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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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I simply asked a question and am still waiting for an answer. Your answer appears to state these are poor citizens who live in the poor area but I have yet to see anyone else suggest this with any kind of proof.

you got your answer.

it just isnt consistent with your keyboard fantasy land to hear and acknowledge it.

completely innocent people die and are terrorized in REAL urban combat, even if that doesnt happen in the vivid world of fantasy between your ears.

that ten year old boy bled out because of people who think like you.


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On the CNN site right now a Bkk resident is posting videos of armed reds, some of which he took himself, and he's being eaten alive by these Thaksin drones.

Are you talking about this guy?

Never mind being eaten alive metaphorically, let's hope the Thaksin-funded insurgents nor their idealistic comrade pawns don't find out who he is.

By now surely you know that they are only following the Animatic Roadmap to Forum Domination. There's probably only 3 paid farangs disputing his stuff. :)

Well you are making yourself pretty obvious... attempted diminuation...

Nice try. No cigar The Reds are really, REALLY losing ground in the PR war today.

So I guess you are are officialy ARF'D

The big picture is so much more than about this forum.

But it has numbers, influence, and this week location, location, location.

I am officially assimilated, what should I say master?

I simply asked a question and am still waiting for an answer. Your answer appears to state these are poor citizens who live in the poor area but I have yet to see anyone else suggest this with any kind of proof.

you got your answer.

it just isnt consistent with your keyboard fantasy land to hear and acknowledge it.

completely innocent people die and are terrorized in REAL urban combat, even if that doesnt happen in the vivid world of fantasy between your ears.

that ten year old boy bled out because of people who think like you.

that 10 year old boy bled out because a drunken red shirt refused to stop at a checkpoint. when you say completely innocent people die and are terrorized in REAL urban combat are you rationalizing the shooting of rpg's at a hotel?

the reds have accomplished one of their goals - destroying Thailand as a tourist / business destination. they just fell short on bringing back their dear leader.


MURDER apologist.

The boy died because the government declared the inner city to a live firing zone and soldiers feel free now to fire deadly bullets trough the streets.

gentlemen, you need to open your eyes as to what is happening all around you. we live in a dangerous place becoming more dangerous by the day.

Agreed. So they win, you think they will be satisfied with a "free and fair" election? This is a revolutionary insurgency looking to completely topple all existing government structures in Thailand.

Farang USA, will you GO HOME if they win and election are being hold?

Btw. have you any news about Thaksin testicles? You seemed to be so well informed and should keep the other TVF member with special interests updated.

gentlemen, you need to open your eyes as to what is happening all around you. we live in a dangerous place becoming more dangerous by the day.

Agreed. So they win, you think they will be satisfied with a "free and fair" election? This is a revolutionary insurgency looking to completely topple all existing government structures in Thailand.

Farang USA, will you GO HOME if they win and election are being hold?

You will just have to wait and see in end 2010/2011 now that your thug supported insurgency is coming to an end.

I simply asked a question and am still waiting for an answer. Your answer appears to state these are poor citizens who live in the poor area but I have yet to see anyone else suggest this with any kind of proof.

you got your answer.

it just isnt consistent with your keyboard fantasy land to hear and acknowledge it.

completely innocent people die and are terrorized in REAL urban combat, even if that doesnt happen in the vivid world of fantasy between your ears.

that ten year old boy bled out because of people who think like you.

that 10 year old boy bled out because a drunken red shirt refused to stop at a checkpoint. when you say completely innocent people die and are terrorized in REAL urban combat are you rationalizing the shooting of rpg's at a hotel?

the reds have accomplished one of their goals - destroying Thailand as a tourist / business destination. they just fell short on bringing back their dear leader.


MURDER apologist.

The boy died because the government declared the inner city to a live firing zone and soldiers feel free now to fire deadly bullets trough the streets.


However as a Thaksin apologist you will grab at anything.

Anything at all.

To wheedle Thaksin back.

