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Curfew In Chiang Mai & Situation Updates


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Just did a quick look around my place on Nimmanhamin; there is a little street traffic and I saw a noodle stand and 7-11 that were open, but everything else, including all the bars along soi 10, is closed. This was a little before 10 p.m. So the curfew isn't 100% here, but it's close. I'm curious if the tourist areas are a little more active.

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Any more about the fire toward Hang Dong? I live near Big C, and my dog went a bit crazy about an hour ago...but I just thought he was being his normal psycho self...however, he did sound a big more insistent and aggressive than usual. ( he is small and usually sweet...sounded angry and upset and insisted on being let out to look around.

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looking wnw from our location about 3km due south of San Kamphaeng, can see plumes of smoke between us & CM.  If it's on superhighway, would estimate between the 2 flyovers just south of BigC.  But difficult to judge how far from us. Anyone in high rises able to see that way.  Seems a bit late for farmers to be torching their fields.  There was a bigger fire in same area about 9pm.

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Any more about the fire toward Hang Dong? I live near Big C, and my dog went a bit crazy about an hour ago...but I just thought he was being his normal psycho self...however, he did sound a big more insistent and aggressive than usual. ( he is small and usually sweet...sounded angry and upset and insisted on being let out to look around.

On the Hang Dong road at Moo Petburin (opposite Bangwantan turn off - U Turn after Macros) - Just went out on my balcony front and back (good view from rear as no houses for a fair distance) too dark to see anything (which says something in itself - no peoplecarrying lights or fires), but can confirm didn't smell smoke - my dog (which is 70Kg, so not sosmall) is very sensative to anything out of the ordinary - he is not yappy, but lets us know with a threatening bark on strange noises, smells etc - has been very quiet. So no news is good news here in Hang Dong Road. Back to the studio, Keith...

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Any more about the fire toward Hang Dong? I live near Big C, and my dog went a bit crazy about an hour ago...but I just thought he was being his normal psycho self...however, he did sound a big more insistent and aggressive than usual. ( he is small and usually sweet...sounded angry and upset and insisted on being let out to look around.

On the Hang Dong road at Moo Petburin (opposite Bangwantan turn off - U Turn after Macros) - Just went out on my balcony front and back (good view from rear as no houses for a fair distance) too dark to see anything (which says something in itself - no peoplecarrying lights or fires), but can confirm didn't smell smoke - my dog (which is 70Kg, so not sosmall) is very sensative to anything out of the ordinary - he is not yappy, but lets us know with a threatening bark on strange noises, smells etc - has been very quiet. So no news is good news here in Hang Dong Road. Back to the studio, Keith...

70KG dog.... what breed is it...? Makes my Doberman at 45KG look small in comparison.....

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Any more about the fire toward Hang Dong? I live near Big C, and my dog went a bit crazy about an hour ago...but I just thought he was being his normal psycho self...however, he did sound a big more insistent and aggressive than usual. ( he is small and usually sweet...sounded angry and upset and insisted on being let out to look around.

On the Hang Dong road at Moo Petburin (opposite Bangwantan turn off - U Turn after Macros) - Just went out on my balcony front and back (good view from rear as no houses for a fair distance) too dark to see anything (which says something in itself - no peoplecarrying lights or fires), but can confirm didn't smell smoke - my dog (which is 70Kg, so not sosmall) is very sensative to anything out of the ordinary - he is not yappy, but lets us know with a threatening bark on strange noises, smells etc - has been very quiet. So no news is good news here in Hang Dong Road. Back to the studio, Keith...

if i was a 70kilo dog in this heat i wouldnt be yappy either. cut down on the treats.

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

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Any more about the fire toward Hang Dong? I live near Big C, and my dog went a bit crazy about an hour ago...

it was a field on fire near the Samoeng Rd intersection (Ban Muang Kung)

lit by who i don't know, being put out by fire tenders...

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

To be quite honest, I would postpone your trip or cancel altogether.

How events unfold here within the next few days is completely unpredictable.

There is plenty of input here in all the prior posts, so now it`s up to you to assess the situation and decide.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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looking wnw from our location about 3km due south of San Kamphaeng, can see plumes of smoke between us & CM.  If it's on superhighway, would estimate between the 2 flyovers just south of BigC.  But difficult to judge how far from us. Anyone in high rises able to see that way.  Seems a bit late for farmers to be torching their fields.  There was a bigger fire in same area about 9pm.

I live near those 2 flyovers and at around 9p.m. could hear intermittent cheering from what sounded like a pretty large group of people. Also heard one or two dull bangs, but they were more like something getting broken than something blowing up. Couldn't be bothered having a look - sorry.

Hope my local 7-11 remains unaffected. Would have to drive to get beer otherwise.

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Out tonight.. seems quite a few people got an early start today. :D I asked at some bars and they were doing booming business.. possibly because Number 1 closed. :) Many bars plan to open early afternoon.

