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Filipina Faces Death Penalty On Thai Drugs Charges

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How does one fly from Lima to Bangkok? AFAIK there are no direct flights.

I am sure there aren't. She probably connected through Tokyo (just a guess but likely). There are many Japanese-Peruvians so they would have flights there. I don't think they bother to sniff luggage on such connections. I am surprised she wasn't caught boarding in Lima though. Many mules are caught boarding in South America.

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Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

There is no way she went through the US. If no direct from Lima to Japan (or whatever the Asian connection), then another South America city like Buenos Aires, Santiago, etc. This isn't really the issue here. The Thai authorities could easily determine her boarding point for her flight.


If the cocaine was in her carry on luggage it's not an issue. If it was in her checked baggage which get labeled through various airports I guess her lawyer would have something in her defense specially if her fingerprints are nowhere on the package (which we don't know ofcourse).

If the cocaine was in her carry on luggage it's not an issue. If it was in her checked baggage which get labeled through various airports I guess her lawyer would have something in her defense specially if her fingerprints are nowhere on the package (which we don't know ofcourse).

It was definitely in her checked luggage. Carry on luggage gets checked through security at connections, her bosses were reckless with her, but not that reckless. Mules usually have their bag packed by their bosses. She's older than your typical mule so they might have thought she had a fair chance being ignored as an older woman. I don't think she has any credible defense.

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

Drugs are killing lots of people. Would you like that somebody in your family would die overdosed, using cocaine? Seems crazy to me that you don't even understand that it wasn't candies.

To kill her would set an example for others, I'm pretty sure. But the drugs will still come inside using other ways.

No it won't. :)

Death sentence has never "set an example" and as you state the drug trade will always continue as long as there is a demand for it.

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

There is no way she went through the US. If no direct from Lima to Japan (or whatever the Asian connection), then another South America city like Buenos Aires, Santiago, etc. This isn't really the issue here. The Thai authorities could easily determine her boarding point for her flight.

Just out of curiosity did a bit of googling on various travel sites and it seems there's no flights at all that go directly from South America to Asia.

You have to fly either through the US, South Africa or Europe.

How many Filipino nationals fly into Bangkok from Peru? That alone must have raised suspicion.

Okay, most of all have heard about the "Nigerian" connection. So how is this possible that so many Africans, (sorry I'm not being a racist) are still selling this particular drug in Bangkok, and nobody gets caught?

Please Bangkokians, is it true, or not? We always read about some young Thais getting busted with some Pee Baa pills. (Jaba) How often is there an article about drug selling guys from the black continent?

Is there a possibility, with all respect, that some 'officials' are also involved in this money producing and laundering machine? Otherwise it would not be how it is…….

They are busted everyday, some for 1 gram, how do you do all that paper work for 1 gram of coke?

They don't even use it themselves, and its quite alien on Nigerian streets.

The only thing they abuse is themselves, weed and alcohol.

In the HBO series, The wire', the police refused to go after a known dealer simply because he is not violent.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them?

A huge percentage of the violent crime in the world is drug based, and she was involved in that for personal profit.

Certainly, it would be nice if they caught the kingpins, too. But it doesn't really matter how much profit she was going to make any more than it matters that Hitler murdered millions of people, while Ted Bundy "only" murdered 35.

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

Drugs are killing lots of people. Would you like that somebody in your family would die overdosed, using cocaine? Seems crazy to me that you don't even understand that it wasn't candies.

To kill her would set an example for others, I'm pretty sure. But the drugs will still come inside using other ways.

Alcohol kills many many more people than cocaine ever does... how many "drugs" have you tried, so what do you know first hand..??? most drugs are pretty harmless and good..!!! So I`m told..!!

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

There is no way she went through the US. If no direct from Lima to Japan (or whatever the Asian connection), then another South America city like Buenos Aires, Santiago, etc. This isn't really the issue here. The Thai authorities could easily determine her boarding point for her flight.

Just out of curiosity did a bit of googling on various travel sites and it seems there's no flights at all that go directly from South America to Asia.

You have to fly either through the US, South Africa or Europe.

Panama (Central America). Mexico City (North America). Sao Paolo and Rio definitely. Travel sites are often North American-centric.

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

Spain guys...go the other direction.... stupid peoples..!!!!!

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

Spain guys...go the other direction.... stupid peoples..!!!!!

Not stupid. You could go in either direction really from Lima.

Give her amnesty.... they give all sorts of criminals amnesty here in Thailand, don't they?!

Thats the most sensible post you have ever made........ good on you..!!!!

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

Drugs are killing lots of people. Would you like that somebody in your family would die overdosed, using cocaine? Seems crazy to me that you don't even understand that it wasn't candies.

To kill her would set an example for others, I'm pretty sure. But the drugs will still come inside using other ways.

No it won't. :)

Death sentence has never "set an example" and as you state the drug trade will always continue as long as there is a demand for it.

Seems to work in Singapore which has a drug abuse prevalence rate of 0.1%.

Possibly although there's no direct flight to Tokyo either. I believe you have to go through LA to reach Tokyo from Lima. I could be mistaken though.

Spain guys...go the other direction.... stupid peoples..!!!!!

Not stupid. You could go in either direction really from Lima.

But so easy...Lima - Madrid..... Madrid - Bangkok.. one stop , and most older Filipinas speak Spanish.. Just a thought... my heart goes out to her and her family...

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

Drugs are killing lots of people. Would you like that somebody in your family would die overdosed, using cocaine? Seems crazy to me that you don't even understand that it wasn't candies.

To kill her would set an example for others, I'm pretty sure. But the drugs will still come inside using other ways.