Keep pushing the line.

Just reading Asok/Sukhumvit junction is now being barricaded with tyres etc. Can anyone confirm if the mob has spread east along Sukhumvit?

again, its not a matter of the Reds surging out of Ratchaprasong. Red neighborhoods are uprising on all four points of the Bangkok compass.

As we saw yesterday at Klong Teoi, they are surging out of their neighborhoods with a very clear tactic: sandwich the army formations and cut them off from resupply.

What makes you think that only Reds can be surrounded? the army is far more vulnerable to encirclement because its supply base is not indiginous to sympathetic neighborhoods, and the materiel it requries is more complex.

TV posters have to stop looking at this as an issan invasion of RathaP. we are way passed that.

the assasination of Sae Deang has set off an uprising of Reds all over Bangkok and, it would seem from certain reports, perhaps over other parts of thailand.

there is no debate; the reds are armed, even if there arms are by themselves no match for thai army. but the reds have something that has greater currency on the field of battle: determination.

gentlemen, you need to open your eyes as to what is happening all around you. we live in a dangerous place becoming more dangerous by the day.

There aren't many poor reds down that end of Suhkumvit. Unless it's all the bar girls .....

Anotherfarang who don't know much about Thailand and clearly have no clue about what kind of people living in that area of Bangkok. There are for sure some posh hotels and condo buildings, but also places where people with little money can stay and actually stay and they are not all bar girls.

Just reading Asok/Sukhumvit junction is now being barricaded with tyres etc. Can anyone confirm if the mob has spread east along Sukhumvit?

again, its not a matter of the Reds surging out of Ratchaprasong. Red neighborhoods are uprising on all four points of the Bangkok compass.

As we saw yesterday at Klong Teoi, they are surging out of their neighborhoods with a very clear tactic: sandwich the army formations and cut them off from resupply.

What makes you think that only Reds can be surrounded? the army is far more vulnerable to encirclement because its supply base is not indiginous to sympathetic neighborhoods, and the materiel it requries is more complex.

TV posters have to stop looking at this as an issan invasion of RathaP. we are way passed that.

the assasination of Sae Deang has set off an uprising of Reds all over Bangkok and, it would seem from certain reports, perhaps over other parts of thailand.

there is no debate; the reds are armed, even if there arms are by themselves no match for thai army. but the reds have something that has greater currency on the field of battle: determination.

gentlemen, you need to open your eyes as to what is happening all around you. we live in a dangerous place becoming more dangerous by the day.

There aren't many poor reds down that end of Suhkumvit. Unless it's all the bar girls .....

Anotherfarang who don't know much about Thailand and clearly have no clue about what kind of people living in that area of Bangkok. There are for sure some posh hotels and condo buildings, but also places where people with little money can stay and actually stay and they are not all bar girls.

Do something about your grammar and stop pretending you are Rosa Luxemburg.

He died because his parents were idiots.

However as a Thaksin apologist you will grab at anything.

Anything at all.

To wheedle Thaksin back.

Keep pushing the line.

No, he died because he was shot in the stomach.

I want to explain why I joined the forum and why I am posting here. I try to learn more about the political situation and I try to have various sources of information. I follow the international news channels (usually in the Internet because I do not like TV) everyday, I but both the Nation and Bangkok Post, I follow some blogs of people I trust and I talk to my colleagues in the office. I wanted also to follow a forum of people that they live here and i found the thaivisa. ......


I do not know how long you have been in Thailand. Certainly on this forum there are people with an in-depth knowledge of the situations and they do know the roots of the current events. Also numerous Thai friends are posting on this forum. you can notice we have different opinions, we learnalso from each other. We cannot answer you simply because it will take hours -even days- to explain the accumulated factors driving to those historical moments. I will just give you some very rough axis of researches.

First the Thai Culture (Asian/ Budhist) very different from the Christian/ western, with different appreciation like value of a life...

secondly the Thai History, including the construction of modern Thailand through an unification process... the exchange of territories which explain some details relative to Issan. The Chinese immigration and influence on Thai affairs....

