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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

Get the women and children out of there!

Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

Any link to this "update" ????????

Read it this morning in the 10's of news feeds.. cant find it now but it was clear..

The driver was smelling of drink and didnt stop when he was waved down.. He had knives in the van.. The child and another adult (elderly) was hit as bystanders when the army opened fire on the van..

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Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

You want cheap women and cheap beer, go somewhere else.

Thailand has a major fight on its hands and your nonsense about hating this group or that is dull.

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

how about the South? do they matter at all or should the rest of Thailand bend over to a minority for the NW of the country? Sure. the past few weeks they have slid further away from having any kind of support and once this is wrapped up and EVRYTHING comes out about these idiots nobody will support them.

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.

The guy is an incompetent, irresponsible leader that has just brought the country to the edge of civil war, due to his impatience, frustration and unwillingness to show flexibility in negotiations. How much blood needs to be spilled under this idiots leadership before you tell him to resign ?

The blood lust on this forum is disgusting.

Way off base here can you imagine any other leader being in charge now, say Thaksin? If this was reversed and Thaksin was in power I would put the number of casualties in the hundreds already. You are a fool to think that Abhisit hasn't bent over backwards to give these idiots every possible way out and each time they have spit in the face of him and the rest of Thailand.

YOu are the one way off base.

Thaksin is calling for returning to the negotiation table. I would much rather have Thaksin calling the shots than this braindead moron Abhisit.

RH you are so funny. Thaksin now knows he has created a red monster and it is feeding on itself. Overtly out of control and getting more violent daily. He has lost the battle but hopes now to salvage his ill gotten gain by pleading for negotiations. Sorry Charlie, he should not have sent the SMS during the first round of negotiations.


A very sober reminder about good parenting skills. Good parents do not drive drunk with their kids in the vehicle. A good and respectable parent would never take a child into a war zone, then attempt to break through a check point knowing dam_n good and well troops have the authority to open fire under a SOE. Thanks for the reminder about being a parent. I truly hope the father receives life imprisonment for selfishly doing this to his child. I hope this kid makes a full recovery and is placed into a proper home with real loving parents who honestly care about his well-being.

I see you don't like to jump to conclusions very quickly do you, you know nothing of the story but have already convicted the parents, were they even reshirts where were they trying to go and for what. Do you even care?

I see where you are coming from. You are in essence saying it is okay to be a drunken idiot on the road with a child in the vehicle. God forbid, I hope you have no children of your own. It really doesn't matter if they are redshirts or not, the fact remains a drunk with a child in the van, illegally ran thorough a check point, refused to stop, and subsequently they were fired at. If you honestly feel that the driver, who by some reports are stating it was the father, has every legitimate reason to do this to the young lad, I really feel sorry for you. Pathetic!

No I am saying why don"t you wait until you are in possession of all the facts before you sentence the parents, but I feel I'm wasting my time talking to you so I won't bother.

Me: 2+2 = 4!

Noel: Wait for all the facts before you jump to such wild conclusions!

This would be funny if it wasn't true.

Sorry Noel. These parents are irresponsible and their children should be taken from them and placed in foster homes until they are rehabilitated. We already have all the facts. You do not take your child into a war zone. Ever! Not for money and not for extremely questionable political beliefs and ideology.

The country needs a leader with brain of Abhisit and balls of Thaksin (no pun intended) ... Just having good intentions doesn't work if u can't implement those.... hope Thailand emerges stronger after this debacle...

Since when has Takki got balls ??? last time I looked, he was hiding in exile with body guards around him -tiny little balls would be a correct description - I think if anyone has shown balls here its Abhisit - first to wait that long against the wishes of the majority - than to force the military to actually do something

well I am seeing more guys willing to die for him thn this govt right at this movement....

Sorry to be a bore, but we have yet to hear just what these people are prepared to die for.

No, really. Let's assume that there will be an election sometime soon, what do they want. What policies do they want enacted? Not one red shirt apologise has attempted to answer this over vthe last two months.

In the meantime, army are moving way too slow. Do it once. Do it quickly and decisively with overwhelming force. Try to minimise casualties but get the job done.

to quote Clint Eastwood -- "it hel_l of a job to kill a man... it takes all he's got.. " may be not the exact words ..still..

Those guys under those Army uniforms are humans as well ... they are no robots... maybe they don't want to do it quickly and decisively...

and stop branding people red/yellow apologist pls... some of us here just want no more deaths... no Reds, no Yellow and no Armymen ...

Besides Thaksin's economic support, my speculation is that there are many high ranked red-shirts that have invested a lot of money in this as well. Invested on the hope they will win a new election and get a position where thay can pilfer money from the government.

