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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video


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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

Maybe one of his own people? Too early to say who it really was.

I say suicide attempt.

He saw the fat lady coming to sing.

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

I believe he has confessed openly to crimes which are punishable by death. At the very least he made himself a legitimate target in the war his own group declared on the government. Frankly I thought he would be more clever than to be caught out in a way that's been reported. Reports could change however.

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I think I can smell payback from some Red shirt Avengers

People forget this is Thailand and there are many mafia factions working around Bangkok. One of them runs the street vendors in Red Zone so maybe they did the shooting

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What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

I'm so pleased I'm not on my own. Tonight I have a house full of red friends of my GF. All good at the moment because these folks are hard working realists, not brainwashed by the wealthy have nots! ( you know that makes sense)

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

Where is your proof of it being the army ?

Could be any group imo.

Yellows are an obvious choice, multi coloured too as they have suffered casualties at the hands of the Reds. He must have had enemies in the army and it's pretty obvious that he's fallen out with at least one other, probably more of the shall we say more 'level headed' Red Shirt leaders.

Surprised that he lasted this long to be honest.

Conspiracy Theory suggests if the Reds packup tomorrow it was one of their own that did it, it's a great excuse to go home and save anymore violence.

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Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

This made me LOL, you sir win the internet for the day.

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

May have been a general but my wife(thai) informed me he had been kicked out of the army..

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Low Caibre bullets to the head/chest. Could be an outside force. Perhaps Japanese...

Lol, Japan is the only country in the world that doesn't have a formal army. They wouldn't know which end of a sniper rifle to hold.

No, this is a good old thai job. Probably the army guys had enough of being used for target practice by Khattiya's guys in black. Also a very direct payback from someone high up, after snipers deliberately targetted certain high ranking officers on April 10.

Well, saying good riddance would be crass, but he certainly was one of the most controversial elements among the red shirt leaders.

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Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Looks like Paragon will be open tomorrow! Weeeee!!! :)

Wow, you're insensitive! I wonder if Iron Man 2 is playing there?

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The general was as big an a-hole as they come, and I don't mourn his loss. But the reality is, cheering his loss........when the government should have easily been able to clamp down on a loose cannon in the military....while criticizing the extermination of a few thousand 'guilty' drug dealers, seems to be at odds.

Maybe like people who were okay with the airport takeover by the yellow shirts, but not okay with the takeover of downtown by the reds.

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This changes things. Lets hope that the more moderate leaders will be able to talk to Abhisit about the road map with out him threatening them.

Also lets hope it doesnt go the other way and his men in black don't go out looking for revenge.


Very sad to see pictures like this if anyone thinks this will do anything other than to make him a martyr you are wrong expect a major reaction to this with a lot more carnage. I believe the reds have been wanting to be attacked as an excuse for a civil war, the Government have walked right into their trap.

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The 'Red shirts' need to clear up what they want!!!!

The wanted parliment dissolution and new elections, the could have had both if they went home when the Priminister annonced his plans!!!!

But they must have been 'told' by the red leader 'we need this (whatever it is they want now) too' - got too greedy!!


i know i'm a 'farang' but the people of bangkok think the same!!!!!!

They will go home when Mr.T and the "hard core" leaders let them :)

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A New York Times reporter claims to have been interviewing him at the time he was shot, in the head. Source.

My condolences to the families of...all the people who have died or been injured at the hands of this maniac.

I wonder if Osama Binladen was beig interviewed would a sniper be allowed to take him down if that was his best shot or would he have to wait till the interview is over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1BVTU_6QrA, the guy thought he cannot be touched but a sniper, probably a 19-21 year old soldier with good eye can do a lot of damage.

In my opinion it may save a lot of lives.

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

Maybe one of his own people? Too early to say who it really was.

Exactly ... whenever the reds shoot anyone, all the red apologists immediately bleat "where's your evidence that it was the reds - it might have been friendly fire". Now what do we get from redparrot? The army has shot a General. Where's your evidence? How do we know it was not the reds who shot him?

Yeah I know.

I heard Thaksin was dead and maybe it was the reds who shot him too.

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

How do we know he was shot by the miitary ? Who has the motive to shoot him ? The reds have been distancing themselves from him of late. Who's to say this wasn't an inside job ? If there was any connection between the M79 type attacks and the reds he had to be the key. Has he been silenced ? Speculating here with apologies, but there has to be a cause and effect here...unless we want to believe he was hit by a stray bullet !

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CNN reports that the interview was being conducted by Tom Fuller of the International Herold Tribune. I'm guessing that would not be video, only a tape recorder?

Generally when criminal families break out into fighting each other, it takes a long time for the violence to subside. And Thailand is a land full of guns.

So I expect some a similar series of violent "hits" to come....

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The general was as big an a-hole as they come, and I don't mourn his loss. But the reality is, cheering his loss........when the government should have easily been able to clamp down on a loose cannon in the military....while criticizing the extermination of a few thousand 'guilty' drug dealers, seems to be at odds.

Maybe like people who were okay with the airport takeover by the yellow shirts, but not okay with the takeover of downtown by the reds.

Completely agree with your post. The red shirts are certainly better off without Seh Daeng, but I also believe that whoever shot him makes them no better than Thaksin's extrajudicial killings.

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Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

How do we know he was shot by the miitary ? Who has the motive to shoot him ? The reds have been distancing themselves from him of late. Who's to say this wasn't an inside job ? If there was any connection between the M79 type attacks and the reds he had to be the key. Has he been silenced ? Speculating here with apologies, but there has to be a cause and effect here...unless we want to believe he was hit by a stray bullet !

Wasn't Seh Daeng supposed to be the leader of the "militant arm" of the red shirts? So he ordered himself shot?

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What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

I'm so pleased I'm not on my own. Tonight I have a house full of red friends of my GF. All good at the moment because these folks are hard working realists, not brainwashed by the wealthy have nots! ( you know that makes sense)

You got it! These reds are fighting for the poor, not the red leaders who are getting paid big money to make this happen by their leader who is incredibly rich. It does make sense for the poor to fight for these rich!


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The general was as big an a-hole as they come, and I don't mourn his loss. But the reality is, cheering his loss........when the government should have easily been able to clamp down on a loose cannon in the military....while criticizing the extermination of a few thousand 'guilty' drug dealers, seems to be at odds.

Maybe like people who were okay with the airport takeover by the yellow shirts, but not okay with the takeover of downtown by the reds.

Completely agree with your post. The red shirts are certainly better off without Seh Daeng, but I also believe that whoever shot him makes them no better than Thaksin's extrajudicial killings.

Agree. Once again there will be no 'winners'.

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