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BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!

Here's the latest I could find..


The prosecution on Thursday again postponed a decision on whether to indict nine leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy for leading the 193-day seizure of Government House last year, this time until Feb 24 next year .

The nine PAD leaders are Sondhi Limthongkul, Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang, Pibhop Dhongchai, Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiat Pongpaiboon, Suriyasai Katasila, Chaiwat Sinsuwong, Amorn Amornratananont and Therdphum Jaidee.

Police have charged the nine PAD leaders with committing offences with intent to change the government, organising an armed assembly to instigate national unrest and refusing to call off activities when ordered by the police.

The postponement was granted at the request of PAD lawyer Suwat Apaipak, who said Mr Sondhi was still traveling abroad and Maj-Gen Chamlong and some other PAD leaders were engaged in important duties

Don't you love it they can not stand trial because they are involved in important duties. :)

He may not have been PM when the yellow shirts did there thing but he is now and there fore responsible for the prosecution of them.

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Please please please... stop this foolish retoric... silly and completely out of today's reality

And possibly you are the Ostrich. Reds were given what they wanted but backed out. Dissolved Gov' in September and elections in November. THEY (Reds) backed out and therefore it is Reds fault this is ongoing.

As for Thais in UK "arranging" an arrest warrant, what are you drinking in sunny Songkhla.

Best go to Ko Yo and find some more sand to dip your head in.

Think you should look into the facts a bit more ! THere were provisions put on the elections in November the now government has themselves the right to say who can run for office and who cannot .No wonder the Red shirts are not agreeing with the proposal!!!!

:D Oz man you are confused this is Thailand not Burma. The reds backed out because the government would not guarente the date to dissolve the house.

Dear Thai at heart,

may I correct you??

In a lot of European countries Hooligans have been put to emergency courts and been sentenced within 1 hour, without the presentse of a lawyer!!

this might have been the case with these red hooligans as well.

why give them a chance to get a very well paid by Thaksin lawyer who smoothtalks him out as he confesses to his crime???

Of course, for many types of offences in the developed world, there is trial by magistrate. I am no legal expert about this type of thing when it comes to understanding which types of trials go to jury and others not.

I was simply talking generally, that there is no trial by jury in Thailand and no precedent law. So whilst I am sure judges are very capable people here in Thailand, the fact that there being no jury to render the verdict, it seems to leave legal interpretation very much in the hands of one man.

Now if this is accurate, this shows something quite interesting.

September 2008 state of emergency

State of Emergency in Thailand

Early Tuesday 3 September, one week after the PAD began occupation of the Government House grounds, violence erupted as members of the UDDT clashed with the PAD in a melee involving firearms, resulting in 43 injuries and at least one death. Prime Minister Samak, by virtue of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situation, BE 2548 (2005), declared a state of emergency in Bangkok at 07.00 hours of the following morning.[19]

Sundaravej also put Gen Anupong Paochinda, Army Commander in Chief, in charge of the remedy of the said State of Emergency, and appointed Pol Gen Patcharavat Wongsuwan, National Police Commander in Chief, and Lt Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha, 1st Army Area Commander as assistants to Gen Anupong.[20] He also issued bans on the gathering or assemblage of more than five persons within the Bangkok Metropolis; on the nationwide press release, distribution or dissemination of letters, publications or any other information containing the matters which may instigate apprehension amongst the people or is intended to distort information in order to mislead an understanding of the State of Emergency to the extent of affecting the security of state or public peace and order or good moral of the people; and on other matters which were a kind of public rights and liberties restriction.[21][22]

However, on the same day, Mr Nitithon Lamluea, a member of Thailand Lawyer Council’s Human Rights Committee, lodged with the Supreme Administrative Court a complaint against Prime Minister Samak accusing him of abuse of power as he imposed a state of emergency in Bangkok, but the circumstances on 2 September were not what was prescribed in said Emergency Decree as being a State of Emergency. The complaint also requested the Court to revoke the State of Emergency.[23] Tej Bunnag, then the Minister of Foreign Affairs, resigned from office as he disagreed with the Government’s measures to remedy the crisis and felt uneasy in representing the Government to foreigners when explaining the prevailing circumstances to them.[24][25]

On 14 September, the Government issued an Announcement revoking the State of Emergency throughout Bangkok together with all the pertinent announcements, orders, and articles.[26][27]


So it may appear, if Abhisit has achieved one thing in Parliament is that he got his new SOE law through parliament quick sharpish, although I would like for people to show me what if any changes have been made to the law between Samak's version and Abhisit's version today.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children.

