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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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According to ASTV (need to be careful) Payap has said Jatuporn ordered the raid and he has the all the media as his witnesses. Interesting


This case of CYA will cost Weng and Jatuporn even more credibility (is that possible?)

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well time for a walk usually i would be exhausted from working by now but thanks to takki , whatanutt , dr.evil , the cook , the failed country singer arseman , the nud_e model , and several other idiots i am all out of work . thanks guys at least i wont go fat flabby like you, my children will stay small so i dont have to by more chlothes for them . i am sure 10th of thousands feel the same motherf&$%£@$! tomorrow is another day - you cant be there forever

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This whole thing is now completely out of control with the rule of Law and Order being completely absent. The next thing that I expect to hear is that the patients have been ordered to evacuate the hospital and the residents of the city forced to leave. There is little now between what is happening in Bangkok right now and Pnom Penh in 1975. Everybody and I mean everybody should hang their heads in shame. Get rid of the Prime Minister, get rid of the heads of the Armed Forces and Police and start again, none of them are worth anything. I know of no civilised country that would put up with this nonsense.Thailand and Thai people, what oh what has happened to you? Do you not realise that even in times of war hospitals are completely 'out of bounds'?

What I would dearly love to know is where are these people getting the money from? I myself know that some are collecting as much as 700 baht a day. There is some sort of 'power' behind all of this(a third force) and I don't believe that it is just coming from Thaksin? Is it the Chinese or somebody else but who else stands to gain from the mayhem that is currently running through this country?

Edited by Rtwo
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This hospital story has been over-played..... let's move on....

How has it been over played? There are some pretty peeved people right now who think that this is one the Red's worst stunts to date!!

Thai website Parntip.com is going crazy with stories about this.

Maybe the red shirts should just "move along" hey?

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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

Obviously a shape-changer from another planet intent on spreading discord on earth before mounting an invasion has morphed itself into the exact replica of a redshirt guard and mounted an attack on Banharn's house to make the redshirts look bad.

This guy should not be shot in a crackdown or for any terrorist offences or incitements to violence. He should be shot for insulting our intelligence.

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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :)

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved their use of an RPG or M79.

That goes for you too monkfish. Find me one.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

Goddamit, poor old dim-witted Billie the Kid, why didn't he think to tell that to Pat Garrett? :)

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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :)

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved and RPG or M79.

too much coffee again waytomuch, read it again, slower this time, particulary the bit after 'Oh hang on a minute...'


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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :)

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved and RPG or M79.

I think he is joking, that's why he says it is the wrong way round! :D

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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

Obviously a shape-changer from another planet intent on spreading discord on earth before mounting an invasion has morphed itself into the exact replica of a redshirt guard and mounted an attack on Banharn's house to make the redshirts look bad.

This guy should not be shot in a crackdown or for any terrorist offences or incitements to violence. He should be shot for insulting our intelligence.

Well then the dude can troop oiff down the nearest police station and clea rhimslef. Weng is a propagandiust anyway. The statements from the reds are getting increasingly bizarre today. Does anyone believe Weng anyway?

He was the first one who started saying Chula was full of troops yesterday. He also made an apology and then later justiifed everyhting the reds had done at Chula. Totally discredited tbh. He is also an EJK denier in a recent interview etc etc

Just turn the dude in and let him explain it away

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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :)

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved and RPG or M79.

re-read dobaboy's post --- look for his tongue planted firmly in his cheek ... then read the last sentence

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The wife of the dude who confessed to having been paid to rpg Wat prakaew is Juriporn Sintuprai a red leader from Pattaya. Interesting developments with lots of information today

it will be over by next week I think. They just wait by passing May 1 without major incidents. Of course they will try something tomorrow, but wait and see. From next week onwards, Maydays for them. People should get out if they don't want to be caught for treason.

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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

Obviously a shape-changer from another planet intent on spreading discord on earth before mounting an invasion has morphed itself into the exact replica of a redshirt guard and mounted an attack on Banharn's house to make the redshirts look bad.

This guy should not be shot in a crackdown or for any terrorist offences or incitements to violence. He should be shot for insulting our intelligence.

So... That guy is a fake version of himself? I'm so confused. :)

I'm willing to bet that Weng gets on tomorrow apologising again, and saying that Khattiya still isn't connected to the reds. (they do what we want, but aren't connected to us)

How can any foreigner support these guys anymore? Is this the democracy you want? Really? I think the only supporters are those who have something to gain. As I said in my earlier post, it is a plan to have a criminal mob-law country, run openly by the "criminal elite" otherwise known as Thaksin, (or if he's dead, one of his cronies).

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The wife of the dude who confessed to having been paid to rpg Wat prakaew is Juriporn Sintuprai a red leader from Pattaya. Interesting developments with lots of information today

it will be over by next week I think. They just wait by passing May 1 without major incidents. Of course they will try something tomorrow, but wait and see. From next week onwards, Maydays for them. People should get out if they don't want to be caught for treason.

that's what i was saying right at the start of today...they've boxed themselves in. Time to get onto the phone to the Montenegran, ask the doctor for permission to speak, and come up with a master 'get out of jail free' stroke.

