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Thai Protesters Accept Pm Abhisit Election Roadmap, but refuse to go home

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Not so much Coloradians as Canadians. Undeserved! Though the last time I took my kid up into Montreal and Niagara Falls (the Canadian side is great!) he wore his South Park hat the whole time, and we never had a problem - not even a snide comment. Good sports, these Canucks! :D

Yeah, well you won't think so when all of Manitoba squats in Times Square for 5 weeks demanding that you Americans stop looking down on them :D

You might do well to remember the color of the Canadian Maple Leaf Sir!


Take off, to the Great White North, take off, it's a beauty way to go :)

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Whoever made that newspaper cartoon is clearly doesn't understand anything about the current situation. I stopped reading at #2 when it said that "we want complete amnesty for red shirt leaders".

The red shirt leaders have said several times that they don't want amnesty.

Whoever made that cartoon doesn't even read the daily news.

I think you might find that it's satire. A joke. Humour.

Never mind.... :)

It is hate rhetoric disguised as a joke, poorly narrated and unfunny, that comes with a amateurish drawing. A drawing that feeds the racist view of the reds as inferior people, ugly, uncivilised, coarse.

Satire? Humor?

A matter of taste, depending on social and educational background and intellect.

Given the absurdity of it, the real satire may be that it appeared on the nation's website, and the cartoonist is actually poking fun at the paper's unbiased reporting.



Whoever made that newspaper cartoon is clearly doesn't understand anything about the current situation. I stopped reading at #2 when it said that "we want complete amnesty for red shirt leaders".

The red shirt leaders have said several times that they don't want amnesty.

Whoever made that cartoon doesn't even read the daily news.

I think you might find that it's satire. A joke. Humour.

Never mind.... :)

It is hate rhetoric disguised as a joke, poorly narrated and unfunny, that comes with a amateurish drawing. A drawing that feeds the racist view of the reds as inferior people, ugly, uncivilised, coarse.

Satire? Humor?

A matter of taste, depending on social and educational background and intellect.

No - it's satire.

You can of course, try to say that anyone that recognises this as satire has a lower social, educational and intellectual standing than yourself.

Myself - I just think you lack a sense of humour.


What bothers me a little is that Abhisit has only saluted HM twice on the televised speech, instead off 3 times as all Thais are supposed to. After saluting HM 2 times, he grabbed his glass of water and had a sip before the cameras faded away.

Has anyone heard of Abhisit cutting a deal with Mrs Shinawatra ( for the Red Leaders) re the road map? It is on The Nation News Site but I cannot find it. So I am told by a friend.

It's on Thanong's blog accessible from the front page. Not sure exactly which entry he tells this story. Also not sure whether it is true or not. He has a tendency to tell some real whoppers there. Things that he has absolutely no evidence for and could never get in the real paper. Many times they turn out to be just plain wrong.

Still, as a reporter he has some sources that none of the rest of us have access to. Could be correct. We'll never know unless Abhisit does in fact turn out to be PM in a unity government between the Democrats and PT. If that happens, you can be Thanong will be yelling "I told you so" from the top of Chulalongkorn Hospital.


I think you might find that it's satire. A joke. Humour.

Never mind.... :)

It is hate rhetoric disguised as a joke, poorly narrated and unfunny, that comes with a amateurish drawing. A drawing that feeds the racist view of the reds as inferior people, ugly, uncivilised, coarse.

Satire? Humor?

A matter of taste, depending on social and educational background and intellect.

One can assume that you have never seen anything that the Red press has put out if you are crying about a cartoon used for political satire .......

Straw man argument.

I am talking about the cartoon above and not about what the Red Press may have published.

Not so much Coloradians as Canadians. Undeserved! Though the last time I took my kid up into Montreal and Niagara Falls (the Canadian side is great!) he wore his South Park hat the whole time, and we never had a problem - not even a snide comment. Good sports, these Canucks! :)

Yeah, well you won't think so when all of Manitoba squats in Times Square for 5 weeks demanding that you Americans stop looking down on them :D

You might do well to remember the color of the Canadian Maple Leaf Sir!

Well taken but Canadians are too polite, diletantes, to sit in Times Square in such as way; moreover, it's the Canadians who look down their noses at we of the United States. During the Cold War Era, the Canadians lived under the military protection of the US and thus were able to spend very little on military defense while instead spending much on social programs, to include a single payer national health care program, while the US has had to spend heavily on military programs to prevent the former USSR grabbing Canada, Europe and anything else it could get its grubby hands on witness Cuba.

