The Redshirts now have a mob mentality and when that happens common sense is gone because the individuals in the mob know they can act in anonymity with impunity from the law. This is the beginning of a degenerative cycle that can only spiral down into complete anarchy unless someone takes complete and total control by what ever force is necessary. A few hundred persons killed while committing criminal acts may be a lot better than the alternative.

I am starting to have visions of the recent Rwandan genocide in Africa. There, the disgruntled Hutu people who were in a situation of always having been second class citizens because they were the lower class in Rwanda were very jalousie about the Tutu people who were better educated and had better jobs and positions. The Red Shirts actions of bringing terror to the people of the cities in Thailand are based upon the same type of feelings that the Hutu had. Like the Red Shirts, it started out with Hutu rallies, speeches, and small acts of terrorism in the countryside. But then came the day when they all rose up together and killed millions of the Tutu in the most barbaric ways. Many of these Hutus and Tutus were neighbors and knew each other well but the mob mentality took over. It was total anarchy. One of the contributing causes for this genocide was that the government failed to take proper action to prevent this because of fear of looking bad to the international community.

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just back to my comuter, then I was SHOCKED - reds storm hospital !? #@&%*

what the h_ll they are doing ? red leaders again declared it was the individual action, they are not responsible !

Long history of multiple references referring to Payap as a "red shirt leader" himself, even going back to his arrest last year at Black Songkran. Other red shirt leaders now tepidly denouncing him or denying his leadership status is meaningless.

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Here is the latest from Weng:

THE NATION: Weng: I wasn't there,but 50-100 of our ppl. invaded hospital. Not appropriate & we must apologise. Let's not act like PAD

I thought all along they have said "Well, PAD did it...so can we!" Now they are changing their story line?

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Only bullets can stop them!

So.. Wait. Some people call me a Red apologist or even a troll.

But it's you and the Grapeshot guy advocating mass slaughter of civilian protesters. Maybe time to re-calibrate sensors of what's going on in the world, and what would be appropriate, realistic and moral responses to the challenges posed. You guys DO allow yourselves to be worked up in a frenzy. I try to understand first, and judge later. Many of the protesters are very aware that their faces may get blown off at any time.

Spot on...

Call me an elite apologist then... but I hate not being able anymore to get my Brie cheese, San Daniel ham and Echire butter at Paragon anymore... especially after getting stuck in the traffic for more than four hours and having to pay my driver salary today afternoon! :)

Please Khun Abhisit: martial law now... enough is enough!

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This is foolishness, you think the protesters have any chance in hel_l of 'defening' their protest site against army and police armed with automatic weapons, armored vehicles, etc. with a bunch of bamboosticks..please

did america and britain have any chance in hel_l or invading iraq with an invasion force smaller than the defending force?

in military calculations you have to look at more than the correlation of physical forces.

the reds are, largely, committed to their cause.

and so, indeed, are the many police and soldiers who are reds.

thats thaigov's big problem.

its why they arent crushing this revolt. cause they cant.

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Here is the latest from Weng:

THE NATION: Weng: I wasn't there,but 50-100 of our ppl. invaded hospital. Not appropriate & we must apologise. Let's not act like PAD

I thought all along they have said "Well, PAD did it...so can we!" Now they are changing their story line?

The PAD never went this far and neither until now had the reds. Hospitals are different form economic targets. All weng cares about is that the public are very upset about this and he canmt blame anyone on anothjer side.

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This is actually very 'good' news. What we now need is more 'raids' like this, so the whole of Thailand and the world sees and understands what this 'movement for democracy' really is about.

This means the government is winning not only the battle but the war too and all they have to do is being a little bit more patient. The reds (as their big puppet master) are shooting themselves in the foot time and again. They are losing if they stay in their hole (and the amy doesn't crack down) and they are losing if they come out of their hole (and the army tries to stop them), they are even losing when the police doesn't do anything to stop them. It's really amazing the BBC and CNN haven't picked up on this outrage.

