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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Running seems to be a special of their leaders

The sounds heard at about 6:20 pm prompted the red-shirt leaders to flee down the stage and hide behind the stage, leaving the protesters to lie down in front of the stage.

Red guards also ran for cover.

You're suggesting if the army shoots at you, you will just stand there and not run away for cover? :)

what I mean is that any worthy leader stays with his people and doesn't hide if his people can't they are simply cowards

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Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

But why? Are the PAD readying to attack the reds if the government halt the operation? Does he see it necessary to show yellow strength so when the reds get crushed and the leaders jailed he has more bargaining power against the very real possibility that government aware of doublke standard accusations will start getting tough on the PAD leaders? Or will the resurrection of the PAD be used to raise awareness for NPP who have idappeared in what hasnt been their fight? Or is there some other reason?

Journalist Shot?

I see no Green Arm Band or anything such as a camera to indicate he is a journalist. I also see no blood at all which makes me believe he got shot with a rubber bullet.

His name is Nelson Rand. He's a journalist with France 24. He was earning his living doing what many other journalists are forced to do. He was taken to Chula Hospital. He had rifle bullet wounds to his foot, wrist and abdomen.

And who the hel_l are you? Some keyboard jockey sitting at home moaning.

He is an idiot is what he is. I saw another version of this where he speaks and he sounded like an American ... not French.

Why does someone that works for a French company have to "sound French"? If I work for a Thai company, am I supposed to "sound Thai"? Hello! Brain cells! Wake up!

Nelson Rand has lived in Southeast Asia for over ten years. He has worked as a freelance journalist, which has taken him to some of the most remote and little known conflict areas of the region, a subeditor for The Nation newspaper, and a political contractor for the Embassy of Canada in Thailand. He has a Master's Degree in Asia Pacific Policy Studies and a Bachelor's Degree in Asian Studies, both from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He currently resides in Bangkok. Conflict is his first book.
Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Thaksin still has a few billions of Baht. He does not have to return and govern Thailand. He can just enjoy his life peacefully. The problem is that he is power hungry. Hitler style.

And that, folks, is all there is to it. But I'm sure believes it is not possible to be too rich. :)

Whenever I hear people say "this is beyond Thaksin now" it reminds of Richard Nixon constantly saying "the American people are tired of Watergate."

Running seems to be a special of their leaders

The sounds heard at about 6:20 pm prompted the red-shirt leaders to flee down the stage and hide behind the stage, leaving the protesters to lie down in front of the stage.

Red guards also ran for cover.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. - Wizard of Oz 1939

Thailand was a MESS before Sondhi bank rolled Thaksin into power, calling him 'the best PM ever'.

Thailand will be a MESS when new figures replace the currents 'actors'.

Thailand's MESS IS bigger than Thaksin AND Sondhi, times 10!~

I can agree with the comment there - that is correct eggo.

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

But why? Are the PAD readying to attack the reds if the government halt the operation? Does he see it necessary to show yellow strength so when the reds get crushed and the leaders jailed he has more bargaining power against the very real possibility that government aware of doublke standard accusations will start getting tough on the PAD leaders? Or will the resurrection of the PAD be used to raise awareness for NPP who have idappeared in what hasnt been their fight? Or is there some other reason?

Well, he has called on Abhisit to resign. Looks like he might lead the PAD into a demonstration against the government (perhaps together with UDD?) and when Abhisit is gone, the PAD and UDD will fight it out to see who takes control of Thailand. A civil war always needs 2 sides ..and it looks like Thailand now has 3 sides. The government, the PAD and the UDD.


This thing is definitely going into next week.

"Officials say they will continue with their crackdown and will start using harsher measures if protesters refuse to disperse within two days."

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :D

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Apparently that didn't teach him anything. :)

Journalist Shot?

I see no Green Arm Band or anything such as a camera to indicate he is a journalist. I also see no blood at all which makes me believe he got shot with a rubber bullet.

His name is Nelson Rand. He's a journalist with France 24. He was earning his living doing what many other journalists are forced to do. He was taken to Chula Hospital. He had rifle bullet wounds to his foot, wrist and abdomen.

