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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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Hopefully they will also place a few snipers around the area in places where they can destroy the generators. There is no reason to allow them power.

With luck, there won't be any rain in the next few weeks. The protesters won't be able to last long without water in this heat.

The biggest problem will be watermelon soldiers and police allowing illegal contraband food and water into the protest site. The penalties for this should be harsh and severe. Anyone caught doing this should be brought up on charges of treason.

It is time to shut this thing down now. The protest leaders are simply trying to save their own skin. There is absolutely no excuse for this thing continuing.

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What's the best way to treat an obstinate woman? That's right, ignore her. That takes away all the power she ever had. The reds are the same

VAT collection for April didn't show a drop, or was it the slightest of drops. Yes, it's costing a bit but it is not costing the government as much as we think it does.

Just ignore them there, let them sit there and get wet, let them sit until August or longer if they (really) want. The Thais have adopted well and don't care about them really, there are other department stores...

Finally a positive non violent move by the PM to end the protest . Why they announce it in advance ? Probably to allow the residents in the area

to prepare themselves .

As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement , to pave the way for national reconciliation .

Don't know. Both he, Abhisit, and the rest of the government are doing wonders at unraveling an impossible knot, maybe they should stay around for a while for the good of the country. Their going to have a lot of respect when its all over.

Yes the PM is doing good things , i could drink to that . And so does Anupong whom i hope to see take a political role once he leaves the army

Suthep however has been tainted by the 10th April . Some even say his influence on the PM is not good , but i cant say one way or another :)

How far does this extend? I live on the edge of the protest in a condo on Petchaburi rd. Am I going to lose my power and water?

When your power comes back on, please post that you are OK.

Otherwise, best of luck, buy candles, flashlights, batteries, etc.

Fill as many containers as possible with water.

Fans, the manual type, can be very valuable when the power is out.

ipods or battery powered sound to kill boredom and help sleep.

Battery powered radio, maybe world band (you don't know if things might get worse or not)

Good luck. :)

EDIT: Number one tip from the US embassy, STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS.


"None of the Red Shirts are afraid of your threats to cut water and power. We will run at soldiers with our two bare hands even if they fire at us with assault rifles," said one protest leader, Weng Tojirakarn.

And when he says "we" he means the lambs being led to a slaughter which he and other leaders have been brainwashing for over a month with constant hate speeches.

FWIW: all the soldiers who are normally stationed in my neighborhood (Sukhumvit/Asok) on the crossover, the sky bridge between Robinsons & Times Square, at my 7/11 and at the BTS/MRT stations have been no where to be seen since Monday.

Even though they are still billeted in the Times Square parking garage, they get up every morning and tromp down to where the red-rabble-tree fort begins which is about Sukhumvit/Wireless Road.

A person could only hope this last ultimatum by the government is truly the beginning of the end game.

Even taking into account the April 10 fiasco (where I doubt the truth of who fired first will ever come out) P/M Abhisit has exhibited remarkable restraint in countering the red 'demands', and pre-conditions to them even coming to the negotiating table. Funny how each time the reds raise the bar, demanding this/that and everything else under the sun to stall an ending of this mess.

It is true; some people say Abhisit has played this with such soft kid gloves that he comes across as a weak leader. (However; ANYONE who tries thru any means to avoid casualties cannot be perceived as weak, only as trying EVERY other option before resorting to violence which should indeed be the very last card you play). While I am sympathetic to the thais that are impacted by the two red-rabble tree forts, I don't give two shites about the foreign tourists who can't shop; a person hasta realize in the grand scheme of thailand, these are VERY small very isolated although very vocal protests which seem to now be ever more contained by the soldiers.

I think the government telegraphed to the reds that they have until midnite to get out, so the people who've sat there in the scorching sun day in - day out, can take time to do a reality check and see if their value systems are in line with the red leaders who want violence even though ALL their initial demands have been met by the current government.

Give every protestor time to really think about their actions and let them get out before you storm the compound. For every protestor which leaves it’s one LESS possible casualty in the ensuing mayhem which is sure to erupt in trying to pry the protestors from their stronghold(s).

