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Thirty-five Dead In Worsening Bangkok Violence


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500 a day is a lot of money for some of the reds...they would be doing nothing in there village except drink thai whisky....this is a free lunch for them....

getting money for the farmer season,thats nearly here when the rain breaks..

reds are always paid for voting...so this is a bonus for them

flying bullets etc no problem??

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Look at this and make up your own minds, this is the true intellect of the people the Government has to deal with. what are the red excuses for this? Photshop? fake red? DISGUSTING !!!

A devastating indictment of the Red Parents mindset.

Thaksin is very rich but he can't be afford to be picky about who does his dirty work.

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Gotta run - but I'll be back for now I'll just say the Red Shirts may be ignorant of the niceties of democracy as much as they would be with the proper use of a full western dinner setting. However, they are well acquainted with corruption, vice and poverty. If one corrupt regime offers them something and a way out for their kids and another tramples on them, then it's no surprise they will turn on the regime that ousts that which them fed them from the leftovers of its corruption.

Thaksin got too big for his britches so the other rich elites conspired to oust him. Typical Thai gangsta politics. Maybe Thaksin deserved it maybe he didn't frankly Thailand traded one monstrous horses' ass for a collection of smaller horses' asses operating mafia style in my book. Abhisit's the front man for the Prem and everyone knows it. I could care less but there has to be a better was to reach resolution than the army shooting live rounds blindly at the red shirts encampment.

For Abhisit to reject a negotiated sol'n is within his prerogative, the West is preoccupied with its own problems. However, IMHO while I would reject the U.N. cumbersome and too much press/att'n I would recommend Singapore as the honest broker. Local and respected regional power, non-corrupt authoritarian regime and they are incredibly systematic and efficient. If the Red Shirts didn't accept that then Abhisit would probably get world sanction to take the encessary saction (read use of military force) to break-up the protests. If he goes ahead with the military w/o at least attempting to find an honest broker world opinion is giving Thailand a beating.

Just my thoughts.

right on this is good thinking i wonder how many agree with it it would be interesting to know

SIngapore... neutral, not likely they were totally in bed with Thaksin for profit.

Who bought Shin corp setting off the whole fall if TRT...

Temasek the financial arm of Singapores government.

I know, because I know someone who manages accounts for Tenasek.

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I can agree with the stop killing of innocent people. The bystanders, the soldiers that are given orders and are doing their jobs, and anyone else that is not involved with trying escalate the situation. The children that are their by no choice of their own, are innocent, the police should be considered innocent as so should the army. So if that's the case, it's OK to kill the non-innocent. And I agree with the monks, stop killing the innocent, and start killing only the trouble makers out there. Yesterday on the news they showed a group of men, young and old "playing" with gasoline bombs, or Molotov cocktails. Funny thing, not one "worked", they merely broke in the street, they weren't being thrown at anyone in particular, even lobbing them a few meters just to get one to ingite! Pathetic. I guess good clean innocent fun to be had by a group of men. So stop killing the innocent, and start killing the obvious ones that are not. How can you tell the difference? The non-innocent are not going home. :)

you are a sick man. the army is not innocent, nor are the police, the government is very sick like you. all killing is wrong thai against thai is wrong.

I'm sure if someone tried to kill you or your family you would let them do it because all killing is wrong. By your statement no one has the right to defend themselves, their families or personal property. The right to bear arms has no business in today's society nor one's right to defend themselves against a rogue government. The current government is not rogue, the red "peaceful" "protesters" are not rogue, they are unarmed as they say, they only want democracy, and the killing they have done is probably totally justified by your statement because the gov't is protecting the Thai people's rights. Killing should never take place even if it means defending your God given rights as a human and right to prosper. I hope you get the help you so desperately need, and find a place to live where mob mentality rules by violence. I fear it is only until then shall you find real peace. I think you should go down there and convince the people to continue their peaceful demonstration for democracy and equal handouts/rights. If the aggressors are not dealt with by the same force at which they do unto others, what would this world be like? You accomplish nothing by posting such opinions here. Chok dii na ka :D

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All it would take was Cameron resigning, and so with him goes his cabinet: no government.

