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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Slam Chulalongkorn Hospital For Evacuating Patients


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If the authorities move to clear the reds back to Sarasin they will have a lot of backing. Best to ask the reds to move back first though. People will be watching the police too. Their standing is at an all time low right now. Talkking about among neutrals I mix with here including a fair few former red sympathisers. The hospotal invasion wasnt only totally unjustifiable but also was a huge PR own goal in temr sof soft and neutral support at least in areas where informnation is available.

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If the Reds were truly for the people, yesterday, would have been the perfect day to make a stand.

I have no idea, what their numbers were yesterday, at the Pro-Thaksin demonstrations, but I would guess, less than 30,000 (probably a lot less, most likely only a few thousand)

So, failed state, I don't think so. I think, things are going the Government's way. Thaksin's Protesters, will get more and more negative publicity, while they illegally occupy an importand part of Bangkok. There will be a lot of negative fallout, for Thaksin and his cronies, once this is all over. For the Reds, it's do or die or go home now and they don't have the numbers to do (overthrow the Government), so they either die or go home. I would strongly suggest they go home. Then, they can spin some more rhetoric at home, about how they tried to save Thailand from the other side. They can claim to be heroes, keep feeding the uneducated their bulls*it and maybe get elected again next year. Stranger things have happened :)

Of course, Thaksin will not allow that to happen, because, after spending all these millions, attempting to overthrow the Government, he wants to be the Ruler of Thailand, not the pathetic criminal, he is right now. If his Reds don't overthrow the Government for him, his political fantasies, about Thailand, will most likely come to an end. The Government has enough political ammo, to defeat any attempt of the TRT, PPP, Phea Thai, or whatever they want to reinvent themselves as, during the next election.

So, without Thaksin's buddies in power, he will remain a criminal on the run. His dreams of becoming Prime Minister (or more), will be shattered. Question is, how much blood, are his followers willing to spill for him? What about his little Mafia of Red leaders? Are they willing to die for their cause, or will they hide at McDonalds and enjoy a happy meal, while the their red pawns get shot? :D

I do globally agree with this analysis.

But in my opinion - and I guess I'm not alone wondering here - a key point remains unclear:

Is the lack of law-enforcement from the governement due to:

a) an elaborate strategy aimed at waiting for a self-destructive behavior from the Reds (like witnessed lately), leading to the natural end of the movement

:D an incapacity to get the army do the job due to political/internal rifts (police doesn't need to be mentioned here)

c) a real concern about a third armed force able to pose a significant threat to the army during operations

The first option would prove high strategic and political skills (even if similar to some gambling).

The second and the third would indeed justify concerns about a "failed state".

I think in some way your point c has something to do with this.

You have a former General .. (well even if his last post was that of a cheerleader) from who's barracks many tons of explosives and war weapons with ammunition disappeared. Add to this his visits with Thaksin in Cambodia where he was surely briefed and contingency plans must have been discussed should the mob fail.

I think a lot of time and effort have been spend on locating any forces loyal to the General and probably the whereabouts of the weapons/explosives cache.

Abhisit want's to avoid that after a clearing of the mob, bombs detonate in dozens of locations throughout Thailand which would be easy to do for an even small terrorist force of a few hundred of the Generals followers.

One must understand, he has burned all his bridges and by doing so, is a very dangerous man.

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It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

Another shameful apologia on overdrive. Keep it up!

No doubt the Princess' concerns for patients were just propaganda as well ?

It is not permitted to discuss the Monarchy on this forum - so please do not entice people to do so - everyone is 'concerned' for patients welfare and it was a stupid decision to invade a hospital - as I have said.


But strangely the international press didn't jump in and say .... "The evacuation was staged for the press to make the Reds look bad." Then add in VERY important people saying that the head of the Thai Sangha (the Supreme Patriarch) should be moved for his safety and mix that with the images of reds searching a hospital while armed, and sprinkle with images of Sae Daeng, Jatuporn, Veera, Arisman and the rest calling for violence from the red stage ... and you come up with ......

Well it certainly isn't 'theatre' or propoganda --- it is a clear cut medical and moral necessity to get the patients to safety!