And who the hel_l are you? Some keyboard jockey sitting at home moaning.

He is an idiot is what he is. I saw another version of this where he speaks and he sounded like an American ... not French.

Edit: You appear right. Just watched another video of Nelson Rand and looks and sounds like the same guy.

Do we know for sure if he was shot with live rounds or if they were rubber bullets? I only hear the word "shot" being used and don't see any blood in this video.

Bottom line is he is still an idiot for being were he was with no protection and nothing to identify himself as a journalist ... both things the army has advised journalists to do.

And all because of the PAD in 2006 and the subsequent illegal coup which threw the best ever constitution Thailand had, into the bin.

The coup leaders in 2006 should have their immunity revoked (why are they immune from prosecution anyway) and be tried for treason. That might stop coups in future.

Why stop there - lets go back to '92, '91, '77, '76, '73, '71.......makes as much sense now

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

same people who ordered sondhi's shooting also ordered Seh daengs.


Burn baby burn

If I were so inclined, I think I would bet on a real fight breaking out.

I am watching the reds and they still hold the Sukhumvit World area.

Their men in Black, if given the orders, will shoot down army by the hundreds or thousands.

That will be the start of either a war or Chaos or complete and utter collapse of the current system.

They are angry.

They know who Generals are and where they live.

The Current regime has chosen to assassinate a Red while he was giving an interview for the Wall Street Journal.

Do they think they are bullet proof?

The men in black might take revenge.

Anybody living close to Victory? I live in Din Daeng and coming home at 6pm on a motorcycle taxi there were gunshots and people running next to the traffic lights at Century Park Hotel. I got off the motorcycle ready to run with them but the traffic started moving, so I was able to complete the journey with chocolate stains in my pants! Amazing how many onlooking apparent civilians there were all wanting to see a piece of the action.

I always thought I was quite far away from it, just shows - nowhere's safe....

yep im down near victory and saw the thick plum of smoke comming from that area. I was hear last year when the armed forces scared the reds off by firring into the sky. the shots sounded like thery were wizzing by my balcony. For some of us this stuff is seriouse and involves our lives. This is why I rarely post, for me this situation is not a dabating game. yet it does not mean I don't have opinions.

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Well , I guess the sniper was not as good as the one that shot Seh Dang.

They sure improved lately... :)

Someone is going down Rajaprarop shooting the lights out.

Early on they said the army was doing this. My guess is to help soldiers be less of a target at night.

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Well , I guess the sniper was not as good as the one that shot Seh Dang.

They sure improved lately... :)

If I recall correctly, Sondhi was shot in the morning while driving to work. Someone pulled up to his car, I believe on a motorbike or another car, and sprayed it with bullets.


Let's just have a little respect for the people who risk their lives just so we know what's going on in Bangkok, alright guys? Here's hoping no more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

But why? Are the PAD readying to attack the reds if the government halt the operation? Does he see it necessary to show yellow strength so when the reds get crushed and the leaders jailed he has more bargaining power against the very real possibility that government aware of doublke standard accusations will start getting tough on the PAD leaders? Or will the resurrection of the PAD be used to raise awareness for NPP who have idappeared in what hasnt been their fight? Or is there some other reason?

Well, he has called on Abhisit to resign. Looks like he might lead the PAD into a demonstration against the government (perhaps together with UDD?) and when Abhisit is gone, the PAD and UDD will fight it out to see who takes control of Thailand. A civil war always needs 2 sides ..and it looks like Thailand now has 3 sides. The government, the PAD and the UDD.

Add in the military, police, commies, plus a few I have forgotten :D

Let's just have a little respect for the people who risk their lives just so we know what's going on in Bangkok, alright guys? Here's hoping no more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

You wish...




^^^^ Someone tweet this for me, thanks.

Let's just have a little respect for the people who risk their lives just so we know what's going on in Bangkok, alright guys? Here's hoping no more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

You wish...

Indeed I do.

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Well , I guess the sniper was not as good as the one that shot Seh Dang.

