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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm


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Thais are Thais....... always playing cat and mouse game. They really never grow up and become mature. Always childish. Mai pen arai and chai yen yen ---- hip! hip! HURRAY!!!!

Well... the ignorant is always ignorant

Way to generalize and look down on Thai people. Should be ashamed of yourself.

Thank You! At least you're one of them. Praising them far too long won't help. I better give them the bashing they need to wake up.

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quote name='OzMick' date='2010-05-13 13:42:46' post='3591581'

Why can't we have a free and fair election with the red leaders in jail? [/quote



(yada yada yada yada yada yada .... truncated)

Mah friend, mah friend, mah friend!

You are such a sweet and gentle person, I'll bet that you've seen "Bambi" 20 or 30 times and cried every time?

Time for the real world! The red shirt leaders are in no mood for a compromise either physically or politically! Their paymaster is in this to the knife...if he fails (if they fail) then he has lost "face" big time...the government will go after him with an axe, they'll take everything off him as he will be seen as a loser...he MUST be seen to WIN!

This is not a game for "pussy's", these guys are tough, very tough and they don't care how much "other people's " blood they spill. The government is well aware of the price of failure!

Keep reading "Gandhi" and watching the tele. Muse on the inhumanity of some people and how their eternal souls are doomed! :D

Ha! Ha! :)

Spot on, TPI !!

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If they don't go ahead with this resolution. What little credibility the authorities did have, will evaporate completely.

I reckon they will go ahead and surround the area, but probably not much more than that will occur.

I think they should surround the area, and just probe a little bit. See what reaction they get.

But I don't understand why they go in at night.

Three possibilities;

1) To give the innocents as much time as possible to leave.

2) They have night vision goggles and they assume the rednecks don't.

3) It's a bit cooler for their guys in full combat gear.

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There are lots of important things going on around the world, no one is interested in whats happening here. UK election, Greece collapsing, Spain is next. The world cup is coming up and playboy is going 3D. those are the important stories.

Wish I had a dollar or pound for everytime I heard that one. I could retire in Thailand.

I did and have! :)

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The red apologists always get upset when they sense that the initiative is slipping away from them.

Then they get nasty when the bully-boy tactics start to fade.

There are two things that are happening now:

First, that the reds have definitively shown that they are not negotiating and that they have no intention of leaving their Bangkok bunker while Thaksin is paying their salaries.

The red leadership is embarrassed but Thaksin has reversed the agreement.

This is not surprising since the agreement does not satisfy his key objective.

Secondly, the Govt now has a fix on who are the blackshirts who have a separate line to Thaksin.

While the thugs are being paid they will not leave. the 'occupation' is their job now.

Jataporn originally said the reds should burn down Bangkok.

Thaksin's message is consistent:

If you don't give it to me I will destroy it.

That is the story.

The whole story.

If only his parent's hadn't pandered to his temper tantrums as a two year old none of this would be happening now; some butterfly effect!

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So yesterday "we are going to cut off all supplies tonight" followed by the red shirts setting up numerous generators.

Today " we will surround you tonight and use live ammunition" followed by Saeh Daeng getting his snipers in position, fresh petrol on the barricades as the old stuff will have evaporated by now etc etc etc.

Tomorrow "we decided to not move in as it would have been too dangerous" or "yes we know many people died, soldiers included, but we are back where we started, the reds are still there, parading the dead bodies and we have more accusations to answer, next time however we will clear the area".

so dam_n predictable, lame duck government

strike government and replace with army/police and I'd agree with you

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It's a recipe for disaster.

Shining Path in Peru had a lot of supporters too, mate. Some things just can't be tolerated if you want a civil society.

And one thing that must not be tolerated is Americans using "mate". :)

We gave the world F***, so get over it!

No you didn't! The word is an old Anglo-Saxon word, it goes back over a thousand years...and Amerlicans using the word "mate" is an abomination! So there! :D

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ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

What an interesting (and ironic) turn of phrase, still, I understand and agree... :)

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I am sure the government is not going to move in unprovoked to enforce the law. The surrounding of the area is a great idea because we know the reds will attack soldiers and vehicles giving authorities the perfect opportunity to clear out the lawless violent mob purely for self defense & safety purposes.
Agreed on that one.

