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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

where is he in the picture then?

i must have missed him brandishing an M16......

Where is who? Sea Daeng? or the people that started this mess and were given a good offer for elections in november? They wanted this, now they have it!

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Just an FYI:

Those living in Condo's with a balconey, DO NOT USE IT. Obviously, I am talking about condo's in the blockade or near the perimeter of the blockade.

People have been shot because they were smoking on their balconey.

Stay safe.

Kwanchai: Says soldiers should be wearing skirts. Ridicules claim of self-defence.

Troops have war weapons.

We are the ones using self-defense.

You've closed us off, people try to go out and you shoot them

what is wrong with these reds?

first they say they will stay there until they die

now they want to get out

please make your mind up!

there are some very efficient soldiers they wear colourful skirts, no kidding !

do reds what to fight with them ?

Kwanchai has a short memory. On Friday evening, after Seh Daeng was shot, Rambo started wearing a wig back stage to throw snipers off. Maybe these leaders are now in full drag, who knows.

I think one basic fact is being lost here: WHO STARTED ALL THIS? surely the government did not ask the reds to come into Bangkok and create anarchy

If they now want out, they should make the first move and give up - but obviously this is not part of Thaksins plan - anyone remaining in the red zone by their own free will has to be a target - they were given ample opportunity to leave

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


Yep, just click on the "Ads by Google" logo and click on the link using this text "If you'd like to provide feedback regarding the site or ads you just saw, please let us know." and you can report the site for breaking the terms of agreement for use of google ads.

Kwanchai: Says soldiers should be wearing skirts. Ridicules claim of self-defence.

Troops have war weapons.

We are the ones using self-defense.

You've closed us off, people try to go out and you shoot them

what is wrong with these reds?

first they say they will stay there until they die

now they want to get out

please make your mind up!

there are some very efficient soldiers they wear colourful skirts, no kidding !

do reds what to fight with them ?

Kwanchai has a short memory. On Friday evening, after Seh Daeng was shot, Rambo started wearing a wig back stage to throw snipers off. Maybe these leaders are now in full drag, who knows.

I think one basic fact is being lost here: WHO STARTED ALL THIS? surely the government did not ask the reds to come into Bangkok and create anarchy

If they now want out, they should make the first move and give up - but obviously this is not part of Thaksins plan - anyone remaining in the red zone by their own free will has to be a target - they were given ample opportunity to leave

They've been offered free buses etc. I think they are holding out for the bigger paycheck from Mr. T. Probably will never come.

if you can read thai, the below is from a red shirt forum, planning terrost attacks across the country!!

copy มาจาก http://www.saedang.freeforums.org/topic-t2080.html

แผนล้อมตัดเสบียง เรื่องเก่า ทหารคิดได้แค่นี้ เสื้อแดงไม่โง่หรอก แต่สลายการชุมนุมคืนนี้

ถ้าแกนนำเชื่อนะไม่แพ้แล้วยังชนะได้อีก !!!

Sat, 05/15/2010 - 17:52 | by เสรี ชน | Report topic

เมษา 52 เราปิดสามเหลี่ยมดินแดน ทหารล้อมยิงพวกเรา ปิดเสบียงไม่ให้ส่งไปที่หน้าทำเนียบได้ วีระยอมแพ้รักษาผู้คน

ทหารชนะ เพราะปืน ความ...ม !!!!!