Thirdly the Institutions about which we cannot talk on this forum

Quaterly some roots of the present conflict can be located in the aftermaith of the Vietnam war (Militias, weaponry smuggling)


So the situation is far more complex than it may appear in the International press.

Work hard......

Hallelujah! This is the kind of dialog I am looking in this forum. Finally a reply that it doesn't mention Abhisit, Thaksin and all the usual.

Thank you for these points. I do understand the complexity and the multi-dimensional character of the conflict. I do believe also that on top of all these parameters (religion, history of Thai nation, institutions) the very big inequality in Thailand is making things even more difficult. I've recently read a UN report about the human development in Thailand. It is very recent and published just some months ago. Before I quote a specific finding of the report I want to mention that this report has been produced by a joint committee comprising the UN, the Thai Government, NGOs, private sector and media. It has been reviewed and approved by the Thai government and signed on behalf of the Government by the Thai Minister of Social Development and human Security (Issara Somhcai). I would suggest to anyone that wants to have a very thorough overview of Thailand's development challenges to download and read the report (it is quite extensive though, 170 pages). The report could be downloaded at:


There is a section in inequality with the title "Confronting Persistent Inequality". The main message in the chapter is the following:

"Thailand is a very unequal society. There is growing awareness that inequality lies at the root of several forms of human insecurity, including rising political conflict." (page 78 of the report)

The report shows also how this inequality determines people's vote and how inequality is at it's worst form in Thailand comparing to other neighboring countries in South-East Asia (for more info read all the chapter).

So there is certainly a reason for people not being happy and wanting change and this need to change is expressed at this point of the Thai history with a very violent way. I think that if reds, yellows and everybody else will put issues like the inequality in the centre of the political and confrontational agenda we will see good things happening. The problem is (and it is very obvious in this forum) that the discussion about persons (Thaksin, Abhisit, etc.) is not allowing the confronting groups to find the solutions to these persistent problems.

Good post...this is the sort of thing that should be on TV...not the flaming and trolling

Well that have about half an hour to get out of there... Yawn

Get out the candles to light in memory of the innocent women and children about to die. :)

Well I know that some were evacuated... and that an airplane has been dropping leaflets over the site. I hope the Red leaders know what's coming and get any others left there out.

If Thaksin was in power and the situation was the other way, machine gun fire would have been heard weeks ago and any mob been eradicated, never mind women and children, just like he did during so called war on drugs

Your IF is just only your fantasy.

The april 2006 election was a result of earlier protest by the PAD against Thaksin. He dissolved the parliament and was open to be challenged in an election.

Abhisit is the PM who ordered to kill protesters.

Well that have about half an hour to get out of there... Yawn

Get out the candles to light in memory of the innocent women and children about to die. :)

Well I know that some were evacuated... and that an airplane has been dropping leaflets over the site. I hope the Red leaders know what's coming and get any others left there out.

If Thaksin was in power and the situation was the other way, machine gun fire would have been heard weeks ago and any mob been eradicated, never mind women and children, just like he did during so called war on drugs

Does April 10th count as weeks ago?

Obviously, the army has every right to shoot the armed fractions, but they have absolutely no excuse for shooting at women and children. Shame on them :)

The women and children have every oppotunity to get out of the trouble that the armed factions are causing.

They fact that many of them are staying basically means that they support what the armed factions are doing.

If they support them, then they need to live (or unfortunately, possibly die) with the consequences.

Absolutely correct. It's called "collateral damage" or perhaps "thinning of the herd", "survival of the fittist", etc. The bottom line is, they seal their own fate with their own wise or foolish decisions. The choice is theirs.

Murder apologist.

"collateral damage" is just another word for killing innocent civilians. It is military lingua, the language of soldiers. The language of trained murderers.