PM Abbhisit is a very wise and dignified man not letting his personal feelings interfere with the good for the country. Just ask yourself how you would feel if someone poured hiv-pos infected blood on your house. He wants as few innocent casualties as possible and I truly believe he wants to help everyone in this country, especially the poor. Unfortunately they don't let him help them. IMO, this country doesn't deserve a PM like him.

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The country of Thailand has an Army and Police force not worthy of the name, Rename them a group of men in flashy uniforms with leaders who act like Thai politicians and not fit to wear a law enforcement uniform. Infact there should be a new definition of "law enforcement" for Thailand in the dictionary. :) RIP

Edited by KKvampire
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there are no " leaders " when there is trouble ! first sign of trouble the run away and hide , then some poor farmer ( who is only there for the money ) gets shot and then the come back war mongering . very spineless no backbone no brains

maybe they should be tested for ya ba , they seem paranoid enough. storming a hospital buhh

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Here is the latest from Weng:

THE NATION: Weng: I wasn't there,but 50-100 of our ppl. invaded hospital. Not appropriate & we must apologise. Let's not act like PAD

I thought all along they have said "Well, PAD did it...so can we!" Now they are changing their story line?

When did PAD terrorize a hospital? :)

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Here is the latest from Weng:

THE NATION: Weng: I wasn't there,but 50-100 of our ppl. invaded hospital. Not appropriate & we must apologise. Let's not act like PAD

I thought all along they have said "Well, PAD did it...so can we!" Now they are changing their story line?

The PAD never went this far and neither until now had the reds. Hospitals are different form economic targets. All weng cares about is that the public are very upset about this and he canmt blame anyone on anothjer side.

Exactly... all he can blame is a fellow red co-leader.

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There is also the issue that the police are doing nothing to protect the people. Nothing to protect the majority who have nothing to do with lunatic power games

They have just been unable to explain why they didnt arrest Payap who led this invassion of a place of refuge

Edited by hammered
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Here is the latest from Weng:

THE NATION: Weng: I wasn't there,but 50-100 of our ppl. invaded hospital. Not appropriate & we must apologise. Let's not act like PAD

I thought all along they have said "Well, PAD did it...so can we!" Now they are changing their story line?

it took them so long to respond to that act of terror with an apology. It will be not accepted, never.

They, red leaders, were waiting to of how it works out before they decided to apologize.

Weng, you and your buddies, with your covetousness behavior are as outrageous as the act itself.

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Have the reds handed Payap over yet? That is the test of whether they really didnt mean it or not. Nobody believing in people's rights and emocracy would condone this action under any circumstance and would try to remedy it immediatley. The reds are now beyond anything the yellows did.

Far beyond!

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You are a red apologist.

And I stand by what I said. By all means give time for people to get out, but then crush the remainder.

Until these oafs move out, there can never be elections.

We have all had enough.

because dh is irritate by the people...uh, "oafs"... who graciously invite him to live in their country, he counsels they be crushed.

how does this web site attract these extreme right wing...uh, oafs?

Earthpig, I am very angry. I am astonished that anyone can fail to be appalled at this latest act.

If you have read any of my earlier postings you will know that I am mainly interested in constructive solutions to the deep seated problems in Thailand.

However, these so called red shirt protestors have gone to far and gone on too long. The military must now put them down before any elections can be called.

By the way, I work here as a consultant engineer and have lived here for ten years. I have a wife and two kids who live in our family home in Nakhon Phanom province.

Nobody "invited" me to this country. I chose to live and work here and as a foreigner I have to pay through the nose for the "priviledge".

I am British, Lib Dem and read The Independent. I am more often described as a bleeding heart liberal.

However, I strongly believe in law and order.

Oaf means slow witted, clumsy and stupid. Do you really consider me an oaf?

I am irritated (angered) by the red shirt protestors, particularly their so called leaders, NOT the people in general.

On top of that, I am irritated by shallow, ill thought out comments by people like you. Why don't you tell us about yourself?

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I looked on BBC earlier and now't there. :)

I know I checked BBc , Cnn and a few others. Nothing.

Obviously not so important as we think it is. People probably storm and search hospitals the world over every day.

It does not fit in with their current agenda...they'll be back with full force as soon as the military makes a move against "unarmed", innocent red shirt farmers...

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