เมษา 53 มาแบบเดิม ผมเห็นแต่แรกว่า เราควรประนีประนอม และตั้งข้อเสนอเรดแมปห้าข้อเพื่อ equate กับโรดแมปของนายอภิสิทธิ์ แกนนำไม่เอาด้วย เสื้อแดงส่วนใหญ่ไม่เห็นด้วย ไม่เป็นไร เอาตามส่วนมากก็ตามกัน

วันนี้ วิธีเก่าๆ ทหารปิดให้เสบียงเราเหลือน้อย โถ นึกว่าแน่วิธีของตำรวจโจร คิดได้เท่านี้เองหรือ แล้วจะชนะสงครามแดง ตลกน่า เสบียงในราชประสงค์ยังอยู่ได้อีกสองอาทิตย์เป็นอย่างน้อย หลอกได้แต่ทีวี กับสื่อไทย ก็ไปตระเวณ รปส มาดูแล้วอยู่ได้สบายๆ สื่อมันโง่เชื่อรัฐบาลเอง แผนนี้ฟันธง ทหารเหลวแน่ แต่เรื่องเข้าตี รปส คืนนี้ นี่ซีที่ผมหนักใจ

แต่ ผมมองโลกในแง่ดี ถ้าแกนนำเชื่อนะ เหอ่น่า ไม่แพ้หรอก ชิงลงมือเลย

1 ที่ทำดีคือ ใช้แซนด์วิชบีบ เช่น ที่ซอยรางน้ำ อนุสาวรีย์ชัย บ่อนไก่ โดยเฉพาะบ่อนไก่ใช้คนหนุ่มชุมชนแค่สองร้อยต้นๆ สามารถต้านทานทหารได้ดีมากๆ เพราะจักรยานยนต์เคลื่อนที่เร็ว กับอาวุธ homemade

2 เมื่อเขาจะฆ่าเราแล้วคืนนี้ ศอฉ ประกาศแล้วว่าเอาแน่ ถ้าเกิดจราจลทั่ว กทม พื้นที่นอกเขตทหารควบคุม จะทำให้ กทม ป่วนทันที ทหาร ตำรวจจะถอนตัวออกจากพื้นที่จำนวนมาก จราจลอย่างไรคิดเอง ทำเอง เมื่อทหารไม่ให้เราเข้า รปส ก็ไม่เข้าซี แซนด์วิชส่วนหนึ่ง จราจลส่วนหนึ่ง ทหารจะทำอะไรได้

3 สงครามมวลชนทั่วประเทศต้องลงมือแล้วคืนนี้ ไม่ต้องลงมือที่ศาลากลางที่มีเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารตำรวจคุมจำนวนมากก็ได้ ลงมือตามจุดล่อแหลมต่างๆ ทำพร้อมกันแปดจังหวัดจะทำให้ ศอฉ ทหารชะงักทันที ถ้าเพิ่มเป็น 12 หรือ 17 จังหวัด จะขยายวงไปทั่วประเทศ จะมีการเอาอย่างทั่วกัน ลงมืออย่างไรก็ขึ้นกับดุลพินิจของคนท้องถิ่นเอง ผมคิดว่าชาวบ้านมีหัวคิดและสู้ทหารบ้านนอกได้สบายๆ

นี่คือ การยุทธ์แบบผึ้งแตกรัง เสือ สิงห์ ช้างใหญ่แค่ไหนก็มีจุดอ่อน ผึ้งหรือมดแม้จะเล็ก รุมกันกัดหรือต่อยที่ตาหรือจุดอ่อนของสัตว์ใหญ่ สัตว์ใหญ่ยังล้มได้

โถ แผนโง่ๆ บีบให้อดอาหาร ตัดเสบียง คิดโง่ๆ แผนสลายชุมนุม เจอแผนผึ้งแตกรัง ต่อไล่ต่อยตาหมี ขี้คร้าน พรุ่งนี้ ประเทศจะเป็นอัมพาต ประกาศกฎอัยการศึกทั่วประเทศ ยิ่งประกาศยิ่งซุ่มโจมตี

เมื่อ เขาบังคับให้เราเป็นโจร ก็จงเป็นโจรเกียรติศักดิ์อย่างโรบินฮู้ดเสียเลย

วันนี้ คือ การวัดใจของผู้นำแล้ว

This is the insurrection that Thaksin and his mob have been planning and bankrolling for the past two years.