They want to get rid of Abhisit and call for new elections. But I can't find any valid points on why there is a really need for it. People can't just overthrow leaders just because they don't like them or "their man" wasn't elected. All this talk about the poor. What is it with the poor that needs to be so urgent adressed? Do they wanna open the government casbox and sprinkle over the Issanies? Do they hope that Thaksin will come give everyone at fat bonus? I find no valid ponits for the current situation...

Your aware of the sept military and police reshuffle yeah ?? So they can place their men into power spots and demote those against them for the next 4 years..

Plus gamesmanship with the constitution..

THATS what they are fighting about.. And why Nov elections are not enough.. And why they were a superb play to the western media that doesnt report or understand this.

That's it! 100% it and nothing else - but some think it's about democracy :)

Democracy Thai style..

Its all power mongering.. On both sides.. If you cant see that your blind.


It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

Get the women and children out of there!

get the WOMEN, CHILDREN, OLD and SICK out of the red fighting zone !

As I've stated before this is a hostage situation with red terrorist leaders using the vulnerable (and brainwashed) as human shields. They are lower than a Daschund's anus. :)

IF reds said 'peaceful' protest and demonstration is their right,

THEN allow ( not even hostage ) women, children, old and sick in the fight zone, is their SIN :D

THE NATION: Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Phromphan quoted as saying the conflict has come too far to negotiate, so PM Abhisit must resign.

What can one expect ?

Jatuporn Phromphan is facing a firing squad for inciting the current unrest he along with the other brothers1-6 have constantly moved the goalposts every time conciliatory moves were made.

These Red Shirt Brigade leaders have always wanted violence as their rhetoric of hate and violence has and still does show.

They got the fight ,they have put their pawns in the front row whilst they (the Red Shirt Brigade leaders brothers 1-6 ) are indeed ensconced safely well away at the rear of any violent actions.

Not a set of prairie oysters between them nor ever will be either, no doubt lots of soiled underwear though.

Gutless cowardly (mis) leaders the lot of them .

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

Reds will win let me see ...

In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

@justasken - I know there are some Thais that are incredibly patriotic and do not care about outsiders' opinons. However, the few I know are quite the opposite. They not only welcome foreigner's opinion, they are genuinely surprised and pleased that we care at all.

I also think that many red shirt supporters care about foreingers opinions, as evidenced by having a spokesman for international media (sorry forgot his name), inviting foreign diplomats to Rajaprasong, and even having a foreign tourist speak on the stage.

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

At least, he always appears appropriately dressed. :D

To Moderators....... would it be possible to have a thread in which we just got peoples eyewitness reports? this is now about 58 pages of the same old arguments, and within it are maybe 4 or 5 interesting and useful comments from people who have actually seen what is happening on the ground. This could be a valuable resource considering the shocking media coverage, but instead its just become a platform for my ignorant opinion is better than your ignorant opinion.

Moderators very busy 'Monkeycircus' I'd imagine. Very good suggestion nonetheless.

Silom Road becomes ghost town

BANGKOK: -- Silom Road, which is always bustling, became deserted Saturday morning with only a few 7-Eleven shops remaining open.

At 10:30 am Saturday, troops used orange plastic roadblocks to set up several layers of barricades from Silom-Narathiwat Intersection to Saladaeng Intersection.

-- The Nation 2010-05-15

only a few 7-Eleven shops remaining open ????/

Maybe this is a Civil War. :)

most of the showrooms are closed... traffic trickling in...

Thats how I wanted the roads to be evryday of my life in bkk but these rubber/real bullets, petrol bombs and grenades are spoiling it a bit.... :D

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

Reds will win let me see ...

In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

what, did he mean those M79, AK47, old goodyear tires, kigolitres of gas . . . OMG


“The reds don't want reconciliation. They want to be in power. They only want one thing. That's why they don't want to negotiate.”

That may be your take, but things look very different to the Thais in the upcountry villages – which is surely what is more germane than farang opinion. If you doubt me, read the international press, rather than The Nation & BKK Post, which are propaganda outlets for the BKK ‘elite’.

We have no sure idea of what Abhisit wants, or how genuine are his conciliatory offers. Relevantly, the Reds apparently do not trust him. I’m sure he would be very happy if they all went quietly home. But from their viewpoint, what would they have gained, apart from a politician’s promises?

As from the start, the peaceful solution is seemingly for dissolution of a government founded on an army coup & political horse-trading, then a new election. The alternative is more bloodshed & chaos, but that’s just my take.

The farangs who take a violently partisan approach in this crisis are crapping in their own nest, IMHO. This is a very unstable part of the world. Thailand is surrounded by some very dodgy regimes. Not the least problem is the Moslem violence in the south. Inernal strife weakens Thailand. If you want to continue enjoying its benefits, you might do well to tone down your calls for ‘crackdowns’ & ‘firm action’ – the old jackboots & bullets treatment for the ungrateful poor.

