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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Slam Chulalongkorn Hospital For Evacuating Patients

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Just reported on Thai news channels that people DID die due to being moved from the hospital!!

Horrible, absolutely horrible.

Fake reds killed them.

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PATIENCE, PATIENCE......... The present government has a plan.......... Give the "reds" enough rope and they will 'hang themselves' -- It's working.............. :) A MOMENT OF SILENCE, PLEASE, while 'they' commit suicide........

Mmmmm, I see.....yes yes.....no sqeaky bum time for Abhisit, but the top Army boy will get it in the ar*e. :) ......who's ya daddy!

Nah --- not an issue for anyone ---- unless Sae Daeng has more support than anyone thinks.

Head of the military holds a General Court Martial --- officer that is obviously guilty (by his own words said in public) is convicted of treason. Said officer meets with a needle 30 minutes later.


Reporter: Why did you storm the hospital?

Redshirt Leader (RL): We can't create storms or rain. We are not god.

Reporter: Ok then. Why did you forcefully enter the hospital?

RL: To see if we could find any soldiers.

Reporter: Did you find any soldiers?

RL: No.

Reporter: Why were you looking for soldiers?

RL: Because they're the 'bad guys'.

Reporter: Why are they the 'bad guys'?

RL: Because they work for the government.

Reporter: But don't some of your leaders work for the government? Aren't they paid by the government?

RL: Well, yes....no. Look, I'm talking about a different government, ok?

Reporter: Which government are you talking about? Isn't there only one Thai government?

RL: This is not about the government...it's about democracy.

Reporter: Democracy?

RL: In a democratic society, protests are allowed.

Reporter: So, all of this bloodshed & mayhem has nothing to do with the protest?

RL: Of course not you silly farang! The government did all that.

Reporter: Do you believe in the 'rule of law' in your country?

RL: Of course we do. That's why we're here...to ensure that we have a democracy in which the 'rule of law' is obeyed.

Reporter: Aren't you breaking all the rules?

RL: I'm not talking to you any more. You know nothing about Thai Culture.

The goverment was using the evacuation as a ploy to make the protesters look bad...

This statement just goes to prove how delusional and backward this lot are. I really feel sorry for the good-hearted guys who have been drawn in by their propaganda BS as this whole 'RED' fiasco has stigmatised the lot of them, painting them and their pathetic apologists as a bunch of rancid baboons.

How did they think they were looking prior to Chulagate? Did they really think they had everyone fooled into seeing them as freedom fighters? They've been looking bad starting with the videos of protesters accepting cash to go to Bangkok and getting uglier ever since.

What I believe to be their five most self-discrediting acts in review:

- Accepting cash to demonstrate (against the government, no less). Pretty pathetic, but ok. TiT.

- Naming Thaksin and Democracy as their causes. To me, that's like fighting against racism in a nazi outfit.

- Blaming & condemning others for their own actions (fake reds, the govt, the yellow, reds but no leaders, etc). Blatant hypocrites at work.

- Searching people and their vehicles, even abducting on several occasions. Personally, I find this an extreme outrage.

- The hospital stunt: even in times of war, this is a no-no. That is beyond ...well I don't really have a word for it.

Doing something that outrages large portions of the population, flagrant disregard for the feelings of others, acting above the law with no regard for other's opinions, why not just say that the reds pulled a thaksin.


Besides the obvious attempt at damage control, this bitching and moaning by reds concerning the transfer of patients could really be a major security concern for them.

Not the army taking up positions in an empty hospital per say, but when the time comes for actual dispersal, it would not have surprised me if the hospital and patients, staff etc were used in other ways.

from the washingtonpost

In the current round of protests, Thaksin has secretly seeded the Red Shirts in Bangkok with former military personnel, said Viengrat Nethipo, a supporter of the Red Shirts who is an assistant professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. A number of government officials and independent observers share her view.

Thai police and army forces have seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts. During the army's failed attempt on April 10 to move the protesters out, several fighters in black uniforms sprang into action on the Red Shirt side, according to videotape evidence.

Autopsies after the shootout showed that high-velocity bullets, many of them fired with precision to the head, neck and chest, had killed and wounded several members of the army, including the most senior officer at the scene. The lethal targeting suggested a high level of military command and control among the protesters.

Leaders of the Red Shirts say they do not know who the black-shirted fighters are or where they came from. Government leaders say that is absurd.

Kraisak Choonhavan, a member of parliament and a deputy leader in the government, said Thaksin's policies benefited rural people. But now, he said, "he employs killer-hunters who come from the military."

Although the stalemate continues in the streets of Bangkok, both Kraisak and Jaran said negotiations between the Red Shirts and the government are quietly underway.