Declaring a rally site to a live firing zone doesn't make the killings lawful or acceptable.

Any government that is willing to this is an dictatorship has to be kicked out of office soon as possible.

settle down comrade. the reds are holding these neighborhoods hostage. the residents of these neighborhoods are working poor and have no place to go. they are not rising up for anything...

what a hillarious post by a dreamer who obviously never ventures out past his computer monitor. you need to get off the net for a while, Netfan. get some real wind on your face.

go to bon kai and khlong toei and ratchaprasob. talk to the people shooting slingshots from their own doorways. video them as evidence.

then come back and confess how the real world can differ from fantasy.

how about this?

"I tried to leave in the last hour-and-a-half but a protester put a grenade in my face and said: "You leave, you die." "


is this fantasy?

Just come down here at Praram 4 and look for yourself. Don't need to quote an anonymous 'eyewitness' who wrote an e-mail to the BBC. Or read at least the other accounts too.

Red guards and residents will tell you it is to dangerous to cross the road because of the army snipers.

I was simply asking why PPT is bringing petrol trucks into the city, no need to get all nasty, okay? I didn't say anywhere that I support anyone shooting at the petrol truck. I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

Those with slightly longer memories than a kitty cat will remember the reds trying to set fire to an oil tanker in Songkran 2009 in Bangkok.

The reds have form.

An oil tanker in Bangkok?


Hi guys,

I'm back after a 10 hour power failure, an 18 hour internet failure, and then a looong time catching up on this thread.

One thing I've noticed is that people were asking earlier how the international reporters could be so red-biased. I can't imagine very many international journalists speak Thai. Therefore, to interview, they would need interpreters.

I also can't imagine any free-lance interpreters willing to go into a war zone with reporters, some of whom do have reputations as adrenalin junkies and placing themselves in harm's way to get a story.

So, where did the interpreters come from? If the reporters spent lots of time behind army lines, would the army have supplied interpreters for them all? Or, if they spent lots of time behind the red lines, would the reds have supplied interpreters? If so, would it not be possible that the interpreters would put a spin on the answers to the reporters' question?

I know, a lot of ifs. But, IF the red shirts had supplied interpreters free of charge, wouldn't the reporters be reporting their spin?

So - anybody know where the interpreters came from?

Just a thought.

Maybe they get there news really from the streets and are actually there at the scene and not from an Internet forum like TVF.

How many of the farang here can speak and read Thai? The most agitated anti-reds probably not. And where get the most agited farangs here their information from? Their own fantasy and from Tarzan-english talk with their 'maids'...

Hi guys,

I'm back after a 10 hour power failure, an 18 hour internet failure, and then a looong time catching up on this thread.

One thing I've noticed is that people were asking earlier how the international reporters could be so red-biased. I can't imagine very many international journalists speak Thai. Therefore, to interview, they would need interpreters.

I also can't imagine any free-lance interpreters willing to go into a war zone with reporters, some of whom do have reputations as adrenalin junkies and placing themselves in harm's way to get a story.

So, where did the interpreters come from? If the reporters spent lots of time behind army lines, would the army have supplied interpreters for them all? Or, if they spent lots of time behind the red lines, would the reds have supplied interpreters? If so, would it not be possible that the interpreters would put a spin on the answers to the reporters' question?

I know, a lot of ifs. But, IF the red shirts had supplied interpreters free of charge, wouldn't the reporters be reporting their spin?

So - anybody know where the interpreters came from?

Just a thought.

Maybe they get there news really from the streets and are actually there at the scene and not from an Internet forum like TVF.

How many of the farang here can speak and read Thai? The most agitated anti-reds probably not. And where get the most agited farangs here their information from? Their own fantasy and from Tarzan-english talk with their 'maids'...

The sad thing is that in order to present your pro-Thaksin position, you are prepared to jettison all intellectual integrity.

And make up little nonsense comments.

Grow up.


That baby shouldn't be there in the first place, you're right. But also:

Nobody shooting at the baby = baby not human shield.

