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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Better to listen to the red's propaganda

Thaksin says he's in Uganda

He's in Uganda, but that doesn't make him Ugandan. What kind of logic is that? If I travel to England, does that make me British? And then I take a flight to Rome, so the next day I'm an Italian?


Of course not - but he was the one who allegedly said he was now Montenegran.

He is Montenegrin he has citizenship, passport, etc.

His passport may be from Montenegro, but in his heart he'll always be filthy rich.

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yeh i know av/goverment, their media and lackeys are trying to blame all the 25 deaths and 800 injuries on the black shirts...

and trying to whitewash their part in the bloodbath...

You tried that line in another thread.

No one has said that ALL the deaths and injuries were caused by the black shirts.

Yes it was not just the black shirts but the reds too responsible for EVERY SINGLE DEATH AND INJURY

There is a law in the US and it states if you are part of a crime and somebody dies, you are responsible for that death. Example: You rob a bank with a friend and the police come and kill your friend because he is holding a weapon in a threatening manor. YOU are charged for murder. Not sure about Thailand but other states / countries have similar laws and it makes sense. Don't rob a bank and nobody dies.

Well,JC, thank goodness we dont live in America with their crazy laws, love of the death penalty which is banned in civilised contries ie all of Europe etc etc I can understand why so mant ex pats here are American :)

I was on a NYC jury and helped convict two men, not gentlemen, using this exact type of law.

Found out later there was even more evidence towards convict than we were shown,

and it was job that well and truly needed to be done for the public good.

Not all states have the death penalty and these guys got life without parole.

So the death penalty argument is out the window on this.

Edited by animatic
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Now Jatuporn is speaking to the converted trying to jusitfy the Chula invasion complete with the grenade man. Wonder if anyone has told the reds yet that one of their guards has been outed

It follows hot on the heels of Al Jazeera exposing at least one armed one yesterday and all Jatuporn can say is well he had a pistol and the soldier wasnt killed with a pistol. No denmial now thjat they are armed

Edited by hammered
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THE NATION: Police didn't notice it but Nation's Crime editor Preecha notices he's seen the face of this Reds guard before


i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

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Guy's please, please please will you stop discussing Afghanistan, Russia, USA, Taliban etc etc etc and the extra judicial killings by Thaksin on the thread, it is hard enough staying on track as it is.

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How would that solve anything? Seriously guys, cracking down on the red shirts will not solve anything. The government needs to address the root cause of the problem. Cracking down on them or dispersing them will just make them regroup elsewhere. This problem isn't going away.

Fair comment.... what is the root cause of the problem in your opinion?

The military coup. The fact that many pro-TRT/PPP/Puea Thai voters believe the election was robbed from them and a puppet government installed by the army. It doesn't help either that Abhisit goes on BBC HardTalk and talks openly that he's not making decisions, but the army is. If Abhisit really has the majority of Thais behind him, he should hold elections and confirm his mandate. To average Thai, he lost the election and became Prime Minister. A lot of red shirt supporters I know don't even support Thaksin and don't want him to come back.

What's so wrong with holding elections? The Democrats are on their way out anyways, through the Election Commission that will eventually dissolve them, we all know that.

Hanging on at all cost and risking a civil war breaking out in Thailand ...I don't know, just doesn't seem worth it. Chavalit today suggested a power-sharing interim government of all parties in Thailand until elections can be held. Doesn't seem like a bad option to me.

That is entirely the red arguement. Nobody else is to blame except everyone the reds dont like. Chavlits main incentive is to protect his overexposed ass.

Did anyone see ch3 the other day?

It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

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How would that solve anything? Seriously guys, cracking down on the red shirts will not solve anything. The government needs to address the root cause of the problem. Cracking down on them or dispersing them will just make them regroup elsewhere. This problem isn't going away.

Fair comment.... what is the root cause of the problem in your opinion?

The military coup. The fact that many pro-TRT/PPP/Puea Thai voters believe the election was robbed from them and a puppet government installed by the army. It doesn't help either that Abhisit goes on BBC HardTalk and talks openly that he's not making decisions, but the army is. If Abhisit really has the majority of Thais behind him, he should hold elections and confirm his mandate. To average Thai, he lost the election and became Prime Minister. A lot of red shirt supporters I know don't even support Thaksin and don't want him to come back.