They sure improved lately... :)

I think it was no sniper, because they run up his car and shot multiplate bullets into it.

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

like when he bank rolled his 'crony' buddy Thaksin into power so he could his puppet PM to forgive his millions, or was it billions in debt?

like when he threw T under the bus when Viraj was sacked and finances were being investigated?

Historians will call the last 10 to 15 years 'The Sondhi Era'

To answer your question, the 'theory' is, he knows what is going to happen in the autumn military shuffles. He has noticed he is on the wrong side of the fence and will now attempt to climb, crawl or tunnel over.

Don't be surprised to see him donning a red shirt when the military promotions come out, even.

{Would it surprise you?}

What if the same TEAM was behind the Sondhi assasination attempt, the drive by shooting of multicolored a few days ago, where police were killed, and the recent shootings? [check the bullets]

Burn baby burn

If I were so inclined, I think I would bet on a real fight breaking out.

I am watching the reds and they still hold the Sukhumvit World area.

Their men in Black, if given the orders, will shoot down army by the hundreds or thousands.

That will be the start of either a war or Chaos or complete and utter collapse of the current system.

They are angry.

They know who Generals are and where they live.

The Current regime has chosen to assassinate a Red while he was giving an interview for the Wall Street Journal.

Do they think they are bullet proof?

The men in black might take revenge.

Sadly you could be right.

Abhisit is an idiot for what it seems letting Yellow army elements carry out this execution.

The divide between the 2 sides of the Army will widen further, if the watermelon side joins with the police against the honeydew melon army side - then the civil war will happen and it will be ugly.

Perhaps the MIB will just seek revenge ?

I can see many "elite" never going out in public again, and people like Abhisit and Suthep will have many people wishing, and maybe trying, to........ well you know what these people will want to do to them, Thai's are very much into revenge and they are patient to wait, memories like elephants when it comes to exacting revenge.

Sad, but I think the step over the edge has now been taken.

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

Well , I guess the sniper was not as good as the one that shot Seh Dang.

They sure improved lately... :)

Shooting of Sondhi Limthongkul

Days after the Bangkok unrest was quelled by military forces, gunmen ambushed Sondhi's car at a petrol station, shot out the tires, and fired over 100 M-16 and AK-47 assault rifle rounds at the car. Sondhi suffered one wound to the head and was conscious, standing, and lucid before being sent to the hospital for surgery.[147] Sondhi survived the surgery and was visited by relatives afterwards. It was not clear who ordered the shooting, although the PAD's spokesman speculated that a faction of the military or police could have been behind it.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Al...y#cite_note-147

If I recall correctly, Sondhi was shot in the morning while driving to work. Someone pulled up to his car, I believe on a motorbike or another car, and sprayed it with bullets.

Well, nobody can beat professional killers

One bullet is enough, not "spraying" them.... :)

Burn baby burn

If I were so inclined, I think I would bet on a real fight breaking out.

I am watching the reds and they still hold the Sukhumvit World area.

Their men in Black, if given the orders, will shoot down army by the hundreds or thousands.

That will be the start of either a war or Chaos or complete and utter collapse of the current system.

They are angry.

They know who Generals are and where they live.

The Current regime has chosen to assassinate a Red while he was giving an interview for the Wall Street Journal.

Do they think they are bullet proof?

The men in black might take revenge.

Sadly you could be right.

Abhisit is an idiot for what it seems letting Yellow army elements carry out this execution.

The divide between the 2 sides of the Army will widen further, if the watermelon side joins with the police against the honeydew melon army side - then the civil war will happen and it will be ugly.

Perhaps the MIB will just seek revenge ?

I can see many "elite" never going out in public again, and people like Abhisit and Suthep will have many people wishing, and maybe trying, to........ well you know what these people will want to do to them, Thai's are very much into revenge and they are patient to wait, memories like elephants when it comes to exacting revenge.

Sad, but I think the step over the edge has now been taken.

:):D :D :D :D :D :D :D:cheesy::clap2:

Sorry, but you do realize nothing you have predicted in the past 6 weeks has come true. How is bizzaro world anyway?

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