But since all the MPs, or those that haven't resigned prior to by-elections, would still be there under any banner.

Next is an attempt by Tories to elect a new PM via parliamentary vote.

If New Dems decide Tories are not up to the job, they vote NO.

And after a vote or two, best try, Labour and New Dems make a coalition and get a majority of seats.

End of story. New Dems or Labour voted for a New PM. All legal and above board.

Not quite, Cameron could resign, the Tories would have a leadership contest, nominate a new leader from within the MP's/party, the Lib Dems would be on board probably, and it could continue as is. The majority would still hold. The leader of the party is the PM. The party wins the election not Cameron. He is simply the nominated head of the Tory Party.

If Cameron resigned from parliament, they would have a by-election for his seat, Tories would probably win and majority would be unchanged.

I have no reference in the UK for an entire party being disbanded, so have no idea what the outcome would be.

Maybe they would probably follow the Thai recommended best practice for setting up strong and stable government in the event of parties being disbanded or military coups. I presume they have an Engrish rangauge version somewhere gathering dust in Abhisit's office :)

Edited by Thai at Heart
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And lastly the current case against the Dems was not even filed till last year by PTP, not TRT nor PPP,

after PTP lost an attempt at a Censure vote agains the Dems.

So many utterly incorrect statements in such a simple paragraph boggles the mind,

but you managed it...

you are absolutely right, my apologies

I just didn't like the term "brainwashed" and wanted to check (by provocation) if the poster was just shouting or did have a clue

where you were wrong is the point about the case against the Dems, as I was clearly not alluding to the actual case, but the one parallel to the TRT case - and then the Dems were not allowed to be dissolved.

That was just a tit for tat TRT accusation that had insufficent evidense to make a case.

TRT only started that AFTER they got charged as an attempted deal making threat,

but they didn't have a case. I was here and watched the whole thing go down.

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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


I think you should submit it yourself so they can contact you and stuff.


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Total M A D N E S S

Talking about sick?

I'm praying for the baby

img-resized.png Reduced 67%post-72002-1274083219_thumb.jpg 600 x 450 (85.5K)//img-resized.png Reduced 75%post-72002-1274083240_thumb.jpg 600 x 800 (130.29K)//

I just submitted these photos to BBC. I suggest you the same to BBC and other media outlets.

I do not think that they will publish it since we did not take these pictures ourselves. Copyright stuff.

Anyways, I submitted it.

This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


Send it to all the international news sites.

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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


I think you should submit it yourself so they can contact you and stuff.



if you have and own the hardcopy and therefore the rights,... maybe maybe maybe they'll air it....

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What I don't understand is the burning of tyres. Don't they know what it does to the environment? They're hurting themselves as much as the other side.

Also, why don't the military simply block the trucks with the tyres when they arrive. It's not like they're being smuggled in, lots of footage showing them driving in quite openly with the tyres in pickups and on motorbikes.

Blocks the visibility making it more difficult for the protesters (and black shirts) to be spotted.

I also suspect it is to cause a little terror. Red shirts everywhere are exploding fire crackers, bottle rockets and small explosives all the time. Sometimes they fire at targets, but mostly they just enjoy blowing them off. The burning tires and explosives help keep people on edge and create an atmosphere of chaos. Just another way of sticking it to the man and pretending like they still have some control.

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Nice how you assume you are the only one that knows what he is talking about. First of all Thailand is not the only place that pays for votes, it happens in the States too. My point is that 65% of the northern rurals do not support the reds as in the last election they only received 40% of the vote even with vote buying. So to say that most of the north love the reds and this illegal action they have taken is ridiculous. My gf is from Ubon and neither she nor her family support the reds or their terrorist ways.

oh yes, and since the (know called) reds won a majority in the last election, but according to an expert like you only 40% in the north, I guess you mean they won about 80% in the south ???

maybe you find some time to look at the results from the last election??

