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Just from reading all these topics we seem to get every other week "how much does it cost to live in Thailand" I figured we could maybe compile some kind of 'cost of living guide' in Thailand, that we could just send all new people to when they ask that question rather than all the usual "I survive on 50 baht a day"/" I survive on 5000 baht a day" arguments.

Some one could come or be directed to this topic, read through, see what lifestyles some members have that would match their requirements and make a bit more of an accurate assessment of their own living costs in Thailand.

I know theres a few lists already out there where people have put down there costs for the month, but maybe we could bring that altogether in one thread, a thread that has arguments and comments on other peoples living costs disallowed and deleted if need be so it doesn't get bunged up. I think it might be a valuable resource for a lot of people.

If anybody thinks this may be a good idea then help out with a few things to make it, as I'm thinking we need a basic template for it that people can copy and paste and put in their own totals for ease of use.

Something that has all the criteria needed.

To give an example of what I mean, a basic list from the top of my head that people pay out for:

Location :

Room Rental:





Internet Access:

Food and Drink:






Savings for the future:

Health Insurance:

Car Insurance:

Children Schooling:


And perhaps not just straight cost after each one, but a bit of info about each one such as:

Alchohol: 3 large (500ml) Chang Beers - 120 baht


Alchohol: None - 0


Alchohol: 1 litre Black label and mixers - 1500 baht

Food and Drink: 3 Thai meals - 100 baht


Food and Drink: 2 Thai meals / one home cooked foreign meal - 200baht


Food and Drink: 3 meals eaten at restaurant - 700 baht


First we work out a decent list that covers most things which we should be able to do as we have quite a wide demographic here.

When the list is done, I'll set up a new thread for it and everybody can start copy and pasting it and putting in their totals.

I'm not sure whther we should do it with our monthly totals or daily totals? I think the benefit of daily totals maybe that it's a bit more accurate since can be filled in the same day the cash spent, and also one member could put in a total for his quiet mid week days or weekend going out nights to give the whole thing a bit more of a database for referencing. Also for a lot of people monthly totals change quite dramatically depending on finances at the time so maybe cannot join in this data collecting thread otherwise.

Anyways, anybody thinks its a good idea chuck some ideas in for the list. Anybody thinks it's a floored plan, offer your opinions as well and we can alter it to make it work.

any thoughts?


Great idea, I would add that it be kept realistic.

Most people under estimate how much $$ that's actually going out on consumables, entertainment, etc, :o


I think by doing it with daily amounts would be a way to keep it realistic, people often don't mislead someone becasue they want to just over/underestimate their monthly booze budget for example.

Of course electric/water bill would just have to be the rough monthly total divided by about 30. Same with room rental, but easier to accurately divide and also allows for people who don't have appartments/houses here to put in their hotel costs for the night. Makes it a bit more user friendly to holiday makers as well looking for a guide to costs for their stay in Thailand.

Can you think of other things we could add to the list?


Might want to resurrect some of the old posts in threads like this - still good data there. Inflation hasn't been that bad.

Can you think of other things we could add to the list?

ghhhh.... transport ? (for those without car :o)

entertainment - like going movies or elsewhere besides bar ( which would be in Drink or Alchohol I guess :D )


Travel I had down as transport really. Perhaps petrol cost for those with cars and bikes?

Entertainment definately needed.

I think really need to boost the list up, to maybe 30-40 seperate things, to make it clearer for people reading it and without having to make explanations as to what everything was spent on.

Great idea, but can add a line in for "Mia Noi"

  even break that into 2 categories  1 = City / 2 = Countryside


Goes under women in my case, but hey, each to his own :o

One more I just thought of household stuff maybe - razors / bog roll / toothpaste etc.

Can you think of other things we could add to the list?

Great idea - well worth having a basic list pinned (with the usual "your mileage may vary" health warning, of course :o )





For the formatters, start from basics.

"Essentials" and then move towrd less essential until the far extreme where the expense is pure discretionary. Mixing utilities with drinking, smoking, bar expense and women makes no sense to someone who is trying to see what they are going to spend to "get by" vs. "hi so".


1) Hotel, Guesthouse, etc.

2) Apartment/Condo Rental

3) Buying or Building a Hourse or Condo


1) Electricity, With and without Aircon, Codon or House

2) Petrol for Car or Motorbike

3) Potable drinking water

4. Tap water for house or condo

5. Garbage fees or common area expense

6. UBC or other TV




This is what I think I would spend per month. I own my own house so just an average per month!

Location : Phuket

Room Rental: 12000 baht (nice average style 2 bed bungalow

Tv: UBC 2000

Electricity: 6000 aircond 24 hr day

Water: 200

Phone: 500

Internet Access: 750

Food and Drink: shopping at markets and cooking 3000

Alchohol: 70 - 80 baht a beer. 100 - 120 baht per spirit

Cigarettes: 550 baht per carton

Women: nothing

Travel: diesel 4000

Visas: 1200 (on the visa bus or driving yourself)

Savings for the future:

Health Insurance:

Car Insurance: 1500 (21000 per year)

Children Schooling:



We survive of 700Baht for food and drinks a day in Germany;should then also be possible in Thailand.That´s about 21.000 Baht month for 4 people, so will be less in future

I´m paying off loans on my appartement 25.000 Baht a month;that will make a nice house to rent in LOS.