In one amazingly STUPID act the reds surrendered the very last shred of morality they could ever claim by invading a hospital.

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Well, here we go than:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

Speaking during his weekly TV programme, Abhsit said the operations may lead to a clash with protesters but the government would have to ensure that the hospital could resume its service.

apparently it is going to happen and considering the reds previous actions, its not going to happen without a fight - hopefully this will be the end of the occupation - finally the government is making its move - one hopes

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If I was running this circus show, my key priority would be to get the non combative protesters away from the area safely so the army can move in and deal with the hardcore elements.

But the 46 billion baht question is how to do this? The answers lays in the question.

At 2pm I would fly a helicopter over the protest area and drop leaflets saying that at 4pm "on behalf of the people of thailand, we have decided to give back to you that which was recently confiscated from a now fugitive pm. 500 meters away from the main barricades we will be dropping from the sky vouchers worth 1 billion baht in denominations of 1000 baht each.

These vouchers can be exchanged for the cash equivilent for the next 24 hours but only in person at the branch of bank where your account is registered. Good luck!"

You can figure out the rest.:)

Edited by bkkjames
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That just makes them look worse.

Unable to understand the electoral system in Thailand.

Incitement to violence.

Publication of magazines that preach hate, killing, homophobia, armed revolution and attack the monarchy.

Attack on a gay pride event.

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers.

Forming an armed militia.

Training a secret army.

Encouraging protestors to go to Bangkok with bottles that will be filled with petrol for Molatov cocktails.

Killing security personel.

Taking of soldiers as hostages.

Beating injured soldiers in hospital/ambulances.

Kidnapping CEO of CAT.

Kidnapping 2 policemen.

Defending hate media as freedom of speech.

Grenade attack on opposing protestors.

Intimidation of opposing protestors' leader and defending that intimidation.

Intimidation of the judiciary in red publications.

Grenade attack on politician's house.

Grenade attack on banks.

Grenade attack on aviation fuel silo.

Attempted sabotage of electricty pylon.

Creation of illegal state in Bangkok.

Ruining the economy.

Beating of Czech translator who objected to illegal search.

Threatening civil war.

Rampaging through hospital.

Kidnapping of builders.

Defending the rampaging through hospital.

How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer, but I suspect that he wouldn't want his reputation damaged by being associated with the redshirts.

For those who haven't worked it out yet, the red leadership consists of evil people who would seize power, restrict freedom of speech, suppress any oposition, conduct inquisition style purges of those who had opposed them in the past, repress minorities, enrich themselves at everyone else's expense and generally act like filth. In fact they have already done almost all those things in the past.

Just out of curiosity: was the attack on the aviation fuel silo linked to the reds? The last I heard was they (authorites) didn't know who fired on the fuel silo. Like I said, I'm just wondering/asking if it was linked to any particular group...

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I do globally agree with this analysis.

But in my opinion - and I guess I'm not alone wondering here - a key point remains unclear:

Is the lack of law-enforcement from the governement due to:

a) an elaborate strategy aimed at waiting for a self-destructive behavior from the Reds (like witnessed lately), leading to the natural end of the movement

B) an incapacity to get the army do the job due to political/internal rifts (police doesn't need to be mentioned here)

c) a real concern about a third armed force able to pose a significant threat to the army during operations

The first option would prove high strategic and political skills (even if similar to some gambling).

The second and the third would indeed justify concerns about a "failed state".

I think in some way your point c has something to do with this.

You have a former General .. (well even if his last post was that of a cheerleader) from who's barracks many tons of explosives and war weapons with ammunition disappeared. Add to this his visits with Thaksin in Cambodia where he was surely briefed and contingency plans must have been discussed should the mob fail.

I think a lot of time and effort have been spend on locating any forces loyal to the General and probably the whereabouts of the weapons/explosives cache.

Abhisit want's to avoid that after a clearing of the mob, bombs detonate in dozens of locations throughout Thailand which would be easy to do for an even small terrorist force of a few hundred of the Generals followers.

One must understand, he has burned all his bridges and by doing so, is a very dangerous man.

