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Thailand Rejects Reds Ceasefire Call As Nonsense

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This movement is taking over the country, one square kilometer at a time. It no longer matters if Taksin is still alive or finally met his maker, the movement is unstoppable, and wont even slow down after his demise. It may or may not be pushed underground, forming a deeper rooted grass roots organization, but be fully aware, this country is changing and the military is scared sh@#$less. Not one person in TV has denied that the govt is corrupt. Well the govt is equally scared because this movement may never be squashed. Unlike the 70's and 1992, everyone has access to the internet and everyone is learning from the world, and this political control is no longer acceptable. Thai want what the civilized west has; Democracy, freedom of expression without reprecussions. It may or may not develop into a Democracy that we are accustomed to in our home countries but anything that develops will be far better than what they have now.

lots of wisdom here.

only disagreement is that i suspect that thaksin's role is more important than you give him credit for.

No, i have no direct evidence. but there is plenty of indirect evidence and this is that the Reds completely hold the initiative. everything the government tries isnt working, VERY sad to say. abhisit is very bright, even wise beyond his years. i believe and hope he is well intentioned. but something is overwhelming him..

and that something can only be the man who first showed business brilliance, then political brilliance, and now has become a brilliant insurgent commander. if Rommel was the Desert Fox, Thaksin is the Urban Fox. but dont get me wrong: thaksin is one very evil guy. its the mixture of his brilliance and his evil that is one of several major issues that is confronting thailand.

he can never be allowed to return or thailand is doomed.


The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?


"Another born again red sympathizer? " - this appears to be the cry when anyone engages in broader assessment of the issues on this site.

It reflects more on the poster's critical abilities than the recipient.

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

I agree. They don't get it. The reds have lost all credibility.

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

Sorry I need to say this.

I love your "Avatar" :)

On to responding to your comment.

The foreign media has been doing an awful job of reporting the story, the red's are the poor underdogs, and of course if they report contrary, they will be dismissed now since most of the other stories are saying the opposite.

My biggest problem is with calling them Protesters. It's above and beyond a protest.

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

I agree. They don't get it. The reds have lost all credibility.

The reds shirt were winning last week. If they had accepted the Roadmap then they could have gone home happy and victorious. But we all see what happened...........

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

Sorry I need to say this.

I love your "Avatar" :)

On to responding to your comment.

The foreign media has been doing an awful job of reporting the story, the red's are the poor underdogs, and of course if they report contrary, they will be dismissed now since most of the other stories are saying the opposite.

My biggest problem is with calling them Protesters. It's above and beyond a protest.

That Colonel Quaritsch drinking coffee. We should get him to disperse the redshirts. :D

And exactly how is Aphisit exploiting the rural poor? By giving them (everybody, in fact) free education, free school uniforms, free text books. And expanding the microcredit programmes to cover as much of the country as possible - ooh, nasty.

Perhaps the red sympathisers could elaborate on Aphisits exploitation - but talk about during his term, not the historical (hysterical) shit you guys keep feeding the media. Which they lap up because fights get people watching & reading. There is blood (much of it Red) on the hands of the media as well.

Maybe the exploitation is taking away the weight of their vote? maybe they actually dont think its ok that half the senators are appointed by people that look upon them as "untermensch"? Maybe you could see that its not (all) about the money, but also about the hope that where created when one outside the elite rises to the top of power - that is what power is possible? And dont even think about reading "want to be president" into that. There is absolutely no popular support for removing the highest institutions anywhere Thailand. That includes Isaan, and maybe more true in Isaan then in Bangkok. While the government want to spread that rumor, it holds absolutely no truth.

Anywhere in Thailand there is one call that is accepted by all. Long live the King and the Thai monarchy!

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

I agree. They don't get it. The reds have lost all credibility.

The reds shirt were winning last week. If they had accepted the Roadmap then they could have gone home happy and victorious. But we all see what happened...........

