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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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Hospitals traditionally are on a separate circuit from their neighbors. Hospitals always have generators. They can be supplied. That they are in an area controlled by armed insurgents suggests that they should be evacuated.

The bottom line, and I think you know where I am coming from, is that Abhisit needs to either roll over and give the Reds what they want, even if it continues to change, or move them out. There are simply too many people living in Rachaprasong to play around. Either get it over or give up.

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When this thing first started, I told my wife it is easy to chase the Red Shirts out, just do more or less what Abhisit is proposing for this evening. She told me I was crazy (she says this a lot), and that you can't just cut off water and electricity to an area where other people live and where there are two hospitals (Chula and The Police General Hospital). I had to back off of my argument and agree with her.

Now, this is what Abhisit is threatening. Given I am now educated, I have to believe like the Red Shirts that it is a bluff.

Cutting off the electric and water to the protesters doesn't matter, they have plenty of stock on hand. But cutting it off to the residents forces the residents to leave the area.

That way, there will be no "collateral damage" should the shooting start again.


that was my thought as well

But isn't that the reason that the Reds changed the color of their shirts in the first place, to confuse the military and the police and draw the innocent's into the line of fire? That's a fine line of sympathy that you are showing to the residents of the area and the Reds cause. My guess is that you've never been shot at. My guess is that you're not sleeping or eating with them down at the protest site. These are the times to prove your revolutionary metal. Go down and join them, pick up a rock and throw it at a solider, sleep outside and rattle your foot clapper to fiery Red speeches in the rain you revolutionary monster! Maybe 500 bhat a day isn't enough for you?

They also said that all transportation system would be stopped, this include the BTS.

Any thoughts on what it means exactly? Personally, i see two options: 1 - Can't get off at station Chit Lom and/or Siam 2 - Entire line is stopped

What do you all think?


Does anyone know how close the Reds are to the American Embassy. My wife & I have business to take care of there but do not want to take a chance of getting hit by one of those rocket grenades that the Reds fired at the sky train. We have had to put off visiting Bkk b/c of these terrorists that the government will not clear out. I have heard from my wife's friends in Bangkok that many, many people - not elites as Thaksin's army calls them - have been greatly incovenienced not just us. We are in Phuket but have to get to the American Embassy. We can ask some of my wife's friends if need be but thought somebody on TV could fill us in. Thanks


The legitimacy of a democratic government & its laws are established at the ballot box, by the majority of voters.

The legitimacy of any government in a democracy is formed first and foremost by following the law. Voting is only 1 small part of the law.

The current government was formed in a completely legitimate manner, and followed the law in all details.

The Thaksin regime, by contrast, broke and disregarded the law, bribed and intimidated judges, and eviscerated the democratic institutions to such a degree that it necessitated a coup to restore it.

While the current government is totally legitimate, the Thaksin government was completely illegitimate. The red protesters should keep that in mind. They are not fighting for democracy, but tyranny.

A very succinct statement of my feelings also.

:):D :D

The Red Shirts can pursue those responsible for violence through the courts or hold hearings on the issue after the next election

They can pursue them now - they're on a big stage right in front of them.

When this thing first started, I told my wife it is easy to chase the Red Shirts out, just do more or less what Abhisit is proposing for this evening. She told me I was crazy (she says this a lot), and that you can't just cut off water and electricity to an area where other people live and where there are two hospitals (Chula and The Police General Hospital). I had to back off of my argument and agree with her.

Now, this is what Abhisit is threatening. Given I am now educated, I have to believe like the Red Shirts that it is a bluff.

Cutting off the electric and water to the protesters doesn't matter, they have plenty of stock on hand. But cutting it off to the residents forces the residents to leave the area.

That way, there will be no "collateral damage" should the shooting start again.

Well another psychopath showing his true nature and wishes

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But it does go to show that you know little of the techniques of urban warfare. Saving innocent lives without panic is a very positive step by the government.

Yes, my true nature and wishes are that no one be hurt or injured, especially the truly innocent ones - the residents surrounding the rebellion.

In psychology, we have a term, "transference." It means that you place onto others that which you feel inside yourself but cannot admit to yourself.

Congratulations on your transference of psychopath. There is a pinned topic on the health forum that can refer to some excellent places of treatment and therapy.

You're getting down to the bottom of the barrel with ad hominem attacks. I thought there was more to you than that, Pornsasi. Or is parroting the same answer hour after hour starting to wear you down? Pity, that...

Nah, that's projection not transference - I'll bet my Laplanche and Pontalis on it! :):D

They also said that all transportation system would be stopped, this include the BTS.

Any thoughts on what it means exactly? Personally, i see two options: 1 - Can't get off at station Chit Lom and/or Siam 2 - Entire line is stopped

What do you all think?