What's so wrong with holding elections? The Democrats are on their way out anyways, through the Election Commission that will eventually dissolve them, we all know that.

Hanging on at all cost and risking a civil war breaking out in Thailand ...I don't know, just doesn't seem worth it. Chavalit today suggested a power-sharing interim government of all parties in Thailand until elections can be held. Doesn't seem like a bad option to me.

Why would a civil war breakout because elections are held 8 months from today and not 3 months from today? Particularly since the government has the right to run another 20 months before elections.

because the red leaders will loose face if they cant deliver what they promised (elections now) how would they explain to there paid followers that there is another way to the one they going on for over 50 days now

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Better to listen to the red's propaganda

Thaksin says he's in Uganda

He's in Uganda, but that doesn't make him Ugandan. What kind of logic is that? If I travel to England, does that make me British? And then I take a flight to Rome, so the next day I'm an Italian?


Of course not - but he was the one who allegedly said he was now Montenegran.

He is Montenegrin he has citizenship, passport, etc.

His crimes were still done in Thailand.

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THE NATION: Police didn't notice it but Nation's Crime editor Preecha notices he's seen the face of this Reds guard before


i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Silly people with all their facts and evidence. Why can't they just listen to the red leaders and stop thinking for themselves.

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

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THE NATION: Police didn't notice it but Nation's Crime editor Preecha notices he's seen the face of this Reds guard before


i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Now, why does it suit his needs fella?

A photofit is issued by the police of a man involved in the grenade attack. That photofit is an extreme likeness, uncanny in fact, of a red guard who searched the hospital last night. The resemblance is so close and the two events so interconnected, why is the statement above jumping to conclusions. At the least the man in the photo, now on stage needs taking in for questioning, and if he is I will bet a pound to a pinch of rocking horse sh*t that they are one and the same guy.

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THE NATION: Police didn't notice it but Nation's Crime editor Preecha notices he's seen the face of this Reds guard before


i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Beyond humanity I dont have a cause. Red facists and the yellow facists and the useless government and the useless government before them have createds a toal mess with scant respect for the people or country. There you go.

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

Is pointing to the past going to solve the problems of the future? I doubt it. Thaksin's party has been convicted of election fraud ...and now the Democrats are in court for the same thing. So why hold on at all costs? You're in court for election fraud and you don't have a proven mandate from the Thai people.

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

the people don't elect the PM in thailand. read up thai constitution doh

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

The PPP now PTP didn't have the support of the majority of Thais when they were in office, they got less than 40 percent of the vote, and had less than half the seats in parliament. Minority governments can change if the coalitions shift, even if the PPP hadn't been convicted of electoral fraud. So if the PPP got into power by fraud, why should the democrats call an immediate election and give them a chance to do it again? The constitution doesn't require them to.

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i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Silly people with all their facts and evidence. Why can't they just listen to the red leaders and stop thinking for themselves.

what facts and evidence??

one photo and id-kit picture??

slam dunk case?

hang em high?

now? off the bts?

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How would that solve anything? Seriously guys, cracking down on the red shirts will not solve anything. The government needs to address the root cause of the problem. Cracking down on them or dispersing them will just make them regroup elsewhere. This problem isn't going away.

Fair comment.... what is the root cause of the problem in your opinion?

The military coup. The fact that many pro-TRT/PPP/Puea Thai voters believe the election was robbed from them and a puppet government installed by the army. It doesn't help either that Abhisit goes on BBC HardTalk and talks openly that he's not making decisions, but the army is. If Abhisit really has the majority of Thais behind him, he should hold elections and confirm his mandate. To average Thai, he lost the election and became Prime Minister. A lot of red shirt supporters I know don't even support Thaksin and don't want him to come back.

What's so wrong with holding elections? The Democrats are on their way out anyways, through the Election Commission that will eventually dissolve them, we all know that.

Hanging on at all cost and risking a civil war breaking out in Thailand ...I don't know, just doesn't seem worth it. Chavalit today suggested a power-sharing interim government of all parties in Thailand until elections can be held. Doesn't seem like a bad option to me.

Thaksin called in quickly and said I'm a sportsman too, to no avail for him though.

