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I think the we should give a rest to Bush now. He is really really stuck in Iraq.

Any one has any friend who has got caught to his "Gwanthanamobay” legal prison.

Heard that he is going to seek some more land to expand it coz he is getting more and more prisoners everyday.

I think the best now is to transfer all Iraqi’s to "Gwanthanamobay” and then start ditching the oil alone in Iraq.

Oh..I am just joking..He is a great leader..


I think the we should give a rest to Bush now. He is really really stuck in Iraq.

Any one has any friend who has got caught to his "Gwanthanamobay” legal prison.

Heard that he is going to seek some more land to expand it coz he is getting more and more prisoners everyday.

I think the best now is to transfer all Iraqi’s to "Gwanthanamobay” and then start ditching the oil alone in Iraq.

Oh..I am just joking..He is a great leader..

What about turning Iraq into a giant "Gwanthanamobay” and use the prisoners as oil diggers ? :o

Now, that's a plan. Where is my $250m commission ? B)

Bush bashing thread :o not sure whether that would be very enjoyable :D

I love all all kind of Bush B) but that one is very Toxic

Someone needs to give him another pretzel so he can chuck on it B)

Guest IT Manager
Oh..I am just joking..He is a great leader..

Really... whose leader is he?


More fun on the Iraqi Front:

Earlier, the US military announced that the US-backed mayor of a Shia Muslim district of Baghdad had been shot and killed by a US soldier.


The people of Iraq are emerging from a long trial. For them, there will be no going back to the days of the dictator, to the miseries and humiliation he inflicted on that good country. - George W. Bush, National Address, September 7, 2003


Someone needs to give him another pretzel so he can chuck on it :D

didn't he choke on it? or was that the chicken :oB)

Oh..I am just joking..He is a great leader..

Really... whose leader is he?

IT, He is the leader of UK and Australia. How did you miss that?

Still having a small power strugle with Sadam and Bin Laden. I am sure he will overcome it very soon. :o

He do not like Oil. It is not true. He want to help people in Iraq and also in Ethiyopiya. {..wrong spelling}

Oh.. He want to make the world full of fun with fireworks everywhere. :DB)

Guest IT Manager
IT, He is the leader of UK and Australia. How did you miss that?

He do not like Oil. It is not true. He want to help people in Iraq and also in Ethiyopiya. {..This for Axel and Kwiz supports spelling things sensibly}

Oh.. He want to make the world full of fun with fireworks everywhere. :o:D

Yes but we call our fireworks Dok mai fai and we don't measure them against the lengths of our dicks in megatons.

He can stay the leader of the "free" (LOL) world.. I personally will stick with Thailand.

I personally will stick with Thailand.

Yes IT..you can stick until it has no oil on the surface. If it has, then it will also slip to bushe's grip.

" we will fight with all Terrorist and finish this war. We will win.We will hunt them down anywhere in this world..." {more backgound fireworks}..So... I repeat.." :o:D

Latest news..

Just now..some more fireworks in Afganistan, celebrating the events.


Where is my Tape? ..Here we go... B)B)B)


Quote : ######

He can stay the leader of the "free" (LOL) world.. I personally will stick with Thailand.


Kan Win:-

and in Thailand.

Here here Khun IT, nice one

Someone needs to give him another pretzel so he can chuck on it  :D

didn't he choke on it? or was that the chicken :oB)

yes he did but not only that, he also fell because he couldn't chew and stand up at the same time B)


This is pretty good:


"Since the New Deal, Republicans have been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to ordinary Americans; Social Security, the war in Vietnam, equal rights, civil liberties, church- state separation, consumer issues, public education, reproductive freedom, national health care, labor issues, gun policy, campaign-finance reform, the environment and tax fairness. No political party could remain so consistently wrong by accident. The only rational conclusion is that, despite their cynical "family values" propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups. "

I personally will stick with Thailand.

Yes IT..you can stick until it has no oil on the surface. If it has, then it will also slip to bushe's grip.

" we will fight with all Terrorist and finish this war. We will win.We will hunt them down anywhere in this world..." {more backgound fireworks}..So... I repeat.." :o:D

Latest news..

Just now..some more fireworks in Afganistan, celebrating the events.


Where is my Tape? ..Here we go... B)B)B)

The word is that 60% of the country is back into the hands of the Taliban. Maybe there is hope for Saddam. He could back into power by next year summer B)

The word is that 60% of the country is back into the hands of the Taliban. Maybe there is hope for Saddam. He could back into power by next year summer :o

Yes.. they just finished a new constituation to Afganistan and will comeout with another Brand New one for Iraq.