when you are talking of terrorist ways, may I remind you the yellow rally not so long ago, where the government house was stormed and devastated, which damages over 200 mill bt, and the seizure of the airports, where one of the leaders made a TV-interview declaring "it was fun to take the airport",

but this was certainly no terrorist act, since nowadays he is Foreign Minister!

good awakening and good day, Sir

But the reds DID NOT win a majority in the last election. Have you found the time to look at the results of the last election?

they certainly did win and therefore formed the government, with mr Somsak as PM, then their party was again dissolved in a similar way to the TRT, they again formed the government with the new party and then the PM was ousted for hosting a cooking show on TV while being PM, after that one group led by Mr. Newin Chidchob broke away and formed a coalition with the minority Ddemocrats.

just as a reminder : when the TRT was dissolved, the case was pending aginst the democrat party too, and even the then Coup leader wanted both parties to be dissolved, but that was not allowed to be.

at last someone with the good sense to say what is going on in Thailand most just want to see the Thai people killing each other !!!!!!

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All it would take was Cameron resigning, and so with him goes his cabinet: no government.

But since all the MPs, or those that haven't resigned prior to by-elections, would still be there under any banner.

Next is an attempt by Tories to elect a new PM via parliamentary vote.

If New Dems decide Tories are not up to the job, they vote NO.

And after a vote or two, best try, Labour and New Dems make a coalition and get a majority of seats.

End of story. New Dems or Labour voted for a New PM. All legal and above board.

Not quite, Cameron could resign, the Tories would have a leadership contest, nominate a new leader from within the MP's/party, the Lib Dems would be on board probably, and it could continue as is. The majority would still hold. The leader of the party is the PM. The party wins the election not Cameron. He is simply the nominated head of the Tory Party.

If Cameron resigned from parliament, they would have a by-election for his seat, Tories would probably win and majority would be unchanged.

I have no reference in the UK for an entire party being disbanded, so have no idea what the outcome would be.

Maybe they would probably follow the Thai recommended best practice for setting up strong and stable government in the event of parties being disbanded or military coups. I presume they have an Engrish rangauge version somewhere gathering dust in Abhisit's office :)

The point being, that with Cameron resigning there would need to be a new vote for PM. That would leave open the possibility that the coalition would fail, and a Tory PM could be voted in by the new Labour/LibDem coalition.

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But the reds DID NOT win a majority in the last election. Have you found the time to look at the results of the last election?

they certainly did win and therefore formed the government, with mr Somsak as PM, then their party was again dissolved in a similar way to the TRT, they again formed the government with the new party and then the PM was ousted for hosting a cooking show on TV while being PM, after that one group led by Mr. Newin Chidchob broke away and formed a coalition with the minority Ddemocrats.

just as a reminder : when the TRT was dissolved, the case was pending aginst the democrat party too, and even the then Coup leader wanted both parties to be dissolved, but that was not allowed to be.

at last someone with the good sense to say what is going on in Thailand most just want to see the Thai people killing each other !!!!!!

And someone that has talks nonsense, and doesn't read the rest of the thread explaining where 'noname' was wrong.

I, for one, don't want to see Thai people killing each other. I just want the protestors to go home.

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That just shows how ignorant and brainwashed that you are.

The PPP did NOT win a majority of seats in the last election. They were short of the majority to form government by themselves. Both the PPP and Democrats got about 40% of the vote, but the PPP won more seats. The PPP used a coalition of smaller parties to gain a majority and elect Samak as PM.

Then Samak was stripped of being PM because he had two paid jobs (don't you think a PM should just concentrate on being PM) and lied in court. He could have been elected PM again the very next day, but the PPP and the smaller parties elected Somchai (Thaksin's brother in law).

The the PPP executive (not all MPs) were banned after being caught on video committing electoral fraud. By-elections were held to replace banned MPs. The PTP (new PPP) won very few of the by-elections (it seems the people were a bit sick of them).

At this point, most of the ex-PPP MPs went to the new PTP, but Newin's group formed a new party called the BJT.

Newin's group and some other smaller parties formed a coalition with the Democrats, giving them the majority of MPs to vote Abhisit as PM.