The first forum reaction on this artical translated by google:

You shall use plan Jakkajan cast is also available. During these leaders seek to transform into and out of the shelter to go to a year × group who gathered at the Din Daeng and Toei. To say that a fake stage as distractions. Cause a lot of fake to fool the soldiers into that I ครับ. Not a bad honor หรอก. Finally it enough soldiers to invade the stage to lead it finds and does not harm the people in it. Completed by the end of the lead group of soldiers to assembly then squeezed in the middle. Immediately and then capture them up Blockade, they give it some sense. Do not let it catch up to leaders in the cordon, although it will use helicopters, we sprinkle Out to be the leader. Beware of a lot.

1 ที่ทำดีคือ ใช้แซนด์วิชบีบ เช่น ที่ซอยรางน้ำ อนุสาวรีย์ชัย บ่อนไก่ โดยเฉพาะบ่อนไก่ใช้คนหนุ่มชุมชนแค่สองร้อยต้นๆ สามารถต้านทานทหารได้ดีมากๆ เพราะจักรยานยนต์เคลื่อนที่เร็ว กับอาวุธ homemade

red shirt plan to come out the area and sandwich/ suround the army, use the homemade weapons

2 เมื่อเขาจะฆ่าเราแล้วคืนนี้ ศอฉ ประกาศแล้วว่าเอาแน่ ถ้าเกิดจราจลทั่ว กทม พื้นที่นอกเขตทหารควบคุม จะทำให้ กทม ป่วนทันที ทหาร ตำรวจจะถอนตัวออกจากพื้นที่จำนวนมาก จราจลอย่างไรคิดเอง ทำเอง เมื่อทหารไม่ให้เราเข้า รปส ก็ไม่เข้าซี แซนด์วิชส่วนหนึ่ง จราจลส่วนหนึ่ง ทหารจะทำอะไรได้

redshirt plan to create caos across the country, use your imajination

3 สงครามมวลชนทั่วประเทศต้องลงมือแล้วคืนนี้ ไม่ต้องลงมือที่ศาลากลางที่มีเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารตำรวจคุมจำนวนมากก็ได้ ลงมือตามจุดล่อแหลมต่างๆ ทำพร้อมกันแปดจังหวัดจะทำให้ ศอฉ ทหารชะงักทันที ถ้าเพิ่มเป็น 12 หรือ 17 จังหวัด จะขยายวงไปทั่วประเทศ จะมีการเอาอย่างทั่วกัน ลงมืออย่างไรก็ขึ้นกับดุลพินิจของคนท้องถิ่นเอง ผมคิดว่าชาวบ้านมีหัวคิดและสู้ทหารบ้านนอกได้สบายๆ

นี่คือ การยุทธ์แบบผึ้งแตกรัง เสือ สิงห์ ช้างใหญ่แค่ไหนก็มีจุดอ่อน ผึ้งหรือมดแม้จะเล็ก รุมกันกัดหรือต่อยที่ตาหรือจุดอ่อนของสัตว์ใหญ่ สัตว์ใหญ่ยังล้มได้

red shirt around the country make the caos, you know what to do to make the army busy so cannot stay for fight in bangkok. ( this means bombs blatantly, arson etc)

โถ แผนโง่ๆ บีบให้อดอาหาร ตัดเสบียง คิดโง่ๆ แผนสลายชุมนุม เจอแผนผึ้งแตกรัง ต่อไล่ต่อยตาหมี ขี้คร้าน พรุ่งนี้ ประเทศจะเป็นอัมพาต ประกาศกฎอัยการศึกทั่วประเทศ ยิ่งประกาศยิ่งซุ่มโจมตี

เมื่อ เขาบังคับให้เราเป็นโจร ก็จงเป็นโจรเกียรติศักดิ์อย่างโรบินฮู้ดเสียเลย

วันนี้ คือ การวัดใจของผู้นำแล้ว

they say we terrorist so we going to be like robin hood. :) tingtong

Thank you for translating

I thought the reds wanted a truce. They are just back to their old demands. They don't understand compromise do they.
Update: Weng repeats the 3 red demands today, 1. Ceasefire and withdraw 2. Immediate Dissolution 3. End of SOE /via @terryfrd

Thaksin demands, Jataporn demands, Reds demand, Phua Thai demands

demand, demand, demand, or what?

what about us?

maybe we should demand they obey the law and go home

or would that be just more wasted rhetoric for the benefit of the red biased western media.........?