Yes indeed and who was it that last night threw an M79 into a police station that required "All the policemans family to be taken to hospital" targeting woman and children!!!

That sort of quote above is a lot of crap if some of the red posters here read what has already been posted or even took time to look at Tele to see what is actually hapening they might just get it right sometimes.


Erm!? Didn't the Red Shirt leaders say last month they would hand themselves in around about now?

Another lie?

Same as the lie about dispersing if the Gov' agreed to elections, etc, etc, etc.

Oz - - -

So where did you get your information about this Gov' "choosing" who was allowed to stand in the elections?

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

Umm, I wonder if the dead ten year old will get bail or the dead journalist or the injured journalists who the military shot. Just asking. Bloody joke is right and I'm not taking sides but some of these comments are a joke.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

I think I would have to change that to:

Same laws, different government = different result

And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.

Dear Thai at heart,

may I correct you??

In a lot of European countries Hooligans have been put to emergency courts and been sentenced within 1 hour, without the presentse of a lawyer!!

this might have been the case with these red hooligans as well.

why give them a chance to get a very well paid by Thaksin lawyer who smoothtalks him out as he confesses to his crime???

And the yellow Hooligans?

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Amazing! Just curious about a few things. How did the soldier (s) know the guy in the van was a) drunk and :) a red shirt? Wouldn't they have to be awfully close to tell either? So how does a stray bullet kill a kid if you are face to face with a drunk red shirt who must have confessed he was a drunk red shirt. What a ridiculous bull spit story.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

Still spinning! 1st we have "....................is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot."

Followed by "WHO DID SHOT AT HIM? How did it happen?"

So logically speaking, you claim that someone gave an order to shoot him like a rabbit, but you have no idea who, where, why or what happened.

FYI: the child was watching an army road block. The soldiers told him to go home, but he refused. A van driven by a drunker redshit approached the road block and was fired upon. A stray bullet fired by a soldier hit the lad.

Where do I lay the blame: the driver for trying to run the block, the lad for refusing to leave a dangerous area, his parents for lack of supervision?

Where will you lay the blame: the army, if for no other reason you are a redshirt apologist.

Seems like you blokes are hoping this is a war and agree that a government can go and shoot there own people if they dont agree with them ??????? If they dont toe the line just wipe them out ?? is that how it works ???

I believe an unmentionable journalist put it quite well:

"If you ... think the UDD is in the right, then let me simplify it: The next time you're pulled over by the law in a traffic stop, you should just burn tyres, shoot slingshots at the cop and call him a dictator.Anyone with an arrest warrant? No need to surrender. Barricade and fortify your home, fire slingshots and fire-crackers and call the law tyrannical.

Buy a lifetime membership to the Association of Anarchists. You don't belong in a civilisation."

And the yellow Hooligans?

Different government. Different situation. Different laws. Different result.

The yellows didn't throw grenades at police. The yellows didn't shoot at police. The yellows left the airport after 9 days.

The yellow leaders have been to court, and are waiting for the court processes to continue.

I am not saying I agree with what they did, I am just pointing out some differences.


I assume most of you are not Thai like me. Then, what the hel_l is wrong with you guys? Please read and follow the history of everything and study Thai people psychology before throwing empty judgment. Here are some points to think of:

1- Law and rules are selectively applied

2-Many Thai people do not think of consequences (note bikes driving on platforms, driving wrong way,..etc)

3-Many Thai people are ready to follow (senior roles)

4-Many average people here do not know where to stop and do not see the "by-default" line (Calling you Farang in front of you, assuming you do not know)

5-Thai society on average is very closed, though many tourist but yet they are two categories farang and ka

Mix all of these, adding greed of leaders (UDD,PAD, Govt, Thaksin, you call it) and mingling paid criminals in between, you get what you see. This has been happening here before in different scale. It is just now going to leave a huge crack in Thai society, might not be heald but for sure will be forgotten a year later.Same as the attacks in Payathai last year.

Good luck

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tienanmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history believing nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

Could not have put it better myself

And I assume he meant "ROGUE" Nation

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

THE court appears to effect the sentence immediately.... which could be interpreted as.... too late for bail buddies..... :)


not that i support violence....

but it has been warned for several weeks now....

do not go to the restricted areas where illegal demonstration is taking place....

it is also warned that those remain with the redshirt leaders would be considered willing participants in unlawful demonstration....

i wonder if the poor boy did ever wander into the restricted area by mistake....

anyway, my deepest condolence to the parents and relatives....

thus.... thai govt is not and can not be considered rogue.... by any stretch of imagination....

