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Thai Girls Are Evil And So Are Their Offsprings - Joke


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It beats my European family, that's why I ran away to Thailand....yeah go on, call me a dead beat dad you schmucks...what would you of done?


Obvious a spoof Photo designed to put down Western women!

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Great programmer- v funny as a vast exaggeration of British life!

Unfortunately there are those that don't recognize it as a parody - they pretend to believe its reality. :)

And The Harry Enfield comedy sketches does it even better. :D

I think you need to remind us - I've forgotten, but agree that Harry Enfield was way funnier than Little Britain. 'Loads of money' was a classic as was the incredibly thick 'toff' (can't remember his name).

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Great programmer- v funny as a vast exaggeration of British life!

Unfortunately there are those that don't recognize it as a parody - they pretend to believe its reality. :)

And The Harry Enfield comedy sketches does it even better. :D

I think you need to remind us - I've forgotten, but agree that Harry Enfield was way funnier than Little Britain. 'Loads of money' was a classic as was the incredibly thick 'toff' (can't remember his name).

rim, nice but dim

"aughfuly nice fellow"

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These "happily married to a Thai" farangs should be forced to disclose the salary they are paying their partners (and their families) and how much property is being put in their names.

But financial records would be required as so many are in denial. Farang neighbor, normally honest, swore to me he wasn't paying, but my GF talking to his wife found out he was paying "household expenses" far in excess of actual costs, with no accounting of where the extra was actually going. And he'd built her house in her village, etc., etc.

Having lived in LOS a number of years, I find that a typical case.

OR yer gal jest said that to get you to 'keep up' :)

My wife has a 40,000 baht salary from her job plus 15 from me. Sucker? Not really 8 of that goes to our car payment the rest who cares or asks for a receipt? Give and take here eh she doesn't charge me for cleaning the house or filling the fridge with snacks and juice or for the nightly massage. Man don't fight it give her a salary and you will find it to your benefit and be lucky your night a Thai man having to give it ALL to her.

Of course you're not a sucker!

So how come you don't have a joint bank account (normal in the West with people who are married)?

Normal for some I suppose but I was married before to an American girl and had the same arrangement with seperate accounts. IMO people make too much or want there to be drama with the ladies here. Bitter guys that have gotten burned should look in the mirror if they need someone to blame. I fyou don't agree with paying her a salary or her demands to buy her gold or whatever you can say no. Don't like it? Next....

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Money can't really be taken out of the equation in a marriage, at least after some time.

Love is nice but there are bills to pay, like it or not, and somebody has to pay them.

I asked my wife to stop working in order to take care of our son.

He needs her to be with him when he comes back from school.

I know, he told me.

And I now pay most of the bills.

I must be an outdated husband and father...

Edited by eurasianthai
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Amazing how people read so much out of an seemingly innocent post.

I have to admit the title was misleading , but in a good way!

To the O.P- you have a beautiful family and best of luck to you.

To the skeptics out there.... u have too much time on your hands and also too many grudges.

Nice picture, believe it or not there are happy stories in the world.

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Amazing how people read so much out of an seemingly innocent post.

It's also amazing that people are surprised by negative responses on a public Internet forum. This was never an "innocent post". The OP was trolling and got exactly what he expected/wanted.

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The OP was trolling and got exactly what he expected/wanted.

Indeed, but trolling in a "good" way, if there is such a way.

Just trying to separate the good from the bad.

Or well, the smart from the stupid.

And it is a resounding success... :)

Edited by eurasianthai
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Seems obvious to me that the op was joking with the topic title after the recent spate of "All thai women are (insert negative comment here)" posts

Lovely pics of the family.

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The OP was trolling and got exactly what he expected/wanted.

Indeed, but trolling in a "good" way, if there is such a way.

Just trying to separate the good from the bad.

Or well, the smart from the stupid.

And it is a resounding success... :)

If you believe the stupid assumption that smart people agree with you and stupid people don't, then it was a resounding success. :D

Call me stupid if you like. I'm not hiding from anyone, but there is no way I'd ever post photos of myself or my family on a public Internet forum.

I suggest that the people who think I'm weird or stupid for stating this should start posting photos of themselves and family asap.

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The OP was trolling and got exactly what he expected/wanted.

Indeed, but trolling in a "good" way, if there is such a way.

Just trying to separate the good from the bad.

Or well, the smart from the stupid.

And it is a resounding success... :)

If you believe the stupid assumption that smart people agree with you and stupid people don't, then it was a resounding success. :D

Call me stupid if you like. I'm not hiding from anyone, but there is no way I'd ever post photos of myself or my family on a public Internet forum.

I suggest that the people who think I'm weird or stupid for stating this should start posting photos of themselves and family asap.

Im seperated so a pic of me will have to do.. :D


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Seems obvious to me that the op was joking with the topic title after the recent spate of "All thai women are (insert negative comment here)" posts

Lovely pics of the family.


(And as usual, lovely post gets countered with the inevitable bile.. So sad. )

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Seems obvious to me that the op was joking with the topic title after the recent spate of "All thai women are (insert negative comment here)" posts

Lovely pics of the family.

True, and why the continual repeat of that woman with all the children in strollers? It's either a set up to make fun of the woman (poor taste) or she's just some bored daycare worker. And, I thought posting pictures of other people's children was not allowed on this forum.

