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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Very generous saying 'half truths' Well done. Don't mean to be seen as pis---sing in your pocket. Strongly disagree with your posts on other topics... Tell you at a more appropriate time! Spade's a spade.

Thats okay Andrew, many people disagree with my posts, I understand that OTHER people need to be wrong sometimes, its hard being me :):D

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This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

Get the women and children out of there!

Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

Why was a ten year old boy near a war zone after midnight? Whoever his parents are, they are irresponsible.

They should be held RESPONSIBLE

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

Kids I understand...but whts wrong with women being there... women can protest in Thailand or its against rule?

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

Source of your info please. Clutching straws comes to mind

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :D

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

Its amazing the amout of people that have problems with the simple task of 'joining the dots'. Let me see, would I lead my innocent children & other loved ones into a dangerous situation? :)

In the UK, the riot police are infamous for their thuggery. For example, recently a newspaper vendor was beaten to death while merely trying to walk home. I've had personal experience of it in my youth, and as a social activist I've seen it many times. Later in life, I had two friends who became police officers, one of them a University educated ordinary bobby who hated the riot police and always said they should be the one's in jail, and another who joined the police in order to be a riot squad officer. He was a nice guy in the quiet of his own home, but he loved to fight and that's why he wanted to be part of the riot police.

There are many examples of riot police in the UK using excessive force, the most famous one which I remember vividlyl was the beating of 'hippies' going to a summer solstice festival (infamously known as 'The Battle of the Beanfield').

I am not condmening all police as violent, but I know if from first hand experience and there is lots of proof out there on the web that riot police in the UK are only by dint of luck the one's in a police uniform rather than a prison uniform. They glory in the aggression rather than their duty. First hand experience, sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.

Apologies to all for veering off-topic but I wanted to justify my post which was on topic.

Most of this is true. However, Ian Tomlinson was NOT "beaten to death" - he was pushed from behind by a police officer, he lost his balance and cracked his head on the pavement.

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

My guess is that the press dont want to be shot at , which is no risk if they stay on the side of the soldiers

and a great risk if they go inside the red camp .

Simple ...

Yours words...your guessing

TAN Network: Pheu Thai Spokesman announced the party's plan to issue a letter to the UN to request foreign troops and get the matter to the World Court.

Where do these idiots get their ideas from also do they really think the foreign troops will help matters .

Didn't do too much good when the Japanese were ''INVITED IN in W.W.. 2 did it ?

Still Thailand never has been occupied or colonised has it ? :)

get the matter to the World Court.

Hopefully such an action will also include Thaksin as his complicity in the massacre of some 80 + Muslims at Tak Bai and the massacre of the innocents in ''The war on Drugs and lets not forget the still missing prominent Muslim lawyer is indeed very apparent thus making Thaksin totally accountable for his crimes against humanity.

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

My guess is that the press dont want to be shot at , which is no risk if they stay on the side of the soldiers

and a great risk if they go inside the red camp .

Simple ...

But reds assured their safety??!?!?!?


YOu are the one way off base.

Thaksin is calling for returning to the negotiation table. I would much rather have Thaksin calling the shots than this braindead moron Abhisit.

You would sooner have an Criminal as a leader ?

I don't care if the leader is a 3 legged monster. As long as he can do whatever it takes to bring this country closer to reconciliation then he will have my support.

Abhisit has been harping on about reconciliation but the country has only divided under his leadership. He should never have been PM.

Thank you. There is really no need for you to go on. Pol Pot sure borught Cambodians together.Same with Mao in China. And the Emporer in Japan circa 1937-45. You would have supported them all. Typical Red / Thaksin supporter :)

What strange world do you live in where reconciliation = dictatorship ?

maybe you should work for Abhisit.

if democracy and freedom are the Reds goal, then once that is achieved (if ever) why are they told by the red leaders to vote Phua Thai?

isn't that a contradiction in terms.........?

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

This should be the end of tourism :)

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

& u have a special point to make about that? 14 Thais dead!

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

The women are there on their own free will

I think its a mistake to bring children , as i said before .

Nevertheless the fault is with those shooting live ammos ,

not those beeing shot


Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

Well you should not ...

Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

(anybody has a link ?)

Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

Here we go again !!!

It would be fair to ask all posters to stop saying that the reds are firing M16s and M79 grenades until a video link is available. If you keep posting it is maybe a sign of your vunerability to not think for yourself and just listen to propaganda. Photos and video of soldiers shooting thais but no photos or video of the reds shooting anybody. Let see a pro government response to that

The army is operating under internationally accepted protocols. They are not randomnly targeting civilians. They are engaged in self defense. Whether the red terrorist is armed with a gun or only with a bamboo stick is irrelevant in this case.

Everyone knows the score. Stand down, stop threatening the soldiers, and there will be no more shooting. Continue the insurrection in any way that threatens the soldiers trying to squeeze off the zone, and you will be shot with live ammunition.

Those are the rules. Everyone knows it. There is not an international group anywhere who will look unfavourably on it, as they all use the same rules.

