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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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Never saw in the foreign press one single time red shirts beeing branded as terrorists .

Only saw that here in TV .

See 2010-05-10 21:19:34 Are you suffering from RSI?


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Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that the red leaders filed a case against him with DSI - which was at first refused and then taken. Perhaps at this time they were not aware of any "conflict of intrest"...

Might the nightmare be over soon!

Cannot, because you are absolutely right. Case was submitted to the DSI. Nattawut's demand was for Suthep to turn himself in for killing the people. Bluff called, Nattawut changes his mind and Che starts spouting.

Just a man taking his dog for a walk - whats wrong with that !!!


BTW this was last Sonkran, yes the one where the peacful protesters where burning buses and try to blow up gas tankers (and shot two people)...

It's really easy pouring out all this rubbish when thinking it's anonymous.

Would the mods please export the list of all the users, together with email addresses and IP addresses at the times of posts, and the content of the forum and send it to the DSI?

Can't be against the rules, can it? Or should DSI be hinted to ask for it?

I'm sure a number of people hiding behind aliases will disappear very quickly as you know, all ISPs in Thailand keep their IP records for the past 3 months in case there's dispute over bills.

It would make it much easier to moderate also, when people realize they can actually be responsible for what they post...

I can see that you are a strong defender of the freedom of expression

Congrats ...

Freedom of expression is that you can say anything you want, but not at the expense of others. So if I said someone is a liar, thief, robber, rapist, and a paedophile - which anonymously of course I could, that person could take me to court, where I would have to prove that in fact I have undisputable evidence to back my claims. Else I could be jailed for defamation.

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are not given for brainless bashing and flaming of others with no backing of what is said and no responsibility taken by those who say it.

I'm sure you'd understand that?

The standard debate is Freedom Of Speech & Expression vs Maintenance of Public Order and Individual Rights.

The airing of a doctored audio clip of the PM with no disclaimers of its authenticity is a complete violation of the latter under most jurisdictions. It would be a very lenient authority which allowed PTV to go back on the air after that one.


I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

Perhaps the government needs another 30 dead citizens and a few thousand injured before they realize that those Red Leader do not want Peace! They want Thaksin's money and will fight until the bitter end....better civil war than giving in! Government has been patient for 6 weeks, with ten thousands of people suffering...nowhere in the world a situation like this is possible...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...Suthep will turn himself in tomorrow, then give those Red fuc_kers 6 hours to disperse or SEND THE TANKS!

Why are you asking for innocent civilians to be murdered? What is your justification exactly?

They know they are there illegal. The red leaders have told them time and time again, that the army will come, but "we will fight to death". There are no innocent civilians in the red camp. They will have free ride home if they want. the ones to blame is the red leaders and som red supporters here on TV. I hope the leaders will send the children away now, if they have any responsibility. The adults have their own choice what to do.

anyone in the protest, he or she would understand there is a risk ( and many many risks ). this is not as simple as going to a movie, and just burn some hours ! it is their own choice ( or own will as someone said ) to be there !

it is also their own choice to stay or to go ! any decision, don't blame others, they should understand that from the day one !

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

Actually, there is no double standard.

Many of the red leaders today were released on bail from 3 years ago, not 2 years like PAD leaders, and the red leaders' trials are still not visible on the horizon after even a greater time of waiting by the public to see them held accountable.

These thugs have been leading violence for a loooong time with, as of yet, no repercussions.

I believe they might have violated their bail conditions around 2,109 times:

From the August 6, 2007 The Nation

Six anti-coup leaders freed on bail

Six detained leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship are released on bail on Monday at 5 pm on a condition ordered by the Criminal Court that they will not lead any rallies or cause trouble concerning the national security.

The six leaders are Veera Musigapong, Jatuporn Phromphan, Jakrapob Penkair, Natthawut Saikua, Wiputalaeng Patanapumithai and Apiwan Wiriyachai.

The Monday release meant all nine DADD leaders were out of jail.

On August 2, the Criminal Court freed on bail Weng Tojirakarn and Manit Jitchanklab on bail after each deposited Bt200,000 as guarantee.

National Human Rights Commissioner Jaran Ditha-apichai was released on bail a few days earlier.