Does anyone know how close the Reds are to the American Embassy. My wife & I have business to take care of there but do not want to take a chance of getting hit by one of those rocket grenades that the Reds fired at the sky train. We have had to put off visiting Bkk b/c of these terrorists that the government will not clear out. I have heard from my wife's friends in Bangkok that many, many people - not elites as Thaksin's army calls them - have been greatly incovenienced not just us. We are in Phuket but have to get to the American Embassy. We can ask some of my wife's friends if need be but thought somebody on TV could fill us in. Thanks


Seh Daent wouldn't fire on the US embassay, but of course you have to figure into that travelling to and from.

Just hold yer horses till we wake up Friday morning. Things should be clearer after tomorrow, one way or the other.

When this thing first started, I told my wife it is easy to chase the Red Shirts out, just do more or less what Abhisit is proposing for this evening. She told me I was crazy (she says this a lot), and that you can't just cut off water and electricity to an area where other people live and where there are two hospitals (Chula and The Police General Hospital). I had to back off of my argument and agree with her.

Now, this is what Abhisit is threatening. Given I am now educated, I have to believe like the Red Shirts that it is a bluff.

Cutting off the electric and water to the protesters doesn't matter, they have plenty of stock on hand. But cutting it off to the residents forces the residents to leave the area.

That way, there will be no "collateral damage" should the shooting start again.


that was my thought as well

But isn't that the reason that the Reds changed the color of their shirts in the first place, to confuse the military and the police and draw the innocent's into the line of fire? That's a fine line of sympathy that you are showing to the residents of the area and the Reds cause. My guess is that you've never been shot at. My guess is that you're not sleeping or eating with them down at the protest site. These are the times to prove your revolutionary metal. Go down and join them, pick up a rock and throw it at a solider, sleep outside and rattle your foot clapper to fiery Red speeches in the rain you revolutionary monster! Maybe 500 bhat a day isn't enough for you?

I would rather hit that rock on those redskirts head, they've nearly cut of my fingers 2 weeks ago upcountry just for wearing a brasilian football shirt.post-104289-1273669088_thumb.jpg

Too many characteristics match Red Shirt leaders and apologists to ignore:


Does anyone know what about VEERA??

bloggers on CNN write he gave turned himself in, here the write he might have left the country, but the redshirts say he got stuck in Erawan hotels' toilet.

so what's true??

He's hiding from Seh Daeng, who's threatend to punch his lights out with an M79 grenade if he doesn't follow the Montenegran's orders. What would you do? They'll all be howling for government protection soon....such a sick irony, or what?


what if the authorities employed a few fire-fighting helicopters, the ones with the

massive water bags underneath.

fill 'em up with raw sewage, dump over the rally site. rinse, lather, repeat.

protesters would really be in deep shit then.

use non-lethal means to flush 'em out.


Cutting off the electric and water to the protesters doesn't matter, they have plenty of stock on hand. But cutting it off to the residents forces the residents to leave the area.

That way, there will be no "collateral damage" should the shooting start again.

Well another psychopath showing his true nature and wishes

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But it does go to show that you know little of the techniques of urban warfare. Saving innocent lives without panic is a very positive step by the government.

Yes, my true nature and wishes are that no one be hurt or injured, especially the truly innocent ones - the residents surrounding the rebellion.

In psychology, we have a term, "transference." It means that you place onto others that which you feel inside yourself but cannot admit to yourself.

Congratulations on your transference of psychopath. There is a pinned topic on the health forum that can refer to some excellent places of treatment and therapy.

You're getting down to the bottom of the barrel with ad hominem attacks. I thought there was more to you than that, Pornsasi. Or is parroting the same answer hour after hour starting to wear you down? Pity, that...

Nah, that's projection not transference - I'll bet my Laplanche and Pontalis on it! :):D

True, true...I mispoke. Apologies to all concerned :D And nicely spotted, too :D


Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

I would rather hit that rock on those redskirts head, they've nearly cut of my fingers 2 weeks ago upcountry just for wearing a brasilian football shirt.post-104289-1273669088_thumb.jpg

Ouch! Just checking... sorry about the sarcasm...It's just my nature after a few pints.

Edited: Can't spell "it's" after a few pints either :)


Over the coming months, any bets on which of the 'Formerly Known as a Red Shirt Leader' personalities will be crying

'we were fighting for a just cause, but we were misled by Thaksin'.

My money's on Veera first, Kwanchai or Arisman second, followed in no particular order by Jatuporn and Nattawhut and a few lesser lights. Weng will probably hold out to the last, clinging to his copy of 'The Communist Manifesto' and denying that its all over and Thaksin was never involved.

Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

The same one's that condone drawing blood from children no doubt.

what if the authorities employed a few fire-fighting helicopters, the ones with the

massive water bags underneath.

fill 'em up with raw sewage, dump over the rally site. rinse, lather, repeat.

protesters would really be in deep shit then.

use non-lethal means to flush 'em out.

I am against doing anything to make them feel at home here in BKK

Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

Earth calling Mars, Earth calling Mars...

This is all so sad.

Some people say the proximate cause of this civil disobedience can be laid at the feet of the government itself - for failing to disperse the yellow shirts from the airport and government house, some 2-years ago. That omission gave a green light to these people.

Any support they had was lost when they savaged Chula Hospital. They would have been cleared weeks ago, in Beijing, New York, or London - and by non-lethal means. Riot police, humvees, water canons, gas, dogs, and mounted police.

Make peace - Please!

Please no peace, use lethal weapons so they can't/do not need to vote in the coming elections

No more election on November 14th....Government called off the deal

Well if that the case then was Abhisit sincere when he made the offer ???

Of course he was.

He also has answered positively to some other requests from the reds. Then they started to add more demands, until PM clearly stated that if they don't start to leave today, then the deal is off......

They knew what was at risk, they played, they lost......

The farang anti-democracy posters seem to believe that democracy is extruded from the barrel of a gun, or pressed out from tank treads. It aint. That is the ideology of the Brute Force & Ignorance Tendency – once represented by the Nazis.

The legitimacy of a democratic government & its laws are established at the ballot box, by the majority of voters. It is irrelevant what farangs (you or I) think of the resulting regime (Mr T, et al). Sad that you & I didn't approve of Mr T. Real sad, but farangs should mind their own business, & let the Thais tend their own business.

The Thais made their choice, so that is clear. Comment is allowable, but what kind of arrogance is it that assumes certain farangs can make superior choices?

The tide is turning, I hope towards a stable democratic system. Whatever, farangs have no role except as commentators. This commentator has lived long enuf to remember Nazi bombs & guns. He can assure you anti-democrats & jackboot-likkers that those who fought against them were the democrats, those behind them were its enemies.

The Reds represent the majority that has been robbed of its democratic rights. Like it or lump it, they are fighting for restoration of those rights. It is a struggle between the ballot & the bullet, the majority & the minority; between democratic legitimacy & law-&-order legalism. May the majority win.

Vox populi, vox dei. OGT

You appear to have a better grasp of events 70-80 years ago than those of today. This a symptom of Alzheimer's Disease, otherwise known as senile dementia. I would recommend seeing a specialist.

Mr. Ozmick, You should be ashamed.

Not a bit. Instead of telling the geriatric gentleman that he was making unintelligent comments, I merely suggested a cause to his lack of grasp of current events. Now if I was Belgian, I could probably find some of my countrymen of recent history to be truly ashamed of.

Over the coming months, any bets on which of the 'Formerly Known as a Red Shirt Leader' personalities will be crying

'we were fighting for a just cause, but we were misled by Thaksin'.

My money's on Veera first, Kwanchai or Arisman second, followed in no particular order by Jatuporn and Nattawhut and a few lesser lights. Weng will probably hold out to the last, clinging to his copy of 'The Communist Manifesto' and denying that its all over and Thaksin was never involved.

Do you think they gonna cry in their new residence.Dubai.

You can read that Veera not seen because of sickness.Maybe they mean jetlag.



yeah... As I was supposing some "psy" following the forum and I see them now debating professional interpretations... interesting but too technical for me.

Another guess is that the government has not prepared seriously his threat of severing red-Shirts supply lines, and now he realises it is impracticable....

Poor bluff in a poker party, it demonstrates nervosity at least.

Another guess is that in the secrete negotiation between Government and Red Shirt one point is the obstacle and maybe this point has nothing to do with what is officially said... lack of transparence in what happens really.

Also, I feel the Red Shirts very quiet in front of Government threats, I guess they will surprise us with some more tricks from their panoply.

So, I am waiting the next scene as we are not yet in the final ACT III, obviously some data are missing for a whole understanding of the situation.

Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

LMAO ... this is insane thinking. They are no different than armed and barricaded suspects in a bank they attempted to rob. Very common for police to cut off power and anything else they can to make them uncomfortable.

But for other reasons they need to be careful and that is there are tons of business' in the area the illegal violent red mob can loot. And once they get inside these malls and such, you then are going to have fire fights inside these places if and when authorities move in. Plus these criminals will NEVER leave once they take up residence in these malls.

The legitimacy of a democratic government & its laws are established at the ballot box, by the majority of voters.

The legitimacy of any government in a democracy is formed first and foremost by following the law. Voting is only 1 small part of the law.