I drive an Audi A6 fully paid off what is currently the same as a new Isuzu 4-door D-max. Getting a new car every 7 years by saving 20.000 Baht a month should also be possible.The running-cost by the way will be cheaper in LOS , so let´s say 5000 Baht a month.

20.000 Baht a month for the missus and everything should be fine.

Costs for her family are not expected as she´s the youngest, mummy is currently 71y old and she doesn´t agree to care for her elder brothers and sisters.

That´s 90.000 Baht a month= 1800.- Euro´s or 2200 US Dollars.Not so impossible isn´t? :o

Hopefully Thai economy will not grow so fast untill we´re retired, I´ll never get unemployed for a longer period, and we´ll be able to save more money; all I can say is "See U in about 24 years there guys" :D


location: phuket

room: 3500 a month

food: 100 a day

liqour sangsom every 2nd day 100 bahts ( + 100 bahts split with my friend = sangsom 3 can coke and 1 ice for 200 bahts plus change left over to buy candy from fAMILY mART !! !!)

women zero bahts

transport: ??? walking hello

clothes,etc : gF does that zERO bahtz

medical : xanax and valium sometimes maybe 30 bahts a week, plus injuries as they happen ( ie rabies shots were 3000 bahts)

entertainment ( see liqour) free, as it happens


sometimes need music, 50 bahts a cd..

games : 15 bahts an hour to play ps2 at the arcade

oh ya and 1100 for visa run


Hmmm... although both Torny and Cory have given figures for their costs of living in Phuket, I'd bet there would be quite a disparity in lifestyle... :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


one person abngkok , have friends visiting sometime

Monthly cost only Thailand

Room Rental: own

Temple land cost ( contract / monthly fees / tax ) 1822


Electricity:3600 ( 1-2 aircond )


Phone home:250

Mobil phone :450

Internet Access:620

Oversea call:850

Food : 7500 ( import broccolis / spinach / celery ) + good food

restaurant : 3000

Drinks or alcohol: 1900

Cigarettes:nicorette 1350

Lotus shopping dry good :1300


Women or friends or GUYS : 6000


Travel: 4800 ( include oversea trip and visa run)

Visas:750 ( for visa 1 year or 3*3 months )

Health Insurance: 2000

Repair maintenance : 1200

New items depreciation : ( fridge / café machine / aircond / washing machine ) 2000

Doctor / dentist :1000

Cleaning service ( sometime ) :650

DVD movies :1680

Facial / hairdresser / other :750

New items purchases : ( computer / lcd / mobile phone ) 5000


Add visa lam new charges for currency transaction 3 %

55000 baht a month

perhaps forgot stuff !


1. Can we agree to split it down to daily? We can all use a calculator.

2. Of course, for some of us, 'women' means 'men.' Surely there's a politically correct label. "Carnal pleasures"?

location: phuket

room: 3500 a month

food: 100 a day

liqour sangsom every 2nd day 100 bahts ( + 100 bahts split with my friend = sangsom 3 can coke and 1 ice for 200 bahts plus change left over to buy candy from fAMILY mART !! !!)

women  zero bahts

transport: ??? walking hello

clothes,etc : gF does that zERO bahtz

medical : xanax and valium sometimes maybe 30 bahts a week, plus injuries as they happen ( ie rabies shots were 3000 bahts)

Did your friend bite you??

one person abngkok , have friends visiting sometime

Monthly cost only Thailand

Room Rental: own

Temple land cost ( contract / monthly fees / tax ) 1822


Electricity:3600 ( 1-2 aircond )


Phone home:250

Mobil phone :450

Internet Access:620

Oversea call:850

Food : 7500 ( import broccolis / spinach / celery ) + good food

restaurant : 3000

Drinks or alcohol: 1900

Cigarettes:nicorette  1350

Lotus shopping dry good :1300


Women or friends or GUYS : 6000


Travel: 4800 ( include oversea trip and visa run)

Visas:750 ( for visa 1 year  or 3*3 months )

Health Insurance: 2000

Repair maintenance : 1200

New items depreciation : ( fridge / café machine / aircond / washing machine ) 2000

Doctor / dentist :1000

Cleaning service ( sometime ) :650

DVD movies :1680

Facial / hairdresser / other :750

New items purchases : ( computer / lcd / mobile phone )  5000


Add visa lam new charges for currency transaction 3 %

55000 baht a month

perhaps forgot stuff !

I think that after you put all the figures together and calculate an average it will come out to a little of 40,000 baht a month, which is basically the consensus already. As you can see from the above break down, he is not exactly living a Spartan life.

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