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Things Have Swelled A Bit......


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Ok, got your attention :)

Over the last couple of weeks in India my left lower leg has swelled somewhat, to the extent it's now about 50% larger than its partner. Whilst it's not causing me to walk in circles the skin feels tight and increasingly uncomfortable.

The Missus is hauling me off to the kwack tomorrow but anyone got an idea what's likely to be the problem / treatment.

I'm rather overweight (ok more than a bit) and drink rather more than I ought (not a lot else to do in Bangalore).

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I often suffer swollen feet/ankles after a flight from the UK and for sometime after if the weather is hot.

A couple of foot/leg massage sessions usually sort things out.

I am both overweight and take 10mg amplodipine tablets which may be a factor.

When in the UK (cold ! :) ) I don't get swollen feet.

Edited by Chaimai
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"Abnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs is called peripheral edema."

Not uncommon if you just came off a long flight but it sounds like you haven't.

Actually I've been flying regularly over the last month, always in cattle class, 2-3 flights a week (1-2 hours) I travel regularly between Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai, plus the trip to and from India (3.5-4 hours).

EDIT Sounds like a spot of older age and being a little cuddly, oddly I get the occasional touch of gout in the other leg (which does make me walk in circles), we shall see what the doc has to say tomorrow.

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Actually I've been flying regularly over the last month, always in cattle class, 2-3 flights a week (1-2 hours) plus the trip to and from India (3.5-4 hours).

The doctor of course is the best course for now as there are other more serious underlining causes. For the flights, try to take a walk around or stand up and stretch every half hour. This allows circulation to return. Plus plenty of liquids such as orange juice would probably be good.

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I had the same problem last year, got really worried.

Turned out I was spending way too much time sitting at the computer in a standard chair, often for hours at a time.

I've now bought a much better chair and make it a point to get off my butt and walk around every 30 minutes or so. The problem has disappeared.

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Hi Chaps.

Just got back from the doc. Urine and blood tests for kidney and liver function etc etc. No problems.

It seems that I've got a similar issue to dddave. I spend far too much time in a crappy office chair, a situation exacerbated last week or two by lots of economy class flights and two days in a particularly nasty conference hall (less leg room than Air Asia).

Usual advice to lose weight, exercise more, drink less. Got to go back in a couple of weeks to ensure it's sorted itself out.

Total cost 1800 Baht.


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Try to find a chair that is comfortable with no pressure points, also large enough to allow you to change position. Periodically getting up and walking around for a few minutes is really important.

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Any redness and heat with this swelling, could be cellulitus

Nasty little bug cellulitis! Just had a week of IV drip antibiotics to combat it. Doc said maybe a mosquito or spider bit me and infected me with the bacteria or maybe I had a small cut somewhere on my leg and the bacteria got in through that. Either way, when she told me I had Cellulitis and I looked it up on the Net, I was quite concerned. What started as a six inch patch above my knee spread from my ankle to my groin, was quite painful and took over a week of concentrated antibiotics treatment. I am still taking oral antibiotics for another two days. Total cost - Free due to social security, compliments of Thai government. At a private hospital too. I am impressed with their health system!

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