Nine DAAD leaders were arrested for their alleged connection with clashes in front of Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda's residence on July 22.

Ooops... Che, Che? Cheeee? Where are you?

Dunk,...whenever you need someone to get a good explanation they're nowhere to be found...sjeeez...

Che, Che? Are you listening?

Ah...never mind...

Okay, let's say the reds disperse... then suddenly all the leaders are exposed. They can be arrested on the spot, but they will not be, because the police do not want to arrest them. So there we have it... terrorists bargaining with the government because the government has no power to enforce the law. Honestly I want to see Prayuth in there NOW....

Get some sharpshooters on the buildings and start picking off the leaders one by one... then lets see if they negotiate...

Does this board/forum condone the assasination of people not yet proven guilty of crimes. Is this not stepping over the boundries of the purpose of this Forum? There are a lot of dumb comments made here, on both sides, but calling for assasinations I believe goes a few steps too far. Is there a moderator listening?

agree with you . Another nutcase to join tomorrow at police station .


What's the point of all of this?

Suthep will report to the police. He won't be charged with anything, because there is nothing to charge him with.

When Suthep walks free from the police tomorrow morning, what will the reds do then?

They know he is going to walk free. They are just using it as an excuse to keep protesting.

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that the red leaders filed a case against him with DSI - which was at first refused and then taken. Perhaps at this time they were not aware of any "conflict of intrest"...

Might the nightmare be over soon!

Hope so and Good night

Just a man taking his dog for a walk - whats wrong with that !!!


BTW this was last Sonkran, yes the one where the peacful protesters where burning buses and try to blow up gas tankers (and shot two people)...

and maybe the most flabbergasting thing is how the gov't sorta plays into the reds' game of "offers" "proposals" and all of this nonsense. that shows them that they are in a position of power to have all of these special rights to negotiate, when they've done so many vile things and broken the law so many times over. they need to bring it to an end, or it'll never end playing into the red leader's silly games. they've proven time and time again they don't negotiate anyhow. well, just prayin' the saga concludes soon, even if the ol' canines need to be brought in to vacate the roads.

Never saw in the foreign press one single time red shirts beeing branded as terrorists .

Only saw that here in TV .

See 2010-05-10 21:19:34 Are you suffering from RSI?


It is surely not the responsibility of the foreign press, to decide what kind of criminal codes are broken by Thais in Thailand.

Suthep and Abhisit shouldn't have to face equivalent charges for anything. The reds are convinced that both are responsible for the killing and wounding of many on April 10. However, their "proof" as they call it, is from a video played by Arisiman which shows nothing but shadowy, blurred figures. That's not evidence at all.

The government has no problem blaming grenade attacks on the red shirts - without even blurry video evidence. So where is that evidence? Better a blurry video than nothing at all. :)

Nothing at all? For starters, Che, maybe you missed this:

"The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) announced on Friday night that it has arrested an ex-policeman and another suspect who allegedly confessed that they were hired to attack the Temple of the Emerald Buddha with RPG rockets...Pol Lance Corporal Bandit Sitthitum, 43, and Supanat Ui-yawet, 43, were paid 500,000 baht by Pol Lt Col Supachai Tuikaewkam, whose wife, Juriporn Sintuprai, was a red-shirt leader from Pattaya."

Who knows at this point what information Methi Amornwutthikul has given thus far, but it does seem that Sae-Daeng has been implicated in there.

I don't even want to think about what would have happened if the Emerald Buddha was blown up! It's insanity to attack one of the most sacred Temple's in Thailand. And it's very near the Royal Palace. But I can't vote here, still! But please, have some pride in your heritage! And respect for the Kingdom of Thailand...

How difficult can it be?. The redshirts want to fool Suthep in to trap. If he surrender to the police and they let him go even if the evidence against him are indisputable for put to actions attack with live bullits killing 25, injuered 1000,- then the police have to let all the redshirts go free also. :D

Except for the minor fact that Suthep acted in protecting Thailand and the reds are treasonous terrorists intent on overthrowing the state. :)

Excuse me, but isn't a coup overthrowing a state too?

No, that's overthrowing a government.

The coup only removed the expired acting caretaker PM Thaksin,

who had resigned previously, and decided to UNresign unilaterally on his own.