I also asked if they'd be interested to stay open through the night, locking the doors and keeping people inside, but no takers so far. If the curfew goes on for longer though then I bet I can get a party going somewhere. :D

After having to suffer all this curfew crap, practically being under house arrest, having a wild party somewhere would be a great idea.

Maybe some of us Chiang Mai members should let our hair down and paint the town red, or yellow, whatever.

I`m sure if enough of us grouped together, some bar owner somewhere would be willing to stay open all night.

Yep, I`ll have some of that.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

Perhaps surprisingly, neither the redshirts or yellowshirts are blaming America or other outside influences for the problems. I think both sides appreciate that foreigners are an important source of money and jobs. If you avoid demonstrations you won't be in danger, but the current curfew could limit travel and will limit night activities. If the curfew, currently scheduled to stay in place until 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning, is extended it could be a dull visit, you'd have nothing to do as newlyweds but stay in your room all night and...oh yeah, never mind. I think that by 26 May things will be more or less normal, but I can by no means guarantee it. I suggest you defer the go/no-go decision to the last possible minute and monitor the news closely. I realize Sunday is very close to your departure time, but I think by then we'll all have a better idea of how long and how serious this will be.

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

How long do you plan on staying in Thailand? Flexibility with your budget? If I were you I would wait to make my decision until the last day of being able to get a refund on your tickets (assuming you have insurance). Worst case scenario you could always fly into Chiang Mai and hop on a plane to the south and vacation on the beach if you have the time and money. It would appear that the south hasn't had any problems with protests or curfews.

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Morning All, so does anybody have any reports on anything from last night? i am out of town and went home by 8pm. there seems to have been very little going on...let us know please.

Apparently Hang Dong didn't burn after all - it was just a farmer burning his rice stubble; and the 'sinister' group of people wearing black was in all probability mourners attending a funeral.

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

Dont miss that wedding, things are fine here. No need to listen to alarmists.

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

Dont miss that wedding, things are fine here. No need to listen to alarmists.

i agree. if it were in bangkok i'd say stay away but chiang mai will more than likely be okay. that's just my opinion, though. i could be wrong.

it's hard to imagine the red shirts running amok in chiang mai. even the little bit they did two days ago had all the markings of a cursory symbolic protest. there was little enthusiasm - seemed to be an easy way for a few hooligans to get paid a few hundred baht. once they did what was expected of them they all went home.

or am i being pollyannaish?

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I went jogging this morning at 6:30. Everything looks like business as usual. People are sweeping in front of their houses, kids are going to school, businesses are opening their doors and the smell of breakfast was in the air. It's a beautiful morning in Chiang Mai and it looks like the beginning of an great weekend.

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I am an American, set to fly to Chiang Mai on Wednesday 26 May for wedding. How is the situation there? Have things calmed down? We are worried, but know news reports can be skewed. Input from people living in CM would be helpful to make a decision to come on 26 May, postpone trip, or cancel. Thank you!!

Dont miss that wedding, things are fine here. No need to listen to alarmists.

I'll second that.

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"Chaos reigns in North, Northeast"

By The Nation

More good reporting by the Nation. If they have nothing to write about, why the sensationalist headlines?

Maybe someone should point out to them that Samut Prakan is not really in the North or North East.

I've just got home from dropping my daughter to school on Chiangmai and there's not the slightest sign of anything untoward happening in the city.

Edited by Chiangmai Cheers
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Centrum Gat Suan Gow shopping plaza appears to be closed again, soldiers out the front.

My usual coffee shop in Santhitham area also closed for the day (at the very least)

The Thais seem to know something we don't!

Sorry to hear that about Kad Suan Kaew. Sure about that? They don't open until ten, do they?

My best Thai friend has told me to stay put and keep my head down.

I am certain they know things we don't.

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I read yesterday that both Central malls are closed today. However, California Wow gym on the 4th floor of Airport Plaza is open between 9am and 5pm today - access via the side door & goods lift. I called them earlier to check and am off there in a few minutes.



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Centrum Gat Suan Gow shopping plaza appears to be closed again, soldiers out the front.

My usual coffee shop in Santhitham area also closed for the day (at the very least)

The Thais seem to know something we don't!

Sorry to hear that about Kad Suan Kaew. Sure about that? They don't open until ten, do they?

My best Thai friend has told me to stay put and keep my head down.

I am certain they know things we don't.

Yes, they usually open 10 am.

Yesterday I talked with som Tuktuk drivers hanging outside KSK and they said it would be closed Thursday and Friday and open again on Saturday.

Yesterday it was aprox ten soldiers outside KSK at around 7 PM with another 8-10 soldiers arriving in a transport truck driving into the basement of KSK.

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Centrum Gat Suan Gow shopping plaza appears to be closed again, soldiers out the front.

My usual coffee shop in Santhitham area also closed for the day (at the very least)

The Thais seem to know something we don't!

well they know something about the curfew as well then since huay kaew road, nimmanhaemin and irrigation canal road were all as busy as any other night at 9.30pm last night.

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