Pretty Damning article from the Washington Post --- gotta link ----?

So, you didn't notice the glaring factual error in this article or you're just conveniently ignoring it?

It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

It was VERY stupid to protest in front of an airport...let's be honest...but to close it down is pure "theater" and politically motivated - no doubt.

Are you serious with that comment? :D

For the fifth time on TV, I repeat:

I landed around noon Nov 25th 2008 coming from Hanoi and had to depart 16.15 to Udon Thani.

After 17.00 planes could not take off because CREWS and PASSENGERS could no longer reach the airport, the ACCESS road being blocked: not a single car could get through.

Thus it does not make sense to have an airport operating without pilots to fly the planes and passengers to carry them :)

The reds remind me of burglars who break into houses and get hurt accidentally, and then they sue the homeowners. The reds are making this PR disaster worse for themselves. Which is of course good. Carry on reds.

The just don't know when to put the spade down...

Another nail in the coffin ...

It's already sealed, just awaiting burial. They have unofficially discredited themselves across the board and have lived up to all stereotypes and the reputation which precedes them.

It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

It was VERY stupid to protest in front of an airport...let's be honest...but to close it down is pure "theater" and politically motivated - no doubt.

Are you serious with that comment? :D

For the fifth time on TV, I repeat:

I landed around noon Nov 25th 2008 coming from Hanoi and had to depart 16.15 to Udon Thani.

After 17.00 planes could not take off because CREWS and PASSENGERS could no longer reach the airport, the ACCESS road being blocked: not a single car could get through.

Thus it does not make sense to have an airport operating without pilots to fly the planes and passengers to carry them :)

Hardly life threatening though, was it?


I will be the first to take a bet that many, many of the 'reds' will be doing "hard time" before too long........... Sad mistake you made "boys"

I posted here on 28-April that I had been told by a friend working at Chula hospital that all operations had been cancelled and the hospital were not accepting any new cases. This started a full eighteen hours before the red shirts entered the hospital. The facts are that the hospital had planned to move the patients long before the red shirts entered the building. The two incidents are not connected, but a nice piece of propaganda for the government side.

Glad to see the red shirt leaders apologised, as a hospital is way off-limits for all sides in this dispute.

who knows if this is true or not but the whole "Look at granny being rolled out with her machines beeping. wait, lets stop and get a photo. oh jeez darn it these red shirts are bad guyz arent theyz" is just comical...

Seriously, are you for real? Do you really believe the crap you wrote regarding evacuating the hospital? It was the only thing they could do! Nobody - reds or yellows - has the right to march into a hospital and scare the s**t out of sick and dying patients - not to mention the staff. Get a life!


I have expressed my total disgust and loathing for several individuals involved in politics and I do consider this whole fiasco as a part of Thai politics. We heard reference to martyrs, mad men, self serving blockheads, etc, etc. Thailand is known for it coalitions as well as other social and personal activities, with a large vocabulary to describe them. We hear about people committing atrocities on nearly a daily basis. We hear about the WANTS of people and groups, what seems to be lacking, is the unsolicited giving to worthy causes, change for the good of the country, etc. Just consider if the monies spent by all concerned, in this battle of wills and self indulgence, had been used to answer the monetary wants of all involved, do you imagine their being satisfied? Do you think any involved would give money to a worthy cause excluding the temple, magic people, etc?

I am afraid the answer to both is no, thus many of those involved are probably not worthy of the support/following they are accorded by those who have a real complaint. History will probably show that this organized group led by thugs will set the ongoing and future benefits for those deserving, back by a huge time frame.


THE NATION: Thaksin tweeted that he was in Uganda to meet the president and listen to briefing on mining business there.

Thaksin is in good company, this week the President of Uganda already met with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Jatuporn Prompan, a key leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), told journalists that ranking UDD leaders were trying to contact and apologise to the hospital's senior officials after a group of UDD protesters stormed the hospital Thursday night on suspicious that armed soldiers were staying inside the hospital building and prepared to disperse the protesters.

The goverment was using the evacuation as a ploy to make the protesters look bad, Mr Jatuporn complained, and the public now has bad feellings against the Red Shirt protesters.

What a load of total crock! The reds leaders lied to the hospital to begin with. Five means five, not 100-200 rampaging thugs. The hospital administration owes nothing to a bunch of proven liars. Good for them for not accepting anything from any UDD member.

Make the "protesters" look bad? Jatuporn, et al., have done a wonderful job doing that themselves.

How much further down will these imbeciles go? Blaming the victims now. I am amazed the number of people who still believe, trust, and support them.

the Reds leadership must stop giving free Ja Baa to the protesters,only if you are either drunk or high on gasoline or Ya Baa etc ,then you loose your inhibition.