And his dwindling cabinet of yes men,

he had totally failed in his ONLY constitutional duty to properly run an election.

There was no Parliament sitting to overthrow. Thaksin served at the pleasure of HRM.

After he resigned publicly, he never visited the palace to be reconfirmed as acting PM.

He was unelected at that time, no mandate, and not doing his job properly.

Nevermind...the reds are nothing but major liars. How can people here believe anything they say! They are a total disgrace to the Thai people.

The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

I do not care what your opinion is, but I do know that you do not speak for the entire Thai people - you only speak for yourself.

I heard the broadcast in English. The demand was for Suthep to surrender to the police not the DSI. What Abhisit has been given is an oppotunity to to have a fall guy. The question is this: will the puppet masters sacrifice Suthep to move the peace process forward? Time will tell.

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.

I find it quite preposterous to suggest that all those hundreds of soldiers were firing fully automatic weapons at the crowds and yet there were only 23 deaths, 1 of which was from some sort of seizure, 1 a zoo keeper some distance from the site and 5 soldiers, that makes a potential total of 16 deaths from soldiers firing at protestors. With all the gunshots I hear on the videos from the 10th April, if they were live rounds being fired as part of a "crackdown" ordered by the "brutal Suthep" there would be many hundreds of deaths. Now, one video I have seen very clearly shows a redshirt being shot dead from his own ranks, whilst the army run away in the opposite direction. So this is at least one death of a redshirt from a war weapon, fired by redshirts or the redshirt militia lead by Seh Daeng (let's not pretend the two aren't linked, it is an insult to our intelligence). If one redshirt was killed by their own team then it is quite likely that more were. To be balanced, it is also quite likely that some redshirts were shot dead by soldiers who were either shit scared or angry that their mates were blown up by a grenade attack (and let's not pretend there is no evidence for this, I have seen videos of soldiers standing around one minute and getting blown up the next).

The videos shown by Arisman are ridiculous. If that is the evidence against Suthep then no wonder he is happy to turn himself in. The reds have used doctored videos before and somehow it took weeks for them to come up with this pathetic thing - something tells me that it won't stand up to scrutiny.

The PM has offered an independent enquiry into this incident, but that doesn't seem good enough for the reds. Of course it isn't because it will show that the largest part of the blame is on them.

Whilst I have no doubt that there are still quite a large number of genuine protestors at Ratchaprasong who do not deserve to get maimed or killed, they are clearly being lead and influenced by truly devious people who obviously have no interest in democracy unless it is the red democracy where they get to say who goes to jail and for what, where they get to say who can travel on the roads or not, where they decide who can go to work or not, where they can fire grenades at people and a declaration of "it wasn't us" is good enough for the police, where they get to kidnap people and not get punished for it, where they get to gorge their stupid fat faces on MacDonalds whilst the "prai" they abandoned at the army blockade get pelted with rubber bullets.

The PM should stop trying to talk reason to these unreasonable people and stop them for good before this pathetic minority lead by criminals and aided by terrorists drag everybody down with them. As we all know, this can be done by preventing people from re entering the protest zone once they have left, cutting off all food and water and if necessary shooting the worst instigators of this violence, such as Arisman and Seh Daeng using snipers. The red leadership are the bad guys, deal with them like the bad guys and stop pretending they can be part of the solution, they can't be unless people want to live in an ultra corrupt Thaksinland, with the redshirt muppet team as his "red law" enforcers. If the PM believes that people who bestow upon themselves such stupid and glorifying nicknames as Isaan Rambo could be trusted to take part in a transparent reconciliation process he is as mad as the lunatics he faces.

I think it's gone a bit beyond the " shoot them all and start again " stage.

Are you really suggesting multiple, public, Government sponsored assassinations as a solution ??

If you are, you don't live here and if your view prevails ( which I accept it could ) the social, political and economic consequences don't bear thinking about.


Nevermind...the reds are nothing but major liars. How can people here believe anything they say! They are a total disgrace to the Thai people.

The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

I do not care what your opinion is, but I do know that you do not speak for the entire Thai people - you only speak for yourself.

I heard the broadcast in English. The demand was for Suthep to surrender to the police not the DSI. What Abhisit has been given is an oppotunity to to have a fall guy. The question is this: will the puppet masters sacrifice Suthep to move the peace process forward? Time will tell.

