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No one being shot at, missile'd or on the receiving end of bits of concrete or marble from sling shots will adhere to any order of 'rules of engagement'. Self defense and attack are paramount for survival. If any civilian is carrying a weapon, they are a threat and now a target.

But check the background on your 'reporter' incident as he was last week praising the reds calling their movement a Red 'Bastille' Revolution for Thailand so as a sympathizer and within their ranks, now he calls foul about getting shot! He got what he deserved.

An unarmed reporter.. Got "what he deserved' by being shot multiple times..

Unreal !!

Khortort Khrup - "Nelson Rand" and yes - he got what he deserved. :D

I doubt very much that you would say that to Rand's face. :)

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While we are talking about guns, can somebody post a link on here so I can see a red protestor outside the barricade with a gun....or our we all just believing the propaganda. Links from yesterday not 10th April

No one being shot at, missile'd or on the receiving end of bits of concrete or marble from sling shots will adhere to any order of 'rules of engagement'. Self defense and attack are paramount for survival. If any civilian is carrying a weapon, they are a threat and now a target.

But check the background on your 'reporter' incident as he was last week praising the reds calling their movement a Red 'Bastille' Revolution for Thailand so as a sympathizer and within their ranks, now he calls foul about getting shot! He got what he deserved.

An unarmed reporter.. Got "what he deserved' by being shot multiple times..

Unreal !!

Khortort Khrup - "Nelson Rand" and yes - he got what he deserved. :D

Another disgusting excuse for a human being. :D

"Another disgusting excuse for a human being. :D"

You're being a bit hard on Nelson aren't you? :)


CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

Link ???

Ok answer this the french guy that was shot where was the red shirts with weapons in that picture I did not see anyone armed or a threat to any army personel

So just because you couldnt see anyone in the picture, doesnt mean that they wern't there or there was no threat.

Come on, get real, you are making assumptions and you know what they say about people that make assumptions. :)

TIPS to avoid being shot at, even rubber bullets:

- Don't dress like the worst trouble makers

- Don't stand next to the trouble makers

- Don't approach the army from the direction of the troublemakers

- Have your camera visible

Some fail at all 4.

Wear the green armband that you were told to wear.

Wear clothing that clearly indicates you are the Media.

Even though this guy was foolish in not taking more precautions for his personal safety, I believe there will be more innocent civilians being shot at. The Reds have already lost the PR war, so now previous rules of "conduct" are not necessarily in effect. Any means which works toward their goal of forcing down Abhisit and the government is acceptable, and sadly that includes attacking non-combat innocents. There were reports of some residents being targets of snipers this morning. All forms of chaos, lawlessness and disorder the Reds believe improves their chances in attaining their desired objective by heaping more pressure on Abhisit to quit. IMO

Are you suggesting I should delay my daily bike ride around the city???? OR perhaps just ride a bit faster :)


Firstly, it's pretty clear that the policy of using live-ammunition only in self-defense is nonsense.

If the self defense or firing in the air was nonsense there would be hundreds dead.

And this would have been over yesterday before dark.


CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

Link ???

Just watched the report on Channel News Asia and there was a lifeless body lying in the street and then it showed another man, not dead maybe wounded, and a person trying to drag him back


I don't know anything about Nelson Rand but that video looks and sounds a bit suspicious. You don't get hit twice by an M16 and get get up and run like that. Also you can hear more small caliber weapons firing than military type. Both sides were obviously shooting.

Either way, no one "deserves" to be shot laying on the ground.....

CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

He is trying to put a tire on fire to cause destruction, mayhem and wound soldiers and possibly more. They are correct to shoot him if there is a threat in the mans actions.

Or is setting tires on fire an act of peace? How about putting the wall of tires on fire and see people suffocate on the black smoke?


I've had journalist by me in zones of conflict and they were easily identifiable as non combatants. This Nelson Rand chao is a trifle suspect in my view,

As was stated by crgram

One does not get hit by a round from an M16 and then hobble away, your bloody leg would be gone !!

The sounds one hears are from small calibre weapons, not M16s or other heavier ordinance.

I assure you that these journalists know the risks and are paid accordingly and in my experience of them dedicated personnel of the fourth estate.

In my opinion Nelson drew is not of the calibre of the journalists I have been involved with over the years.


The Army does not want press tonight. If you are curious or if it is your job to be curious, know that this one of those times when the Army will shoot first and ask questions later. If it isn't your job to be curious, then stay home.