It is time for the reds to abandon their insurrection and go home.

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

This should be the end of tourism :D

Ohh come on :)

Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

You want cheap women and cheap beer, go somewhere else.

Thailand has a major fight on its hands and your nonsense about hating this group or that is dull.

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

i think you have:

Red Head Syndrome

this syndrome manifests itself by aggressively, demeaning anyone who dares to speak badly of a red shirt supporter

it can be cured by a short posting holiday from Thai Visa to give you some time to practice courtesy to other posters

i am sure you have probably had one period of enforced rehab before, but multiple doses are often required for serious sufferers

sadly for some, red head syndrome can be a terminal disease

its predicted by experts in the country where it was first detected that there will be many deaths before it completely eradicated

its rumored a reclusive, megalomaniac, billionaire has isolated the cure for this serious psychosis but refuses to administer it for free for the benefit of the sufferers.

he expects to come to the country of its origin and make more billions from exploiting this red syndrome phenomenon

although the authorities would like access to a swift and painless cure for the sufferer's, they are reluctant to accept this billionaires extreme terms and conditions for the release of the cure to the infected masses

consequently they continue to work tirelessly to try stop this virus spreading any further and to try to contain it to one single area of contamination in the centre of Bangkok

government agencies currently have this area surrounded and is monitoring the inhabitants activities

its become apparent that one major symptom of the syndrome is the fear of being in enclosed spaces

some badly infected individuals have been trying to break out of this isolation area and have reacted violently towards their guards

its feared that some of the inhabitants of this isolation area will succumb to the violent effects that this syndrome can create within the host

for these sad individuals there can be no cure.

Copyright 2010 Timekeeperpedia @ curesforredheadsyndrome (dot) com

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

That will make Abhisit really popular in the world .

Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


Not to defend or attack any party,

but I remember the press being told to wear green arm bands, that say PRESS on them.

He is in a black shirt, no arm band and we know black shirts are thought to be Ronin Warriors.

He may have wandered into some thing he didn't quite understand well enough.

Really too bad what happened to him of course, I hope he has a complete recovery.

Since when is a t-shirt color a sign if somebody is a terrorist or not?

The green arm bands are handouts from the red shirts to journalist that are registered at the red shirt ' press center' There isn't a must to wear them for every reporter at the scene in Bangkok.

The security forces shot more or less at random into the people and at everybody without being much selective with their targets, and not only well aimed shot at armed terrorists who are an immediate threat to the life of others.

So you're an apologist for someones stupidity? How do you know they weren't aiming... they hit that idiot 3 times. I think that they were aiming. He's lucky to be alive.

I bet this Russell Hantz is from the hills of Kentucky (USA) so he has a lot in common with the rural people from the North and Isaan who believe everything the Red agitators have blasted on their loudspeakers in these small villages. Hey Khun Hantz, why don't you come down to Luphini Park and support your commrades? (plus receive 200 bath to buy seeds for your garden).


Thank you seahorse. As a recent 'newbie' your post/link gives me a little more perspective. Think the penny dropped... He's a Thespian. Ta mate.

@RichardBarrow: I think the news release from Erawan Center via MCOT of "3 foreigners killed" should read "3 foreigners injured".
to quote Clint Eastwood -- "it hel_l of a job to kill a man... it takes all he's got.. " may be not the exact words ..still..

Those guys under those Army uniforms are humans as well ... they are no robots... maybe they don't want to do it quickly and decisively...

and stop branding people red/yellow apologist pls... some of us here just want no more deaths... no Reds, no Yellow and no Armymen ...

Yes, I have been thinking about this too. I have read many posts about how the police and army in Western countries would have been more hardline, and I think that is true. I think it is true because most of the quasi-psychopathic types that don't end up in jail in my country tend to be in the army or police, and being given the order to crack heads largely fills their fantasies and pumps up their boasts. The fact that they can justify it by saying 'I'm doing my duty' is just a convenient excuse that absolves them from feeling any moral responsibility for bashing people's heads in.

In contrast, Thais are a lot less aggressive, more peace-loving and nowhere near as gung-ho. That is part of the beauty and charm of this country as opposed to the one I come from, where aggressive stares meet you on every street corner. I'm not surprised the troops are reluctant, and although I wish to see this protests end, I think it would be far more effective if they simply drove a bunch of tanks and APCs up to Rajarprasong and occupied the area without fighting anyone. The troops inside could defend themselves from being overrun with minimum force and it would stop all these random gunfire deaths and beatings of poor conscripts in trucks.

I consider your 1st paragraph to be one of the most pathetic things that I have read on this forum. The only analogy that comes close is an oyster bitching about how confining it's shell has become. I sincerely hope that at some stage in your life you need the assistance of a police officer, and that he tells you to fight your own battles.

PS No, I am not nor ever have been a police officer.

@OzMick - I'm sorry you feel that way, and I do understand if you have not had much experience of riot police that you probably do not recognise my description of them.

