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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

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This PM will go down in history as a TRAITOR to the Thai people.

Seems my Thai wife does not agree with you

And her opinion counts

sadly yours does not

Seems that the majority of the Thai people don't agree with you

And their opinion counts

sadly yours does not

The number of disgusting posts here cheering assasinations, posionings and murders sure says a lot about the mindset of the posters.

When the protesters cheered the murder of the woman killed at Silom and when they cheered the deaths of police and soldiers it said alot about their mindset. Seh Daeng was killed using his own tactics against him. He isn't a civilian, he is leading an armed rebellion against the government he swore to protect, other soldiers have been executed for treason for doing a lot less.

I don't think he ever swore to protect the Abhisit govt. Who would? And I agree that the soldiers who led the armed insurrection in the coup of Sept. 2006 should be tried and convicted. Execution may be a bit much, though. How about life in the rice fields?

Just an update. Thai News has just said that several red shirt guards have been admitted to hospital. It appears that the water supply has been poisoned.


I heard that they were offered coffee laced with a sedative. Some were out cold.

I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

I think Abhisit, Suthep and their family members are the ones shaking in their boots right now.

They are probably all written their wills as we speak.

its strange how those with Thai wives think that they are somehow more connected

How is that strange? They ARE more connected. Is that not obvious? And those of us with kids here even more so.

I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

I think Abhisit, Suthep and their family members are the ones shaking in their boots right now.

They are probably all written their wills as we speak.

Grammar could be better :) and the content of what you write :D

No, I don't think that educated people would write their wills at this time, they have already written them, however, un-educated people maybe would

This PM will go down in history as a TRAITOR to the Thai people.

Seems my Thai wife does not agree with you

And her opinion counts

sadly yours does not

Using your own argument, neither does yours.

He doesn't have an opinion as most of his posts quote his "Thai wife" Who werars the pants in that family??

NYT link http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/world/asia/14thai.html?hp

eyewitness report by NYT reporter

no "eyewitness" report at this link...

Uh, yeah. Except for that the reporter who wrote the story was 2 feet away from Seh Daeng when he was shot, and was interviewing him at the time. So, yeah, not eyewitness except that it is. Try reading the whole story next time.

Good video stories on the New York Times story, too. I also found some good video reports from these latest developments on the BBC and Al Jazeera English sites.

This part of the story?

Quote NY Times - "The general, Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 58, had become a symbol of the lawlessness and impunity that have torn Thailand apart as the protests have pitted the nation's poor against its establishment"

Quote NY Times - "I deny!" he cried in English, with a laugh, when asked in an interview on Sunday about the dozens of bombings that have set Bangkok on edge and about the mysterious black-shirted killers who escalated the violence on April 10 that killed 26 soldiers and civilians. "No one ever saw me."

Quote NY Times - This clash would be “free form,” he said, adding, “There are no rules.”

Sounds like a criminal perhaps?

I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

I think he is well aware of how easy it is to "knock off someone not wanted" if you have oodles of money and power. Don't you remember the "war on drugs"?


Red shirt leaders are planning their next move some want to fight on others see the writing on the wall. We might find out by 10am. I won't be surprised if some of the red leaders attempt to slip out of the protest zone and make a run for it by then.


The irony:

The injured protesters were taken to Chulalongkorn Hospital

Seh Daeng wouldn't mind if a mob pays him a visit right now would he?

Do we even know who shot him??? For all we know, it could even be a fraction of Red.

I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

I think Abhisit, Suthep and their family members are the ones shaking in their boots right now.

They are probably all written their wills as we speak.

i think after the reds tried to kill Abhisit during Black Songkran 2009, its likely he has already written his..........

Shooting this guy in full view of the international media was an incredibly stupid thing to do, and it won't solve anything. The reds are armed to the teeth, with a gun in almost every Thai house. Driving this conflict underground by shooting people has far reaching consequences that are too awful to contemplate.

The only way out of this mess is through dialogue, democratic process and unbiased justice.

Well said.

The Army shooting people has not solved the problems in the South, it has made things worse

If you remove the reds from Rajaprasong tomorrow and use brutal force, I think you can be sure that bombings and shootings will rock Bangkok every week for months and perhaps years to come.

Thai's work on the principle of "an eye for eye".

This all stated with the PAD in 2006 followed by the illegal coup, and it will get more "tit for tat" the longer it goes on.

Indeed, Thais most certainaly work on the principle of an eye for an eye.

Abhisit and Suthep will be most likely be assasinated (by the pros, not the amatuers) as a result of their own stupidity by ordering the killings.

it shows your own meagre level of intelligence if you think that Abhisit or Suthep will have signed or uttered any order, to anyone, that says anything like '' off you go out and kill Seh Daeng''

This PM will go down in history as a TRAITOR to the Thai people.

Seems my Thai wife does not agree with you

And her opinion counts

sadly yours does not

Using your own argument, neither does yours.

He doesn't have an opinion as most of his posts quote his "Thai wife" Who werars the pants in that family??

Right - that "my missus doesn't agree with you, so I must be right" line certainly says a lot.


There is alot of talk about this being a inside job.

Seh Deang had a altercation with other red guards on the 12th, nearly coming to blows.

This is not the work of a army sniper, that would have left his brains splattered all over the road like we saw on April 10th.

This was the work of a handgun, shot at close range.

I'll bet Thaksin is now shaking in his boots that he has been shown how easy it is to knock-off someone not wanted.

