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Thai Court Jails 27 Protesters For Six Months


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Too sad for the young lad.

But his parents must share some blame,

if there was a day to keep him close to home this was it.

If soldiers tried to get him to to leave the area, they did their part to try and prevent this.

Sadly unsuccessfully. The kid was just the wrong place the wrong time. Sad accident.

No policeman or soldier knowingly shoots a small child unless that child is

obviously deranged, armed, and drawing down on him.

But utlimately this comes down to the guy driving the van threatening to the soldiers

and trying to ram the roadblock, he should have expected to be fired on.

He can live with this child's death the rest of his days... and EVERY night.

My condolences to the family for the loss of their child regardless the circumstances.

Edited by animatic
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The red shirts by refusing to end their illegal occupation of Bangkok are creating an environment where it is not safe for politicians to campaign in safety. This is a key part of democratic elections. So it seems that the very actions of the red shirts are showing that they are not interested in elections. They want a communist style revolution.

A central argument against the idea that the gov't simply calling an immediate election would do anything other than exacerbate this problem.

Abhisit's roadmap WAS the right way forward, everybody could see this, even most of the so-called '1st Tier' red leaders. It's a shame that it was derailed by the selfish few.

I wonder now why Veera and the others don't step forward (now they are no longer in the rally site) and back the government and a return to the roadmap and Nov 14. We know the hardliners won't listen, but a lot of others will. It would also do much for their now-shattereed credibility come election time, whenever that may be.

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Certainly can be Thai. What of those children whose parents trade them for a refrigerator or guarantee of an income if they just go to the city to "work in a restaurant"? It is no surprise to see children amongst the protesters. It is no stretch of the imagination to think we will see more of them lying dead in the streets. TIT....

Sadly there will most likely be a lot more by Sunday night - but imagine dragging kids into something they neither care about or understand. What stupidity of the highest order but then again the three stage stooges kept hammering the message out - "bring you wives, grand parents and children - the Govt cannot open fire on them. We will win...." yeah right. These Red leaders are the ones who need to be held accountable for innocent deaths but the majority of the casualties now are red protestors who brought the fight to the soldiers taunting them. I don't have any sympathy for this mob at all.

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What is sad for me (along with the huge loss of life there has and will be) is that many of the protestors themselves are being used as cannon fodder by the red shirt leaders.

They are calling an them to get in the way of these bullets in the name of democracy. DEMOCRACY! I can not believe these people are so willing to put their lives on the line for people who only want to steal power for themselves, UNDEMOCRATICALLY.

Innocent people are getting killed and it's not only the fault of the army, which many people on here and the media like to suggest, it is all down to the leaders of the protest. If and when they say stop, the real protestors will hopefully stop. Unfortunately amongst the protestors are people (terrorists) who are only out to destabilise the government by causing violence and goading the army to shoot them back, while they are in a crowd of people. These people are the worst scum this earth has produced.

As far as I see it, even if the reds may have had a point before, they lost the right to a democratic solution to their protest when they began terrorising the city of Bangkok.

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Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

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A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tiananmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history beliveving nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

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and only an idiot would bring their child to a war zone
Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Amen to that.

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Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



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'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

That is not the way I read it

They can be jailed up to 12 months

but as the confessed (confessed to what crime would be interesting)

they were given 6 months

This is a good start if true

the courts getting serious

the word will get back to the Redshirts up north

6 months in jail means ho money at harvest time

I do not understand Only knowing that Ho means whore in English but are they now up-country doing the harvest??

have they left from Nana,patpong and pattaya?? LOL

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Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Only in India? What about Scotland and Ireland. And the African states?

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A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

Rouge, you mean, like "Red" in french?

If my memory is right, go back to Tiennamen Square.

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Regardless if they committed any crime or not. They should have a right to an attourney or lawyer to hear their case. Well that's what happens in a democracy and a country with civil rights. But if this isn't a place why not put the in a concentration camp without any rights? I am hoping Thailand is better than that.