No it won't. :)

Death sentence has never "set an example" and as you state the drug trade will always continue as long as there is a demand for it.

Seems to work in Singapore which has a drug abuse prevalence rate of 0.1%.

Moto..... when, and its not so long ago... when Heroin was legal and since, Singapore was the number one port for the shipping of Heroin... Singapore made its money from Heroin... if not for that drug, there would be no Singapore.... Learn your history...

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

Drugs are killing lots of people. Would you like that somebody in your family would die overdosed, using cocaine? Seems crazy to me that you don't even understand that it wasn't candies.

To kill her would set an example for others, I'm pretty sure. But the drugs will still come inside using other ways.

I understand plenty about drugs, one of my best friend in high school died from drug addiction. I first blame him for his choices.

Not everyone who does drugs dies. Under that same logic, we should execute gun manufactures, prescription drug companies and alcoholic beverage companies just to name a few. Plenty of products can kill you, and plenty of products can be abused.

When it comes to protecting my family, I do not need any government to kill anyone who is not a violent threat to me, and certainly do not need to kill anyone so that my family will become wise enough not to hurt themselves through drugs.

I have faith in family values way more than a government who kills citizens. I will chose love, education and nurturing over electric chairs and hangman's nooses.

Drug prevention is the only solution to the drug problem, certainly not the heavy hand of government killing individuals.

Finally, since you are so concerned about peoples families, do you think that woman who will be killed has a mother, father, sister, brother, child?

If justice is defined as as the quality of being righteous or fair, seems not so righteous and not so fair to take someone's life for carrying or even selling drugs.

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them? Seems crazy to me.

I agree. The death penalty for being a drug mule is inhumane. However, seriously, I am not sure which I would choose, lifetime in Thai prison or death.

So we can conclude both thai prisons and death penalty is inhumane. Neither is to European standards.


No it won't. :)

Death sentence has never "set an example" and as you state the drug trade will always continue as long as there is a demand for it.

Seems to work in Singapore which has a drug abuse prevalence rate of 0.1%.

Singapore also has an uncorrupted police force. (Compared to other SE Asian countries)

If someone is not violent, how do you justify killing them?

A huge percentage of the violent crime in the world is drug based, and she was involved in that for personal profit.

Certainly, it would be nice if they caught the kingpins, too. But it doesn't really matter how much profit she was going to make any more than it matters that Hitler murdered millions of people, while Ted Bundy "only" murdered 35.

Legalize drugs and those violent crimes would disappear, but then big brother would have one less excuse to "protect us".

Drug addiction is a physiological and medical issue, not one of law enforcement.

Drugs being illegal throws those who abuse out of society and pushes them further from the help they need.

Illegal drugs provide a platform for criminals to make money and gain power.

Humans are intelligent enough to live productive lives without government micro managing.

Legalize it, tax it, and help those who abuse . let those who do not abuse it enjoy their choices to live in freedom.

It seems a lot more humane and logical than killing.

Legalize it, tax it, and help those who abuse . let those who do not abuse it enjoy their choices to live in freedom.

I would be for legalization but how would that work in practicality? Does it mean that that the US government for example will buy cocaine from the FARC or meth from the Mexican cartels??

Legalize it, tax it, and help those who abuse . let those who do not abuse it enjoy their choices to live in freedom.

I would be for legalization but how would that work in practicality? Does it mean that that the US government for example will buy cocaine from the FARC or meth from the Mexican cartels??

I would be for legalization as well, but the government would levy high taxes on it, it would then go back into the black economy, and continue pretty much as is! If, on the other hand, the government applied a lesser tax, it is feasible, with harsh penalties for large amounts of "Personal".


Giving her the death sentence doesn't put a dent on the trafficking of illegal narcotics. She is obviously just a mule and taking her life means that the bigger fish gets a chance to find another willing mule.

You know something we don't know? How is it obvious she is only a mule from this scant info?

She knew what she was getting into. Tough luck... Hang her! I certainly do not feel sorry for her.

And how is it you know so much about this person that you would actually know what she knew about the consequences of her actions? It's sad to think that one can so easily dismiss things like mitigating circumstances, and other forms of evidence that might actually exonerate this person. I doubt any of us would want anyone to be so caviler in casting judgments against us in similar circumstances. I don't know that she needs your sympathy, but campassion is certainly a much more admirable trait than retribution. I actually kind of feel sorry for you!

She knew what she was getting into. Tough luck... Hang her! I certainly do not feel sorry for her.

And how is it you know so much about this person that you would actually know what she knew about the consequences of her actions? It's sad to think that one can so easily dismiss things like mitigating circumstances, and other forms of evidence that might actually exonerate this person. I doubt any of us would want anyone to be so caviler in casting judgments against us in similar circumstances. I don't know that she needs your sympathy, but campassion is certainly a much more admirable trait than retribution. I actually kind of feel sorry for you!

agreed, sitting behind your computer yelling "hang her" doesn't say much for the person who would make such a thoughtless crass comment. what if it was that guy's brother? singin' a different tune?

Coming from a country er route to thailand other than her native country raises a lot of other questions...maybe put up to it under pressure. it's arrogant and worse than Stalin for others to wish for others' death sitting in front of their computer screen.

We don't have the full scoop here.

Give her amnesty.... they give all sorts of criminals amnesty here in Thailand, don't they?!

Thats the most sensible post you have ever made........ good on you..!!!!

Connel, if you could read at the fifth grade level you'd realize there are a lot of things, I, and others here have written that are very sensible. But given your "limitations" I commend you for at least picking up a good piece here and there!

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