Unless Thailand just bought some cruise missiles, I don't think a Thai sniper can shoot all the way to Dubai.

With the daily shooting rate in Thailand, and supposed availability of hired hands for the job, I am sure Thaksin is more than aware of how easy it can be to know someone off in Thailand. If Seh Deang was a normal schmoe in an up country town, this wouldn't make news for more than half a day in the papers.

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

At this point I believe the police and the media don't know who was behind the shooting. There are so many "gunmen" in Thailand it probably wouldn't be hard for any faction to find a competent sniper. There are so many possible motives for people to want Seh Daeng removed from the scene that it's good everyone is being careful about assigning blame for this. I can imagine a faction within the Red Shirts who would like to have Thaksin's wonder boy go away. I can imagine a "peaceful resolution" faction also who would feel gratified if Seh Daeng was no longer on the scene with his hard-line arguments. And of course the Yellow Shirts would be pleased by his demise. Or maybe just a group of businessmen who are tired of the Red Shirts rallies interfering with their day-to-day business. Even small businessmen in that part of town should be able to raise the fee for a marksman.

it shows your own meagre level of intelligence if you think that Abhisit or Suthep will have signed or uttered any order, to anyone, that says anything like '' off you go out and kill Seh Daeng''

So who gave the orders for the army to use live ammo then? The tooth fairy ? :)


It's a sad day for aerobics in Thailand.

csogloz - so far we don't have confirmation from the hospitals for 20 injured - but when you go and throw stones at armed military guys it's the kind of thing you can expect. So far no reports seemed to indicate live bullet injuries on the red side apart from Khattiya.

It was likely a red shirt who was acting on behalf of the rest of the more sane Red leadership who didn't appreciate this A*hole trying to usurp the movement and turn it into a violent machine intent on bloodshed. The man was unstable. Read the quote from the AP "The prime minister and the Red Shirts were on the verge of striking a deal but then I came in. Suddenly, I became an important person," he said.

Says it all doesn't it. The reds assassinated him.

I'll condense your yellow twaddle for you:

A ------ ------ ---- -- ----- ----- redshirt----- --- ---- -------- did - --- ----- -------------it. LALALALALA <Ignore>...

Small caliber bullets don't come from sniper rifles. Watch the news in the next few days and learn the truth.

Long range sniper rounds are usually large calibre (.50 is common). For shorter distances NATO 5.56/.223 is quite usable and accurate, and does emit the very loud signature of a heavier round.



I have been looking everywhere for the international condemnation that red apologists said would come from this, and all I have been able to find is this: (2.42 this morning - but funny how it doesn't mention Sae Daeng.)

THE NATION: Thaksin has just sent his tweet, condemning the use of force on protesters. (2.42)

HIs latest tweet, Thaksin criticized govt 4 not being sincere & just in its reconciliation plan. "Reconciliation is not only beautiful wrd."

Well Abhisit has been sent a letter from Human Rights informing him that he has committed a war crime by allowing civilians to be shot - possibly more than 20 last night. I have seen the letter and it is very legally written. Next change of government and he won't be safe anywhere in the world from prosecution.

Its posts like this, that make me shake my head!!!!

You are talking out of your a##.

Well Abhisit has been sent a letter from Human Rights informing him that he has committed a war crime by allowing civilians to be shot - possibly more than 20 last night. I have seen the letter and it is very legally written. Next change of government and he won't be safe anywhere in the world from prosecution.

Good news !

I wonder if he will serve his jail time or escape overseas... :)

Well Abhisit has been sent a letter from Human Rights informing him that he has committed a war crime by allowing civilians to be shot - possibly more than 20 last night. I have seen the letter and it is very legally written. Next change of government and he won't be safe anywhere in the world from prosecution.

which human rights what?

from where?

and just for clarity, lets see a reference link to it so we can all be the judge instead of just you

i remember when Thaksin organised the peace work killings of 2500 '' drug dealers''

the UN sent a human rights commissioner to see him in Bangkok

he would not see him and told officials to tell him to mind his own business and put him back on the plane

doesn't seem to have stopped him globetrotting does it?

realistically these organisations justify their own funding and their own jobs by firing off letters to everyone

has it made a difference in Darfur, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Somalia ??

not a bit and it never will...........

it shows your own meagre level of intelligence if you think that Abhisit or Suthep will have signed or uttered any order, to anyone, that says anything like '' off you go out and kill Seh Daeng''

So who gave the orders for the army to use live ammo then? The tooth fairy ? :)

After April 10 of course the army is carrying live ammo, they have been for days. No one said they had orders to use it to fire on the crowds though. But once the reds attack them they will be able to defend themselves. If they had orders to use live ammo on the crowd last night there would have been evidence of it and dead people in the hospitals, have there been lots of fatalities yet?

This is not the work of a army sniper, that would have left his brains splattered all over the road like we saw on April 10th.

This was the work of a handgun, shot at close range.

It seems like the reporter that was interviewing him when he was shot might have noticed that. :)

Well Abhisit has been sent a letter from Human Rights informing him that he has committed a war crime by allowing civilians to be shot - possibly more than 20 last night. I have seen the letter and it is very legally written. Next change of government and he won't be safe anywhere in the world from prosecution.

Good news !

I wonder if he will serve his jail time or escape overseas... :)

Russell, now you are being silly

that privalege is reserved only for billionaire, meglomaniac ex Pm's

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