Tod, some have moved and are near Nana, Soi 8, Soi 11 around the banks in particular.


"None of the Red Shirts are afraid of your threats to cut water and power. We will run at soldiers with our two bare hands even if they fire at us with assault rifles," said one protest leader, Weng Tojirakarn.

I want to see that! :)

We want Suthep arrested! We want charges against us to be dropped!!! Are these guys freakin serious???? How the hel_l can ANY Govt with straight spine put up with this????

Those reds leaders that called for violence should face charges

Yeah...a day late and a dollar short. They should have attempted to cut incoming supplies and electricity ages ago. If what you see in the movies is accurate...that should have been the very first step in a situation like this.

My question is: why haven't they cleared off the barracades at Soi chitlom and others where there are NO Red shirts remaining? Seems to me, that any ungaurded territory should be reclaimed immediately and a containment perimeter set up. Or is hollywood more tactically aware than the Thai governement?

How far does this extend? I live on the edge of the protest in a condo on Petchaburi rd. Am I going to lose my power and water?

You should check with authorities. I am sure if you are in the area in which they have ordered to be evacuated that there will be some sort of compensation or accommodations made for you. This is one things, the Thai gov't has appeared fairly good at doing. I just hope for your sake and others that they have thought about this now rather than making it an after thought putting you on your own for now,


This is all so sad.

Some people say the proximate cause of this civil disobedience can be laid at the feet of the government itself - for failing to disperse the yellow shirts from the airport and government house, some 2-years ago. That omission gave a green light to these people.

Any support they had was lost when they savaged Chula Hospital. They would have been cleared weeks ago, in Beijing, New York, or London - and by non-lethal means. Riot police, humvees, water canons, gas, dogs, and mounted police.

Make peace - Please!


There's a danger that whatever political gains the Red Shirts have won through their protests will be squandered by their naivety . This government isn't going to indite itself for using excessive force. The Red Shirts should focus on getting the assurances they need on dissolution, election scheduling and satisfactory terms in a general amnesty. Then they should peacefully decamp.

The Red Shirts can pursue those responsible for violence through the courts or hold hearings on the issue after the next election. Otherwise, whatever political gains they've won by their protests will be squandered.

FWIW: all the soldiers who are normally stationed in my neighborhood (Sukhumvit/Asok) on the crossover, the sky bridge between Robinsons & Times Square, at my 7/11 and at the BTS/MRT stations have been no where to be seen since Monday.

Even though they are still billeted in the Times Square parking garage, they get up every morning and tromp down to where the red-rabble-tree fort begins which is about Sukhumvit/Wireless Road.

A person could only hope this last ultimatum by the government is truly the beginning of the end game.

Even taking into account the April 10 fiasco (where I doubt the truth of who fired first will ever come out) P/M Abhisit has exhibited remarkable restraint in countering the red 'demands', and pre-conditions to them even coming to the negotiating table. Funny how each time the reds raise the bar, demanding this/that and everything else under the sun to stall an ending of this mess.

It is true; some people say Abhisit has played this with such soft kid gloves that he comes across as a weak leader. (However; ANYONE who tries thru any means to avoid casualties cannot be perceived as weak, only as trying EVERY other option before resorting to violence which should indeed be the very last card you play). While I am sympathetic to the thais that are impacted by the two red-rabble tree forts, I don't give two shites about the foreign tourists who can't shop; a person hasta realize in the grand scheme of thailand, these are VERY small very isolated although very vocal protests which seem to now be ever more contained by the soldiers.

I think the government telegraphed to the reds that they have until midnite to get out, so the people who've sat there in the scorching sun day in - day out, can take time to do a reality check and see if their value systems are in line with the red leaders who want violence even though ALL their initial demands have been met by the current government.

Give every protestor time to really think about their actions and let them get out before you storm the compound. For every protestor which leaves it's one LESS possible casualty in the ensuing mayhem which is sure to erupt in trying to pry the protestors from their stronghold(s).

Even though many here says otherwise (mainly non thais as myself) I dont think Abhisit is weak , nor is Anupong . I would qualify them of "wise" instead .