You mean someone in power didnt like the way things where going and decided to shoot the General? Some posters here actually tought it would calm the situation when it happened... CRES can say "we didnt do it" all they want, there is a smoking gun behind their backs. Same with the rejection of UN talks. Why not let the UN sponsor talks? Well, for one, if the result where the same roadmap, the government would actually have to stick to it. One thing is to go back on the word given to "terrorists". Its a diffrent story backing down from a UN mediated agreement. Thats why the Government - or at least who want that Government in power - says no.

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

The NWO, hence the media, is on the side of the Reds.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

Sorry I need to say this.

I love your "Avatar" :)

On to responding to your comment.

The foreign media has been doing an awful job of reporting the story, the red's are the poor underdogs, and of course if they report contrary, they will be dismissed now since most of the other stories are saying the opposite.

My biggest problem is with calling them Protesters. It's above and beyond a protest.

Indeed. If the media was being at all objective, they would call the armed faction of the reds at the very least INSURGENTS. The som tum ladies and children dancing at the center, hard to know what to call them, but human shields/propaganda tools wouldn't be far off.

Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

"Democratically elected government" ,.. yes, can agree that's a fair enough request and desire (even though that's an unlikely reality in Thailand given past history),.. but "slaughter in the streets" when they "protest"???... come on man,... you can't call inevitable and necessary military intervention "slaughter" when the aggression and antagonism started with the reds and remains with them. Reflect back to April 10 and notice who drew first blood (i.e. if the reds stop and go home I doubt that the military would follow them with bullets ringing in their ears,.. the fighting and killing would stop!). The word "protester" for the most part should be replaced with its currently relevant and appropriate synonym "hostile insurgent", most of which are armed (or at least the collective group being referred to as the "protesters" are armed and in fact the extent of those ammunition reserves is not known).

Yes it is very sad that there are innocents as well as hostiles getting killed and injured but for the most part this is happening at the fire-front of the contained compound and everyone in that immediate area should be aware that it is a hot spot and is lethally dangerous territory. If the govt forces had slaughter or indiscriminate violence and killing in mind then they would have stormed the "protest" rally site before now. Don't be fooled into thinking that they don't have the resources,- because they do. The point here is that they are showing restraint and as much respect as possible to prevent Thai killing Thai. I doubt that there would be a single soldier on duty taking any pleasure or gratification out of this ordeal. Many will live with this on their conscience for life!

To the reds - if it has not escaped your attention - you have won! - there are to be elections in November - but if the protest and violence continues then you are putting those at risk because you cannot hold fair elections in the immediate aftermath of something like these protests - the country needs time to settle down and reflect on the political choices in an atmosphere of calm....... oh wait or is fair and free elections really their aim? Maybe anarchy and a "triumphant return" by a "hero Thaksin" is what you really seek.

that is EXACTLY correct.

the reds are winning, and if this isnt stopped we'll have anarchy and devil thaksin will return.

the way to stop it is to grant a general amnesty to all Reds except OF COURSE to the devil himself.

you cant bring the Reds back inside the poltical system if their leaders are in jail AND the coup plotters and assissasins of sae daeng arent. double standards isnt what convinces people to return.

if the sunni tribal chiefs could be brought back into the fold in iraq, so can the reds in thailand. amnesty and internationally sponsored free and fair electins are the way to do that.

and every day the killing of innocents (and others) in places like Din Deang and Bon Kai continues, the goverment loses support.

abhisit is a very wise guy. IF he is still in charge, we will have amnesty, just as thailand granted it to the communists in 1976. its only a matter of time.

Step back and look at the big picture, and the history of events since Aug. 2006. Maybe Taksin started this, but it has mushroomed and exploded far beyond him. He is being blown away in the tailwind, groping hard to hang onto the Red movement's shirt tail. This movement is taking over the country, one square kilometer at a time. It no longer matters if Taksin is still alive or finally met his maker, the movement is unstoppable, and wont even slow down after his demise. It may or may not be pushed underground, forming a deeper rooted grass roots organization, but be fully aware, this country is changing and the military is scared sh@#$less. Not one person in TV has denied that the govt is corrupt. Well the govt is equally scared because this movement may never be squashed. Unlike the 70's and 1992, everyone has access to the internet and everyone is learning from the world, and this political control is no longer acceptable. Thai want what the civilized west has; Democracy, freedom of expression without reprecussions. It may or may not develop into a Democracy that we are accustomed to in our home countries but anything that develops will be far better than what they have now.