I'm unfamiliar with the Thai military structure.. Has the army the necessary unit able to tackle this kind of individuals/groups? I heard about Thai "seals" or so. But we see this former general appearing publicly regularly, shouting calls to war against the state.. in short filling the complete definition of treason under international acceptance.

This kind of figure shouldn't be that difficult to trace for professional guys. Or seems so..

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If I was running this circus show, my key priority would be to get the non combative protesters away from the area safely so the army can move in and deal with the hardcore elements.

But the 46 billion baht question is how to do this? The answers lays in the question.

At 2pm I would fly a helicopter over the protest area and drop leaflets saying that at 4pm "on behalf of the people of thailand, we have decided to give back to you that which was recently confiscated from a now fugitive pm. 500 meters away from the main barricades we will be dropping from the sky vouchers worth 1 billion baht in denominations of 1000 baht each.

These vouchers can be exchanged for the cash equivilent for the next 24 hours but only in person at the branch of bank where your account is registered. Good luck!"

You can figure out the rest. :D

Good Idea !

but I still think the Klong water and pig <deleted> would be more befitting and cheaper while being bio degradable :)

besides the danger that the red hard core terrorists will shoot their own for deserting the cause

Edited by Herm
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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

If he misses this chance which is perfect timing than ........ Lang Kawi looks pretty good .......

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No doubt the Princess' concerns for patients were just propaganda as well ?

It is not permitted to discuss the Monarchy on this forum - so please do not entice people to do so - everyone is 'concerned' for patients welfare and it was a stupid decision to invade a hospital - as I have said.


But strangely the international press didn't jump in and say .... "The evacuation was staged for the press to make the Reds look bad." Then add in VERY important people saying that the head of the Thai Sangha (the Supreme Patriarch) should be moved for his safety and mix that with the images of reds searching a hospital while armed, and sprinkle with images of Sae Daeng, Jatuporn, Veera, Arisman and the rest calling for violence from the red stage ... and you come up with ......

Well it certainly isn't 'theatre' or propoganda --- it is a clear cut medical and moral necessity to get the patients to safety!

In one amazingly STUPID act the reds surrendered the very last shred of morality they could ever claim by invading a hospital.

Did I not say it was 'very stupid'?

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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

If he misses this chance which is perfect timing than ........ Lang Kawi looks pretty good .......

Did he say which Sunday?

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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

If he misses this chance which is perfect timing than ........ Lang Kawi looks pretty good .......

Did he say which Sunday?

:D he ain't from Yorkshire so I hope its this Sunday :)

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I really have the utmost respect for the PM and think he is an honest and very fair man as politicians go but for whatever reason ... they are simply not moving on these guys when they have an opportunity to enforce the law. Time after time they send the police in to do a job, such as clearing the path to the hospital, and instead of the police issuing demand and warnings they go into negotiations with wanted criminals. The result is the reds give just enough to turn the heat off and possibly make the gov't look heavy handed if they do anything to enforce the law.

The Reds have pulled back but not to where the PM and hospital has demanded they move to allow the hospital to safely care for patients. They order them to take down the barricade and the open one lane ... it goes on and on and all this does is give the reds an excuse to say they were working with police and had moved when the big bad army attacked us.

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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

If he misses this chance which is perfect timing than ........ Lang Kawi looks pretty good .......

Did he say which Sunday?

Yeah, the same Sunday Newcastle win the Premier League!

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If I was running this circus show, my key priority would be to get the non combative protesters away from the area safely so the army can move in and deal with the hardcore elements.

But the 46 billion baht question is how to do this? The answers lays in the question.

At 2pm I would fly a helicopter over the protest area and drop leaflets saying that at 4pm "on behalf of the people of thailand, we have decided to give back to you that which was recently confiscated from a now fugitive pm. 500 meters away from the main barricades we will be dropping from the sky vouchers worth 1 billion baht in denominations of 1000 baht each.

These vouchers can be exchanged for the cash equivilent for the next 24 hours but only in person at the branch of bank where your account is registered. Good luck!"

