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Sweating Too Much & Drinking 5 Liters Of Water Per Day

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I'm sweating a lot now because of the heat, and I'm replenishing my fluid (sweat) loss by drinking 5 liters of water throughout the day.

Should I increase my sodium levels a bit?

Should I eat a banana every day for the potassium?

Are the my sodium and potassium levels a potential problem?

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Basically the answer is YES to all your questions.

However, I am not a doctor.

In Australia, I have seen colour charts on the walls of public urinals, giving advice with regards to the colour of urine. On the worst case scenario, it says something like '' Stop work now, and seek medical advice immediately''

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That does sound like an extreme amount of water. I understand why you're asking. Have you tried drinking half that amount? If so, how do you feel? Do you feel super thirsty all the time?

I should add more details. I was too brief. My fault.

I don't feel thirsty.

I started drinking this much water throughout the day (not over a short period of time) about 2-3 years ago to combat the frequent gouts attacks I was getting.

To answer your question Jingthing, I have tried reducing my water (see below) and no I didn't feel thirsty.

I've solved the gout problem with Baking Soda, but I do think that the water is still helping dilute the uric acid in my blood. Reason: water I only drink say, 1-2 liters per day, it's the a minor forewarning of a gout attack returns (tight ankle, minor pain in previous gouts areas. I also drink beer every night. The water counteracts the potential for the beer to cause a gout attack.

I'm just wondering if that condition of too much water reducing sodium levels could happen b/c in hot season I do sweat a lot more.

Thanks for the responses and questions.

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Would be very careful to increase sodium intake; two things to consider:

1. Too much may cause BP problems

2. You are not sure (maybe you are) how the gout has affected your kidney functions; then an increase in both sodium and potassium intake would cause problems.

Easiest is to have a blood test for Na and K as well as a creatinine for kidney functions. These are inexpensive tests and done in just about every lab.

Water intake alone should not cause electrolyte imbalance with all other systems functioning normally. Dietary intake of K and Na should be adequate. Banana a day will keep K levels at bay...

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I also drink a lot of water, always have done, probably 3 to 4, or maybe 5 litres some days. When I am in the house it is just very easy for me to go to the water cooler and get a glass of water. Not really thirsty, and I will drink it all in one go! Just refreshing really. I would rather do that than guzzle any other soft drink that contains a lot of water.

note to self

must eat more bananas :)

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That does sound like an extreme amount of water. I understand why you're asking. Have you tried drinking half that amount? If so, how do you feel? Do you feel super thirsty all the time?

I should add more details. I was too brief. My fault.

I don't feel thirsty.

I started drinking this much water throughout the day (not over a short period of time) about 2-3 years ago to combat the frequent gouts attacks I was getting.

To answer your question Jingthing, I have tried reducing my water (see below) and no I didn't feel thirsty.

I've solved the gout problem with Baking Soda, but I do think that the water is still helping dilute the uric acid in my blood. Reason: water I only drink say, 1-2 liters per day, it's the a minor forewarning of a gout attack returns (tight ankle, minor pain in previous gouts areas. I also drink beer every night. The water counteracts the potential for the beer to cause a gout attack.

I'm just wondering if that condition of too much water reducing sodium levels could happen b/c in hot season I do sweat a lot more.

Thanks for the responses and questions.



You should watch how much Baking soda you take, for your Gout... it's not good from what I understand to continually use... high sodium levels... I'd check with your doctor on that.

Doctors here know gout very well here, as it is quite common with the Thai men. The pills they give you, are same as you'd get in the "west" but a lot cheaper!~! :D

(Also No Chicken! The locals will tell you that...although other foods too.)

I've suffered with gout for over a year now & control my flare ups with a broth made from black beans, which work very well. (don't eat the beans though!) I take every day.... The days I run out, I sure know it! :D

If you are interested PM me for details. There is a web site out of the UK that has a good following of Gout sufferers, called Gout Pal. You might want to google it & check it out. ... I think you will find many answers there.