Storming into a Hospital with ill intend,disturbing the peace,trespassing,threatening staff and patience are reason's enough to issue a arrest warrant for the perpetrators,just dont give me the crap,as "we dont know who it was,the police/army has photographer with still cameras and videos.

The more I read and hear from friends ,on-site ,the more I think that the government officials and the protestleaders alike responsible for the fiasko,should be summongly shot with the same gun ,Rubber bullets only, sorry mistake made.

Here something ,not so serious.

Then we create the United Thai Sex Party with Patpong as the Party headquarter and the mamasan of the pink pussycat as PM,sorry, joking has no place here but tears can be overcome with laugh,which is the matter right now.

The next time the red "Chingis Khan Hordes" enter a hospital etc, they will find a (fake) staff armed with syringes

/dart's, laced with cyanide, teaches them the last lesson.

Seems I lost my bearings..

Same as in Vietnam,the GI's were given something to make them endure more and loose the natural fear of combat,I just dont remember what it was,LSD or something like that,can you think of what it was?

The right move to shut down Chula,otherwise the staff/patients could have endes as hostages.

I emphasise again,no more mercy.

I live in Pattaya and the general public is turning now away from the reds,same goes ,when the reds return to their villages they will be met with scorn, and abused/shamed because of all the bad things they did in Bangkok.

It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

It was VERY stupid to protest in front of an airport...let's be honest...but to close it down is pure "theater" and politically motivated - no doubt.

Are you serious with that comment? :D

For the fifth time on TV, I repeat:

I landed around noon Nov 25th 2008 coming from Hanoi and had to depart 16.15 to Udon Thani.

After 17.00 planes could not take off because CREWS and PASSENGERS could no longer reach the airport, the ACCESS road being blocked: not a single car could get through.

Thus it does not make sense to have an airport operating without pilots to fly the planes and passengers to carry them :)

No, of course I'm not serious. One's as bad as the other.

It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

It was VERY stupid to protest in front of an airport...let's be honest...but to close it down is pure "theater" and politically motivated - no doubt.

Well done - that's a good contender for the most irrelevant non-sequitur in the history of ThaiVisa, Lanna

Just pointing out how ridiculous an apologist can look. Not obvious enough, huh?

THE NATION: Thaksin tweeted that he was in Uganda to meet the president and listen to briefing on mining business there.

Thaksin is in good company, this week the President of Uganda already met with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Not exactly hotbeds on the diplomatic friends list for 2010, no doubt he was discussing 'democracy' and 'human rights' during his meetings.

I have a half finished can of heineken that says his next stop on the campaign trail is venezuala to discuss mineral rights and oil contracts for the private sector.


The hospital management has a duty to make whatever decisions they deem necessary for the safety of their patients. In view of the fact that the hospital was raided by 200 psychopathic thugs who rampaged through the building and dragged away two "suspects" and that police just stood and watched seems to indicate they made the right decision. You just have to look at the quality of the human detritus leaking out of the barricades into the Saladaeng intersection to understand the nature of the threat the medical staff are facing there daily. No sane person would give a monkeys about Jatuporn's absurd criticism of the hospital management. It is the same type of double talk and inverted logic as the moronic attempt by Chavalit and Somchai to petition HMK to solve the problems caused by themselves and their paymaster.


Of course they moved the patients. The Red Shirts said they were coming back the next day. Even the leadership assured the hospital that this were not the case, imagine what would happen if General Khattiya suspected that a patient in surgery or a surgeon with a mask were a soldier. We have seen how obedient he is to the Red Shirt leaders...I commend the hospital for attention to patient care and safety. I wish the same EU diplomatic staff who visited the Red Shirts would also visit the hospital and talk to the administrators, nurses and patients to get a different view of the Red Shirts and their protest. And next week they can visit the schools in the area. Perhaps the children in school uniforms will be the next target?

from the washingtonpost

In the current round of protests, Thaksin has secretly seeded the Red Shirts in Bangkok with former military personnel, said Viengrat Nethipo, a supporter of the Red Shirts who is an assistant professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. A number of government officials and independent observers share her view.

Thai police and army forces have seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts. During the army's failed attempt on April 10 to move the protesters out, several fighters in black uniforms sprang into action on the Red Shirt side, according to videotape evidence.

Autopsies after the shootout showed that high-velocity bullets, many of them fired with precision to the head, neck and chest, had killed and wounded several members of the army, including the most senior officer at the scene. The lethal targeting suggested a high level of military command and control among the protesters.

Leaders of the Red Shirts say they do not know who the black-shirted fighters are or where they came from. Government leaders say that is absurd.

Kraisak Choonhavan, a member of parliament and a deputy leader in the government, said Thaksin's policies benefited rural people. But now, he said, "he employs killer-hunters who come from the military."