'someone broke into my house with weapon, robs everything and demands for my bank book; police arrives and he keeps my family on hostage, and demands the police chief resigns; the mediator arrives then he demands the police department dissolution, and demands the court to call off the warrant'

is this something very illogical !?

You forgot the part where he blames you and your family maybe even the police for his actions. Nice post!

The soldiers seemed constantly caught off-balance by agitators showing a grasp of insurgency that may well derive from their time as army conscripts. They shot M-79 grenades, which can kill within five yards. They aimed slingshots with deadly accuracy. They let off makeshift cannons. Some blazed away with pistols. A Buddhist monk was seen to launch a glowing fire-lantern, normally used in religious rites, into the sky to ward off helicopters. Others fired home-made rockets at the choppers.The wildness was fuelled by more than fury. Crates of Red Bull, the energy drink, were by a barricade where edgy soldiers fingered their assault rifles. A mixture of cheap whiskey and amphetamines was said to be keeping many of their enemies on their toes.

i don't understand. this is saying the former conscripts learned something the current conscripts have not been taught?

they teach insurgency in basic training?

thai army armed with slingshots?

thai army buys makeshift cannon from us defense contractors?

army conscripts taught to blaze away with pistols?

but they only have slingshots?


How stupid are these people in Thai Government. They have miscalculated everything I mean everything and now they are in a bind, surrounded the area and don’t know what to do next.

They surround the area but let the Red Shirt have food. I also went outside the area and came back from a side Soi without any problem and no one there to check. So I think this is going to go on for a long time, now the affected area is even bigger and keep getting big and bigger each by day

I wish the Thai Government do not do anything else since they are inapt to control anything anyway


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

How's life as a troll? having fun while others are being held hostage by these lunatics?


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all - how does that make Abhisit a dictator ??

Boy your are really scratching the bottom of the barrel to try and keep up red propaganda

The reds are at the bottom of the barrel. They are losing on every front. They have lost the PR war (they were winning it until the hospital invasion), their leadership is fractured, they have announced they will start looting soon. Their only recourse now is to try and paint Abhisit as the bad guy. What is the Red plan for peace anyway? The army pulls back and lets them continue to destroy Bangkok?


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

I would tell him to his face that to wear a color that could be confusing to low-ranked soldiers was probably not the smartest choice to wear in that situation. Why, do you think he didn't make a mistake to wear a black shirt among the 'protestors'?

The soldiers seemed constantly caught off-balance by agitators showing a grasp of insurgency that may well derive from their time as army conscripts. They shot M-79 grenades, which can kill within five yards. They aimed slingshots with deadly accuracy. They let off makeshift cannons. Some blazed away with pistols. A Buddhist monk was seen to launch a glowing fire-lantern, normally used in religious rites, into the sky to ward off helicopters. Others fired home-made rockets at the choppers.The wildness was fuelled by more than fury. Crates of Red Bull, the energy drink, were by a barricade where edgy soldiers fingered their assault rifles. A mixture of cheap whiskey and amphetamines was said to be keeping many of their enemies on their toes.

i don't understand. this is saying the former conscripts learned something the current conscripts have not been taught?

they teach insurgency in basic training?

thai army armed with slingshots?

thai army buys makeshift cannon from us defense contractors?

army conscripts taught to blaze away with pistols?

but they only have slingshots?