You are right the PPP did not have a majority of seats at last election , but close , and formed a coalition .

Thats how in UK Cameron became prime minister , what's wrong with that ?

Now imagine Cameron is found corrupt and again assume the torries are disbanded , new parties created ,

some faction switching side and so on .

Do you think that new general elections would be called in UK for the whole parliament or not ?

Well if you do not , you have been too long in Thailand , and forgot that democracy comes

with a popular mandate

All it would take was Cameron resigning, and so with him goes his cabinet: no government.

But since all the MPs, or those that haven't resigned prior to by-elections, would still be there under any banner.

Next is an attempt by Tories to elect a new PM via parliamentary vote.

If New Dems decide Tories are not up to the job, they vote NO.

And after a vote or two, best try, Labour and New Dems make a coalition and get a majority of seats.

End of story. New Dems or Labour voted for a New PM. All legal and above board.

I was talking about Cameron beeing impeached and the torries disbanded , to make the situation

similar . I think if not torries disbanded , the DPM would take over , simple as that .

To make the situation similar to Thailand , if as a result , an entire MP faction switched

side , lots of ppl would ask questions for sure , and elections would have to be called .

i understand what you are trying to say , that the PPP deserved to loose power because

of the corruption case . i could even agree . But loosing power is one thing , gaining power is

another , those are different things . I cant see a UK PM , accepting the job , without the parliament that voted for him

beeing entirely born from a general election . Otherwise no popular mandate .

In my view it is quite obvious . Of course we will never know , the UK dont have an article 237

and .... Cameron is not corrupt (I guess)

Edited by pornsasi
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All the poor innocent protestors??? They declare war on the Government, try to impose their will on the rest of the country (us that democracy???). They are using old women and children as human shields, they are every bit as bad as the Taliban and that lot. I am sure if you ask the Taliban they will say they are fighting for the majority of the population too.

Where did you get this photo? After all, the BBC and CNN reporters, all on the ground, have said they have never seen the red shirts with guns??

I hate to say it, and I will ask my son who is a photo shop expert...but these guns do look a bit photo shopped in...

asking again, where did you get this photo?? what is the source?

Probably from a the red shirt DISARM SOLDIERS moment.

You don't need to photoshop to create a wrong and false impression of what real happened.

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All the poor innocent protestors??? They declare war on the Government, try to impose their will on the rest of the country (us that democracy???). They are using old women and children as human shields, they are every bit as bad as the Taliban and that lot. I am sure if you ask the Taliban they will say they are fighting for the majority of the population too.

Where did you get this photo? After all, the BBC and CNN reporters, all on the ground, have said they have never seen the red shirts with guns??

I hate to say it, and I will ask my son who is a photo shop expert...but these guns do look a bit photo shopped in...

asking again, where did you get this photo?? what is the source?

Probably from a the red shirt DISARM SOLDIERS moment.

You don't need to photoshop to create a wrong and false impression of what real happened.

Video's are harder to photoshop.

black shirt with gun

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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


I think you should submit it yourself so they can contact you and stuff.


BBC just called and did a phone interview, they will probably show the insane video with the baby in their news!

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All it would take was Cameron resigning, and so with him goes his cabinet: no government.

But since all the MPs, or those that haven't resigned prior to by-elections, would still be there under any banner.

Next is an attempt by Tories to elect a new PM via parliamentary vote.

If New Dems decide Tories are not up to the job, they vote NO.

And after a vote or two, best try, Labour and New Dems make a coalition and get a majority of seats.

End of story. New Dems or Labour voted for a New PM. All legal and above board.

Not quite, Cameron could resign, the Tories would have a leadership contest, nominate a new leader from within the MP's/party, the Lib Dems would be on board probably, and it could continue as is. The majority would still hold. The leader of the party is the PM. The party wins the election not Cameron. He is simply the nominated head of the Tory Party.

If Cameron resigned from parliament, they would have a by-election for his seat, Tories would probably win and majority would be unchanged.

I have no reference in the UK for an entire party being disbanded, so have no idea what the outcome would be.