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tienanmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history believing nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

Could not have put it better myself

And I assume he meant "ROGUE" Nation

Where will you lay the blame: the army, if for no other reason you are a redshirt apologist.

So any person with a heart is redshirt. Right?

Well, I don't mind, you can call me redshirt.

Now the questions I asked yesterday are still pending:

Is this "incident" real? Is it a trick from the reds to make us cry?

Is the kid in hospital? Which hospital? His condition?


this so far is kindergarden stuff in terms of deaths in bkk .

it appears that currently the death toll reports are accurate so far

in 1992 the streets were seriously awash with bloody were mysteriously after the shooting stopped and official investigations were completed the dead dissapeared from 4 figures to 2 figures missing ,presumed gone awol or absconded for personal reasons

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


24/24 hours of brainwashing speaches ,the result :blind hate !

A 10 year old boy can kill you !

If he was innocent,he was too curious and paid it with his life !

His parent are to blame !

Keep childeren away from madness !

But .......it's normal here to see a bunch of 10 year old kids racing

without lights in the night ...well here annything looks normal ?

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

Right, when the trial finally happens...

For red shirts, the trial "finally happens" after 2 days..

For Yellow shirt, it is still pending the "finally happens" after 1 1/2 years!!

Maybe when it "finally happens", Sondhi's Great-Grandson will be there to hear the sentencing!!

Your are right about no double standard!!



What are you talking about? What do you think Thiannaman square 1989 was, a chorus of Kumbyar? Of course the Chinese opened fire.

You also need to study Thai history closer than you have. If you compare this to Thammasat 1976, this is nothing. The students back then were unarmed and pleaded for mercy. That was brutality. This is a group of pig-headed people who refuse to go home and let normapeople get on with their lives and earn a living. How would they like it if a large mob of Yellow Shirts went up to Isaan and stopped them working in the rice fileds.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

Right, when the trial finally happens...

For red shirts, the trial "finally happens" after 2 days..

For Yellow shirt, it is still pending the "finally happens" after 1 1/2 years!!

Maybe when it "finally happens", Sondhi's Great-Grandson will be there to hear the sentencing!!

Your are right about no double standard!!


THIS government have enacted laws that says if you are caught protesting within the red areas, you will be jailed immediately.

The previous government did not enact such laws.

Different governments. Different laws. Different situations. Different results. Not double standards.

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

There are two equally important questions you seem to have omitted my Friend:

1. Who brought him to the danger zone and left him in it?

2. What was he doing there unsupervised?

As both a Father and a Grandfather I would never, ever dream of putting my Children or Grandchildren in an area that has been so violent and dangerous for several weeks and so well publicised. I squarely lay the blame of this incident at the door of the totally irresponsible parents who knew without doubt that people had previously been seriously injured and killed in the area. This is nothing less than crass stupidity by them. :)

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

Right, when the trial finally happens...

For red shirts, the trial "finally happens" after 2 days..

For Yellow shirt, it is still pending the "finally happens" after 1 1/2 years!!

Maybe when it "finally happens", Sondhi's Great-Grandson will be there to hear the sentencing!!

Your are right about no double standard!!


THIS government have enacted laws that says if you are caught protesting within the red areas, you will be jailed immediately.

The previous government did not enact such laws.

Different governments. Different laws. Different situations. Different results. Not double standards.

The previous Government has laws to punish those who seize the airport and government house. But this "Government" drags its feet!!

This is not double standard???

Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



At the first attempt to disperse the crowd, Thai soldiers did indeed die. Soldiers were largely unprepared to face mercenaries and other armed factions within the Reds. Gen Khattiya was Thaksins number 1 mercenary, and according to some sources, very well paid.

Thai soldiers have not died yet during the current incursion because they know better after the first experience, and they are not taking chances. It is still possible soldiers will take casualties.

Yellow protesters should also have been jailed. For a true democracy to work, corruption must first be dismantled and the poor educated so they know what to do with it. Look at Iraq, their iron fist leader was removed and look at how well the people accept democracy. Iraq is chaos. Democracy in Thailand means freedom to buy votes. Freedom to appoint friends and relatives to positions they are not capable of handling.