Canadians truely look down their noses at the US but don't know or understand why they can indulge in their luxurious eccentricity. It anyway seems every country needs a neighboring country to look down on....for the US it's Mexico, in the former LOS it's been Laos - in Imperial Japan of 70 years ago it was China and Korea etc etc.

Then of course there are the Brits and the French.......the Germans and the French etc etc.

it is obvious that the Roadmap and Election proposal is under fire on the Abhisit side. So the proposal lacks of credibility because it is built on "sand".

PAD has very little pull on the government and if the reds supported the road map it would strengthen the government against the PAD. So why is the reds backtracking? Since they don't want the democrats or the roadmap to succeed...


Whoever made that newspaper cartoon is clearly doesn't understand anything about the current situation. I stopped reading at #2 when it said that "we want complete amnesty for red shirt leaders".

The red shirt leaders have said several times that they don't want amnesty.

Whoever made that cartoon doesn't even read the daily news.

Quoted to highlight the fact that the cartoon seemingly is accurate on facts regarding their wish for amnesty and the red fan here didn't know...guess the leaders wasn't taking to loud about it.


I think you might find that it's satire. A joke. Humour.

Never mind.... :)

It is hate rhetoric disguised as a joke, poorly narrated and unfunny, that comes with a amateurish drawing. A drawing that feeds the racist view of the reds as inferior people, ugly, uncivilised, coarse.

Satire? Humor?

A matter of taste, depending on social and educational background and intellect.

No - it's satire.

You can of course, try to say that anyone that recognises this as satire has a lower social, educational and intellectual standing than yourself.

Myself - I just think you lack a sense of humour.


Taste as an aesthetic, sociological, economic and anthropological concept refers to a cultural patterns of choice and preference. ...Taste is about drawing distinctions between things such as styles, manners, consumer goods and works of art. Social inquiry of taste is about the human ability to judge what is beautiful, good and proper. ...

For instance, aesthetic preferences and attendance to various cultural events are associated with education and social origin. Different socioeconomic groups are likely to have different tastes, and it has been suggested that social class is one of the prominent factors structuring taste.

You have a different taste, so probably you have a different social and educational background, that it is lower is your assumption. I never said that.

I am not the first and only one who calls cartoons of Stephff racist or just a distasteful, crude, trashy excuse for a cartoon.

The one above is one of this "quality". Nothing more than a propaganda tool. Will it be good for the discussions at TVF if every fighter of any anti or hate group just post their definition of satire in form of propaganda cartoons?


Its clear the reds are flailing around looking for any excuse they can to delay taking a stand on the roadmap. The fact they are choosing such superficial issues to use as an excuse leads me to believe the main leadership is in support of the roadmap, but needs time for something.

Whether that's for negotiations behind the scenes with the government, negotiations with the hardcore red element (Sah Daeng), or just to let them save face by not "caving in" to government demands too quickly remains to be seen.


Coming in from Twitter: Shooting in Silom. 2 police shot, 1 dead. 2 protesters shot.

Nothing that I'm seeing from an official news source.

Coming in from Twitter: Shooting in Silom. 2 police shot, 1 dead. 2 protesters shot.

Nothing that I'm seeing from an official news source.

There is no wish to finish this...


I'm curious if this was at one of the checkpoints where the CRES is checking for weapons being smuggled out of the rally? They'd mentioned they were arresting 10-20 people a day with weapons on them (no mention of what constituted a weapon though).

Two persons who r injured are sent to Bangkok Christian and Lerdsin hospitals.

Ch. 7 said the gun man came on the bike & shot directly at police & fled the scene. Injured police was at Chula hospital, 1 reported dead.

Ch. 7 showed #redshirt leaders in a serious discussion upon hearing the news. They denied the gun man associated with #redshirts.

Source: @veen_NT on Twitter


This will escalate over the weekend - I guarantee it.

The roadmap is not in Thaksin's favour. The reds need a reason to turn their back on it.

This will escalate over the weekend - I guarantee it.

The roadmap is not in Thaksin's favour. The reds need a reason to turn their back on it.

If Abhisit is to be believed the roadmap is all about shining a light on injustices that have occured in the past and why different sectors of society don't trust each other. Inevitibly the subject of "Democracy" and vote buying will arise and none of these issues cast Thaksin in a favourable light. The PM will hold the floor and the script. Not Thaksin friendly conditions.


Looks like anti-red shirts were the target.

During the gunfire at around 11.30pm, 3 Silom persons were protesting against the red-shirt with a speaker. via ASTV

ASTV said the gunman came on the bike.The reporter believe the hitman aimed @ 3 Silom protesters but the bullets went 2 police & 1 passerby.