It will be nasty tonight.

You are quickly forgetting the guy driving the van with a women and child in it tried to drive right through a check point. These check points are well lit. Maybe he was scared or maybe he didn't see it or maybe he was drunk. Nobody knows. It s just a sad, sad situation, but not to be politicized

Driver was reported to be drunk.

Then the driver was reported to be drunk. Now Panitan has just said the van tried to crash through the check point to get to Rachaprasop. In other words, nobody knows.

CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

A demonstrators are lighting tyres and then rolling them towards the army. The army are defending themselves.


Lot easier to avoid a burning tyre than a bullet!

Both sides are telling lies and both sides are at fault.

I have to wonder if having the press there is not adding to the problem. last night one of the red leaders was calling for the press to come to the red compound.

it is human nature it seems to play to the press.

This will go on forever the way it is now with press reporting he said this and they said that.

This could easily escalate to a real conflict if the reds up country decide to get involved and start to converge BKK

With so many solders deployed in BKK the prime targets in the other cities and towns are less protected.

Anyone that thinks there is an amicable solution to this problem is dreaming too much has gone on for there to be a genuinely amicable end to this.

I have no idea who is right or wrong in all this and frankly not being Thai I don't care that much who has to shoulder the blame although I do feel that it has taken 2 to tango in all this

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

Yep, right on Big C! They don't need to be in harms way. Seems most of them are drama queens anyway.

A demonstrators are lighting tyres and then rolling them towards the army. The army are defending themselves.

Play with fire and you burn your fingers, or get shot as in this instance.

This exactly what the Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders were saying when the violent hate filled rhetoric started spewing \forth they maintained they would ''burn Bangkok to the ground.''

Funny how when the going gets rough baby Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders start to have hissy fits and shout ''unfair.''

They wanted a fight , they got it, now they don't want it as they'll probably get hurt.

However they don't seem to worry about their and Thaksins pawns welfare do they ?

all the red shirt have to do if you do if they dont want to see anymore deaths is obey the law

and be supressed again until this goverment decides to hold an election where the people can choose a leader lets face it that what its all about they just want it right now which I agree is not realistic

No doubt. then another party won't be happy and demand another follow up election, and so the cycle continues.

Why don't they just make up the news as I see alot of of them are :)

And why not stand and walk up with the army, but with the protesters against the army??

better pictures??


This has become a War Against the Poor.

They think they can shoot WESTERN REPORTERS?! WHAT IS THIS CAMBODIA All Over Again?

I want to See NATO Troops on the Ground NOW!


A demonstrators are lighting tyres and then rolling them towards the army. The army are defending themselves.

Play with fire and you burn your fingers, or get shot as in this instance.

This exactly what the Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders were saying when the violent hate filled rhetoric started spewing \forth they maintained they would ''burn Bangkok to the ground.''

Funny how when the going gets rough baby Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders start to have hissy fits and shout ''unfair.''

They wanted a fight , they got it, now they don't want it as they'll probably get hurt.

However they don't seem to worry about their and Thaksins pawns welfare do they ?

I have sat on the sidelines and watched and listened, reading both sides of the argument, but when they start shooting Western Reports.


We let them get away with Killing Western Reports this time and EVERY other would-be Dictator thinks it can get away with it. Freedom isn't Free.

I don't think an APPOLOGY is going to be acceptable this time. Can you Bring the Dead Reports back to life?



Bangkok seems to be a bit of cushy spot to be reporting from for a lot of the foreigners. Loads of wannabes and bloggers trying to make a name. Easy to get to, a lot of them based here already, enjoyed mixing with the Reds for a couple of months, cool to be wandering around it all. Lack of experience and carelessness - the AlJazeera guy was reporting with all the protective gear weeks ago.

Not too many of these types been updating us from Kyrgyzstan I suspect.


I hope the male Aussie press who's pic found by police showing him on top

of a building in Sala Daeng with 2 Black Shirt Soldiers is pleased with himself.

Was he taking pictures of them shooting from the top of the building?

I hope the police charge him with something.

Press don't value their lives anyway. som nam na

This has become a War Against the Poor.

They think they can shoot WESTERN REPORTERS?! WHAT IS THIS CAMBODIA All Over Again?

I want to See NATO Troops on the Ground NOW!