Please don't tell me you think a human shield is used to TAKE the bullets first

like a shield in a sword fight???

The point of using a Human Shield is to prevent an attack,

by playing on the humanity of your opponent to NOT attack,

BECAUSE the human shield is there.

It is a truly evil act.

You can abuse them completely, because they still have a heart...

Yes they have children. Many people seems not know. Now you saw them. What you expect?

That their parents let the kids at home alone and be killed like the 10 years young boy, meanwhile daddy is willing to line up at a wall to be executed by Abhisit's soldiers according to international standard?

He died because his parents were idiots.

However as a Thaksin apologist you will grab at anything.

Anything at all.

To wheedle Thaksin back.

Keep pushing the line.

No, he died because he was shot in the stomach.

pedantry of the week.

no doubt also that picture we saw earlier of the child waved on the barricade by his parent...if he had been shot it wouldn't have been the parents fault either.

There's no fool like a pedantic one.


That baby shouldn't be there in the first place, you're right. But also:

Nobody shooting at the baby = baby not human shield.

Please don't tell me you think a human shield is used to TAKE the bullets first

like a shield in a sword fight???

The point of using a Human Shield is to prevent an attack,

by playing on the humanity of your opponent to NOT attack,

BECAUSE the human shield is there.

It is a truly evil act.

You can abuse them completely, because they still have a heart...

Yes they have children. Many people seems not know. Now you saw them. What you expect?

That their parents let the kids at home alone and be killed like the 10 years young boy, meanwhile daddy is willing to line up at a wall to be executed by Abhisit's soldiers according to international standard?

getting wild and desperate with your ramblings.

losing your grip in line with the red violence.


That baby shouldn't be there in the first place, you're right. But also:

Nobody shooting at the baby = baby not human shield.

Please don't tell me you think a human shield is used to TAKE the bullets first

like a shield in a sword fight???

The point of using a Human Shield is to prevent an attack,

by playing on the humanity of your opponent to NOT attack,

BECAUSE the human shield is there.

It is a truly evil act.

You can abuse them completely, because they still have a heart...

Yes they have children. Many people seems not know. Now you saw them. What you expect?

That their parents let the kids at home alone and be killed like the 10 years young boy, meanwhile daddy is willing to line up at a wall to be executed by Abhisit's soldiers according to international standard?

So "IF" the parents were to be killed, the children should be killed along with them.

What a great logic you have!

My point is no matter who is shooting the protesters. The aliens, the soldiers, whoever. It DOES NOT MATTER. These parents know that these children are in danger, but refused to put them to safety. Instead, they are used as a shield.

Some under multiple identities, it appears, and it seems that when one is banned, that poster comes back within a day or two under a new alias. When you follow the posts for a while, you can detect similarities in writing style, down to common sharing of misspellings. They may start off trying to use a different style, but eventually they give themselves away. Although, some you can ping right after their first 'new' post.

I saw a couple of Sriracha Johns comebacks.

And also some of the Abhisit apologists have a very unique style. Other puppets cannot stop talking about USA presidents of the past. and their best friends cannot hesitate to welcome them. Easy to spot, the returnees or multi accounts, but i doubt anyone of them is paid.

Where do you live? I doubt that it is bangkok. I saw you get the red protests wrong, I saw you get Seh Deangs family wrong and many things else. But have you any clue of that area, how it looks like here?

I live in a soi down Sathorn Road/ Praram 4.#, nearly in the 'shadow' of lumpini tower. Now i have friends staying here from the other side of Praram 4, because they cannot go home since it is declared to a "live firing zone".

Yesterday we tried it, but got told it is to dangerous because the army snipers fire at random over that area.

The army/government cannot declare a big part of the inner city to a live firing zone and than argue every death by army bullets is justified and lawful.

A boy got shot. Excuse, what he was doing in a War Zone, his parents are to blame. But maybe they got arrested already and sentenced to a 1 year in jail just the morning before. All lawful.