I'm sure they are closed now, but when this mess is over you need to go here:



I am in Bangkok and have been throughout these protests. For people outside the country looking in it is difficult to understand the situation. It is easy to sympathize with poor people protesting for a better life. That is not the case here in Bangkok. Poor people have been paid to protest and are being used as human shields to protect militants in the Red movement. These protests are controlled by former PM Thaksin in an effort to overthrow the current government which is legitimate and elected. Perhaps more so than the former PPP government which was disbanded due to electoral fraud.

I am dismayed to see the foreign press portraying the victims of the current voilence as civilians. It is true that they have taken off their red uniforms but within the protesters there are armed terrorists fighting a guerilla style war. They are not civilians in the true sense. Everyone in Bangkok understands which streets are currently restricted by the security forces. The only reason protesters venture into those areas is to attack the soldiers. Using slingshots, M79 grenades, moltov cocktails, guns, and other weapons they are fighting with the army. If they were not attempting to breach the government barricades they would not be in immediate danger.

Journalists have been injured, they are going into dangerous areas and are difficult to discern from the Red fighters who have no uniform. Shooting journalists intentionally and blaming the army would certainly be in the protesters interests to bring international condemnation. Journalists in the area are often under the protection of the army, and should use their own judgement as to whether it is safe to enter areas with gun battles ongoing.

Last night with 2km of my home well outside the protest zone there was a grenade attack at the Bangkok Bank at Khae Rai, there is a secondary protest at the Thaicom offices less than one km from this attack. Even outside the downtown there is danger for the true civilians of Bangkok, and that danger will not diminish until the protests end.

The leaders of the Red protest can at any time order the end of the protest and allow the people to return to their homes. This would be followed immediately by a ceasefire from the army. As long as they remain calling for the violent overthrow of the government people are in danger. Criminals should put their arms down first, not the police.



I hope Thaksin gives an interview with the same guy that Seh Daeng had. That worked out well.

:D yep reporter to Thaksin: sir could you move a little to the left? that's about right.


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all - how does that make Abhisit a dictator ??

Boy your are really scratching the bottom of the barrel to try and keep up red propaganda

The reds are at the bottom of the barrel. They are losing on every front. They have lost the PR war (they were winning it until the hospital invasion), their leadership is fractured, they have announced they will start looting soon. Their only recourse now is to try and paint Abhisit as the bad guy. What is the Red plan for peace anyway? The army pulls back and lets them continue to destroy Bangkok?

I think you're right. They blew their chance. They don't want peace.


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

The soldiers seemed constantly caught off-balance by agitators showing a grasp of insurgency that may well derive from their time as army conscripts. They shot M-79 grenades, which can kill within five yards. They aimed slingshots with deadly accuracy. They let off makeshift cannons. Some blazed away with pistols. A Buddhist monk was seen to launch a glowing fire-lantern, normally used in religious rites, into the sky to ward off helicopters. Others fired home-made rockets at the choppers.The wildness was fuelled by more than fury. Crates of Red Bull, the energy drink, were by a barricade where edgy soldiers fingered their assault rifles. A mixture of cheap whiskey and amphetamines was said to be keeping many of their enemies on their toes.

i don't understand. this is saying the former conscripts learned something the current conscripts have not been taught?

they teach insurgency in basic training?

thai army armed with slingshots?

thai army buys makeshift cannon from us defense contractors?

army conscripts taught to blaze away with pistols?

but they only have slingshots?

The quote is about the reds - a bit confused but ok - it is a known fact that a lot of the reds, if not most use Ja baa - every drug dealer must have rushed to the scene once it started to make a killing. The problem with amphetamines is that they give them a lot of energy and cause severe paranoia and delusions as can also be seen with the red supporters on TV. Another side effect is aggression.

Basically the army has to deal with total maniacs


This is the demonstration of what I have stated already several times : Militias are unacceptable in democratic Countries: it brings the level of violence to the highest during social unrests. More it can jeopardise the future of a Country. And if my numerous american friend of this forum continue to think about more tough and military actions, just remember Mogadishio, Somalia.... Militias are a Cancer (Yellows, Nedwin, Pattayas, Ronin...any militia)

In case of crushing the reds, you should see the consequences on the economy: Spain during Franco period, has been sulked during years in spite marketing efforts. most of europeans avoiding Spain as tourist destination and spanish products.