Lets not go backwards. Go forwards. This is not a detterent. The -ankers on here who support any colour would like to see the times of the middle ages, with hands chopped off and branding. If people do wrong by all means punish them. But at least give them a chance to express themselves and have a defence case. What has happened to everyone? Whatever your politics, don't forget your moral human compassion.

They pled guilty... no need...

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Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



soldiers have been killed

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Regardless if they committed any crime or not. They should have a right to an attourney or lawyer to hear their case. Well that's what happens in a democracy and a country with civil rights. But if this isn't a place why not put the in a concentration camp without any rights? I am hoping Thailand is better than that.

Lets not go backwards. Go forwards. This is not a detterent. The -ankers on here who support any colour would like to see the times of the middle ages, with hands chopped off and branding. If people do wrong by all means punish them. But at least give them a chance to express themselves and have a defence case. What has happened to everyone? Whatever your politics, don't forget your moral human compassion.

the world unfortunately is in the state it is by listening to moral filled do gooders such as yourself,

this is about a country trying to evolve, so let go of human rights for a week or two and all this mess in the world will be settled, without the help of the US and UK,

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Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

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My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

To the Red Shirts stop putting your innocent families and families of Bangkok at risk. Go home prepare for elections. Stop the anarchy! Do it democratically!

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

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Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!


Edited by eeconomist
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Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

A woman or a child can pull a trigger as easy as a man, or fire a grenade launcher, The Viet Cong proved the effectiveness of using them. Dont judge when you dont have facts

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A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

Rouge, you mean, like "Red" in french?

If that was meant to be funny, you failed. Please show a little respect.

Why? According to the news the boy was in a van driven by a drunken adult who refused numerous requests to stop, you don't know the boy is in the van, what would you do? They found "large knives " in the van!

I also thought he meant "rouge" as in Kimer Rouge.

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Certainly can be Thai. What of those children whose parents trade them for a refrigerator or guarantee of an income if they just go to the city to "work in a restaurant"? It is no surprise to see children amongst the protesters. It is no stretch of the imagination to think we will see more of them lying dead in the streets. TIT....

Sadly there will most likely be a lot more by Sunday night - but imagine dragging kids into something they neither care about or understand. What stupidity of the highest order but then again the three stage stooges kept hammering the message out - "bring you wives, grand parents and children - the Govt cannot open fire on them. We will win...." yeah right. These Red leaders are the ones who need to be held accountable for innocent deaths but the majority of the casualties now are red protestors who brought the fight to the soldiers taunting them. I don't have any sympathy for this mob at all.


Human shields? Next, the Red thugs will be strapping bombs around their women

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You mean like using women/children as shields or women who ran towards helicopters in vietnam hiding a genade...

You demonstate you have never been in combat nor nothing about a war type scenario...

Everyone presents a threat until one can assess a threat no longer.. Col. damage is part of war whether you like it or not. That is reality...


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Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!


Please please please... stop this foolish retoric... silly and completely out of today's reality

Sorry it offends you this truth.

today again demonstrates another arm of elite despot gov (the courts) doing all they can to help prop up abhisit.

very relavant to all but an ostrich.

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...35 Years ago almost to the minute/day the NADK-KR walked into Phnom Penh and were welcomed by the people for getting rid of the US backed Lon Nol puppet Gov.but look what happened.

Since at the same time the Yanks had just been kicked out of Viet Nam uncle Sam decided that it was fed up with anything to do with SE Asia (ie their investments /influence etc) and didnt want to know any more....hence media went quiet....

Now Laos is still poor but quiet ,Nam improving,Cambodia on the UP,Burma <deleted>*d and Thaliand ...WOT.....going down the ........sad init

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Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

yada yada yada

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Thai army threatens crackdown as three more die

by Anusak Konglang


Its society is deeply divided between the urban elite and rural poor.


Question for Anusak: If you repeat a lie enough times does it eventually become reality? :D:):D

If you look at it one way the Reds have Won the War.......

How many Ten year Old children where killed when the yellows took the airport?

or make it more simple how many yellows were killed...... hum I smell a Rat...

or is it the Government.........no must be the rats shooting children...... :D

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