Or maybe a drunken red shirt in a van refused to stop for a checkpoint and the soldiers were forced to shoot out the tires. and the boy got hit. Tragic, but no drunken red shirt, no dead child.

Murder apologist.

Drunken drivers are getting now stopped by spreading live rounds into the his car??? How the law enforcing marksmen know that he was drunk, before he got tested on alcohol? How much was he alcohol lvl, do you know that? Or is that 'drunk' just unverified rumor?

An innocent taxi driver was also hit. Where will that all end. To blame is here the government and their failed but murderous attempt to restore peace. Nobody else. And yes, it is murder.


The western media is being manipulted into telling a story which just doesn't exist. I admit it is an attractive one and one that sells. The idea of peasants rising up and fighting for democracy is a David versus Goliath tale with a hero and a villian, it is easy to understand and it gives us an underdog to root for. The idea that Thai farmers have risen up to fight for a more just share and for more influence in their government seems noble. If only that were the truth.

The protests in Thailand are not about democracy, they are in fact about money, and a lot of it. These protests were not triggered by the rise of the Democrats to power, or the dissolution of the PPP, the former goverment, due to electoral fraud. They were triggered when the courts confiscated over a billion dollars in frozen assets of former Prime Minister Thaksin claiming that he had used his office to accumulate this wealth illegally.

Within weeks of this verdict large scale protests were arranged and paid for and rural people began streaming into the capitol. It is well known in Thailand that the protesters have been paid, about 500 baht per day. More than double the minimum wage. Whenever a protester is killed Thaksin pays their family a bonus of about 100,000 baht. What we have is not a grass roots movement, but a mercenary one.

The leaders of the protest have since day one been bombarding the masses with firery rhetoric. They claim that they have been denied justice and democracy and that the government is out to kill them. By now I'm sure they have managed to convince most of the protesters that this is the case. What they do not broadcast is that while the average protester is being paid thousands the protest leaders have been paid millions. The government has been investigating the deposit of around 100 million baht to at least one of the key protest leaders.

Thaksin's wife, who has fled the country, is being investigated for having her aides withdraw large amounts of cash, 600 to 800 million baht allegedly used to fund the protests. Thaksin himself has been spotted shopping for Louis Vuitton in Paris while his followers die in the streets. He is using poor people as foot soldiers to exact revenge on the country that ousted him and seized his fortune. He hopes to return to regain his position as leader, and to get his money back.

The red protesters are not well informed and have difficulty articulating the exact purpose of the protests. With little thought of the future they place themselves in harms way. They have little respect for the lives of their fellow citizens whom they have placed in grave danger. Also they have little respect for their own lives and behave recklessly. In one instace a red protester placed a small child on top of a barricade during firefight with the army. The video of this act of lunacy was broadcast around the world.

Thaksin on one hand calls for mediation to the press, while urging his followers to shoot foreigners, medics, and journalists to implicate the army. Slain red general Seh Daeng claimed to be getting his orders directly from Thaksin. He had no desire to see the protests end peacefully. The main concern of red leaders at this point is to negotiate amnesty so that they can be reunited with their swollen bank accounts and not be imprisoned.

I wish this was a story about democracy and equality, but the war in Bangkok is about greed and power. The poor peasants will suffer and die, but they will not share in the spoils of war. They were offered an election, and turned it down. Their party of choice has won at least four consecutive elections. If the governments have not met their needs they have only themselves to blame.

Some under multiple identities, it appears, and it seems that when one is banned, that poster comes back within a day or two under a new alias. When you follow the posts for a while, you can detect similarities in writing style, down to common sharing of misspellings. They may start off trying to use a different style, but eventually they give themselves away. Although, some you can ping right after their first 'new' post.

I saw a couple of Sriracha Johns comebacks.

