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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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Is there no weapon that can explode after piercing the side of the container the leaders meet in? Till this very minute I've thought waiting it out was for the best, but now I can see horrible future violence if this isn't made to end soon. Hopefully by cutting the heads off the beast.

What you need is a shaped-charge anti-tank round. It focuses the explosion on a narrow point (about 25mm) and blows the molten metal into the tank/container. I'm sure the Thai Army would have something of the sort, been around for years. :):D:D

But does it blow it nice and slow?


How difficult can it be?. The redshirts want to fool Suthep in to trap. If he surrender to the police and they let him go even if the evidence against him are indisputable for put to actions attack with live bullits killing 25, injuered 1000,- then the police have to let all the redshirts go free also. :D

Except for the minor fact that Suthep acted in protecting Thailand and the reds are treasonous terrorists intent on overthrowing the state. :)

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

2 points:

1/ che was quite accustomed to using female guerillas

2/ you hve no proof that the women were shot by the army. there were 2 sides shooting that night, and one of them was certainly unprincipled enough to shoot their own for a PR coup - and it wasn't the army!


Perhaps now Mr. Thaksin will return and turn himself in as well. Mr. Suthep is indeed setting an interesting precedent in Thai politics.

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :D

I have kept out of this until now but this is enough B-------T. It is time you and a few other redshirt morons dragged your head out of the sand or wherever you have your heads stuck and looked at the real picture. Ahbsit has done every thing he can possibly do and it is still not enough for you people, you want more and if it doesnt go your way you refuse to even think about what he has offered. The red shirt leaders are terrorists and should be dealt with and the occupation in Bangkok should be finished, if not peacefully, by force if need be and nobody to blame but redshirts and person sitting in background financing this. :)

I hope I am wrong but it seems like the reds just want a fight.

This has been clear from even BEFORE the beginning of this "peaceful" demonstration farce. All you had to look at was the way these same insurgents acted at Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran, etc. etc. Now of course they would rather win without a fight, but bottom line they feel they need to win at any cost. So that will mean a fight most likely.

Nevermind...the reds are nothing but major liars. How can people here believe anything they say! They are a total disgrace to the Thai people.

The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

u look like a tourist

I hope I am wrong but it seems like the reds just want a fight.

This has been clear from even BEFORE the beginning of this "peaceful" demonstration farce. All you had to look at was the way these same insurgents acted at Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran, etc. etc. Now of course they would rather win without a fight, but bottom line they feel they need to win at any cost. So that will mean a fight most likely.

I think your interpretation wrong.

Do most red shirts want a fight? No.

Do the army want a fight? No.

Do most farangs want a fight? Yes.

Let's face it, most farangs asking for a fight are beerbelly keyboard warriors that are the first to run away when things get ugly. Fortunately, most Thais on both sides have more sense and that's why this hasn't escalated yet.


What happens when you order the military to act against the Reds in Bangkok, and the military refuses to do so?

Are you now in charge of anything?

The PM ordered the Thai military to act and it has, after the first failed attempt, refused to move against the Reds again.

What happens when men from the Thai military put on Black and shoot at the Thai army members who charge at the reds?

What happens when a Thai General walks in Bangkok, a free man, and is the head of the Reds on the street?

Who is in charge?

Will a small fight turn into a big fight?

Is it possible that a foreign nation will add air support to the reds should the current Thai government attempt to use helicopter gun ships and Jet fighters?

Oh yeah--where is the nearest American aircraft carrier?

Why did President Obama tell his ass sec of state to meet with Red supporters?

I do not know.

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

pornsasi, do you really believe this?

Do you honestly believe that 'Suthep is a terrorist', and that he 'ordered the killing' of civilians?

pornsasi, do you really believe this?

Do you honestly believe that 'Suthep is a terrorist', and that he 'ordered the killing' of civilians?

Porsasi's shift is over Redparrot is on the job now.

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

pornsasi, do you really believe this?

Do you honestly believe that 'Suthep is a terrorist', and that he 'ordered the killing' of civilians?

Anyone accusing Suthep of being a terrorist should be ashamed. He's a well respected politician.

Anyone knows when Suthep will be surrendering to police? Before or after he surrenders to DSI?

We're well aware that the reds want to alienate the DSI, because they are they only neutral police force to be feared.

Bad luck for the reds.

DSI is not going to go away because of the reds.

Instead they gather evidence on a minute by minute base to get a big, very big case that's built on rocks against terror and terrorists.