Sadam and Laden can now officially come into power as soon as Bush go to jail for all war crimes.

Trying to create Democracy in a Muslim Country? :DB)

Good for a Holiwood Movie.


Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides. :o

Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides. :o

Quote: "Fact is the majority respect him as a leader". Majority in US; yes may be and we can see in 2004. But remember, do not try to do any opinion polls outside US. Better to just say like the way you say. If you ask from 100 people in Thaland, whether they think US should have invaded Iraq? then you will see the reality. But then, do not think they are Anti American or they are jealous for yours success with Bush. The right way to put it is, I think still people in the world like US without Bush. Including myself.

Quote: "Our economy is awesome..."

Yes..that is why all this fireworks..isn't it? It is always you..you'r people and your economy..

Quote: "Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?"

Agreed if you also agree to accept the same.

Here is my logic..

What I mean is, you are not an Afgani or Iraqi. So who gave you the right and the approval to go and land in Iraq and Afganistan [for what ever the reason]. If you think that is to help Iraqi and Afgan people then, we also should have a fair chance to express our thoughts as outsiders to this conflict like the way you have put your finger to an outside conflict. If you want more examples, U can also take Israel-Palastine conflict. Why U are so much interested in it?

US asked for International Backing for this war public. So are you trying to say that all of us should beleive G.W Bush and back his A** blindly like U.

Quote: "So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides."

Why I should get Jealous? It is you who get hammered in Iraq and Afganistan. Not me. All I care is about the fact that your Country has invaded Iraq and then giving various excuses and statements everyday to justify it.

Many Asian's concern about it. What will be your next Target as this is not going to be an end. It is important for us to see a way that you comeout from this mess and not handover Iraq to Sadam and Afgan to Osama back. Bush's father did it once after the Gulf War and so many Iraqi's who backed you at that time became innocent victims of Sadam. That is the style of your country. As you have very correctly said..it is always about your Economy.. YOu have Already invaded Iraq and Afganistan. It's a fact and nothing to argue. Now that you are stuck, we all should be so much concerned about your next action. That will be very important to all of us as we all know that it is not possible to fight against Terrorist Networks by hating them.

If a Bad Dog trying to Byte you what you do? Hope U will not byte the Dog Back.

Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides. :o

Whole lotta logic and rational thinking went into this post, eh SoCal?

With arguments like these you could give Bush and Cheney a run for their money and enter the '04 race yourself. Go buzz an oil company for the campaign funds. Oy maybe millionaire Mr Vietnam could help you out. :DB)


[soCal Posted on Wed 2003-11-12, 00:58:30

Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides.


Jealous, I dont think so. Dubya Bush is a worldwide joke who is becoming increasingly unfunny.

I doubt that the majority of Americans support him, it wasn't the majority who made him president, as demonstrated in the last election (FLORIDA=FRAUD).

Everyone has a right to speak out, Dubya's actions just do not affect his own or the countries he is invading, they affect us all. I pray they kick the muppet out of office next year but I very much doubt it.


I think it's interesting that our president can be the subject of ridicule by individuals and by comedians on national TV.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of his fans but he's doing a tough job in an impossible climate.

God forbid we said something bad or ridiculed "certain leaders" of "certain other countries." God forbid!!!


Oh Goody, the gangs all here.

Kwiz- 1) Yes the majority of the U.S. I don't tell you who to ellect, so why do you think it your right to tell us. It's my world, your just living in it. 2)Israel/Palestinian conflict. What makes you think I care. We fund our friends, that's all plain and simple. 3) Iraq and Afghanistan aren't a walk in the park, but a lot of headway has been made. It is our's to bear, and bear it we will. PS- dog? Shoot it dead.

Plachon- Mon ami, truth is that I respect Bush (pause for laughs) for how he conducted himself post 9/11, but I really don't care for him. Just tired of people bad mouthing my country, and my president. Going back to the revolutionary war- Don't Tread on Me.

Pablo- Laugh it up chuckle nuts. You obviously have no idea how my county works, or haven't joined us in reality. Florida was not a fraud. Read up on the electoral college, and get back to me.

Stumonster- Read the Australian news? Amused that they have it, but you cannot be serious.

Doc- Suffice it to say, you know me well enough, and have seen how thoughtful and considerate. No need to 86, just let me know I've crossed some line, or better yet, let me have my fun. :o


So Cal, Bush is an idiot. He is not respected by more than a handful of world leaders and has little support from the world's population. He has over simplified a very complex matter to make it good versus evil, us verse them. Many Americans have fallen for this and its a shame.