Thailand is deeply divided and they know it

Finally a positive non violent move by the PM to end the protest . Why they announce it in advance ? Probably to allow the residents in the area

to prepare themselves .

As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement , to pave the way for national reconciliation .

Don't know. Both he, Abhisit, and the rest of the government are doing wonders at unraveling an impossible knot, maybe they should stay around for a while for the good of the country. Their going to have a lot of respect when its all over.

Yes the PM is doing good things , i could drink to that . And so does Anupong whom i hope to see take a political role once he leaves the army

Suthep however has been tainted by the 10th April . Some even say his influence on the PM is not good , but i cant say one way or another :)

Well, OK, I'll drink to Suthep being judged by his actions, when they are known. Goes for everyone I think.

No , he is not a general who obeys orders , he is a politician who gives them


Because thats what politicians usually do in his position . 25 deaths could have been avoided .

ALL OF THIS could be avoided if the Govt has a balls to react immediately but not a 2-months long meaningless talks, talks and talks (Thais are very professional in only talks - but not in the ball's size, frankly speakin'. Their Great Era of Neresuan, Suriothai and other STRONG and RESPONCIBLE leaders has ended centuries ago, and now noone such of great in sight for an ages...).

May I remind you that the Govt is to PROTECT the regime as a majority's choices and interests - the majority has once voted for them. :)

During next election campain that will be used

In my opinion, there is no any reason for early elections (even it is proposed to the red-colored minority, for no-one-knows reason). It is just a bow to the small group of terrorists.

I can't blame Govt for misuse the power - I can only blame them to be VERY slow in decisions and VERY weak in enforcing the law. Any laws in TH, I can say - they are only on papers, but not around.

So because he is damaging the dems as well as the road to reconciliation .

No, he is not.


Weng: Weera remains UDD chairperson

BANGKOK (NNT) -- United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) Chairperson, Weera Musikapong, remains the supreme leader of the group despite his absence on the rally stage during the past few days, according to UDD core leader, MD Weng Tojirakarn.

<snipped for brevity>

The core figure also pledged that 24 core leaders of the UDD, including Mr Arisman Pongruangrong, would turn themselves over to the police in order to enter the judicial process as well, once the UDD decided to disperse.

TAN Network: INN: Red lawyer claims 37 leaders will surrender once government cancels emergency decree

Both of these quotes are from today, and not that long ago or long apart.

Seems that the "core figure" of the UDD and the lawyer for the UDD can't get the numbers straight - how difficult can that be?

Seems that the "core figure" says that the 24 will turn themselves in "once the UDD decided to disperse."

Seems that the lawyer says the 37 will turn themselves in "once government cancels emergency decree.:

Are we talking about 24 leaders, 37 leaders, or a total of 61 leaders? And why can't their own lawyer get the story straight with the spokesman for the UDD?????

It's gone past silly, it's gone past ridiculous, it's now at the supreme junction of demagoguery and fanaticism. I pray that no one gets hurt or killed during the dispersal process; and that the dispersal is also fast so that the residents, who have been lived in fear and disruption of their lives during the rebellion, can return to a peaceful place.

As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement

And for which reason, may I ask? For well-doing his job while the capital is on emergency? :D

No , he is not a general who obeys orders , he is a politician who gives them

Because thats what politicians usually do in his position . 25 deaths could have been avoided .

During next election campain that will be used

So because he is damaging the dems as well as the road to reconciliation .

:) ... and where are the generals who obey orders from the politicians? So far, they have refused to obey and should all be court-martialled.

Oh and perhaps throw in a few police generals as well.

Am I going to lose my power and water?

If so, just dont be surprised. :)

Just in case, fill up your bathtub with weater, and if you do not have one, buy a trash can, a big one.

As I said in another thread

What a joke....Not only they advertise 12 hours what they gonna do, just to make sure that reds can prepare themselves in case they forgot such a major detail....

But, anyway, reds have shown already that they planned almost everything, and I am pretty sure that they have loads of generators and fuel to run them, as well as water tanks. They surely thought that this situation might happen, and have already made necessary arrangements. The ones who are going to suffer are AGAIN the people living in the area, the same that have already seen their life disrupted by these terrorists....

So, what next ???