So don't try to discredit them. They deserve utmost respect for their hard job.


so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

If I wouldn't be here in Thailand, then I'd really have a good laugh about the current situation.

It's sad that (even while I assume that 95% on this forum has half a brain and more) when the reds ask Suthep to surrender to the DSI and he gives in to that, they then recognize their mistake (if there was one in the first place) and change their demands again and then see people actually defend that mistake.

The fun part is that you don't see Cheguevara and the likes respond to the post regarding the 2007 charges against 'Terrorist Red Shirts' being on bail and then talking about double standards..

Amazing. If that's not a Red-Shirt trait, I don't know one...

Bail conditions? Being on bail mostly means that there IS a court case which gets followed up. It should end with aquittance or with a final charge of a jail term or fee. Slowly I doubt the judicary system of Thailand too...

What happens when you order the military to act against the Reds in Bangkok, and the military refuses to do so?

Are you now in charge of anything?

The PM ordered the Thai military to act and it has, after the first failed attempt, refused to move against the Reds again.

What happens when men from the Thai military put on Black and shoot at the Thai army members who charge at the reds?

What happens when a Thai General walks in Bangkok, a free man, and is the head of the Reds on the street?

Who is in charge?

Will a small fight turn into a big fight?

Is it possible that a foreign nation will add air support to the reds should the current Thai government attempt to use helicopter gun ships and Jet fighters?

Oh yeah--where is the nearest American aircraft carrier?

Why did President Obama tell his ass sec of state to meet with Red supporters?

I do not know.

Easy on the action movies


Anyone knows when Suthep will be surrendering to police? Before or after he surrenders to DSI?

We're well aware that the reds want to alienate the DSI, because they are they only neutral police force to be feared.

Bad luck for the reds.

DSI is not going to go away because of the reds.

Instead they gather evidence on a minute by minute base to get a big, very big case that's built on rocks against terror and terrorists.

So don't try to discredit them. They deserve utmost respect for their hard job.

Oh, I don't doubt their abilities and I'm not at all trying to discredit them. From what I see on their website, they're also responsible for enforcing the 'Trademark Act', the 'Copyright Act' and the 'Anti Money Laundering Act'. And based on what I read in the news, Thailand has made a great progress in these areas.

Now, I was however wondering ...since the red shirts asked Suthep to surrender to police, not to the DSI, how the surrender to DSI is relevant then to the issue? Forgive me if I misunderstand.

so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

Why should Suthep be responsible for orders he gave? No politician is responsible for orders he gives. The red shirts are responsible for the deaths of the civilians. It's quite clear.

so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

Nope,...the people who did not respect the rule of law of a democratic society should be held responsible.

That is, the duly elected democratic government put in place a state of emergency.

Therefore, anybody disobeying that situation should be held responsible.

If you fight against a state trying to uphold the rule of law, then you are well aware of the possible consequences.

So what did you ask again?

Why are you asking for innocent civilians to be murdered? What is your justification exactly?

No one within the barricades is innocent, unless they're children. Even the dummies who can't get their promised payments (for joining the ill-fated rally) and who have their ID's confiscated aren't innocent.

If wouldn't be murder to use deadly force to clean out the threatening, violent mob that's been bolloxing and trashing Bkk for 2 months.

Is there no weapon that can explode after piercing the side of the container the leaders meet in? Till this very minute I've thought waiting it out was for the best, but now I can see horrible future violence if this isn't made to end soon. Hopefully by cutting the heads off the beast.

What you need is a shaped-charge anti-tank round. It focuses the explosion on a narrow point (about 25mm) and blows the molten metal into the tank/container. I'm sure the Thai Army would have something of the sort, been around for years. :):D:D

If the Thai army has a round, it's probably wrapped in plastic bags, past its expiration date, instruction booklet in Bulgarian, and the gun that shoots it is in a fruit stall somewhere in Udon Whatchamakallit in lieu of a loan for 3,000 baht given to the corporal who brought it in straddled to his motorbike.

If it the round were loaded, it might be loaded backwards, and then there'd be an 8 day discussion on who knows how to shoot it, and then permission forms have to be filled out, and then there's a break for a holiday before the bureaucrats can get back with a response on whether it's ok to shoot the darn thing, if the 11 year old computer at HQ doesn't break down in the interim.

What happens when you order the military to act against the Reds in Bangkok, and the military refuses to do so?

Are you now in charge of anything?

The PM ordered the Thai military to act and it has, after the first failed attempt, refused to move against the Reds again.