I will ask again then,

Surrender to what charge or warrant? Please please tell me, I would really like to know.


Corporal Bandit Sitthitum....

To be arraigned for shooting at sitting Buddha and missing.

You can't make this stuff up.

He missed.

Must be Karma


I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?
<a href="http://www.france24.com/en/20100411-exclusive-france-24-footage-payen-show-soldiers-firing-crowd-riot-clashes-violence-demonstration-bangkok-thailand-crack" target="_blank">http://www.france24.com/en/20100411-exclus...-thailand-crack</a>For your viewing pleasure <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />

all firing was in single-shot mode.

Given the speed with which both Suthep and Abhisit called the Red bluff and agreed to the demand that they go to the Police, I speculate that the tables may have been turned and that it is now they who have someone on the the 'inside' of the Red sanctum/rectum.

Nah. They were probably laughing so hard at the suggestion that they looked at each other, shrugged shoulders, and said "What the &lt;removed&gt;? Let's do it."

The redshirt leaders are using rhetoric that they usually reserve for their stages. Anyone with half a brain can't help but see that the redshirt leaders delusions are now bordering on insanity.

Is there no weapon that can explode after piercing the side of the container the leaders meet in? Till this very minute I've thought waiting it out was for the best, but now I can see horrible future violence if this isn't made to end soon. Hopefully by cutting the heads off the beast.

What you need is a shaped-charge anti-tank round. It focuses the explosion on a narrow point (about 25mm) and blows the molten metal into the tank/container. I'm sure the Thai Army would have something of the sort, been around for years. :):D:D


I'm sure a number of people hiding behind aliases will disappear very quickly as you know, all ISPs in Thailand keep their IP records for the past 3 months in case there's dispute over bills.

It would make it much easier to moderate also, when people realize they can actually be responsible for what they post...

Freedom of expression is that you can say anything you want, but not at the expense of others. So if I said someone is a liar, thief, robber, rapist, and a paedophile - which anonymously of course I could, that person could take me to court, where I would have to prove that in fact I have undisputable evidence to back my claims. Else I could be jailed for defamation.

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are not given for brainless bashing and flaming of others with no backing of what is said and no responsibility taken by those who say it.

I'm sure you'd understand that?

But it works here in the forum. I had a warning from the global moderator, because I gave a "strong" english translation from Moliere (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme) to comment some posters here: A force de peter plus haut, le cul prend la place du cerveau. - Farting higher than the ass you risk that the ass takes the place of your mind. Psychosomatic : Flatulence (stress, brainwashing, personal disorder) normally goes the natural way down.(Diarrhea). But sometimes it goes the opposite way = logohea.

I accept the second warning of the global administrator, but no double standard: The posters with logohea, see above, need a good treatment too, some mouth-constipating pills or Papaya-salad against flatulence.

For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :)

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.

The M16 clips hold 10, 20, or 30 rounds. There are four positions on the selector switch: safe, where it cannot be fired; semi, where it will fire on single shot or as long as the trigger is held, generally for relatively short bursts; burst, which shoots three bullets in rapid succession; and full automatic. It fires 12 rounds per second. On full auto with a 10 round clip, it is emptied in less than one second. With the 30 round clip, two and a half seconds.

I didn't know the news said they only used single shots. Instead, I trusted you when you said that videos show otherwise.

I looked for those dozens of Youtube videos showing full automatic rounds. I looked at two from April 10, and one from April 13.

was taken on April 10. Every shot was a single shot; there were some close to each other, but there were multiple soldiers firing. Every weapon has a distinct sound, and these were obviously single shots. At one stage you can detect muzzle flash - there were three separate shots, equating with three muzzle flashes - not sustained shooting.

In this video the narrator on the scene said during the first stage of the confrontation, "I don't think they're [the Thai army] firing into the crowd. If they had been firing into the crowd, half these people would be dead."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ksYZkQeRxA...feature=related Was also from April 10, from a different vantage point. Every shot is obviously a single shot. Interesting to note that the photographer keeps panning to the upper floors of one building, and we see red shirts pointing to the upper floors. The army was ahead, and down the street.

is from April 13. Over some very badly added sound effects and the screeching of whistles added, one can hear that every shot was a single shot.