I'll just address 2 points.

1. OK, what kind of Govt are the Reds proposing? Please tell.

2. If I walk into the Red camp and say..." I love the Yellows and you are wrong" do you honestly think that I will walk out alive? Is that "freedom of expression without repercussions"?

I think not.

"Another born again red sympathizer? " - this appears to be the cry when anyone engages in broader assessment of the issues on this site.

It reflects more on the poster's critical abilities than the recipient.


Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

Absolutely agree. This is a Military elected Government. End of story. :D

:) what's it like to not have a clue about what you are posting? You should be in good company with the other trolls on the ignore list.

The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

Sorry I need to say this.

I love your "Avatar" :)

On to responding to your comment.

The foreign media has been doing an awful job of reporting the story, the red's are the poor underdogs, and of course if they report contrary, they will be dismissed now since most of the other stories are saying the opposite.

My biggest problem is with calling them Protesters. It's above and beyond a protest.

Right on both counts....the BBC reporting has been incredibly naive and biased towards the Red Shirts and pretty much makes Abhisit the fault of their consistent violence.

Yes these are no longer protestors but just out and out criminals and thugs. I see youths who appear no older than 18 laughing and throwing molotov cocktails while smiling to cameras. The immature idiots dropping their trousers to the army and laughing, is this what you call a sensible polictical protest. It is not even worth calling majority of them Red Shirts anymore as this is no longer a political issue and more of total anarchy and how much trouble can they cause even though they haven't a bloody clue why they are doing it and for what purpose as long as money is in their pocket. Why do posters keep calling these people Isaan farmers....they are quite clearly not and I have mentioned this time and time again. I have never seen an Isaan farmer with an M79 grenade launcher have you !!


I really don't understand all of the wailing and weeping about the people who have died or are injured...being good buddists they are now a step closer to nirvana, the dead ones that is. They and the injured are a miniscule number compared to the slaughter on the roads every day in Thailand!

Just check out how many are killed and injured at Soncran, or the total number every year!

Bleeding hearts both Red and Yellow and multicoloured and their fellow travellers.."RIP and sympathy to the family" what nonsense! Do you think that any of the pooyai's that are running both sides of this debackle give a flying fig for any of them..HA!

Go back to the bar, or the bamboo mat on the floor, have another drink and thank your lucky stars you weren't born Thai!


The red shirts do not want an unconditional ceasefire. They will only make more impossible demands. Why is the foreign media supporting the red side. Why are they ignoring that the reds have arms as well?

Sorry I need to say this.

I love your "Avatar" :)

On to responding to your comment.

The foreign media has been doing an awful job of reporting the story, the red's are the poor underdogs, and of course if they report contrary, they will be dismissed now since most of the other stories are saying the opposite.

My biggest problem is with calling them Protesters. It's above and beyond a protest.

Right on both counts....the BBC reporting has been incredibly naive and biased towards the Red Shirts and pretty much makes Abhisit the fault of their consistent violence.

Yes these are no longer protestors but just out and out criminals and thugs. I see youths who appear no older than 18 laughing and throwing molotov cocktails while smiling to cameras. The immature idiots dropping their trousers to the army and laughing, is this what you call a sensible polictical protest. It is not even worth calling majority of them Red Shirts anymore as this is no longer a political issue and more of total anarchy and how much trouble can they cause even though they haven't a bloody clue why they are doing it and for what purpose as long as money is in their pocket. Why do posters keep calling these people Isaan farmers....they are quite clearly not and I have mentioned this time and time again. I have never seen an Isaan farmer with an M79 grenade launcher have you !!

Love your avatar :D

Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.


Does someone want his 76 billion back?