The current government was formed in a completely legitimate manner, and followed the law in all details.

The Thaksin regime, by contrast, broke and disregarded the law, bribed and intimidated judges, and eviscerated the democratic institutions to such a degree that it necessitated a coup to restore it.

While the current government is totally legitimate, the Thaksin government was completely illegitimate. The red protesters should keep that in mind. They are not fighting for democracy, but tyranny.

A very succinct statement of my feelings also.

:):D :D

Agree also, well said, very clear, right on the point!

I'll also add that all this claim of fighting against inequities, fighting for democracy, fighting against double standards, fight for justice etc., is total bullsh it and is nothing more than a smokescreen over trying to get thaksin pardoned and reinstated and to get the old constitution reinstated so that vote buying is easy and goes almost unpunished.

In other words a return to the days of the old style totally incapable, totally insincere politicians and parties who are there for one reason only, to rape the common wealth of Thailand. Or to put it inot a question; what policies and initiatives have these old styles parties developed in the last 30 years or more to develop Thailand to be the equivalent of Singapore? Basically nothing!

The UDD/red shirts say:

- They are fighting against inequities, and there are inequities, however when / where has any member of the UDD/red shirts (or their partners Puae Thai) ever given a speech or a presentation or taken part in a moderated debate to define the inequities or to present and form of action plan? Never!

- They are fighting for democracy yet they continuously breach and stamp on numerous pillars of democracy, and want a leader who has publically stated tat democracy is not important and not his aim and he has also trampled on freedom of speech, massively abused civil rights, abused the free and fair voting system and bought millions of votes on several occasions, and more.

- They are fighting against double standrads, yet their own actions reek of numerous double standards.

- They are fighting against injustice, yet their own leaders have murky past history, and the 'big man' severely intimidated the judiciary, changed laws at the drop of a hat for the massive financial benefit of his familt and cronies and supervised the murder of more than 2,500 Thais.

I also suggest that everybody needs to be very vigilant when the parliament is dissolved. The 'big man' and his cronies will not hesitate one little bit to play whatever dirty games they need to engage in to try to gain power.

They also said that all transportation system would be stopped, this include the BTS.

Any thoughts on what it means exactly? Personally, i see two options: 1 - Can't get off at station Chit Lom and/or Siam 2 - Entire line is stopped

What do you all think?


Does anyone know how close the Reds are to the American Embassy. My wife & I have business to take care of there but do not want to take a chance of getting hit by one of those rocket grenades that the Reds fired at the sky train. We have had to put off visiting Bkk b/c of these terrorists that the government will not clear out. I have heard from my wife's friends in Bangkok that many, many people - not elites as Thaksin's army calls them - have been greatly incovenienced not just us. We are in Phuket but have to get to the American Embassy. We can ask some of my wife's friends if need be but thought somebody on TV could fill us in. Thanks


The American Embassy is not in the protest site and the road outside it is open. Just go along Sukhumvit to Ploen Chit turn left onto wireless Road and continue along for a few minutes then you will see the American Embassy. I've been walking there from the BTS for the last 2 months its safe don't believe everything you read! :)



yeah... As I was supposing some "psy" following the forum and I see them now debating professional interpretations... interesting but too technical for me.

Another guess is that the government has not prepared seriously his threat of severing red-Shirts supply lines, and now he realises it is impracticable....

Poor bluff in a poker party, it demonstrates nervosity at least.

Another guess is that in the secrete negotiation between Government and Red Shirt one point is the obstacle and maybe this point has nothing to do with what is officially said... lack of transparence in what happens really.

Also, I feel the Red Shirts very quiet in front of Government threats, I guess they will surprise us with some more tricks from their panoply.

So, I am waiting the next scene as we are not yet in the final ACT III, obviously some data are missing for a whole understanding of the situation.


They've apparently backed off on their decision on cut off the electricity and water. It would just inconvenience the locals, as the Reds have generators and water tanks. Also, the announcement said that public transportation - Busses, BTS and the Klong Boats - would be rerouted or shut down. They didn't say anything about private vehicles or pedestrians, so I don't think that the Reds will really be affected at all.

As for cracking heads, the Govt doesn't want another April 10 (though the Reds do!), so that isn't going to happen. I really don't think that anything significant is going to happen. The protest is probably just going to drag on for another month or so.

I would rather hit that rock on those redskirts head, they've nearly cut of my fingers 2 weeks ago upcountry just for wearing a brasilian football shirt.post-104289-1273669088_thumb.jpg

Ouch! Just checking... sorry about the sarcasm...It's just my nature after a few pints.

Edited: Can't spell "it's" after a few pints either :)

Is okay, doctors say will be okay in few weeks

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