Maybe they would probably follow the Thai recommended best practice for setting up strong and stable government in the event of parties being disbanded or military coups. I presume they have an Engrish rangauge version somewhere gathering dust in Abhisit's office :)

The point being, that with Cameron resigning there would need to be a new vote for PM. That would leave open the possibility that the coalition would fail, and a Tory PM could be voted in by the new Labour/LibDem coalition.

New leader of the Conservative party, and deputy PM would step up to hold the post until that vote had been completed. Anyway, we digress.

The reality in Thailand is so far away from what the system is based on in the UK, that the comparisons are no longer of any real relevance. Principle and reality in Thailand are often diametrically opposed.

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All it would take was Cameron resigning, and so with him goes his cabinet: no government.

But since all the MPs, or those that haven't resigned prior to by-elections, would still be there under any banner.

Next is an attempt by Tories to elect a new PM via parliamentary vote.

If New Dems decide Tories are not up to the job, they vote NO.

And after a vote or two, best try, Labour and New Dems make a coalition and get a majority of seats.

End of story. New Dems or Labour voted for a New PM. All legal and above board.

Not quite, Cameron could resign, the Tories would have a leadership contest, nominate a new leader from within the MP's/party, the Lib Dems would be on board probably, and it could continue as is. The majority would still hold. The leader of the party is the PM. The party wins the election not Cameron. He is simply the nominated head of the Tory Party.

If Cameron resigned from parliament, they would have a by-election for his seat, Tories would probably win and majority would be unchanged.

I have no reference in the UK for an entire party being disbanded, so have no idea what the outcome would be.

Maybe they would probably follow the Thai recommended best practice for setting up strong and stable government in the event of parties being disbanded or military coups. I presume they have an Engrish rangauge version somewhere gathering dust in Abhisit's office :)

Yes I think it would happen the way you say . And there is no entire party dissolution in the UK , nor anywhere else in the world as far as I know , except Thailand .

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All the poor innocent protestors??? They declare war on the Government, try to impose their will on the rest of the country (us that democracy???). They are using old women and children as human shields, they are every bit as bad as the Taliban and that lot. I am sure if you ask the Taliban they will say they are fighting for the majority of the population too.

Where did you get this photo? After all, the BBC and CNN reporters, all on the ground, have said they have never seen the red shirts with guns??

I hate to say it, and I will ask my son who is a photo shop expert...but these guns do look a bit photo shopped in...

asking again, where did you get this photo?? what is the source?

Probably from a the red shirt DISARM SOLDIERS moment.

You don't need to photoshop to create a wrong and false impression of what real happened.

Video's are harder to photoshop.

black shirt with gun



Edited by frankman
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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


I think you should submit it yourself so they can contact you and stuff.


BBC just called and did a phone interview, they will probably show the insane video with the baby in their news!

Goodie :D:)

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Yes I think it would happen the way you say . And there is no entire party dissolution in the UK , nor anywhere else in the world as far as I know , except Thailand .

Party dissolution is irrelevant. It may make a difference at the next election when someone goes to blindly vote for the PPP.

Most of the MPs continued on in another party. By-elections were held for the banned MPs. The people are still represented.

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This is the video of the baby used as human shield. I have taken this video today at 14.15 h under the expressway.


Please spread it! I give permission that it can be used! Those Reds are insane!!!

you can follow our twitter updates under


I think you should submit it yourself so they can contact you and stuff.


BBC just called and did a phone interview, they will probably show the insane video with the baby in their news!

Goodie :D:)

:D  thank you!!!

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Yes I think it would happen the way you say . And there is no entire party dissolution in the UK , nor anywhere else in the world as far as I know , except Thailand .

Party dissolution is irrelevant. It may make a difference at the next election when someone goes to blindly vote for the PPP.

Most of the MPs continued on in another party. By-elections were held for the banned MPs. The people are still represented.

Ok , thats your views ... Still the PM has no popular mandate

Anyway I dont think many thais will vote for a party in power that is not

stepping in to prevent the killing of innocent thais

Edited by pornsasi
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