What happens when men from the Thai military put on Black and shoot at the Thai army members who charge at the reds?

What happens when a Thai General walks in Bangkok, a free man, and is the head of the Reds on the street?

Who is in charge?

Will a small fight turn into a big fight?

Is it possible that a foreign nation will add air support to the reds should the current Thai government attempt to use helicopter gun ships and Jet fighters?

Oh yeah--where is the nearest American aircraft carrier?

Why did President Obama tell his ass sec of state to meet with Red supporters?

I do not know.

What in heaven's name are you talking about man? Is it possible Arnie will be flying one of those air support planes, guns-a-blazin'? Gosh! Time for bed

so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

The operation failed because there were armed terrorist among the reds, who start firing grandes and live rounds. If someone is to blame on the part of the goverment, it is bad IS. But I suppose the IS in Thailand have the same standard as other police forces.

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

Suthep didn't encourage violence speaking to a mob day after day and the Red Shirt leaders have. The Reds came to Bkk to overthrow the government and said so publicly. What country would not have arrested them for inciting to riot except Thailand? This is all getting old. My wife & I need to take care of business in Bangkok and these Reds continue to occupy too much of the city. How close are they to the American Embassy? We are more than p-ss-d about this! Abhisit gave in to them and now Thaksin's proxies are holding out and have no intentions of leaving peacefully. Just a bunch of low life liars & terrorists. I served a week's ban for "flaming". I was sentenced by Ijustwannateach. I don't know what I said but I guess he is a Red Shirt sympathiser so I shall say nothing else except RED SHIRTS GET THE H--- OUT OF BANGKOK!!!!!!!!!

so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

Abhisit and Suthep will get the Mickey for acting to late and for not having acted at an earlier stage to suppress the build-up. This is just political.

For giving an order for a security operation to clear the venue is not a crime unless laws of engagement were broken.

When the reds not moving by tomorrow then I'm afraid that my earlier prediction of May-Days becoming true in the next couple of days.

One thing we all agree I hope, it can't continue like this.

Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I disagree with violence but the patience has run out. There is no other way with liers and terrorists.

You said, enough is enough.

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :D

Suthep didn't encourage violence speaking to a mob day after day and the Red Shirt leaders have. The Reds came to Bkk to overthrow the government and said so publicly. What country would not have arrested them for inciting to riot except Thailand? This is all getting old. My wife & I need to take care of business in Bangkok and these Reds continue to occupy too much of the city. How close are they to the American Embassy? We are more than p-ss-d about this! Abhisit gave in to them and now Thaksin's proxies are holding out and have no intentions of leaving peacefully. Just a bunch of low life liars & terrorists. I served a week's ban for "flaming". I was sentenced by Ijustwannateach. I don't know what I said but I guess he is a Red Shirt sympathiser so I shall say nothing else except RED SHIRTS GET THE H--- OUT OF BANGKOK!!!!!!!!!

Did you get stung by a bee? :)

Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I disagree with violence but the patience has run out. There is no other way with liers and terrorists.

You said, enough is enough.

The question here is ...how do you clear them without violence? Chocolate bulldozers? :)

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

Suthep didn't encourage violence speaking to a mob day after day and the Red Shirt leaders have. The Reds came to Bkk to overthrow the government and said so publicly. What country would not have arrested them for inciting to riot except Thailand? This is all getting old. My wife & I need to take care of business in Bangkok and these Reds continue to occupy too much of the city. How close are they to the American Embassy? We are more than p-ss-d about this! Abhisit gave in to them and now Thaksin's proxies are holding out and have no intentions of leaving peacefully. Just a bunch of low life liars & terrorists. I served a week's ban for "flaming". I was sentenced by Ijustwannateach. I don't know what I said but I guess he is a Red Shirt sympathiser so I shall say nothing else except RED SHIRTS GET THE H--- OUT OF BANGKOK!!!!!!!!!


He is just an referee here doing his best.

I got two weeks. I think I deserved it too.

The guys working the boards are just fine so leave them alone.

If you happen to get caught up in a cluster of fools in a thread, you can get nuked but just appeal if you think you did nothing wrong. The Thaivisa referees are fair.

pornsasi, do you really believe this?

Do you honestly believe that 'Suthep is a terrorist', and that he 'ordered the killing' of civilians?

Porsasi's shift is over Redparrot is on the job now.

Post of the day.... :)


I think they played their game long enough.The only way to get it finished and long overdue....................................


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