It is not impossible that a regime change will arrive. The new bosses might be the ‘Reds’ you so vigorously attack. You might find your position as a farang insecure. Thais are not idiots, & they have memories. You could find it very difficult to renew your visa &/or work permit in the future. Think on’t. OGT

Early elections have already been offered and rejected by the reds.

Nobody knows what the reds really want.

I would say that in Nakon Phanom provinces support is about 50/50.

General response to Seh Daeng assasination seems to be Sam nah nah. (Seves you right).


Coke worker injured in crossfire at Rajprarop

Another gunfight erupted on Rajprarop Road at 9:20 am Saturday, causing a Coke transport worker to be injured in a crossfire.

Now they've really done it. They'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola Company of America! (apologies to Dr Strangelove) :)

Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

Is that why you're BEGGING the foreign press to come back?

To Moderators....... would it be possible to have a thread in which we just got peoples eyewitness reports? this is now about 58 pages of the same old arguments, and within it are maybe 4 or 5 interesting and useful comments from people who have actually seen what is happening on the ground. This could be a valuable resource considering the shocking media coverage, but instead its just become a platform for my ignorant opinion is better than your ignorant opinion.

Post to mods directly mate. I've found them to be great. No sarcasm. They're over-worked and should have their pay trebled.

Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

Any link to this "update" ????????

Read it this morning in the 10's of news feeds.. cant find it now but it was clear..

The driver was smelling of drink and didnt stop when he was waved down.. He had knives in the van.. The child and another adult (elderly) was hit as bystanders when the army opened fire on the van..

Yea, I cannot find any source making this claim but you either.

TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

A link would be useful many here post leads without link and nobody can verify the info

"It's all an illusion "Maya", said Buddha.

and the truth shal reveal itself in time, or not.



Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

Reds will win let me see ...

In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

Not sure they are much different animals both use the same rhetoric then and now "dufass"

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

what, did he mean those M79, AK47, old goodyear tires, kigolitres of gas . . . OMG

BP just confirmed they can supply 200000 gallons of petroleum evry day... they are just waiting for a big pipe with a opening at Central world...

Silom Road becomes ghost town

BANGKOK: -- Silom Road, which is always bustling, became deserted Saturday morning with only a few 7-Eleven shops remaining open.

At 10:30 am Saturday, troops used orange plastic roadblocks to set up several layers of barricades from Silom-Narathiwat Intersection to Saladaeng Intersection.

-- The Nation 2010-05-15

only a few 7-Eleven shops remaining open ????/

Maybe this is a Civil War. :)

I haven't see any ghosts there. Who writes this c**p for Nation?


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

So why aren't they the "blues" or the "whites"? Last time i checked the flag also had those colors. Oh, wait, maybe its because the leadership is stacked with former Maoists? And isn't one of the goals to redistribute the wealth of the elite? (well, exept Thaksin's, and Chalerm's, and Chavolit's.... :) )

to quote Clint Eastwood -- "it hel_l of a job to kill a man... it takes all he's got.. " may be not the exact words ..still..

Those guys under those Army uniforms are humans as well ... they are no robots... maybe they don't want to do it quickly and decisively...

and stop branding people red/yellow apologist pls... some of us here just want no more deaths... no Reds, no Yellow and no Armymen ...

Yes, I have been thinking about this too. I have read many posts about how the police and army in Western countries would have been more hardline, and I think that is true. I think it is true because most of the quasi-psychopathic types that don't end up in jail in my country tend to be in the army or police, and being given the order to crack heads largely fills their fantasies and pumps up their boasts. The fact that they can justify it by saying 'I'm doing my duty' is just a convenient excuse that absolves them from feeling any moral responsibility for bashing people's heads in.

In contrast, Thais are a lot less aggressive, more peace-loving and nowhere near as gung-ho. That is part of the beauty and charm of this country as opposed to the one I come from, where aggressive stares meet you on every street corner. I'm not surprised the troops are reluctant, and although I wish to see this protests end, I think it would be far more effective if they simply drove a bunch of tanks and APCs up to Rajarprasong and occupied the area without fighting anyone. The troops inside could defend themselves from being overrun with minimum force and it would stop all these random gunfire deaths and beatings of poor conscripts in trucks.


YOu are the one way off base.

Thaksin is calling for returning to the negotiation table. I would much rather have Thaksin calling the shots than this braindead moron Abhisit.

You would sooner have an Criminal as a leader ?

I don't care if the leader is a 3 legged monster. As long as he can do whatever it takes to bring this country closer to reconciliation then he will have my support.

Abhisit has been harping on about reconciliation but the country has only divided under his leadership. He should never have been PM.

Thank you. There is really no need for you to go on. Pol Pot sure borught Cambodians together.Same with Mao in China. And the Emporer in Japan circa 1937-45. You would have supported them all. Typical Red / Thaksin supporter :)

Brought or bought?

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