Could still happen...

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It would appear that the dude who was arrested today because of alleged LM crimes on the internet (FB) is likely to have the key thrown away. Despite him saying he didn't think he had done anything wrong screenshots of the FB page have gone viral around the web and he does indeed say some things that are likely to get him the maximum penalty of 15 years on three seperate accounts. I cannot believe a Thai has been so stupid to say what this guy has done on FB. By the way I think LM crimes are the only crime that you can't or are unlikely to get bail for. 45 years inside to look forward to. Nice days work fool. All done apparently for his professed love of Thaksin, who (if still alive), won't give the idiot or his now ruined family a second thought let alone a baht.

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I agree that the storming of the hospital was disgraceful. However, we should not be at all surprised. Thai society's attitude to anyone other than thyself is pretty shocking on the whole. How many Bangkokians actually make the effort to move their vehicle out the way of an ambulance stuck in traffic? Mmmmmm ... on a good day around 0.01% I would guess.

Don't think for a moment that the majority of the Thai population gives two hoots about what happened at Chulalongkorn Hospital last night. It's yesterday's news and the soap operas are more entertaining.

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I agree that the storming of the hospital was disgraceful. However, we should not be at all surprised. Thai society's attitude to anyone other than thyself is pretty shocking on the whole. How many Bangkokians actually make the effort to move their vehicle out the way of an ambulance stuck in traffic? Mmmmmm ... on a good day around 0.01% I would guess.

Don't think for a moment that the majority of the Thai population gives two hoots about what happened at Chulalongkorn Hospital last night. It's yesterday's news and the soap operas are more entertaining.

Bloody h3ll you are down on your fellow country folk. There's much disgust circulating about this one. The pro-Thaksin Pantip.com community circulating photos showing the hardship of Chula patients is evidence of a major rethink of support.

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This one is a classic. Those downtrodden rural poor are being promised money to protest, getting shafted on the deal and being held against their will.

That's a hat trick!

Scoff if you like, but we've all heard about the ID card thing. Maybe that guy knows something we don't, or some of the rural people are getting fed up. I hope they leave before this gets messy, I still feel sorry for the way they are being used.

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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :)

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved their use of an RPG or M79.

That goes for you too monkfish. Find me one.

I reverse the question as well!

Like I said if he were delivering to the the 63 M79 grenades to the Reds it would be all over the NEWS PAPERS! already

I tend to think they copped themselves?

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The wife of the dude who confessed to having been paid to rpg Wat prakaew is Juriporn Sintuprai a red leader from Pattaya. Interesting developments with lots of information today

it will be over by next week I think. They just wait by passing May 1 without major incidents. Of course they will try something tomorrow, but wait and see. From next week onwards, Maydays for them. People should get out if they don't want to be caught for treason.

that's what i was saying right at the start of today...they've boxed themselves in. Time to get onto the phone to the Montenegran, ask the doctor for permission to speak, and come up with a master 'get out of jail free' stroke.

Could still happen...

Isn't he Ugandan now?

I am in Dubai at the moment and have it on good authority (from someone who works for the same airline and lives in the same building as his gig) that he is still involved with his Thai gig (aged about 26) and regularly visits her at her apartment with just one bodyguard (not sure if it that is a person or a condom). You have to wonder if it wouldn't be quite easy for a Thai agent to knock him off quite easily when he is travelling around so easily without a care in the world.

Makes you think that the Thai authorities prefer to have a living Thakin than a dead one.

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I agree that the storming of the hospital was disgraceful. However, we should not be at all surprised. Thai society's attitude to anyone other than thyself is pretty shocking on the whole. How many Bangkokians actually make the effort to move their vehicle out the way of an ambulance stuck in traffic? Mmmmmm ... on a good day around 0.01% I would guess.

Don't think for a moment that the majority of the Thai population gives two hoots about what happened at Chulalongkorn Hospital last night. It's yesterday's news and the soap operas are more entertaining.

Apparently you don't know Thais very well. I see you are still letting the Reds off the hook though, this time blaming ALL Thais for the Red behavior.

The web and my office are all horrified by the raiding of Chula (twice)

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I know that Abhisit is trying to bring a new level of government to Thailand, so that things like the October revolution don't happen again, but I think he's losing control. The reds are threatening the lives of the sick, the old, and children in the hospital, so it is time for the government to say that the women, elderly and children in the red areas have one day to evacuate, and then go in and clear out the rest by any means. Anyone left at that point should be considered as an enemy combatant. :)

The pictures are here (I just copied from the news updates):


Absolutely horrid photos. These are not going to be forgotten

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Yup, the PAD have a long history of using war weapons in their campaign unlike the UDD....oh, hang on a minute. I seem to have go my acronyms the wrong way round... :D

You think so? Find me one, just one, reference to an incident in which the PAD was implicated in that involved and RPG or M79.

too much coffee again waytomuch, read it again, slower this time, particulary the bit after 'Oh hang on a minute...'


Well shit howdy. I'm half drunk, eating my dinner, and reading TV at the same time. Missed it. Apologies. :)

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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