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The cinemas could post a note for the customers that special pricing is not honored on early showings or if the movie is deemed to be a big hit by the cinema.

This small note would remove any potential confusion over the discount pricing schemes.

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Not everyone is rich. Calling thrifty people names, whether Thais or expats, is disgusting and elitist. People are more than their bank accounts. Have so many expats internalized such disgusting values, that money is everything?

I don't think I would go to a movie on the night it was released expecting a cheap ticket maybe the OP spoke to someone who didn't know what was going on. I wouldn't complain by the way I saw the movie on it's opening night in OZ and paid 16 dollars. A very average movie IMHO

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The cinemas could post a note for the customers that special pricing is not honored on early showings or if the movie is deemed to be a big hit by the cinema.

This small note would remove any potential confusion over the discount pricing schemes.

My guess is that very few people get their noses out of joint over paying full price for new release movies late on "Cheap night" because most people are smart enough to realise that a cinema cannot show new release movies at half price. Unfortunately the OP wasn't one of them and chose to slander Major Cineplex in the worst possible way.

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I'm with the theatre on this one, because when you watched the preview (caught it a few times watching other movies at Major), it showed the release date for Iron Man 2 as the 29 April, which was technically Thursday. The 11pm movie was a special offering to see it an hour early. So I would expect the Thursday price to apply.

You beat me to it. It was a pre-release screening and the OP should have been greatful that the cinema gave him the opportunity to watch it a day early.

It absolutely amazes me that a foreigner would adjust his movie going schedule to save 60 baht on the normal 120 baht seat prices. It amazes me even more that he feels the need to make a song and dance about it here.

I'd place bets he's one of those customers who pays for the 120 baht front seat and switches to the 140 baht rear seats after the movie starts.


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I'm with the theatre on this one, because when you watched the preview (caught it a few times watching other movies at Major), it showed the release date for Iron Man 2 as the 29 April, which was technically Thursday. The 11pm movie was a special offering to see it an hour early. So I would expect the Thursday price to apply.

You beat me to it. It was a pre-release screening and the OP should have been greatful that the cinema gave him the opportunity to watch it a day early.

It absolutely amazes me that a foreigner would adjust his movie going schedule to save 60 baht on the normal 120 baht seat prices. It amazes me even more that he feels the need to make a song and dance about it here.

I'd place bets he's one of those customers who pays for the 120 baht front seat and switches to the 140 baht rear seats after the movie starts.

I would have to largely concur with Tropo here. My first reaction was that the OP was a touch melodramatic and over-reactive. I

understand(and for what it's worth,possibly agree) that the Cinema owners "maybe" pulled a fast one here.....but even of they did,I

think there are more important things to get concerned about in life....as many have said even a 120-140'ish baht price is

fantastic value.

The one caveat I would give(a devil's advocate stance if you like) would be that this "possible fast one" by the Cinema would

rest a bit easier,assuming everyone was treated like this.(ie:- Thai and foreigner). This is maybe where Tropo would not be

singing from the same hymn sheet as myself,for in previous posts to me it was alarmingly and regrettably written that ...(quote)......

........" It's quite simple. If they want to give a DISCOUNT PRICE to locals then that doesn't concern me. This is not racist at all and apart from yourself and few others uptight individuals who get upset about it. Equal treatment and prices for all are a figment of your imagination...dreamer"

Let's hope that that wasn't the case her,and that it never will be.

Have a good weekend everyone.By the way,you gotta love the new Central Beach Road SF Cinema complex....I'm there so much and

it's fantastic value for money. If no one has ever tried a "3-D" movie,I think it's definitely worth a go and well well worth the little

extra.I just love a nice meal and a movie in Central.

This will be my only post on this thread!!

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ok to be fair my tgf spoke to them so i dont see that two prices ie. farang or not applies

i think your replies so far fall into 5 catagories---------

why a fuss at all

why want to save 60 baht each

why not save if you can

principal of it

good value at 120 baht anyway

i liked the one about the millionare and the hot water-----------good ole boy !!

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this thread is a good example of why i and a lot of other people hardly post, just loads of people ready to shoot it down and make snidy comments. i had no problem reading the op and agree with your principals. 140 baht is what a lot of people earn in a day how many people would pay a days salary to see a movie in there home country. cheap charlie is bar girl talk, why drop to their level.

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this thread is a good example of why i and a lot of other people hardly post, just loads of people ready to shoot it down and make snidy comments. i had no problem reading the op and agree with your principals. 140 baht is what a lot of people earn in a day how many people would pay a days salary to see a movie in there home country. cheap charlie is bar girl talk, why drop to their level

Well said and you are totally correct.(hope my English is perfect for the keyboard warriors).

There is an old saying that if you have nothing useful or polite to add to a conversation be a man and say nothing at all.

All you do by criticizing a poster is to show the rest of the board that you are quite simply foolish with poor social skills. Would you say the same things to the op's face? I think not as you would most likely receive at least a tongue lashing and at worst a clip around the ears for speaking impolitely.

How many of the posters that have criticized the op are now going to apologize for their childish behaviour?

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There is an old saying that if you have nothing useful or polite to add to a conversation be a man and say nothing at all.

All you do by criticizing a poster is to show the rest of the board that you are quite simply foolish with poor social skills. Would you say the same things to the op's face? I think not as you would most likely receive at least a tongue lashing and at worst a clip around the ears for speaking impolitely.