... there won't be a John Sobieski III ... at their gates of dawn!

"None of the Red Shirts are afraid of your threats to cut water and power. We will run at soldiers with our two bare hands even if they fire at us with assault rifles," said one protest leader, Weng Tojirakarn.

And when he says "we" he means the lambs being led to a slaughter which he and other leaders have been brainwashing for over a month with constant hate speeches.

Amen! this guy sounds just so brave with his "we" doesn't he? Will like to see him running in front of his pack with his two bare hands towards the assault rifles.


Once all the Yais up country hear they will soon not be able to contact their sons and daughters at the Rally site after their phones are dead, they'll say come home now. It would not be tolerable for the family back home to have no phone contact with them.

There's a danger that whatever political gains the Red Shirts have won through their protests will be squandered by their naivety . This government isn't going to indite itself for using excessive force. The Red Shirts should focus on getting the assurances they need on dissolution, election scheduling and satisfactory terms in a general amnesty. Then they should peacefully decamp.

The Red Shirts can pursue those responsible for violence through the courts or hold hearings on the issue after the next election. Otherwise, whatever political gains they've won by their protests will be squandered.

Yes , I do agree with you , though i think those violent characters Arisman or Sae Daeng should really face charges .

Ask publicly to burn a city or invade parliament among other things are not acceptable by any standard of civil society


I wish they would use a different term other than "crack down" it doesn't seem to mean anything anymore. I would rather see "enforce the law" instead. If the accusations by the red shirt's leaders that the the government is responsible for the injuries when they obviously attacked the government first are addressed, it might carry more weight. Remove the leaders anyway than can, they are obviously terrorists and have blatantly declared that they would bomb and kill all in the name of their cause, which seems to be unsubstantiated and based on the ultimate prize of a monetary purse. End the nonsense, it's obvious the red shirts have nothing to stand for anymore. They have lost all credibility with the majority of the Thai people.

They also said that all transportation system would be stopped, this include the BTS.

Any thoughts on what it means exactly? Personally, i see two options: 1 - Can't get off at station Chit Lom and/or Siam 2 - Entire line is stopped

What do you all think?


They better shut off the entire system. Risk of attacks against BTS trains is too high once they do this

What's the best way to treat an obstinate woman? That's right, ignore her. That takes away all the power she ever had. The reds are the same

VAT collection for April didn't show a drop, or was it the slightest of drops. Yes, it's costing a bit but it is not costing the government as much as we think it does.

Just ignore them there, let them sit there and get wet, let them sit until August or longer if they (really) want. The Thais have adopted well and don't care about them really, there are other department stores...

They tried ignoring them and it is not even worth going into depth on this but you are VERY wrong to believe this has not had (and will continue to have) a HUGE impact on Thailand economically.


this is what they should have done the first day of protest...

it is not that they say they will do it, that it will happen

the kind of 'mai pen rai' attitude that most thais seem to suffer from..

How far does this extend? I live on the edge of the protest in a condo on Petchaburi rd. Am I going to lose my power and water?

Large condos like yours have emegency deisel generators, usually for the lifts and basic lighting but can be switched over to supply rooms. You should talk to your landlord or residence management to make your deal with them!!!


They would have been cleared weeks ago, in Beijing, New York, or London - and by non-lethal means.

Not when the terrorists have assault weapons they wouldn't. As soon as they started firing at the people applying non lethal force they'd be shot dead, as these red terrorists should be.

Everyone would like to see a non violent solution if it is possible. It is rapidly becoming impossible. At what point does simply killing them become acceptable?

In my opinion, it has already passed.

Any force necessary to remove them at this point is justified. There are no more innocents. And anyone who is found to have brought children into the terrorists zone, assuming they survive the dispersal, should be incarcerated and their children, all of them, turned over to protective services to be placed in a foster home.

These people are not responsible enough to be parents.


The exact wording was,

"This time, we really, really, really really, really really really, really, no, seriously, really, really really really start preparing to consider cracking down on the reds. Or at least pretend to."



If there is one thing we should have all learned about this fiasco so far is that we should not expect anything. So, don't be surprised if you see a big turn of events in the next day.

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