Anything which can bring Parties to the table of negotiation without conditions is welcome.

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

Good point about BBC reporters being less in thrall to their owners, but bias can be simply the product of one's background, context, identification with peers ("groupthink"), education, etc.

We all see things from one of a range of possible perspectives. BBC and other western reporters tend to come out of a similar mindset. They are not intentionally biased (i.e. giving the boss what he wants), but they are biased nevertheless, as are all the rest of us.

As you say, one can be conscientiously "neutral", but still misled and confused.

I accept all you say, in fact reporters from other countries should only report what they see and what they hear (with discrimination). The problem always is that those with conviction are always biased, be they right or be they wrong, whichever way you see it, as always the ordinary citizen is dieing for the sake of those with huge ego’s that consider and acclaim themselves leaders. Shame on all those that would see others die for the sake of money or wealth but that is the way the World is run (in every Nation)

Those that follow for a better life and who would deny them that? For the sake of those that are driven by ego because they have already passed the line in regards to wealth. Let’s hope that there are some reporters and media channels that would remain unbiased

I am in Bangkok and have been throughout these protests. For people outside the country looking in it is difficult to understand the situation. It is easy to sympathize with poor people protesting for a better life. That is not the case here in Bangkok. Poor people have been paid to protest and are being used as human shields to protect militants in the Red movement. These protests are controlled by former PM Thaksin in an effort to overthrow the current government which is legitimate and elected. Perhaps more so than the former PPP government which was disbanded due to electoral fraud.

I am dismayed to see the foreign press portraying the victims of the current voilence as civilians. It is true that they have taken off their red uniforms but within the protesters there are armed terrorists fighting a guerilla style war. They are not civilians in the true sense. Everyone in Bangkok understands which streets are currently restricted by the security forces. The only reason protesters venture into those areas is to attack the soldiers. Using slingshots, M79 grenades, moltov cocktails, guns, and other weapons they are fighting with the army. If they were not attempting to breach the government barricades they would not be in immediate danger.

Journalists have been injured, they are going into dangerous areas and are difficult to discern from the Red fighters who have no uniform. Shooting journalists intentionally and blaming the army would certainly be in the protesters interests to bring international condemnation. Journalists in the area are often under the protection of the army, and should use their own judgement as to whether it is safe to enter areas with gun battles ongoing.

Last night with 2km of my home well outside the protest zone there was a grenade attack at the Bangkok Bank at Khae Rai, there is a secondary protest at the Thaicom offices less than one km from this attack. Even outside the downtown there is danger for the true civilians of Bangkok, and that danger will not diminish until the protests end.

The leaders of the Red protest can at any time order the end of the protest and allow the people to return to their homes. This would be followed immediately by a ceasefire from the army. As long as they remain calling for the violent overthrow of the government people are in danger. Criminals should put their arms down first, not the police.

Well Said. I just finished explaining the situation to a friend back in Canada. They aren't getting the real story back there.

I could have just cut and pasted your explanation instead. :)


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

What it shows is that they need to go home. It's a message. If you want to try to take over the capitol, be prepared to be shot. It's a good message. What shocks me about all this is the people that paid them to come to BKK to BE SHOT. Here's 500 THB, go take a bullet for MY cause. I really can't understand why people can't see this for what it is.

This IS about Thaksin!

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

BBC reporting on this is very poor. Disappointing actually.

The Beeb has always been slightly left wing but in this case they're just not doing the investigative reporting I would expect.

I think I will register this point with them. They'd certainly not want to be seen as being biased


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

And at what point in the video do you see the military shooting? At what point in the video do you see the red's shooting? At What point in the video do you see EXACTLY the reason why these guys are sheltering? At what poin....... well, you get it!

