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Met 107


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OK, my taste in radio listening is not open to discussion :)

I tried to listen to Met 107 FM this morning on the way in to town (I know it's a holiday). There is what sounds like severe co-channel interference, possibly from the station on 106.8 (or are the government jamming something to do with the Reds?).

Detuning to 107.1 makes it listenable but still crappy.

I've tried two sets, both have the same problem.

Is it just me, my location, or a conspiracy?

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Nope, I have the same problems with Met 107. I live on Ratchada and I can listen to it (barely), but when I get closer to my office in Silom its really bad and sounds like static. Before it was listenable but now its useless.

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Try FM 88.0 and see if you have reception problems. It's all English. :)

Agreed on FM 88.

I gave up on FM 107 when I signed up to TV, that's when they kicked all the expat DJ's off and put indigenous DJ on who played profanity laced rap crap.

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