I searched Youtube on "Thai army shooting." I looked at these because I didn't want you to do my work for me, and I didn't want to say "link, please."

So, even though there were only 60 hits, a lot were of Swedish aircraft, muay Thai boxing, Pakistani weapons, and so on.

So at this point, I've tried to verify what you said. I cannot - not without spending/wasting hours of my time. So I will now say to you - "link, please."

And I really do hope you have dozens of links. I would hate to think that you're just another red apologist who is a prevaricator of that commodity known as the truth.

I was just about to comment that "that will never happen" & then I saw the second post! :) Well, I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm going to bet that the Red leaders thought that Sutep would never do it. He's either called their bluff or he's obeying the law. :D

TheLaw!!!! What law?

This reminds me of an old time poker game called blind mans bluff. Everyone is blind and everyone bluffs.

Is there no weapon that can explode after piercing the side of the container the leaders meet in? Till this very minute I've thought waiting it out was for the best, but now I can see horrible future violence if this isn't made to end soon. Hopefully by cutting the heads off the beast.

What you need is a shaped-charge anti-tank round. It focuses the explosion on a narrow point (about 25mm) and blows the molten metal into the tank/container. I'm sure the Thai Army would have something of the sort, been around for years. :):D:D

Of which unfortunately Sae Dung has an abundance of!

For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :)

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.

The M16 clips hold 10, 20, or 30 rounds. There are four positions on the selector switch: safe, where it cannot be fired; semi, where it will fire on single shot or as long as the trigger is held, generally for relatively short bursts; burst, which shoots three bullets in rapid succession; and full automatic. It fires 12 rounds per second. On full auto with a 10 round clip, it is emptied in less than one second. With the 30 round clip, two and a half seconds.

I didn't know the news said they only used single shots. Instead, I trusted you when you said that videos show otherwise.

I looked for those dozens of Youtube videos showing full automatic rounds. I looked at two from April 10, and one from April 13.

was taken on April 10. Every shot was a single shot; there were some close to each other, but there were multiple soldiers firing. Every weapon has a distinct sound, and these were obviously single shots. At one stage you can detect muzzle flash - there were three separate shots, equating with three muzzle flashes - not sustained shooting.

In this video the narrator on the scene said during the first stage of the confrontation, "I don't think they're [the Thai army] firing into the crowd. If they had been firing into the crowd, half these people would be dead."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ksYZkQeRxA...feature=related Was also from April 10, from a different vantage point. Every shot is obviously a single shot. Interesting to note that the photographer keeps panning to the upper floors of one building, and we see red shirts pointing to the upper floors. The army was ahead, and down the street.

is from April 13. Over some very badly added sound effects and the screeching of whistles added, one can hear that every shot was a single shot.

I searched Youtube on "Thai army shooting." I looked at these because I didn't want you to do my work for me, and I didn't want to say "link, please."

So, even though there were only 60 hits, a lot were of Swedish aircraft, muay Thai boxing, Pakistani weapons, and so on.

So at this point, I've tried to verify what you said. I cannot - not without spending/wasting hours of my time. So I will now say to you - "link, please."

And I really do hope you have dozens of links. I would hate to think that you're just another red apologist who is a prevaricator of that commodity known as the truth.

you caught him in his lies, "red handed!"

only "blast" was the footage on Wipawadee which appear to be rapid auto bursts...again we know who did that.


If I wouldn't be here in Thailand, then I'd really have a good laugh about the current situation.

It's sad that (even while I assume that 95% on this forum has half a brain and more) when the reds ask Suthep to surrender to the DSI and he gives in to that, they then recognize their mistake (if there was one in the first place) and change their demands again and then see people actually defend that mistake.

The fun part is that you don't see Cheguevara and the likes respond to the post regarding the 2007 charges against 'Terrorist Red Shirts' being on bail and then talking about double standards..

Amazing. If that's not a Red-Shirt trait, I don't know one...

Corporal Bandit Sitthitum....

To be arraigned for shooting at sitting Buddha and missing.

You can't make this stuff up.

It's sad but if you'd listen to the Red-Shirt's speeches every day, you actually would and even believe it yourself.

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