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What Did You Do On New Year's Eve 1999

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After 5 years of working 12-hour days, 6 days a week I was determined to do something special on the eve of the millenium, so I booked a flight to Japan. Then the order came down from the boss that all managers had to stay in Bangkok on standby for Y2K problems.

In the end I persuaded the company that Japan wasn't Timbuktu and I could solve problems as easily from there as in Bangkok. I spent New Year's Eve at a kind of officially sponsored rave outside Kyoto Town Hall and the actual countdown at a warm and cosy bar near the river.

How about you?

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I booked in at the Rembrandt hotel BKK on a special 2night/3 day deal. It came with free dinner in the Mexican restaurant, and breakfasts in the executive dining room. New Years Eve arrived, and I donned my Dinner jacket,cumberbund and bow tie. Two minutes after I sat down to dinner,and before I had chance to partake of my first alcaholic beverage, I was taken ill and carried to my room,where I was out like a light until 07.00 the next morning. I awoke just in time to see the Millenium celebrations in London.

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Eve of new millenium = 31st December 2000.

I'm glad someone prompted me to remember why that particular new years eve should have been any different from the others... :D


trying to remember...


<deleted> knows... probably pished again!

:D :D :o:D

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I celebrated my birthday as I always have done on New Year's Eve.

Hey Yorkie... my youngest daughter was also born on New Year's Eve. :D

From now on, whenever I celebrate her birthday with her I'll have a thought for you too!

Cheers! :o

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Hey Yorkie... my youngest daughter was also born on New Year's Eve.  :o

Good onya and good luck to her.

BTW, of all the years I've been alive I've never had to organise a birthday party. Everybody in the world appears to be having one for me!

I must have saved a fortune. :D

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I was in Patong, in a bar called niterox (soi demolished now) and we were getting ready for the countdown and about to sing in unison 10, 9 . then the bar next door erupted "Happy New Year!" - wan kers!, missed the countdown, the fireworks were going off all around us and we were only on 9 or 8 :o

twas a very average night!

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I spent the evening on the roof of my Waikiki Highrise and watched the most incredible display of fireworks possilbe anywhere.

Many chinese live in the Waikiki area and firworks is an old Hawaiian tradition. Almost every house had thier own major display, often spending months of wages to hail the new millenium.

Having been in the top row of the L.A. Collesium to see the closing Olympic Games ceremonies in 1984 and their incredible fireworks display, I thought I would never see a better one until the one in Honolulu.

Imagine every house on the rising slopes of Diamond Head Crater each shooting off fireworks for more than three hours.

A bicycle ride the next day was almost impossible as the streets were awash in fireworks ashes and debris from the night before. 360 degrees of surround sound and lights, just incredible and what a vantage point, 26 floors above the smoke and pollution caused by the fireworks. Thanks to the OP for bringing back an incredible memory.

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Spent mine on the Liverpool Albert Dock. It was flocking crap. Nothing official was prepared for the countdown, so everybody was using their own watches.

"... 5... 4... 3... 2... no, hang on... 7.. 6... Shit! 1!!"

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Eve of new millenium = 31st December 2000.

Exactly:--Yer gotta wonder what all the excitement was about and where a lot of people studied simple mathermatics. Y2K was a troll instigated by those with another agenda :D

On that particular evening I went into hiding as I do on most New Years Eve's --- Sorry, can't stand the bullsh1t hipe. :o

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Eve of new millenium = 31st December 2000.

Exactly:--Yer gotta wonder what all the excitement was about and where a lot of people studied simple mathermatics.

OK, we all agree that it was not the start of a new millenium.

I think that a lot of the excitement stemmed from the fact that for most people on the planet, every single day of their lives had been spent living in the year 19xx - and that was about to change after midnight on 31st December 1999!

Plus I guess that after the eighties, and the nineties, the "naughties" sounded pretty appealing... :o

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My unit was on standby in Western Canada, just in case the world fell apart. We got to sit in the OPs room watching everyone celebrate on CNN.

Major let down.

I was kind of surprised that nobody took advantage of the situation (like Osama & company).

I think the whole thing was a hoax any ways (Y2K), mostly perpetuated by various IT companies looking to make a buck. Banks and Trust companies knew there were possible problems 25 years earlier, when they were doing long-term mortgages.

That means the software makers would have also known long before hand.

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We were on the roof of 'The Roof' in Bangsar, Malaysia. Watching with some incredulity the Chinese laundry over the road, still open after midnight, people still collecting and bringing in laundry.

Millenium, what millenium??

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Quiet little traditional street party at home with a big marquee,a disco,jellied eels,BBQ,cases of Champers and lots of good friends (alas...some have now since cast off their mortal...etc...and shuffled....)

Great "do" however :o

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I was in South Goa Palolem, had enough of chatting with people so spent it by myself, had nice tea and pancake with a special ingredient from kashmir, sat out on a big rock that was cut off from the coast when the tide come in as it got dark, and just watched the stars go by having a few smokes, accompanied by a shrew that kept coming to my water bottle for a quick drink. :D

Sure I see a 3 shooting starts but might have been the special tea I drunk beforehand and it would have been totally peaceful if I didn't keep having bouts of paranoia thinking there was an Indian guy standing on the beach watching me. :o:D:D

Anyway, something different which is what I was hoping for, they all been a bit crap since then. :D

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I donno can it be considered special or not. at least unusual I assume.

I was in some small village deep inside rural Bangladesh - explaining to locals in Bangla laguage the significance and meaning of Y2K and possible consiquences of what many scientists feared. somehow it was a bit hard - first of all it was necessary to make them understand what computer is at all - before proceeding to some more advanced matters to be able to finally approach to the Y2K problem itself. they didn't actually care about either Y2K or even any New Year eve accoding to western calender. they celebrate their own Bangla New Year there - Baisak festival. and their lives are so different and remote from even their own countryman in capital Dhaka - that hardly they'd've noticed any change at all even if Y2K has realy happened.

so, I donno is it something so special - gave me some realizations regarding life nevertheless.

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