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A Warning To Darkside Homeowners


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Sadly as has probably been said it can only get worse, if the economy continues to decline.

Actually the Thai economy is doing just fine thank you compared to most of those in the West (just look at your exchange rates).

I'd be much more worried about increases in crime in countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Britain, and the USA than Thailand; as they are forced into years of economic decline due to steps to cut their astronomical debts through reductions in government spending, public sector pensions, and the like and their economies sink into deep recessions and actually shrink 10-15 percent over the next 3-5 years.

Most countries you mention give their citizens social security unlike Thailand

Basically that's on of the main drivers of their debt problems...and within the past couple days, both the Greek and Spanish parliaments cut these benefits 5-10 percent.

And for your information, so does Thailand.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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Ha ha, another serious heads up thread turned into a slanging match, honestly chaps and chapesses this is getting really boring to read and i'm not the only one who thinks so, i've spoken to several people around town who were all moaning about the long time posters, advanced members whatever you want to call them who only seem to slag off the threads as soon as they are started in the Pattaya forum, there are other websites out there like TV and people are using this one less.

As I always say 'still better than living in the UK'

Bigjimmy - 7 years and going strong!!

Edited by BIGJIMMY
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our neighbor had an intruder sneak in through a grated window & some of his possessions ripped off. He had a large following of lady boys so it was easy for one of them to know when to hit the house.

Just as I said...I rest my case :)

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Exactly........ You get hit when you think you are impervious to attack. I didn't have the lock on just the deadbolt latched. My nearest neighbor got the crowbar to his house while he was sleeping. They did the old metal sheet over the area of the main camera before entry. One of the smarter thieves. Now we all watch out for each other & no one has gotten hit in roughly a year & a half here.

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Exactly........ You get hit when you think you are impervious to attack. I didn't have the lock on just the deadbolt latched. My nearest neighbor got the crowbar to his house while he was sleeping. They did the old metal sheet over the area of the main camera before entry. One of the smarter thieves. Now we all watch out for each other & no one has gotten hit in roughly a year & a half here.

Just glad I live in East Pattaya and not Bang Sare...sounds like a nitemare down there!

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Exactly........ You get hit when you think you are impervious to attack. I didn't have the lock on just the deadbolt latched. My nearest neighbor got the crowbar to his house while he was sleeping. They did the old metal sheet over the area of the main camera before entry. One of the smarter thieves. Now we all watch out for each other & no one has gotten hit in roughly a year & a half here.

Just glad I live in East Pattaya and not Bang Sare...sounds like a nitemare down there!

You must be dreaming Bang Saray is relatively a low crime area compared to Pattaya. I lived in Pattaya 3 years & there was way more crime in the big city than here. Anyway FB your drifting way off topic. We got your point .We will read about your misfortunes later.

Edited by Beardog
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Exactly........ You get hit when you think you are impervious to attack. I didn't have the lock on just the deadbolt latched. My nearest neighbor got the crowbar to his house while he was sleeping. They did the old metal sheet over the area of the main camera before entry. One of the smarter thieves. Now we all watch out for each other & no one has gotten hit in roughly a year & a half here.

Just glad I live in East Pattaya and not Bang Sare...sounds like a nitemare down there!

You must be dreaming Bang Saray is relatively a low crime area compared to Pattaya. I lived in Pattaya 3 years & there was way more crime in the big city than here. Anyway FB your drifting way off topic. We got your point .We will read about your misfortunes later.

Sure sounds that way with thieves taking crowbars to peoples' houses :)

I had a house break-in once...when I was living in San Francisco...never a problem in Thailand, however.

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The building boom that hit Pattaya not so long ago, brought in a lot of country boys who stayed around and are now finding it hard to make ends meet. Prey that peaceful government returns and people find work again. Still believe the majority in Thailand prefer work to crime, wish I could say that about where I come from.

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Just my tuppence worth. My Naklua house that had stood unburgled for nigh on 25 years; had kamoy bars, window latches, deadlocks & motion sensing floodlights, was done 3 times in as many months... FORCED entry. Granted the place was empty but it was in a cul-de-sac with watchfull neighbours and it was still a target. A fourth attempt was tried in broad daylight!

Now I have been burgled twice before in the US so the feeling of personal violation wasn't so bad but my wife's attitude (her first housebreaking) was just like mine the first time it happened; sickened. The second time she was shattered. I never mentioned the 3rd time as I had already made the decision to vacate. It's sickening and until it has happened to you personally, you can't talk condescendingly when others post a fair warning of thieving opportunists in the 'hood.

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