Nuttawut accused

Reds leader Nuttawut Saikua has been behind the terrorist attacks in Bangkok, Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Tuesday.

"It is not possible that Nuttawut, a core leader of red shirts, does not know about the ongoing attacks in Bangkok. Yet he has repeatedly denied his involvement in the attacks," Sansern told reporters.

Sansern said Nuttawut is "a major terrorist leader".

PM's secretary general Korbsak Sabhavasu, a main negotiator, earlier said Nuttawut had offered a ceasefire on the condition that the government withdrew the troops and stopped firing at people.

Nuttawut told Korbsak that if the government agreed to meet his demands, he would remove the red shirts protesters outside the Rajprasong rally site.

Korbsak said his statement clearly showed he is a core leader of the reds and involved in the terrorist attacks in Bangkok.

Sansern told reporters that Korbsak's statement provided proof of his labelling of Nuttawut as a major terrorist leader.

-- The Nation 2010-05-18

Now, we are calling a cat a cat !!!!

It IS nonsense. No one can trust their word anymore, because they keep stalling. They should have negotiated in good faith before things got hairy; they need to stand down, before things get even worse.

I don't know what you were doing during hours and days that the initial negotiating was going on between the Reds and Abisit, but I sat glued to the tv with a friend who translated it to me. When each day was over, I asked what was agreed on? His answer was, no agreement. Abisit only know one word; NO.

This is not negotiating nor is it coming to a compromise. I don't speak Thai, but I do understand the international body/facial language, and what my friend says coincides with what I saw. Even he, who leans more towards yellow and definitely is not red, laughed and shook his head several times during the process at how unmoving Abisit was.

Do you know what Abhisit said "No" to?

The reds demanded only one thing. They didn't compromise or negotiate. They only ever demand.

Their demand from the start was "government dissolution". Abhisit quite rightly said "No".

Instead, Abhisit offered a plan. Fix the constitution with input from ALL parties, a referendum for the people to vote, and then elections in December.

The reds stopped negotiating, and refused to negotiate further. And they didn't change their demand.

Abhisit then offered the "road map" with elections in November, if the protests stop. The reds basically accepted, but then went back on their word by continuing the protests.

The only ones that have been unmoving is the reds. Abhisit offered negotiations. Abhisit offered compromises. All the reds would offer is more protests. No negotiation. No compromise.

If they really wanted to negotiate, they would stop expanding their protest zone, and instead pull back to their original locations. The army would stay where they are, where they have been for 2 weeks - it's only been the reds that have pushed out.

Even now, they say they will negotiate IF the army pulls back. Nothing about the reds pulling back. Just the army.

He doesn't know and doesn't understand Thai or perhaps believes that whatever ridiculous DEMANDS were made that Abhisit should have just said yes to everything. Instead of having a "friend" translate he could have just did a little research for HIMSELF to see why Abhisit rightly said no to these criminals. It's the same nonsense going on even now "stop shooting we will negotiate and our terms are we want 100% of what we want and nothing else" it's pathetic!! Negotiations are OVER btw no amnesty for crimes against humanity brought on by the Issan Rouge! Leave now with your tail between your legs, no face left and try humbling yourself to the Thai people and government and we can have an election in November. No you wont get to appoint your buddies to military terms in September that's not going to happen so give it up!


Nuttawut accused

Reds leader Nuttawut Saikua has been behind the terrorist attacks in Bangkok, Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Tuesday.

"It is not possible that Nuttawut, a core leader of red shirts, does not know about the ongoing attacks in Bangkok. Yet he has repeatedly denied his involvement in the attacks," Sansern told reporters.

Sansern said Nuttawut is "a major terrorist leader".

PM's secretary general Korbsak Sabhavasu, a main negotiator, earlier said Nuttawut had offered a ceasefire on the condition that the government withdrew the troops and stopped firing at people.

Nuttawut told Korbsak that if the government agreed to meet his demands, he would remove the red shirts protesters outside the Rajprasong rally site.

