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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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PM announces CRES will not allow protesters to intimidate public again

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went on TV Friday to announce the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation would not allow red-shirt protesters to intimidate the public again.

Abhisit said he was sorry that the protesters stormed into the Chulalongkorn Hospital Thursday night.

Abhisit said the authorities would take necessary actions to prevent the protesters from intimidating the people again.

The prime minister said the protesters caused hardship to the people around their rally sites by intimidating the people.

-- The Nation 2010-04-30

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

This apology is consistent with their policy of denial and nothing else - their actions have been consistent with those of a large mob of criminals and the government has to take action NOW to stop the anarchy. If the reds should win, Thaksin will return and the country will face total anarchy.


The whole thing isn't that easy, even in the lower North east are red meetings on daily bases. They pay 500 for a ordinary citizen and up to 2,000 for an 'educated' person. The reds would only win, if the actual PM would leave.

Thaksin lost a lot of his fans, it's only the money that keeps most of the reds in Bangkok. There must be something like an Intelligence service, or? Lock up all the people who have something to say and it will stop from alone.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we've got mostly 'paid' protesters, who don't even know what a democracy is. Their leaders are telling them anything and they're doing it. Try to solve the problem at the top.

I had a dream, a foreigner living in Pattaya came by in a YELLOW HUMMER, being a SWAT team alone and he solved all problems with his 'special Teak wood do" fight style.

All reds went home crying, losing face and money. I HAD A DREAM.


You must be joking ... in Thailand ?? :)

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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

Yup. Sounds like a Red to me.

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So what were the red shirts planning to do to the troops had they have been there?!

This is just going to far! Something needs to be done, and SOON

I agree, those culprits who enter a hospital for political reasons are just criminals, BKK criminals who love to make problems with the police, hiding behind the red shirts, those are not the poor farmers from up country, believe me

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I had a dream, a foreigner living in Pattaya came by in a YELLOW HUMMER, being a SWAT team alone and he solved all problems with his 'special Teak wood do" fight style.

All reds went home crying, losing face and money. I HAD A DREAM.

I dreamt that TOO! But wasn't he the farang 'bodyguard' spotted among the Reds last week???

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> Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went on TV Friday to announce the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation would not allow red-shirt protesters to intimidate the public again.

Wow! I'd bet those people in Ratchprasang are really scared now! :)

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So what were the red shirts planning to do to the troops had they have been there?!

This is just going to far! Something needs to be done, and SOON

I agree, those culprits who enter a hospital for political reasons are just criminals, BKK criminals who love to make problems with the police, hiding behind the red shirts, those are not the poor farmers from up country, believe me

Those poor farmers from up country have lost their excuse/protection by now mate ..... they can't be THAT thick as to not having realized what they are part of and if they have not, well ......

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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

It would seem your views, like the red's, have become so illogical that they are now comical.

100% agree...anyone who can find the VERY LEAST justification in raiding a hospital TWICE has a serious character and personal disorder. I (really & genuinely) just hope the original poster's family do not urgently need a hospital that has been closed like this...his/her guilt would be to much for even a half brain to stand.

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The reason the Army/government is waiting is:

1) violently cracking down on the reds will give them sympathy and more votes, the reason the redshirt leaders took over center bangkok is to provoke the government into doing this; that failed and now they are getting desperate and doing things like ransacking hospitals.

2) not cracking down makes everyone get tired of, or hate the redshirts, which start to look like a bunch of thugs, not victims or democracy activists.

3) The economic impact of the occupation is really not as bad as it looks, ritzy hotels and places like Gaysorn are possessions of just a few rich people, not the rich class altogether..most Thai peoples economic life hardly revolve around Siam Paragon, it's just 3 malls and a few hotels, bkk has more ritzy malls and hotels just down the bts or a short drive away. Tourists soon realize that the situation here really isn't that dangerous and there are many better places in Thailand for them to go.

4) cracking down too quickly increases the chance of civilian deaths because the reshirts hide armed men with grenades and guns amounst the crowd and use human sheilds, they then scream "murderers" in other words they want the police to massacre the unarmed civilians because it helps them politically.

5) The longer the police army wait, the more protesters go home, there's not that many reds down there now, i was there 2 days ago and moral seems to be low, people getting bored, again thats why they start getting desperate and doing stupid things like raiding hospitals or trying to break out of their protest zone-which failed.

6) in another month of standoff the red shirts will be more willing to negotiate a more reasonable time frame for new elections.

Couldnt agree more...


Clever post. clever Abhisit. could not agree more too!

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Perhaps their agenda is to have an empty hospital nearby to take care of any red shirt victims of any potential crackdown! 1,400 beds and a team of doctors at their disposal. Very convenient.


Victims? Hardly.

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> Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went on TV Friday to announce the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation would not allow red-shirt protesters to intimidate the public again.

Wow! I'd bet those people in Ratchprasang are really scared now! :)

Hmmmmm interesting ..... but what can one call what is going on right now ?

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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we have the police, army, educators, government officials, and poor people all red and yet the Thai government doesn't listen to them.

How does that work?

Oh I remember, the government wasn't elected, they had a coup, that's all right then.

Aahhh well that confirms it then... fits the requirements for being a Red by the sounds of it...

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety


Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we have the police, army, educators, government officials, and poor people all red and yet the Thai government doesn't listen to them.

How does that work?

Oh I remember, the government wasn't elected, they had a coup, that's all right then.

Thank you for clearing up your position. No clear understanding of the political process AND no clear understanding of recent Thai political history. Just red.

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Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.


I think you are forgetting the large proportion of violent criminals -

None of the Red Shirts presently in Bangkok are from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes. That might have been the case initially, but these people have gone home long time, back to work.