And also some of the Abhisit apologists have a very unique style. Other puppets cannot stop talking about USA presidents of the past. and their best friends cannot hesitate to welcome them. Easy to spot, the returnees or multi accounts, but i doubt anyone of them is paid.

Looks like you have picked up the apologist label nicely.

Well done.

You are working very hard to preserve the Thaksin legacy but it will soon be over.

Now down to 5000-.

But you can come up with a million excuses.

Nothing else to do eh?

Where do you live? I doubt that it is bangkok. I saw you get the red protests wrong, I saw you get Seh Deangs family wrong and many things else. But have you any clue of that area, how it looks like here?

I live in a soi down Sathorn Road/ Praram 4.#, nearly in the 'shadow' of lumpini tower. Now i have friends staying here from the other side of Praram 4, because they cannot go home since it is declared to a "live firing zone".

Yesterday we tried it, but got told it is to dangerous because the army snipers fire at random over that area.

The army/government cannot declare a big part of the inner city to a live firing zone and than argue every death by army bullets is justified and lawful.

A boy got shot. Excuse, what he was doing in a War Zone, his parents are to blame. But maybe they got arrested already and sentenced to a 1 year in jail just the morning before. All lawful.

Or maybe a drunken red shirt in a van refused to stop for a checkpoint and the soldiers were forced to shoot out the tires. and the boy got hit. Tragic, but no drunken red shirt, no dead child.

Murder apologist.

Drunken drivers are getting now stopped by spreading live rounds into the his car??? How the law enforcing marksmen know that he was drunk, before he got tested on alcohol? How much was he alcohol lvl, do you know that? Or is that 'drunk' just unverified rumor?

An innocent taxi driver was also hit. Where will that all end. To blame is here the government and their failed but murderous attempt to restore peace. Nobody else. And yes, it is murder.

ARF, no, sorry.

This precise case isn't murder.

In any country, a vehicle that fails to stop at an army/police road block will get shot at.

Where do you live? I doubt that it is bangkok. I saw you get the red protests wrong, I saw you get Seh Deangs family wrong and many things else. But have you any clue of that area, how it looks like here?

I live in a soi down Sathorn Road/ Praram 4.#, nearly in the 'shadow' of lumpini tower. Now i have friends staying here from the other side of Praram 4, because they cannot go home since it is declared to a "live firing zone".

Yesterday we tried it, but got told it is to dangerous because the army snipers fire at random over that area.

The army/government cannot declare a big part of the inner city to a live firing zone and than argue every death by army bullets is justified and lawful.

A boy got shot. Excuse, what he was doing in a War Zone, his parents are to blame. But maybe they got arrested already and sentenced to a 1 year in jail just the morning before. All lawful.

Or maybe a drunken red shirt in a van refused to stop for a checkpoint and the soldiers were forced to shoot out the tires. and the boy got hit. Tragic, but no drunken red shirt, no dead child.

Murder apologist.

Drunken drivers are getting now stopped by spreading live rounds into the his car??? How the law enforcing marksmen know that he was drunk, before he got tested on alcohol? How much was he alcohol lvl, do you know that? Or is that 'drunk' just unverified rumor?

An innocent taxi driver was also hit. Where will that all end. To blame is here the government and their failed but murderous attempt to restore peace. Nobody else. And yes, it is murder.

It is very easy to say when it will end.

When your thug mates and their family human shields clear out of Bangkok where they are not wanted.

Turning the place into a dump.

For Thaksin's face: If I can't have Bangkok, then nobody can.

You can try to offset the violent idiocy of your movement with wild accusations.

But your cause is doomed.

I hear Montenegro is quite pretty this time of the year.

Be careful that your snarl doesn't turn into a rictus.


Is it just me that thinks we should be trying to discuss possible ways to put this to an end - ways that would work for both parties?

Would the Nov 14 election be acceptable if put back on the table without silly conditions.

House dissolution guaranteed on Oct 1 in return the reds must leave all protest area immediately?

Time for everyone to take a long look in the mirror.

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