The soldiers seemed constantly caught off-balance by agitators showing a grasp of insurgency that may well derive from their time as army conscripts. They shot M-79 grenades, which can kill within five yards. They aimed slingshots with deadly accuracy. They let off makeshift cannons. Some blazed away with pistols. A Buddhist monk was seen to launch a glowing fire-lantern, normally used in religious rites, into the sky to ward off helicopters. Others fired home-made rockets at the choppers.The wildness was fuelled by more than fury. Crates of Red Bull, the energy drink, were by a barricade where edgy soldiers fingered their assault rifles. A mixture of cheap whiskey and amphetamines was said to be keeping many of their enemies on their toes.

i don't understand. this is saying the former conscripts learned something the current conscripts have not been taught?

they teach insurgency in basic training?

thai army armed with slingshots?

thai army buys makeshift cannon from us defense contractors?

army conscripts taught to blaze away with pistols?

but they only have slingshots?

The quote is about the reds - a bit confused but ok - it is a known fact that a lot of the reds, if not most use Ja baa - every drug dealer must have rushed to the scene once it started to make a killing. The problem with amphetamines is that they give them a lot of energy and cause severe paranoia and delusions as can also be seen with the red supporters on TV. Another side effect is aggression.

Basically the army has to deal with total maniacs

Every Issaner farmer knows the virtue of chewing the leaves of Coca.... they do not need amphetamines

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


Yep, just click on the "Ads by Google" logo and click on the link using this text "If you'd like to provide feedback regarding the site or ads you just saw, please let us know." and you can report the site for breaking the terms of agreement for use of google ads.

Is this a web board belongs to the website of Seh Deang www.sae-dang.com ? I guess after his latest interview and anyway he will be not much interested to cash in.

But you can report it to the Internet Thought Police to be blocked in Thailand.



savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

And what are these guys doing? Going for a walk? NO. They are attacking the army. The army are responding.

This is the demonstration of what I have stated already several times : Militias are unacceptable in democratic Countries: it brings the level of violence to the highest during social unrests. More it can jeopardise the future of a Country. And if my numerous american friend of this forum continue to think about more tough and military actions, just remember Mogadishio, Somalia.... Militias are a Cancer (Yellows, Nedwin, Pattayas, Ronin...any militia)

In case of crushing the reds, you should see the consequences on the economy: Spain during Franco period, has been sulked during years in spite marketing efforts. most of europeans avoiding Spain as tourist destination and spanish products.

Anything which can bring Parties to the table of negotiation without conditions is welcome.

There is one problem you do not understand:

The red leaders do not want to negotiate - they want the government to step down which would mean they succeeded with their / Thaksins coup attempt - they had their chance already

The economic damage has already been done thanks to the reds and only a crackdown, ending this anarchy quickly may offer a slight chance to limit the economic damage

Now don't jump - I would love to see the reds go home peacefully, but as their leaders repeat ad nausea that ain't going to happen unless....


savage. Abhisit is now a world class dictator. Congratulations!

And what is this supposed to show?? some criminals hiding behind barricades that is all

What is shows is the governments claims that "we only shoot in self defence" are totally bogus lies.. As does the CNN footage..

Which then makes his "only trust the official sources, we must maintain the moral high ground" type statements also laughable..

Its currently open season on anything that moves, protesters, journos, medics, etc.. Lets forget this 'only in self defence' PR BS..

What it shows is that they need to go home. It's a message. If you want to try to take over the capitol, be prepared to be shot. It's a good message. What shocks me about all this is the people that paid them to come to BKK to BE SHOT. Here's 500 THB, go take a bullet for MY cause. I really can't understand why people can't see this for what it is.

This IS about Thaksin!

suggest you try the ignore user feature on some of these goons that are only on here to have a laugh while all of this is going on.

Yes here is 500 baht to take a bullet have fun while I jet off out of here like my boss.

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