Pls note that reports vary on the number of injured persons. But Pol.Cpl. Kannupan Lertchanpen who was shot in the stomach is dead. #Ch.7

Source @veen_NT on Twitter.

Anyone want to take bets on whether the person involved was an angry red shirt trying to shut up the protesters or a yellow shirt looking to stir things up? Or bets on which TV members are going to take which sides? :)

My take, most likely a red shirt. But not under orders from any leadership of the reds. Just someone tired and frustrated, who did something stupid. Lets hope he's found, brought to justice, and this doesn't hinder the reconciliation process under way.

Looks like anti-red shirts were the target.
During the gunfire at around 11.30pm, 3 Silom persons were protesting against the red-shirt with a speaker. via ASTV

ASTV said the gunman came on the bike.The reporter believe the hitman aimed @ 3 Silom protesters but the bullets went 2 police & 1 passerby.

Pls note that reports vary on the number of injured persons. But Pol.Cpl. Kannupan Lertchanpen who was shot in the stomach is dead. #Ch.7

Source @veen_NT on Twitter.

Anyone want to take bets on whether the person involved was an angry red shirt trying to shut up the protesters or a yellow shirt looking to stir things up? Or bets on which TV members are going to take which sides? :)

My take, most likely a red shirt. But not under orders from any leadership of the reds. Just someone tired and frustrated, who did something stupid. Lets hope he's found, brought to justice, and this doesn't hinder the reconciliation process under way.

Already called it, a few posts up^^

Urgent !!!! TR @tidarat (01.40) - explosion heard near Ua-Chu-Liang Bldg on Rama IV -ab 500m fr Saladaeng. So far, 4 officers are injured.

Looks like things aren't done yet tonight.

Shooting confirmed, Channel 7 news, 2min ago.

The redshirts did it - I know this because weapons were involved.

Who would gain from this?

Anyone opposed to the Reconciliation Road Map would be my first guess. This could be extremist elements in either the red or yellow camp. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess either way at this point. Toss a coin?

Shooting confirmed, Channel 7 news, 2min ago.

The redshirts did it - I know this because weapons were involved.

Who would gain from this?

Anyone opposed to the Reconciliation Road Map would be my first guess. This could be extremist elements in either the red or yellow camp. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess either way at this point. Toss a coin?

No, redshirts, weapons, froth, redshirts, redshirts, terrorism, PAD good, froth, froth, redshirts.



ASTV: 3 M79 grenades fired at Gate 4 of Lumpini Park. 5 ppl injured, 1 in serious condition.

Police spokesman Ponsatat said the 2 violent attacks happened w/in less than 3 hrs apart & aimed at police - possibly by the same group.#KCL

The AP has picked up the story and published something on it. I don't believe we are allowed to link to the story though.

Interesting that the attacks were aimed at police and not the army.


Whoever made that newspaper cartoon is clearly doesn't understand anything about the current situation. I stopped reading at #2 when it said that "we want complete amnesty for red shirt leaders".

The red shirt leaders have said several times that they don't want amnesty.

Whoever made that cartoon doesn't even read the daily news.

I think you might find that it's satire. A joke. Humour.

Never mind.... :)

It is hate rhetoric disguised as a joke, poorly narrated and unfunny, that comes with a amateurish drawing. A drawing that feeds the racist view of the reds as inferior people, ugly, uncivilised, coarse.

Satire? Humor?

A matter of taste, depending on social and educational background and intellect.

You can always tell when Stephff's political cartoons hit a home run when vitriolic comments like the above are made which are

obviously written with no concept or understanding of political cartoons whatsoever. :D

Anyway....Congratulations, Stephff... You did it again. :D

Keep it up. :D

Thanks to frodo for posting. :D



You can always tell when Stephff's political cartoons hit a home run when vitriolic comments like the above are made which are

obviously written with no concept or understanding of political cartoons whatsoever. :)

Anyway....Congratulations, Stephff... You did it again. :D

Keep it up. :D

Thanks to frodo for posting. :D

Hi Sriracha John.

Why you turned all your previous image posting into that ugly "banned on TVF" sign when you still continue with your old "work" under a new account?

Here's something else that's interesting; the UDD Facebook page was recently censored. Note that this only contains almost sugar-coated posts that are also very much intentioned for an international audience and international news media. Absolutly no hate whatsoever. Yet it was censored.

That is a GROSS misrepresentation which is obvious to anyone who read their loaded propaganda there. I reckon you figured nobody had read that page and you could get away with that porkie. Well, we did, and you can't.

And now back to the Deadsnoopy show ...

But not back to the jcbangkok show?

I've seen your show so I know why it's tanked.

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