In the UK, the riot police are infamous for their thuggery. For example, recently a newspaper vendor was beaten to death while merely trying to walk home. I've had personal experience of it in my youth, and as a social activist I've seen it many times. Later in life, I had two friends who became police officers, one of them a University educated ordinary bobby who hated the riot police and always said they should be the one's in jail, and another who joined the police in order to be a riot squad officer. He was a nice guy in the quiet of his own home, but he loved to fight and that's why he wanted to be part of the riot police.

There are many examples of riot police in the UK using excessive force, the most famous one which I remember vividlyl was the beating of 'hippies' going to a summer solstice festival (infamously known as 'The Battle of the Beanfield').

I am not condmening all police as violent, but I know if from first hand experience and there is lots of proof out there on the web that riot police in the UK are only by dint of luck the one's in a police uniform rather than a prison uniform. They glory in the aggression rather than their duty. First hand experience, sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.

Apologies to all for veering off-topic but I wanted to justify my post which was on topic.

I accept you explanation, but your original post does not contain the word "riot", and also includes the military. I am not a great fan of police myself, but consider them a necessary part of life (rather than evil).

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

& u have a special point to make about that? 14 Thais dead!

Not dead, its the same 3 injured from before, call it typical journalism

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Disgraceful that the women haven't taken their kids home.

Indeed. Children should have a higher value than being placed directly in these situations. A disgusting state of affairs.

The army is operating under internationally accepted protocols. They are not randomnly targeting civilians. They are engaged in self defense. Whether the red terrorist is armed with a gun or only with a bamboo stick is irrelevant in this case.

Everyone knows the score. Stand down, stop threatening the soldiers, and there will be no more shooting. Continue the insurrection in any way that threatens the soldiers trying to squeeze off the zone, and you will be shot with live ammunition.

Those are the rules. Everyone knows it. There is not an international group anywhere who will look unfavourably on it, as they all use the same rules.

It is time for the reds to abandon their insurrection and go home.

What are you smoking ?

International accepted protocols ? What BS is that

Reds are not firing live bullets at the army are they ?

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

Get the women and children out of there!

Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

Why was a ten year old boy near a war zone after midnight? Whoever his parents are, they are irresponsible.

I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from, the one that shoots and kills is the one responsible. The army is shooting around wild and blind without even having a clear target. That's not what the army should be doing, I'm sorry. Either they have a clear target or they stop shooting.

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :D

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

Its amazing the amout of people that have problems with the simple task of 'joining the dots'. Let me see, would I lead my innocent children & other loved ones into a dangerous situation? :)

One thing we can agree with independantly of the side we are labeled is that some women do what they want and you cannot stop them, even maybe they will pull you by your nose ....

I do know that a majority of French women are difficult or impossible to handle and I have met some thai women also quite decided to do only what they want.

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

This should be the end of tourism :)

parrot I seriously doubt it's the end of tourism here. We have taxi drivers beating on tourists all the time in Phuket, we have people robbed and shot on the beaches of Pattaya, yellows taking over the airport last year, reds continuing to act a fool for 2 Songkrans in a row....people still come.


Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

Well you should not ...

Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

(anybody has a link ?)

Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

Here we go again !!!

It would be fair to ask all posters to stop saying that the reds are firing M16s and M79 grenades until a video link is available. If you keep posting it is maybe a sign of your vunerability to not think for yourself and just listen to propaganda. Photos and video of soldiers shooting thais but no photos or video of the reds shooting anybody. Let see a pro government response to that

The army is operating under internationally accepted protocols. They are not randomnly targeting civilians. They are engaged in self defense. Whether the red terrorist is armed with a gun or only with a bamboo stick is irrelevant in this case.

Everyone knows the score. Stand down, stop threatening the soldiers, and there will be no more shooting. Continue the insurrection in any way that threatens the soldiers trying to squeeze off the zone, and you will be shot with live ammunition.

Those are the rules. Everyone knows it. There is not an international group anywhere who will look unfavourably on it, as they all use the same rules.

It is time for the reds to abandon their insurrection and go home.

B-llshit I have seen footage of civillians posted on here shot through the head by what appears to be snipers and not a gun insight. Are they threetening soldiers

Still looking for my video link..anybody

Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


and before that was the video of the soldier being killed by how own troops that turned out to be untrue. One has to wonder about this one too since we don;t see who shot him.

Only a warped mind would believe soldiers purposely opened fire on him as it would serve no purpose whatsoever.

What is most likely is he was hit with ricochet or by reds or less likely he was mistaken for a black shirt terrorist.

But damaging regardless of the reason .. no.

Only a few red sympathizers here on TV making a big deal of this ... not even his own employers.

He was were he should not have been, he ignored warnings not to be there, he ignored warning to clearly identify himself as a member of the media, he wore no protective gear as you will see being worn by any responsible journalist during an armed battle.

No matter how you slice this, he put himself in harms way and deserves some of the responsibility for his shooting ... even if he was targeted as a journalist.

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