As for water intake this sounds high, although they say too, that water is also good for reducing gout attacks... My intake of water, certainly increases during hot weather... but maybe double that of the cooler seasons.... no where near your levels.... :)

Good luck!

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The Mrs who is a nurse and has studied alternative medicine says 5 lts is about right in a hot climate (for farang), also take into account that beer dehydrates the body.

I have been told by the doctor to drink at least 3 lts a day and I probably drink as much as five.

Your urine is a good indication, if it is dark and infrequent not enough, if too often too much, if it is clear and not too often you are about right. If there is ever blood in it get to a doctor pronto.

If you are real worried go see a doctor.

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I also drink a lot of water. Urine color is used as a sign that I am drinking enuf. I also stock up on those mineral crystals that are used by athletes, the name escapes me. My concern is flushing out the minerals with a high water intake, and I usually take one every couple of days.

I have a physical every year, so not worried about diabetes as the checkup should spot it.

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That does sound like an extreme amount of water....

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone overdosing on water. (Except for the torture chamber where they pump water down your gullet until you explode; but I'm sure if you took that much, the stomach pain just might clue you in before you self-destruct...) :)

Edited by toptuan
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That does sound like an extreme amount of water....

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone overdosing on water. (Except for the torture chamber where they pump water down your gullet until you explode; but I'm sure if you took that much, the stomach pain just might clue you in before you self-destruct...) :)

Hmm, well no that the OP is overdosing on water - but yes actually it is possible. Water intoxication is the name, and I have seen it at first hand.

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That does sound like an extreme amount of water....

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone overdosing on water. (Except for the torture chamber where they pump water down your gullet until you explode; but I'm sure if you took that much, the stomach pain just might clue you in before you self-destruct...) :)

You can OD on water and think under "normal" conditions you need to get around 7 litres down your neck....Vaguely remember a story many years where a happy clappy family in the US had committed sucide by OD'ing on water, cant remember the exact details, but remember thinking at the time...you learn something new everyday OD on Water... :D

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A word of warning. When getting tested for diabetes get tested at 2 separate places. I had every single symptom of diabetes and it runs in the family so I got tested. Blood sugar normal according to the quack. Went home, thought " This ain't right" and got tested at another clinic. Diabetic.

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Just gargle "overdose water" :)

I think the problems stem from the alcohol intake more than the water consumption,by the sound of it you are drinking more water because the alcohol you drink every night dehydrates you,then on top of this you are drinking your 2 to 3 litres which is an ok amount because of the heat and loss of fluid throughout your normal daily exertions.

Also you say you struggle with gout or have done so i would say a lot of it is connected again to the demon drink!!

Edited by NADTATIDA1
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I think I going to buy more coconuts. Its a good drink, straight from the fridge in the morning, has got isotonic values as well :D

Very true,you also will not need any Bananas as its high in potassium.

A little cocktail i used to have in Cambodia was lao khao in a long glass topped up with ice and coconut juice and freshly squeezed limes,really nice drink and does the trick :D

sorry for going :) a little!

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Hmm, well no that the OP is overdosing on water - but yes actually it is possible. Water intoxication is the name, and I have seen it at first hand.

Depends a lot on what you put in it.

Not exactly. :)

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FBN, thanks for this advice.

Would be very careful to increase sodium intake; two things to consider:

1. Too much may cause BP problems

When I get my BP checked at the doctor (which is only once or twice per year) it has been terribly high: 150/100, the last time. I know this is stroke-material, but it was during a massive gout attack and I was in severe pain. Possible white-coat syndrome, too.

I need to buy a home BP monitor.

2. You are not sure (maybe you are) how the gout has affected your kidney functions; then an increase in both sodium and potassium intake would cause problems.

Easiest is to have a blood test for Na and K as well as a creatinine for kidney functions. These are inexpensive tests and done in just about every lab.