Oh Goody, the gangs all here.

Kwiz- 1) Yes the majority of the U.S. I don't tell you who to ellect, so why do you think it your right to tell us. It's my world, your just living in it.

2)Israel/Palestinian conflict. What makes you think I care. We fund our friends, that's all plain and simple. 3) Iraq and Afghanistan aren't a walk in the park, but a lot of headway has been made. It is our's to bear, and bear it we will. PS- dog? Shoot it dead.

Plachon- Mon ami, truth is that I respect Bush (pause for laughs) for how he conducted himself post 9/11, but I really don't care for him. Just tired of people bad mouthing my country, and my president. Going back to the revolutionary war- Don't Tread on Me.

Pablo- Laugh it up chuckle nuts. You obviously have no idea how my county works, or haven't joined us in reality. Florida was not a fraud. Read up on the electoral college, and get back to me.

Stumonster- Read the Australian news? Amused that they have it, but you cannot be serious.

Doc- Suffice it to say, you know me well enough, and have seen how thoughtful and considerate. No need to 86, just let me know I've crossed some line, or better yet, let me have my fun. :o


"1) Yes the majority of the U.S. I don't tell you who to ellect, so why do you think it your right to tell us. It's my world, your just living in it. "

I think you guys need some feminine touch to comeout from this mess. Also you need a leader who knows how to respect another nation. Not only to think your country, your economy by invading other countries. If US want to do it, then you should do it in a smarter way than your present leader. I mean, not to tell one thing today and then tomorrow another thing to cover up what he said yesterday.

It is upto you guys to vote. But your vote this time will effect all of us coz this leader of yours have messed the world like a soup.

2)Israel/Palestinian conflict. What makes you think I care. We fund our friends, that's all plain and simple.

This is the thinking that make US so unpopular and make more enemies everyday. If you are a Terrorist then I am not going to fund you saying that you are my Friend. It is about what is right and wrong. If your logic is right, then nothing wrong if Saudi decide to fund Bin Laden offcially as his Family is very powerful in Saudi.

3) Iraq and Afghanistan aren't a walk in the park, but a lot of headway has been made. It is our's to bear, and bear it we will.

Yes, say if US can do it by some luck. Then what is next. Do you think they will elect a democratic leader and run the country in a democratic way.

Hey..these are muslim countries. You and I can not understand how they think. All we know is that they can become extreamist within minutes.

I am sure very soon, Iraqi Police trained by US and also the Iraqi Governing counsil will go against US. That is the way they are. I heard that it has already started to happen.

Then what will happen to the innocent people who really supported US. Remember, though US say all Iraqi's welcome them, it is not true. I think very few Iraqi's welcome US. But they may not be violent and few will react like the way it is hapenning now.

But my friend, no one like to see another country Invading their own Country.

It is more than how you feel when people critisize your Country.

You have no right to Invade any country.

"PS- dog? Shoot it dead."

Yes Agreed..but this is like Biting the Dog back. Shooting means, No Bin Laden, No Sadam now. Biting means, you go into that level and fighting with them puting all others into risk.

"Just tired of people bad mouthing my country, and my president"

One mistake. You are wrong here. People do not say anything for you guys or your Country. It is all centered across your President. He is the culprit and without Bush, the world is a much much more safe. Remember after 9/11, the entire world moaned with you guys. We all critisized it. The world was behind US at that time. But this President of yours make it otherway around. He used it for his personal gains and economic gains. Hope you can understand what I am trying to say.

So Cal, Bush is an idiot. He is not respected by more than a handful of world leaders and has little support from the world's population. He has over simplified a very complex matter to make it good versus evil, us verse them. Many Americans have fallen for this and its a shame.

Yes, Bob..He has over simplified things. Some extremist people who dislike US even before Sep 11 are now jumping. They really gained from Bush’s policies. He really isolated US in the world map. For his unluck, he has only Colin Powel to talk with some sense to the International Media. I consider Powel as the only hope that Bush has if he really need to come out from this mess.

He himself with his other few colleges should not come out and talk in public as they all do not know what they are talking. The way US handled the Media is one big factor that contributed to this mess. Each time that Rice and Rum open the mouth you guys create more enemies and also put down your credibility.

Look at the Private Lynch story. What a Holiwood movie !!!

So how can we believe what US say everyday is true?

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