Mate of mine has a set of offices in the area. He was told last night just before he was off hone to, "get out and not come back until further notice". All staff and all the offices in the large center where he is based were all told the same.

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No you didn't! The word is an old Anglo-Saxon word, it goes back over a thousand years...and Amerlicans using the word "mate" is an abomination! So there! :)

So sorry to have offended you, squire, or shall I say DUDE?


Edited by Jingthing
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They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

Have you tried asking some of them? I assume you did, otherwise the above would be foolish beyond belief. Or dare I say, 'uneducated'..

We have been asking this question for weeks with NO result.

Why don't you tell us?

Please spare us the dissolution and we want democracy blather.

Tell us what policies they want to see implemented.

Kowchai mai?

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I just drove on Highway 7 in direction to Suvarnaphum Airport (2:45 pm), when about 25 to 30 Police trucks, not just pick-up trucks, large trucks, all flashing lights on, followed by regular Police pick-up trucks raced on the fast lane towards downtown. Something is imminent.

It is so sad to see that the intransigence of the Red Shirt did not leave the government any option anymore than violence to re-establish law and order.

In a civilized country with a rule of law, the government has the monopoly of force, or coercion (physical force) and cannot tolerate any private individual or group the put themselves outside the law. That is why the Government HAS to clean up this mess, if necessary with force. There have been enough warnings for the protesters to disperse, if they don't follow the orders of the government, they will have to be forced. Sad but true.

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ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

And "lingo" isn't?

The true Brit would never be so normalistic in their thinking.

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From Bangkok Post: Live ammunition would be used - fired into the sky to scare away attackers, to protect the lives of security personnel, and to shoot armed assailants.

Sure is good thing that the bullets are not dangerous when fired into the sky and don't come back down at dangerously high volocity. Also all those high buildings in the area shouldn't be a problem with those bullets shot into the sky. The laws of physics don't seem to apply to Thai bullets. The government also seems to have its fair share of idiot leaders. Shoot straight down into the ground or roads, you idiots! Let the flak hit the reds.

Edited by morejunk
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Whats the betting te reds will have aquired a couple of Armoured vehicals by tommorrow morning and the personal of said vehicals will be paraded opn stage. The PM says i'm gonna do this. the police negotiate the release of the hostages and we all wake up with a stinging sensation of De ja vu ob Saturday morning a its back to square one.

The police are <deleted> useless, the army is less than <deleted> useless, Anupong is more <deleted> useless than the army and the PM, well i've run out of fecks

Might be right about that. Let's go ahead and see. This isn't some 1 day protest. It's gotta end somehow, and IMO Abhisit has already given them everything they want, and it's not good enough. He can give them more, but then they will just ask for more.

I do not think this is an "empty threat."

The current PM has done everything in his power to prevent bloodshed.

He has done everything in his power to not fall into the "trap" a certain person wants him to fall into.

It is clear that a "certain person" wants bloodshed so that his "spin machine" can turn the event to his advantage.

The REDs are not going away until they are finally forced to go away. That is too bad.

I think bloodshed is all but certain.

After that, some important questions will surface:

What will the Thai government (and international community) do to bring the perpetrator of this tragedy to justice?

Will the Thai govt. seize ALL of the perpetrator's assets to pay for the economic problems he caused?

Will the REDS start a campaign of terror across Thailand?

They already have the perpetrator's asset's. That's what this is all about at the end of the day. He want's them back by any means possible. He could care less about the rural people.

I find it really annoying these countries giving him safe harbor. Dubai, Montenegro, Nicaragua, etc. I get Cambodia. Hun Sen has a hard on for Abhisit over the Preah Vihear thing.

Yes, but they only took 50% (correct me if I am wrong). I am talking about what remains. Will they now go after it all?

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Problems are identified as a result of their effect.

While responding to the effect may appear to reduce the problem it does not eliminate it.

Problems can be solved only by the elimination of their causes, which reduces the amount of effect one has to contend with.

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From Bangkok Post: Live ammunition would be used - fired into the sky to scare away attackers, to protect the lives of security personnel, and to shoot armed assailants.