What we see now in Bangkok's street is a highly organized group of urban guerrilla fighters. They are trained in urban war fair, they have a sophisticated command and control center, perfect logistics and unlimited funds. And these funds are not just from Thaksin. Moreover they have their "spies" everywhere. Their leaders are high ranking military, some openly, some behind the scene. They are ready and prepared for everything. I see all the signs of a civil war, where you do not know anymore, who is friend and who is foe.

The government is guilty of highly underestimating the situation, the determination of the "behind the scene" and the professionalism of them.

They should have stopped it in its infancy and put an end to is right away. I am afraid it's too late now.

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I think the entire BKK police force should be reassigned to protect the rice fields of Isaan. They will be happy there, and highly effective I might add.

From what I've been reading today, it looks like most of the original troops/police dealing with reds were from the north. The thinking appears to be that the Reds wouldn't fight their own brothers when security forces enforced the law. Clearly, the flaw in this 'even a child could see it' logic was in assuming the cops would uphold the law. I understand the logic of NOT doing this to start with: they didn't want to start a de facto civil war with southerners shooting northerners.

I think now that the Reds and the police/army who won't do anything have clearly shown their hand, that is now a non-issue. From what I understand, Suthep has already started replacing them with Southern and Kanchanburi based troops. The sooner the faces change at the barricades the better - no need for a crackdown, just a cordon. Kettle and keep, till they talk their way back to civility and moving forward.

Edited by dobadoy
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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Let's really keep things in perspective. The message that the rally was started for has been given, there's nothing new to say, and nothing more to be gained...... now it only escalates tensions to nobody's benefit and hinders any progress on resolution. High time they packed up and went home, which would be the most respectable thing the reds could do.

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For what it's worth, I believe the Director (or the person who authorised) of Chulla Hospital should do the honourable thing and resign for bringing so much shame upon himself by putting all his patients and staff in mortal danger when he openned his doors to a known terrorist group. Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility.

Not too sure about that, I imagine that an angry mob can be quite intimidating. And he agreed on 5, not 200.

I hope the reds are very proud of what they have achieved.

My late father in law spent time in that hospital for cancer treatment. Knowing how ill he was, my thoughts go out to all the patients who now have to be moved because of this reckless act of terrorism.

Coming close to where all embassies will be telling their citizens to return home since it is clear NOBODY is safe in Thailand anymore due to the red mob.

Go home where? My homecoutnry Switzerland is occupied by Ex Jugos, Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Nigerians, Afgans, Maroks, other Arabs, and all that kind of peaple. There is no home!

Yeah, pretty depressing. Staying here is still the better of 2 weevils, for now, but I keep checking for options to move on.

I haven't seen too many smiles in the LOS for quite a while now.

This terrorist act literally disgusted me. When Thais are upset... oh well.

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This is out of control. The best thing now would probably have been a military coup, but even the military in this country is unlikely to want to deal with this mess.

Can't they outsource the administration of Thailand to Germany or some other well organised country? The Thais have shown beyond any reasonably doubt that none of their own citizens are willing or able to take leadership unless he can line his own pockets with truckloads of brown banknotes.

I agree its looking impossible for them to take care of their own country

the phase...."dumber than dumb comes to mind"

God save Thailand from these _______

I am sure the reds are fighting for only money and greedy power.

For me they are for sure the most disgusting ones of all the groups involved.

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> Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went on TV Friday to announce the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation would not allow red-shirt protesters to intimidate the public again.

Wow! I'd bet those people in Ratchprasang are really scared now! :D


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This is out of control. The best thing now would probably have been a military coup, but even the military in this country is unlikely to want to deal with this mess.

Can't they outsource the administration of Thailand to Germany or some other well organised country? The Thais have shown beyond any reasonably doubt that none of their own citizens are willing or able to take leadership unless he can line his own pockets with truckloads of brown banknotes.

may I suggest to outsource to China nad their PLA soldiers ? they did very efficient clean up in 1989 in Beijing ?

oh . . . sorry to reminding this :-(

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Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

No the hospital has been forced to stop taking any but critical emergency patients

and forced to move either patents to other buildings, or other hospitals, for their safety.

This is not some benign, doesn't matter issue, to laugh at, especially for the patients.

Edited by animatic
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Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

All those dems MP and ministers should receive some military/police training .

That way they could do the job themselves :)

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Math qne fam. with 2 adult children makes 2000 bath a day thats 60.000 bath a month more then what they make a year = they stay till money flow stops

500 bath a day for pesants and up to 2000 for city dwellers who gone to school. who pays for that? i do not think takky will keep that up much longer and all the other "investors" should be found and charged for inciting violence

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Lets understand what happened.

Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. Then later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap to produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite are like this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Then double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for storming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

Edited by hammered
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This is hilarious :)

The reds, whilst wrong to go into the hospital in numbers, did not endanger anyone or obstruct any medical care.

The overreaction now is another sign of YELLOW PROPAGANDA, hyping up a small story.

Remember the reports of army soldiers firing rubber bullets at, and beating up, medical workers treating Reds on April 10th. Do you see this discussed in the media or swept under the carpet. The April 10th events were far worse given the actual abuse of medical workers.

Pure yellow propaganda now......... nothing more.

How many people were beaten up ? How many died ? How many medical workers were beaten ?

You will find the answers are none, the reason for moving the patients is purely now as a media circus show for yellow media propaganda.

Talking about propaganda? Even red supporters were disgusted with the scenes at the hospital. One day you and the likes of you will be exposed for what you are...

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Not sure why anybody is still calling this red mob a protest. Seems to me when people act as terrorists and go to this extent in infringing on people's safety and a countries economy they are no longer protesters.

We all seem to foget the Yellow SHirts and how they shut down the airport! Also what the yellow shirts gained by shutting down the airport. The current Government!!!

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