Chavalit wants to pass the money basket around? Well, it's nothing new in this land.

As long as the city runs seemingly normal in other areas, nothing will happen. Come May, comes Mayday, that's for sure.

People cover their shock in disgust as good as they can. But when the pain sets in things will change, nothing in for the people they (red) said it was is for. Only when army spokesman Abhisit can hold on and create a reasonable environment for fair election and only when the charter will be changed Thailand can go ahead then. Otherwise doomsdays looming.

During the BBC talks, Abhisit fell into the trap of taking it on his name and personal. The many "I" and not "we" as it should be, bear witness to his weaknesses. Nothing much different from the others before him.

How much I long for a man like Anand, but none in sight. He understood how to get things done and how to communicate giving any and all dignity by heart and not by words only.

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...

<a href="http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9192681/A9192681.html" target="_blank">http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/top...1/A9192681.html</a>

Sad. There are lots of sad stories coming out about this now, but dont worry Jatuporn said it is justified to do all this as did Nattawut and belatedly after apologising Weng, so at least the red leadeship are now agreed that whatever happened at Chula and whatever the patients have to put up with it is justified.

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Silly people with all their facts and evidence. Why can't they just listen to the red leaders and stop thinking for themselves.

It isn't really fact or evidence yet, but then when have any of the PAD on here waited for either.

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

The PPP now PTP didn't have the support of the majority of Thais when they were in office, they got less than 40 percent of the vote, and had less than half the seats in parliament. Minority governments can change if the coalitions shift, even if the PPP hadn't been convicted of electoral fraud. So if the PPP got into power by fraud, why should the democrats call an immediate election and give them a chance to do it again? The constitution doesn't require them to.

True I stand corrected. The PPP did indeed have a fairly weak mandate too

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

The PPP now PTP didn't have the support of the majority of Thais when they were in office, they got less than 40 percent of the vote, and had less than half the seats in parliament. Minority governments can change if the coalitions shift, even if the PPP hadn't been convicted of electoral fraud. So if the PPP got into power by fraud, why should the democrats call an immediate election and give them a chance to do it again? The constitution doesn't require them to.

So assuming that the Democrats get dissolved before new elections are held, where would the power shift to? The small parties? Since the Democrats would lose their seats in Parliament, a very small minority would then have the power? Or would it even shift back to Puea Thai, who would then hold a majority?

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

but they kidnapped two workers

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Do you know who Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn are?

And your fact taken from wikipedia might be coming from a book that is banned in Thailand. Guess why.

I don't say Samak was a good guy but you should better studies all the circumstances and the historical context too before you start throwing mud at the reds.

Ummm Dr Weng --- Senior Core member of the Reds --- known Maoist --- spokesman for the Red shirts when they met with the government --- has openly called for violence against the legal sitting government.

Giles U ... had to run from Thailand back to the UK. Wrote the Red Siam Manifesto. There was a Red Siam stage not too long ago. Giles is an outspoken red that has appeared on red stages along side red core leaders. Giles has spoken out against the monarchy. Giles was turned in for his crimes apparently by his coworkers.

So, we have Dr Weng --- core leader of the Reds and violent, and Giles U. who has appeared on red stages and is no longer welcome in Thailand (without having to answer for L.M. charges). A Maoist and a Marxist that are openly associated with , or are directly red shirt core leaders ---

Now --- what is your point?

I think his point was that it is understood by all and sundry that maoist and marxist philpsophies fully endorse the choice of a constitutional monarchy as an appropriate form of political structure for a country.

The whole point started with member jingthing who wanted to frame and blame the red shirts for the october 76 tragedy with finger-pointing at Samak.

put and keep the things in context or you are nothing else that a dishonest demagogue.

so what is your agenda?

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terryfrd twitter: Complete PR disaster for reds from pantip.com. Then linkls to the piucs we have seen. Neutral journo gets it and this started to be seen after Nattawut and then Weng jusitifed the invasion last night and while Jatuporn was actually jusitfying it live on TV

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Silly people with all their facts and evidence. Why can't they just listen to the red leaders and stop thinking for themselves.

It isn't really fact or evidence yet, but then when have any of the PAD on here waited for either.


av lackeys who will spew out any info thats drip feed to them!

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