Although the stalemate continues in the streets of Bangkok, both Kraisak and Jaran said negotiations between the Red Shirts and the government are quietly underway.

Pretty Damning article from the Washington Post --- gotta link ----?

So, you didn't notice the glaring factual error in this article or you're just conveniently ignoring it?

Do you mean that Sae Daeng's ronin fighters were not a secret? That Sae Daeng had talked about them many times?

I will be the first to take a bet that many, many of the 'reds' will be doing "hard time" before too long........... Sad mistake you made "boys"

The red leaders are risking long and hefty prison sentences! The longer and more violent this will become the longer the sentence. Thaksin has enough money to hide abroad for the rest of his life, but most red leaders dont!

So dear Nattawut, Jatuporn, Weng, Arisman and the rest of this criminal lot, YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!

At least I hope they will.


Hmmmm do you think that the Red shirts will be visiting this function??

THE NATION: Medical staff &affect patients will give their 1st hand account to media at Thailan Journalism assoc tomorrow at10.30am.
The Reds did not take weapons in.

Another red shirts PR lies.

A friend of mine was working at Chula that day. He's an eye-witness. He confirms me he saw them carrying (at least) sharpened bamboo sticks and makeshift bamboo-rocket in the hospital.

And before you pretend it shouldn't be considered as weapons I'll tell you you don't need more to kill somebody on the spot and that's the purpose of these sticks.

That's the definition of weapons.

This red-shirt propaganda is sickening.

Completely agree. If the reds were suspecting that soldiers were in the hospital, would they go in without any weapon? It doesn't take an idiot to even figure out this answer. In the process, if you are brandishing your weapon to get what you want, such as searching for the soldiers, could you safely day that you only caused minor inconvenience to the sickly and the ones that are caring for them? Levelhead sounds is talking like a bonehead!

Levelhead is a troll whose sole intention is to incite anger & enrage other posters. Considering his provocative posts and blatant lies, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually quite yellow, aiming to get more people to despise the red (as if they needed any help for that purpose).

If that is his purpose, he is doing a very good job...

It was VERY stupid to attack a hospital... let's be honest - but to evacuate is pure 'theater' and politically motivated - no doubt - but who's brainwave was it to attck n the first place? here's a gun - now's where's my foot?

It was VERY stupid to protest in front of an airport...let's be honest...but to close it down is pure "theater" and politically motivated - no doubt.

Well done - that's a good contender for the most irrelevant non-sequitur in the history of ThaiVisa, Lanna

Just pointing out how ridiculous an apologist can look. Not obvious enough, huh?

Sorry, Lanna, hadn't realized you were being tongue-in-cheek. My apologies. There was still steam coming out of my ears from reading Level Head's tripe but that's no excuse for a sense of humour failure...and sadly I suspect that there are some out there who would try and maintain that BKK and Chula is comparing apples with apples.

Apologies again,


from the washingtonpost

In the current round of protests, Thaksin has secretly seeded the Red Shirts in Bangkok with former military personnel, said Viengrat Nethipo, a supporter of the Red Shirts who is an assistant professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. A number of government officials and independent observers share her view.

Thai police and army forces have seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts. During the army's failed attempt on April 10 to move the protesters out, several fighters in black uniforms sprang into action on the Red Shirt side, according to videotape evidence.

Autopsies after the shootout showed that high-velocity bullets, many of them fired with precision to the head, neck and chest, had killed and wounded several members of the army, including the most senior officer at the scene. The lethal targeting suggested a high level of military command and control among the protesters.

Leaders of the Red Shirts say they do not know who the black-shirted fighters are or where they came from. Government leaders say that is absurd.

Kraisak Choonhavan, a member of parliament and a deputy leader in the government, said Thaksin's policies benefited rural people. But now, he said, "he employs killer-hunters who come from the military."

Although the stalemate continues in the streets of Bangkok, both Kraisak and Jaran said negotiations between the Red Shirts and the government are quietly underway.

Pretty Damning article from the Washington Post --- gotta link ----?

So, you didn't notice the glaring factual error in this article or you're just conveniently ignoring it?

Do you mean that Sae Daeng's ronin fighters were not a secret? That Sae Daeng had talked about them many times?

I think he was referring to the fact that neither Thai Police nor the Army have "seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts".

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

can't believe this kind of posts. Really!

hey! LevelHead is a comedian, doing a satirical piece... give him a break...

THE NATION: Thaksin tweeted that he was in Uganda to meet the president and listen to briefing on mining business there.

Thaksin is in good company, this week the President of Uganda already met with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

ooh ooh....Can we add Thaksin to the axis of evil.....can we....can we...

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