Sure is good thing that the bullets are not dangerous when fired into the sky and don't come back down at dangerously high volocity. Also all those high buildings in the area shouldn't be a problem with those bullets shot into the sky. The laws of physics don't seem to apply to Thai bullets. The government also seems to have its fair share of idiot leaders. Shoot straight down into the ground or roads, you idiots!

Bullets won't bounce of the road mate?

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Why not do a Roman siege. Surround the area and cut off supplies. Maybe get some of the special sound equipment available on the market to disperse protesters and if this doesn't work just keep playing Wayne Newton in a loop.

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They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

Have you tried asking some of them? I assume you did, otherwise the above would be foolish beyond belief. Or dare I say, 'uneducated'..

and in the end to themsleves and god help us if the 'Taksin' friendlies come back to power......... :)

It's pretty inevitable that eventually they will. Not sure why that would affect you or me though, other than having a better chance at getting the economy back on track. (Which many Farang Retirees here don't really want, of course.)

That's right and then when the tourist industry is completely wiped out those that remain here as retirees might receive the correct level of appreciation.

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ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

And "lingo" isn't?

and Mr. Proper pants there never uses any local dialect or slang, and with only the most regal accent to top it off. haha

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From Bangkok Post: Live ammunition would be used - fired into the sky to scare away attackers, to protect the lives of security personnel, and to shoot armed assailants.

Sure is good thing that the bullets are not dangerous when fired into the sky and don't come back down at dangerously high volocity. Also all those high buildings in the area shouldn't be a problem with those bullets shot into the sky. The laws of physics don't seem to apply to Thai bullets. The government also seems to have its fair share of idiot leaders. Shoot straight down into the ground or roads, you idiots! Let the flak hit the reds.

MythBusters Episode 50: Bullets Fired Up


Air Date: April 19, 2006

Watch this episode nowWatch this episode now

Bullets fired into the air maintain their lethal capability when they eventually fall back down.

busted / plausible / confirmed

In the case of a bullet fired at a precisely vertical angle (something extremely difficult for a human being to duplicate), the bullet would tumble, lose its spin, and fall at a much slower speed due to terminal velocity and is therefore rendered less than lethal on impact. However, if a bullet is fired upward at a non-vertical angle (a far more probable possibility), it will maintain its spin and will reach a high enough speed to be lethal on impact. Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police. Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured. To date, this is the only myth to receive all three ratings at the same time.

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Yes, but they only took 50% (correct me if I am wrong). I am talking about what remains. Will they now go after it all?

That was only a small percentage of his money that was in his Thai bank accounts. Who knows what fortune he has in other countries.

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From Bangkok Post: Live ammunition would be used - fired into the sky to scare away attackers, to protect the lives of security personnel, and to shoot armed assailants.

Sure is good thing that the bullets are not dangerous when fired into the sky and don't come back down at dangerously high volocity. Also all those high buildings in the area shouldn't be a problem with those bullets shot into the sky. The laws of physics don't seem to apply to Thai bullets. The government also seems to have its fair share of idiot leaders. Shoot straight down into the ground or roads, you idiots! Let the flak hit the reds.

How about don't fire until you are actually under attack. Everyone knows there is going to be live bullets. Just use them when they are needed, not before.

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anyone know how many red shirts left at protest site

Here you will see a photocollection showing the Rajprasong protest area. It is updated with many new photos nearly everyday. The latest update is from yesterday. Make your own estimate on how many people are there.

From what I have seen a few hours ago it's about similar today. At this time there are usually less people on the street and most are still sleeping in their tents and under the shadows of the bts tracks, condominiums, hotels and shopping malls. Usually after 5pm the people start to get up and you will see many more on the street.

If I have got time today I will shoot some more photos and upload them.

Have a good look at all those people! These are the people the army will point their guns at.


I'm just here to show. Photos tell more than a thousand words. I'm not here to discuss politics and I will not answer any comment.

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Why 6pm or 1800hrs?

Every day at 6pm in this country, people usually stand and listen to a piece of music, it's called the National Anthem of Thailand.

It is supposed to unite the Thai people in their love for king and country.

Maybe someone decided that the battle could begin after it's over?

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Soldiers protected by armoured troop carriers will surround the red-shirt protest site from 6pm Thursday as "Operation Ratchaprasong" swings into action, after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva withdraws the offer to hold a general election on Nov 14.

Who came up with that code name? :)

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