You can figure out the rest.:)

Good idea! But I wonder what bank(s) they can use? Probably not welcomed at Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn, Siam Commercial. Maybe take it to buy rice futures?

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The other English paper says the reds negotiated with police and are sorry for what they did and will do everything to allow the hospital to operate without interference. Of course they are also not going to leave the area where the PM and Hospital said needs to be cleared.

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The other English paper says the reds negotiated with police and are sorry for what they did and will do everything to allow the hospital to operate without interference. Of course they are also not going to leave the area where the PM and Hospital said needs to be cleared.

We will see. They only need to move back to Sarasin which isnt far and in reality is at least as defensible as their previous position and they have far less people than before. Wonder how stubborn they gonna be? Face is a big thing in Thailand and this would neab Sae Daeng losing it although not the other leaders so it is an interesting one. A test of who controls the reds

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The other English paper says the reds negotiated with police and are sorry for what they did and will do everything to allow the hospital to operate without interference. Of course they are also not going to leave the area where the PM and Hospital said needs to be cleared.

We will see. They only need to move back to Sarasin which isnt far and in reality is at least as defensible as their previous position and they have far less people than before. Wonder how stubborn they gonna be? Face is a big thing in Thailand and this would neab Sae Daeng losing it although not the other leaders so it is an interesting one. A test of who controls the reds

Point is ... you cannot enforce the law if you negotiate with these people. It is backwards ... reds make demands and the authorities make compromises to the rule of law.

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IF the gov't moves in and IF the protesters put up a fight, it will be the end of the reds. This battle will forever be viewed as the gov't protecting and taking back a hospital. Regardless of the number of people hurt and killed on the red side, there will be little sympathy for them anywhere in the world.

But I am not too convinced anything is going to happen since the PM continues to tell everyone to be patient. If somebody uses the term patience in Thailand then it is fair to say nothing will be happening in any reasonable time.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday that the government and Centre for Resolution of Emergency will take actions Sunday so that the Chulalongkorn Hospital could resume medical services.

If he misses this chance which is perfect timing than ........ Lang Kawi looks pretty good .......

Did he say which Sunday?

LOLROFL :) Good one JC :D

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Would it be a coup if the military and the PM took control of their own country?

Thanks jc. This is exactly what I can't understand about Anupong's reluctance and Abhisit's hand-wringing. Rightly or wrongly, YOU ARE THE ONES IN CHARGE YOU DON"T NEED PERMISSION TO ENFORCE THE LAW FOR GOD'S SAKE!!

The red-apologists on the one hand like to say: the military are all red supporters

and on the other: the military are going to die in a hail of petrol, grenades, rocks and spears when they come to crackdown on us

If this is what they do to their supporters, wonder what they would do to their enemies...(oh, yeah, see 'War on Drugs').

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Hopefully when this is over,a lot of Bangkok police will be transferred to the deep south.

Police that won't do their jobs should be fired not transferred. If they want to do nothing they can get a job with a private security firm and stand outside an abandoned building all day.

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Actually, I all the news, pictures and other stories about the UDD raid on the hospital is way over the top... it is too much.

In a way, the red's have a point. I am not saying they are right, but come on, the government is milking this story for all it is worth.

Enough already.

The government has to stop DISTRACTING people and deflecting the attention, and solve the dam_n problem.

Remove the protesters.

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Remember when the PAD cracked down with riot police during Mr.Samak’s administration, leaving two PAD fellows dead, and dozens of polices were brutally assaulted in October 2008?

The Chulalongkorn Hospital’s doctors (one also held position in Thai Red Cross), proclaimed he wouldn’t treat any sick, injured police officers at any cause. He said it was unacceptable that police officers used force against the PAD who surrounded the parliament house and threatened to kill the member of PPP inside.

people also say soldiers were moving in and ran off. more propaganda or just different propaganda

there is a thread running on a site not controlled by government


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The UDD raid on the hospital is over. Finished. Enough already.


This is so typical of Abhisit and Chuan.... what a bunch of losers. They couldn't tie their shoes if they had a 500 page manuel on how to do it.

So impractical and academic.

I can't wait to see what we have all been waiting for... must be a GRAND solution...

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