Korbsak said his statement clearly showed he is a core leader of the reds and involved in the terrorist attacks in Bangkok.

Sansern told reporters that Korbsak's statement provided proof of his labelling of Nuttawut as a major terrorist leader.

-- The Nation 2010-05-18

Now, we are calling a cat a cat !!!!

I think that's offensive to cats! MODS this skunk is flaming cats! :)


Nuttawut accused

Reds leader Nuttawut Saikua has been behind the terrorist attacks in Bangkok, Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Tuesday.

"It is not possible that Nuttawut, a core leader of red shirts, does not know about the ongoing attacks in Bangkok. Yet he has repeatedly denied his involvement in the attacks," Sansern told reporters.

Sansern said Nuttawut is "a major terrorist leader".

PM's secretary general Korbsak Sabhavasu, a main negotiator, earlier said Nuttawut had offered a ceasefire on the condition that the government withdrew the troops and stopped firing at people.

Nuttawut told Korbsak that if the government agreed to meet his demands, he would remove the red shirts protesters outside the Rajprasong rally site.

Korbsak said his statement clearly showed he is a core leader of the reds and involved in the terrorist attacks in Bangkok.

Sansern told reporters that Korbsak's statement provided proof of his labelling of Nuttawut as a major terrorist leader.

-- The Nation 2010-05-18

Now, we are calling a cat a cat !!!!

I think that's offensive to cats! MODS this skunk is flaming cats! :D

Post of the day :)

2. If I walk into the Red camp and say..." I love the Yellows and you are wrong" do you honestly think that I will walk out alive? Is that "freedom of expression without repercussions?

I think not.


i a must disagree.

i last visited Ratchaprasong on saturday nite. i had a long chat with a protestor sitting right near the press area, a bangkok resident. I told her frankly that i thought thaskin's return would be bad for thailand, and i catalogued a long laundry list of complaints that i have also posted here from time to time.

No, i wasnt downright impolite as you suggest, but she understood very well that i dont take the red side.

she disagreed but was nothing but polite and ever so grateful that i would be interested in visiting ratchaP. i even got a nice smile and a wai from the protester.

and not only did i walk out alive, i walked out knowing more than before i walked in.

im not suggesting you visit that venue now, because the violence is terrorizing and dehumanizing people. still if you got out from your behind computer you might find yourself transformed from a deadpuppy to a livedog.


Channel 7 News in Australia just announced the reds shirt have called of the rally and agree to sit down and talk with government

The hostilities are over

Wondering if the Red Shirts In Thailand know this ??????


Nuttawut accused

Reds leader Nuttawut Saikua has been behind the terrorist attacks in Bangkok, Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Tuesday.

"It is not possible that Nuttawut, a core leader of red shirts, does not know about the ongoing attacks in Bangkok. Yet he has repeatedly denied his involvement in the attacks," Sansern told reporters.

Sansern said Nuttawut is "a major terrorist leader".

PM's secretary general Korbsak Sabhavasu, a main negotiator, earlier said Nuttawut had offered a ceasefire on the condition that the government withdrew the troops and stopped firing at people.

Nuttawut told Korbsak that if the government agreed to meet his demands, he would remove the red shirts protesters outside the Rajprasong rally site.

Korbsak said his statement clearly showed he is a core leader of the reds and involved in the terrorist attacks in Bangkok.

Sansern told reporters that Korbsak's statement provided proof of his labelling of Nuttawut as a major terrorist leader.

-- The Nation 2010-05-18

Now, we are calling a cat a cat !!!!

I think that's offensive to cats! MODS this skunk is flaming cats! :)

That's nice of Nuttawut to offer to remove the "protestors from OUTSIDE the rally site but the soldiers are already doing that. Instead of being a giant douche and making ridiculous demands that he know will never be agreed to why doesn't this loser humble himslef before Abhisit and Thailand and ask for the road map deal back if he can get everyone to pack up and go home? Oh that's right Thaksin doesn't want that deal. I hope Nuttawut is ready to do hard time or face the firing squad when this is over he certainly deserves it!

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