How many of the posters that have criticized the op are now going to apologize for their childish behaviour?

You sound like a child yourself with comments such as "apologize for their childish behaviour".

In this case the OP was asking for criticizm because he expected to see a new release blockbuster for half price.

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Not everyone is rich. Calling thrifty people names, whether Thais or expats, is disgusting and elitist. People are more than their bank accounts. Have so many expats internalized such disgusting values, that money is everything?

Spot on Jingthing...Far tooooo many materialistic judgment's made on assumption of peoples wealth,

I know a (very) rich guy who travels business class and his Wife and daughter has to travel behind in economy class??

This Guy even bought a new 5 bed-roomed house in central Pattaya with maids quarters and private swimming pool etc and moved in, at the same time he moved in he rented a 10,000 Baht a month old Thai house a couple of Kilometers away to put his 3 year old Daughter in out of the way, this was so she wouldnt damage the "things' in the new house...unbelievable but true.

Needless to say his nickname in England is Billy No Mates!

One of the happiest times of my life was when I was on my ar*e financially and had nothing, I couldnt even afford the bus fare and had to walk everywhere, I found I missed so much of the World around me previously wizzing around in the car.

Lesson...the more possessions you own, the more they own you!

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this thread is a good example of why i and a lot of other people hardly post

it would seem more and more people are posting here everyday. sometimes you have to rid yourself of the bitter old and make room for the bitter new :) anyway "nalak", it's just the internet and certainly ThaiVisa is the dregs of the internet society, but it's the most upstanding of all Thai forums. i think...

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One of the happiest times of my life was when I was on my ar*e financially and had nothing, I couldnt even afford the bus fare and had to walk everywhere, I found I missed so much of the World around me previously wizzing around in the car.

You have a lot to learn about poor if you think being poor is not having bus fare. Being poor means having insufficient food to eat and no place to live.

Sure, you can be happy without bus fare, but not without food.

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One of the happiest times of my life was when I was on my ar*e financially and had nothing, I couldnt even afford the bus fare and had to walk everywhere, I found I missed so much of the World around me previously wizzing around in the car.

You have a lot to learn about poor if you think being poor is not having bus fare. Being poor means having insufficient food to eat and no place to live.

Sure, you can be happy without bus fare, but not without food.

Didnt say I was that poor I didnt have food in my mouth, I used the bus fare example as all things are relative, in my Western Country not being even to afford a bus fare would be considered a person is brassic...but it did have its positive side!

How do you know that I have never been that poor anyway, there was one time in my life your referring to, however that is another story and not for this forum.

So yes I have experienced both!

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I didn't catch the detail of the pre-release screening part of it. That means it was a kind of special event. I retract my comment before for this kind of case. If they are ALSO doing this on existing releases, my comment stands.

BTW, there is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone trying to save a few baht here and there. The cheapest person I know also happens to be the richest person I know. He is a dollar multi-millionaire yet he demands places bring him a free cup of hot water so he can brew his own tea bags! Embarrassing, yes I know. (BTW, he is a WASP, so no ethnic stereotyping please).

These are hard economic times for many people. Most of the movies released in Thailand are crap anyway. Why pay more than you have to?

The guy sounds like a member of Shem's many offspring who got on the wrong bus somewhere along the way.

Your WASP reference invited this comment. Just couldn't help myself.

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it's just the internet and certainly ThaiVisa is the dregs of the internet society, but it's the most upstanding of all Thai forums. i think...

In comparison to the other Thai forums, Thai Visa deserves the Nobel Prize!


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it now turns out that the 60 baht wed on the 5th may has become a 140 baht day because it is a public holiday---------i suppose the staff get double pay or something-----------i dont think so !!

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So the film ends on thurs. a.am so full price applies. If wed. is half price then half price should apply.I'm with the OP on this one.

ok,thanks,let me re-phrase what i said.The "said" cinema's decision not to give their wed. discounted price on the late session because it runs into thursday is priceless!Perhaps the cinema would be better to only discount certain sessions,thenit would be clear to all.Amazing thailand :)

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So the film ends on thurs. a.am so full price applies. If wed. is half price then half price should apply.I'm with the OP on this one.

ok,thanks,let me re-phrase what i said.The "said" cinema's decision not to give their wed. discounted price on the late session because it runs into thursday is priceless!Perhaps the cinema would be better to only discount certain sessions,thenit would be clear to all.Amazing thailand :)

Some of you are very slow to catch on.

All other sessions on Wednesday night are half price. The new release movie is the ONLY movie being charged at full price on this night.

If they were forced to charge half price for the new release movie they wouldn't be showinig it.

I'll bet there is some small print in Thai explaining this, but even then the whingers on here will complain that they're not writing up conditions in English.

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oh noes, i paid 150b at central for a premium chair, what was i thinking.

oh, yeah, i was thinking it's only 150b and it's a huge screen and probably a good movie. surely there's better things to worry about than 60b. and really, it's just come out, the cinema has to recoup some of it's costs for the movie, no doubt it's expensive.

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If they were forced to charge half price for the new release movie they wouldn't be showinig it.

I'll bet there is some small print in Thai explaining this, but even then the whingers on here will complain that they're not writing up conditions in English.

And for not having Barrack Obama personally read it to farang patrons while holding their hands. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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