Yes, I've been concerned about the many comments about kidneys, when someone has had as many gout attacks as me. Even though I've conquered gout, my kidneys could have been damaged?

I'll check into those test. Thanks.

Water intake alone should not cause electrolyte imbalance with all other systems functioning normally. Dietary intake of K and Na should be adequate. Banana a day will keep K levels at bay...

OK, that 1 banana per day, is a good way to balance sodium levels, then?

Thanks, FBN.

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You should watch how much Baking soda you take, for your Gout... it's not good from what I understand to continually use... high sodium levels... I'd check with your doctor on that.

Yes, I take a 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in the AM (immediately after waking up) and in the PM (right before bed).

Yes, it surely is increasing my sodium levels. How much, I don't know. But I have conquered my chronic gout by using it.

Doctors here know gout very well here, as it is quite common with the Thai men. The pills they give you, are same as you'd get in the "west" but a lot cheaper!~! :)


I got a prescription for it 2 years ago, but the Dr. (American in Asia) did order a liver test to see if my liver could handle it. (I posted about it here). Then, when I started taking it, it made my hear pound harder. I stopped taking it on my own, without consulting a Dr.

I just use Baking Soda, now.

I've suffered with gout for over a year now & control my flare ups with a broth made from black beans, which work very well. (don't eat the beans though!) I take every day.... The days I run out, I sure know it! :D

Black bean broth? Very interesting.

You take a can of black beans from the super market? How do you make the broth? TIA.

If you are interested PM me for details. There is a web site out of the UK that has a good following of Gout sufferers, called Gout Pal. You might want to google it & check it out. ... I think you will find many answers there.

I'll google 'Gout pal' tonight. Thanks.

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That does sound like an extreme amount of water....

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone overdosing on water. (Except for the torture chamber where they pump water down your gullet until you explode; but I'm sure if you took that much, the stomach pain just might clue you in before you self-destruct...) :)

Hmm, well no that the OP is overdosing on water - but yes actually it is possible. Water intoxication is the name, and I have seen it at first hand.

Well thank you, indeed. That explanation is going to come in a might handy the next time I stumble home to the wife (or into the office). :D

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Sweating alone is not a problem I am told. I was also not aware that too much H2O intake was a problem on its own(although on mrtoad's advice I will check with a couple of equine sport vets[yes there are such people] in Sing next week and post their opinions).That said I know nought of gout. Be aware that by the time you feel thirsty it is too late to replenish. Also drinking COLD stuff might be refreshing at the time, but energy is required to bring it to the bodies temperature for digestion. Sure you've noticed hot water served with meals in the hottest countries.

I work throughout SE Asia in a hot job as a farrier(shoeing horses) This involves being in close proximity to a forge/furnace running at about 1100C and fighting 500kg sweat machines.

On work days I take a pharmaceutical grade electrolyte powder. I previously took a dozen salt tabs daily on doctors advice without alleviating problems of severe cramping. Electrolytes are easily available at pharmacies. Without I have debilitating problems with cramping. Whilst I'm not a doctor, experience with equine sport in our area confirms this as an easy way to stay on top of dehydration.

Alchohol is definately contra-indicated as it makes you pass(piss) more than you intake, but I don't practice abstinance personally. Can I say piss(twice) on the forum?

Good luck and I'd be interested in how it goes for you.

All taking baking soda - I reckon you should keep it for cooking pikelets and look at real electrolytes. Not 100+ OR Gatorade. The real thing. Trust me - I'm a blacksmith and I'm going to be an astronaut when(if) I grow up.

Edited by andrew55
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If you refuse to curb your drinking i doubt in the long run you will be able to keep the gout at bay.

No, I haven't had a gout attack basically, in 1 year.

The baking soda works: I can eat and drink anything.

However you could try apple cider vinegar and steer clear of red meat and dairy.

Again, I can eat anything and drink anything.

I did use ACV and it's very healthy.

It can however, cause the blood to become more acidic in some people if they take it daily.

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