Thaksin would be a hero if he had used his war fund money instead to build schools and hire good teachers and give those children of poor families a real future, a future that changes their circular way of thinking, breaks them out of the cycle, and creates a better future for all Thais. Part of the education has to be to end the corruption cycle also. I believe Thaksin could have received a Royal pardon had he done this instead of hiring protesters and mercenaries.

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

There are two equally important questions you seem to have omitted my Friend:

1. Who brought him to the danger zone and left him in it?

2. What was he doing there unsupervised?

As both a Father and a Grandfather I would never, ever dream of putting my Children or Grandchildren in an area that has been so violent and dangerous for several weeks and so well publicised. I squarely lay the blame of this incident at the door of the totally irresponsible parents who knew without doubt that people had previously been seriously injured and killed in the area. This is nothing less than crass stupidity by them. :)

Criminal endangerment

Negligent endangerment

Reckless endangerment

Parents are prosecuted and sent to prison for stuff like this. Like leaving your small child in a parked car in hot or sub zero weather. Although car doors do not have the written warning about leaving a child unattended, in this case there were clear warnings about danger and people were asked to leave. Who would take a child to a war zone? Who would take a child swimming at a beach with active shark sightings?

Again, glaring mental incompetence argues strongly for Mr Thaksin to use his money for education rather than political reinstatement via proxy war.


How shocking. 27 people without legal representation. Sentenced without proper investigation (within 24 hours). It shows in any case why the reds do have the moral right on their side to fight for a better system Before all judges are removed in this country people like Sondhi and Sonthi will keep on walking the streets while the disenfranchised will end up in jail.

The next government should retroactively change the laws so coup makers like Sonthi who caused this chaos can be locked up and people like Anupong are no longer protected by the new army boss (prayuth). The entire system stinks. We have army bosses that are corrupted till the bone (Anupong with his bomb scanner, his Zepplin and the purchase of grenades and armored vehicles, who fail their people miserably while we have judges who are as independent as my dog is from the food I buy for him.

it looks all so easy. Lock up people without giving them a proper trial and people get scared. No people get angry and eventually the next outbreak of violence will be make the recent slaughter of people by snipers look like a picnic.

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

Bail is for when there is trial/verdict/sentencing set for a later date. It seems here that if they already received their sentences, then they must have been put through some super-expedited trial procedure. I'd assume then that their 6-month sentence would begin immediately. If they already confessed and pleaded guilty I don't think there is much chance of an appeal, though I'm no lawyer.

Why should they appeal? They have won! They will be housed and fed at the tax payers' expense. Their supporters will see this as yet more evdence of a partial judiacial system; and, when they are released they will become heroes.

More to the point, this problem is not going to made to go away by gaoling a few protesters. The real issues need to be addressed now, but it seems that the political will is to maintain the system as it is at present. The outcome is inevitable, it is just a matter of time. There will no winners, only losers.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

So you try another thread Muntergok to make political miles out of the injury to the poor kid.

You know well the full circumstances of his injuries yet you still persist in your sick efforts to make it seem that he was deliberatly targeted by the army.

Considering your cowerdly mates are holding children this age and younger as human shields and have recently bombed a police station where a policemans family have all been taken to hospital (yes woman and children) you have no credability whatsoever.

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

Don't get your reasoning behind this. You mention UK, so we can use that as an example. Do you really believe any UK government would put up with a gang of idiots (call them freedom fighters or terrorists, up to you) who would have tried to paralyse

the City of London for a month? Despite getting 3/4 of what they wanted from Abhisit , they still came up with more demands. Remember what happened at the Iranian Embassy after only a few days? HMG would have sent in the riot squad long before this

And you've forgotten Bloody Sunday in Londonderry!!

how many innocent did their army kill in just 1 hour??

yes and some of those innocent,where carrying weapons,unlike the many men,women and children murdered by the Irish republicans,

have you forgotten OMAGH.?

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

That is not the way I read it

They can be jailed up to 12 months

but as the confessed (confessed to what crime would be interesting)

they were given 6 months

This is a good start if true

the courts getting serious

the word will get back to the Redshirts up north

6 months in jail means ho money at harvest time

You are quite mistaken about these people having no money come harvest time. The Thai culture is a communal culture. No farmer can get his harvest in on his own. All local formers hire labour by the day - usually other local farmers - to harvest the rice and other crops. This will happen in these cases. The families will not go short of food or money.

The word which has already got back is the opposite message of what you think.

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