What about the Red Shirt leader wearing Ralph Lauren Shirt and Gold Chains?

I am sorry but Seh Daeng's Soldiers (Black Shirts) are not poor, nor are

the taxi bike boys (who live in BKK) ride around with bottle bombs teasing the government Soldiers

by riding up to them and riding away.

The are well organised group. They use the elderley women and homeless as bait.

The homeless have been happy lately cause they have had somebody to talk to. And free food & drinks + entertainment.

People who don't know the groups, yellow, red, black, pink etc. should not post unless you know what you are talking about.

There are even Red Shirts shooting Red Shirts just to confuse you even more. And of course the Military are getting the blame.

When Red Shirts are shot they (the other Red Shirts) leave their buddies on the road and the Government Soldiers

have had to collect the bodies. nice hey?

Press have been updated by Government so they should know Soldiers are using live ammunition. (Live Zones)

But some people don't listen.

This has become a War Against the Poor.

They think they can shoot WESTERN REPORTERS?! WHAT IS THIS CAMBODIA All Over Again?

I want to See NATO Troops on the Ground NOW!


What about the Red Shirt leader wearing Ralph Lauren Shirt and Gold Chains?

I am sorry but Seh Daeng's Soldiers (Black Shirts) are not poor, nor are

the taxi bike boys (who live in BKK) ride around with bottle bombs teasing the government Soldiers

by riding up to them and riding away.

The are well organised group. They use the elderley women and homeless as bait.

The homeless have been happy lately cause they have had somebody to talk to. And free food & drinks + entertainment.

People who don't know the groups, yellow, red, black, pink etc. should not post unless you know what you are talking about.

There are even Red Shirts shooting Red Shirts just to confuse you even more. And of course the Military are getting the blame.

When Red Shirts are shot they (the other Red Shirts) leave their buddies on the road and the Government Soldiers

have had to collect the bodies. nice hey?

Press have been updated by Government so they should know Soldiers are using live ammunition. (Live Zones)

But some people don't listen.

you only have to look at the casualty fiqures to work out who are the the main aggressors, the army..

you only have to look at the casualty fiqures to work out who are the the main aggressors, the army..
Not really, after all the present figures would include in the civilian column those who have been injured by the grenade attacks, for example today, on the accommodation block at Lumpini police station where the officers families are [women and children].


This has become a War Against the Poor.

They think they can shoot WESTERN REPORTERS?! WHAT IS THIS CAMBODIA All Over Again?

I want to See NATO Troops on the Ground NOW!


What about the Red Shirt leader wearing Ralph Lauren Shirt and Gold Chains?

I am sorry but Seh Daeng's Soldiers (Black Shirts) are not poor, nor are

the taxi bike boys (who live in BKK) ride around with bottle bombs teasing the government Soldiers

by riding up to them and riding away.

The are well organised group. They use the elderley women and homeless as bait.

The homeless have been happy lately cause they have had somebody to talk to. And free food & drinks + entertainment.

People who don't know the groups, yellow, red, black, pink etc. should not post unless you know what you are talking about.

There are even Red Shirts shooting Red Shirts just to confuse you even more. And of course the Military are getting the blame.

When Red Shirts are shot they (the other Red Shirts) leave their buddies on the road and the Government Soldiers

have had to collect the bodies. nice hey?

Press have been updated by Government so they should know Soldiers are using live ammunition. (Live Zones)

But some people don't listen.

you only have to look at the casualty fiqures to work out who are the the main aggressors, the army..

And? Who started all this? Red Shirt Leaders have no concern for their supporters.

Go ask them how long they are going to hold Bangkok to ransom!

Negotiation is useless as they have different issues everyday and won't be fully satisfied

until Deputy PM is charged, Abhisit is Charged, Military are charged. Thailand charged.......

Meanwhile Thaksin is still in Montenagro calling the shots. What a guy.

Protesters not terrorists right? 60,000 Thais can't work or get paid at the moment.

Don't worry you have money and your safe in another country.

Thai Government should take the other 60% of Thaksin money to pay for lost income for Thai workers

and businesses while the so-called Protesters have been in the city.

ThaivisaNews: Update: Police apartment at Lumpini, injuried have been taken to Bumrungrad Hospital. Five people including 1 child.

THE NATION: Pls note that the M79 that hit Lumpini Police Station just happened like half an hour ago.

The reds are targeting civilians now.

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