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How Did You Get Your Tv Nick


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I'm fairly new to TV and after reading the thread on "Who has the strangest nick on TV" I thought it would be interesting to continue the theme and find out how you came about choosing you nick. With some of the strange names that are here, this might throw up some funny stories or allow us to learn a little bit more about the people we are discussing topics with.

I'll kick off. When i registered i was listening to a Robbie Williams album - Swing When Your'e Winning at the Albert Hall. My favourite track on the album is Mr Bojangles...... Not funny i know but gives you an insight into my musical tastes. I always struggle when picking names like on Ebay etc.

Now let's hear yours?


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Now let's hear yours?


I have no problem with your 'TV Nick' but you might want to reconsider your initials Mr BJ... :D

It's my wifes favourite hobby. Oh you have got a smutty mind Rags

:o Never thought of it that way before but now i think it's a bit more interesting. Cheers Rags

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This topic actually has been done recently Mr BJ... I'll do a bit of a search and see if I can find it... back soon.


Edit/ back now... sorry, I did find the topic but it's in another forum. :o

Edited by Jai Dee
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This topic actually has been done recently Mr BJ... I'll do a bit of a search and see if I can find it... back soon.


Edit/ back now... sorry, I did find the topic but it's in another forum.  :o

Cheers Jai Dee. Not being a fluent Thai speaker what does your Nik mean? Does Dee Jai mean excited or happy or something like that?

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This topic actually has been done recently Mr BJ... I'll do a bit of a search and see if I can find it... back soon.


Edit/ back now... sorry, I did find the topic but it's in another forum.  :o

Cheers Jai Dee. Not being a fluent Thai speaker what does your Nik mean? Does Dee Jai mean excited or happy or something like that?

Jai Dee = good heart

totster :D

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Mine is an abbreviation of middle east oil man. Hate the job but love the money so on second thought it can also be translated as money ends our misery.

Or me old man. Take your pick :o

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mine doesn't mean anything.

I closed my eyes and hit the keys at random.

Luckily it can be pronounced. :o

The biggest problem with that was I did the same with my password, now I have to stay logged in all the time :D .

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kayo: My initials are CAO.

My last name is Oijevaar (dutch origins). When my family anglicised two generations ago, they changed the ´ij´ to a (slightly more) internationally recognizable ´y´.

I found out the original name years ago and changed it back to ´ij´

Now, as a tribute to my folks and grandparents, I use ´y´ in my user name and publishing company.

The ´k´ just made it sound better than a ´c´.

... Not really fascinating, but the story does span 70 years... :o

Kayo Publishing is a registered Trademark. Licence renewed 2005.

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I have travelled mostly in Thailand and Mexico, and Tequila is the only hard liquor that does it for me (100 percent agave only), so I guess the name was obvious to me when choosing a name here.

I guess I could have gone with:

Thaimex (too suggestive of copy watches)


Siamico (doesn't Thaksin own that already)


Burritoland (hot or mild salsa?)

Ummm, like I said ... obvious.

I also think there are a lot of similarities between Mexico and Thailand. A Mexican film director in Bangkok recently said walking around the poorer sections of Bangkok is shockingly similar to the same kind of areas in Mexico City, and I know what he means.

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I have travelled mostly in Thailand and Mexico, and Tequila is the only hard liquor that does it for me (100 percent agave only), so I guess the name was obvious to me when choosing a name here.

I guess I could have gone with:

Thaimex (too suggestive of copy watches)


Siamico (doesn't Thaksin own that already)


Burritoland (hot or mild salsa?)

Ummm, like I said ... obvious.

I also think there are a lot of similarities between Mexico and Thailand. A Mexican film director in Bangkok recently said walking around the poorer sections of Bangkok is shockingly similar to the same kind of areas in Mexico City, and I know what he means.

yeah, the thing is you have to think on the spot when choosing you Nick or it'll take you 3 hours to register. Thinking about it, if i could change mine i would change it to "Zed's_Dead_Baby" my favourite line in Pulp Fiction !! :o

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Many years ago I tried to open an email account with Yahoo using Peter (my name). I got fed up with Peter691 or whatever so added dk for Denmark, the country I lived in at that time. It's stuck with me ever since.

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I put my nick together many years ago when I needed a handle for usenet SCT. It's a bit of a play on words and can be looked at three ways (TyWais):

1. Thai wise

2. Thai ways

3. Thai wais (the hands together greeting for those who may not know)

I also used it for my company name when I wrote software to learn how to read and write Thai (initially for my own benefit but others on SCT became interested so I packaged and sharewared it.)

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