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8>< snip nested quotes deleted ><8

True, and why the continual repeat of that woman with all the children in strollers? It's either a set up to make fun of the woman (poor taste) or she's just some bored daycare worker. And, I thought posting pictures of other people's children was not allowed on this forum.

Its from a comedy show that parodies life in the UK. Apparently people in the UK think it is funny, I think because it allows them to laugh at stereotypes of each other, and re-inforce prejudices against one another.


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Pictures of famous people are allowed (the "woman" with the buggy is a well known male comedian & the character is from the show "little Britain") as are posting photo pf yourself or your own family, presumably with their permission.

But then you are well aware of this as you have been told a few times already what is & isn't acceptable.

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Pictures of famous people are allowed (the "woman" with the buggy is a well known male comedian & the character is from the show "little Britain") as are posting photo pf yourself or your own family, presumably with their permission.

But then you are well aware of this as you have been told a few times already what is & isn't acceptable.

Thank you for the explanation, Boo. I was not aware of that TV program or the person in question.

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post removed, do not call other posters rude names. Thanks.

I was over the moon - at last a post that warranted the FA Cup for contribution to the debate - and it was deleted.

So the cup goes back on the shelf till next time....


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Well OP if you ever wanted to prove to someone the negativity that abounds at TV, your post suceeded in doing so. Unbelievable that people will come on here and abuse you for posting innocent pictures of your family. I applaud you for your pride in your family. Lovely pictures.

I have posted many pics of myself and family on Facebook but never felt the need to post them on TV particularly given the tendency for TV members to pour scorn on all and sundry.


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Well OP if you ever wanted to prove to someone the negativity that abounds at TV

Actually the negativity about Thai girls that abounds in most forums about Thailand.

And TV being the biggest one is sure no exception.

Just the way it is.

I guess some people posting in these forums are better at venting their anger on a forum than at working on their relationships.

A relationship they probably should not have started in the first place... :)

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im w guesthouse.

op must be an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the post is in response to certain other threads demonising Thai women. I get it anyway.

And I still say that the title fooled me!

thai women are ok if certain provisos are taken into context

(1 never take em western country -- or you just tossed yourself into insurmauntable dept

(2 never take on a thai if its ever been with a western bloke in the past - he may have been rich spoilt it rotten so then the mentality rears its head me want same from next joey !

(3 never marry one = mugs game = you just lose your free spirit lol !

(4 Follow it like dick tracy first 6 months make sure its not losing its pants around the corner lol - it happens don't worry about that

(5 Try and find one has a dollar in the bank - by golly thats rare - reason being you'll need a financial hand after you go broke !

(6 Never get one thats right up with western world / materialistic mobiles, me want car darlink '' yes balls to that ''!

(7 Get em from the back blocks - ones they still think the wars on ''japs still in philipines'' and Mcarthur alive and well and wading ashore '' i shall return '' you know !

(8 nice one that you can educate - after all its in your financial interest --darling what it mean ''mobile '' ?---------my love mobile thats when walk to the fridge get me a beer --ohh okk darlink !! lol

( 9 you good man darlink look after me sex 23 time each day me love you ! --darlink me went Atm it speak not monies ??? my god ohh very bad - darlinkkk!! i very sorry iam to leave me not eat --what give to me 50,000 baht 1 munte !!!!!! ohh not enough for meal darlink ??you bad man - you remember me make your eyes go around you spoke - there good woman they spin like a poker machine wheels, you spoke when me get on top ! ohh you speak lie spoke love me ! now me thick / fat 8 kids you not want ohh ! not good you very bad !!!!

what for you speak iam see - saw !!

you spoke me the girl she work flower shop to her you spoke her she pussy it as mouses ear '' ???? what all this about the mouse ?-- only you see the mouse ?? who it the mouse ?????

You spoke me you go see the mouse other night? what you animal lover yes ? hmm - i want find this mouse nefore it ruin the marriage mine !! i kill it ! me today buy it 3 mouse trap !! me find the mouse okkk!!

lot of truth in the above - good race of women, but they must completely forget any other man in the world except you ! and - the commodity money - if she can ever forget those two things - she be a great bird !

until such time- you will be on an ever increasing rollar coaster of scam that she bestowes upon you - anybody whom thinks they wont!! believes in the flying car out of chitty chitty bang bang.

stevo 52

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Well OP if you ever wanted to prove to someone the negativity that abounds at TV, your post suceeded in doing so. Unbelievable that people will come on here and abuse you for posting innocent pictures of your family. I applaud you for your pride in your family. Lovely pictures.

I have posted many pics of myself and family on Facebook but never felt the need to post them on TV particularly given the tendency for TV members to pour scorn on all and sundry.


to be fair (and it is a lovely family) but why would anyone want to post it on here? it's bizarre! it's almost saying 'haha look what I've got' - great - enjoy it - but why post it? just my thoughts.

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It beats my European family, that's why I ran away to Thailand....yeah go on, call me a dead beat dad you schmucks...what would you of done?

hmm lot of rooting went onto that lot - by christ she be getting loose towards the end be like a big burger camel toe flaps grusome ay !

you be looking for that railway sleeper to strap to your rear end ----------are you in dear !????????????? yes !! ohh i just thought id ask !! knew i felt something lol lol lol..

i hope you people have humor lol

big girl -= rather feed her for a week than a fortnight she send you broke she'd be a family sized custard tart eater two bites be all gone,3 burps and 2 farts she be into it again darlin !! look what i got fer you she drops her pants & your gone your feet don't hit the ground lol lol..

stevo 52




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