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Thai Troops Violate Law In Bangkok Action: Amnesty

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STEVE - You're wasting your time, and energy, on people who have eyes, but can not see, ears, but can not hear. They simply can't grasp the concept that while you, and others, are not necessarily "defending" the Reds, but only pointing out the internationally recognized conduct for governments and their appropriate responses is being willfully violated by Thailand. Earlier someone posted a video to show the "violence" of the reds. Yes, the stopped an Army truck, yes, they attacked the soldiers, and then there was a gun shot. Accidental or deliberate is never made clear. But what I then see are protesters picking up this wounded soldier and carrying him to an ambulance. If they (Reds) are so violently evil, as some seem to think, wouldn't it have made more sense for them to just leave him laying in the street instead of trying to get him to an ambulance and medical help?

Oh dear, I was going to make an ass out of you, but you finished the job before even giving me a chance.

:) yes a gun from an unarmed red accidentally went off when they were not beating on the soldiers in the truck. Yeah they are not so bad see how they care for the man they shot after they shot him??????????? and the baby wasn't a human shield his dad was doing a good thing teaching him to be polite to the soldiers by waving at them see.

Just wait and see, the redtards will soon claim that the soldier shot himself because he saw the light and understood being all wrong. But they, the godly reds, in their awesome and humble dignity, tried to save his life.

There is dumb, the reds, and then there's dumber, the red defenders. They had a win, the early elections in their pocket and came up with the most idiotic excuse imaginable to continue shitting all over the place.

Good luck in convincing me that the thugs and scum burning Bangkok are holy and shouldn't be shot.

I so not think anyone would try to convince a redneck like you. Do not get worked up now -you need your rest.

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I just emailed these people with the link showing the assault on the army truck driver on May 14 at Din Daeng and the manhandling of the female journalist about 1 hour ago. Will they respond and say opps ,sorry , not a chance.

They have an office here at Lad Prao so they know the truth very well so what they have printed is outright lies for a vested reason. Nice people


I rest my case and like i have said before pure murder and no Amnesty has agreed

Its clear for everyone to see that they are doing exactly as Amnesty is saying except to blind TV members who would not beleive it even if was under there noses

good grief, are people incapable of reading a statement properly on here? amnesty international is not saying that nobody in the red camp is armed. it is saying that SOME of the people in there, specifically women and children, are unarmed and are being fired at with live rounds by a nation state's army. that is a violation of human rights, whether they are in the red camp by choice or not.

People on here read what they want to read steve, it is clear that unarmed people that pose no immediate threat are being shot and killed, but some on here think that being in a protest is justification enough to be shot and killed, even the two red cross operative trying to help people were murdered by the army.

I saw this morning on television the army showing only 3 protesters carrying weapons, I would rather see footage of the people they shot and murdered with guns or grenades posing an immediate threat to life, sadly though they don't seem to have any of this footage as the people shot and killed were on the whole unarmed and posing to immediate danger.

Hopefully people will take note of this report, well people that matter and not the usual red shirt haters on here.

i should have known better in all honesty. people on here do read only what they want to read despite the fact that amnesty is a politically neutral organisation concerned only about the human rights of innocent civilians around the world. that some people ignore that in their rush to judge is sad.


I did not say one side was right and one was wrong. Please read what I wrote. I said the press article was distorted. It presented a picture of army troops shooting people for no reason. This is simply not true. Anyone getting injured is bad , but to put all the blame on the army for all injuries is wrong. No one apart from the shooter knows who shot SD for example. that is a fact. The video clip I sent in was shown on Thai TV. It showed the driver pushed off the truck, then standing and wai'ing to the crowd , then struck and falling to the ground. The guy who took the rifle from the soldier standing the tray of the truck then pointed this rifle , a shot rang out, the shooter patted the man on the chest , the limp body was shoved into an ambulance and that was that. Was he dead , I don't know but he was limp and there was no attempt at all to treat any injury, just a rush to throw him into the ambulance. Those are the facts. I am sure you mean well . So do I . I have experienced angry Reds up close, so has my Isan maid and her husband on separate occasions so maybe there is some dislike. Most of all I have a strong dislike of wilful distortions. If you saw the letter written to CNN by a young Thai lawyer a couple of days ago you would have seen more examples of similar press distortion. I think the Reds have been smart in their smoozing of the press with the comfortable press centre , fawning staff and lots of photo op's. I think a lot of foreign journalists are lazy and fell for the Red seduction and found it easy to pop into the press centre , pick up the latest horror stories and feed it out as journalism from deep in the heart of Red territory. Early this morning there was a live feed from the Red press centre by an ABC (Oz) journalist ,speaking in hushed tones ,decked out in helmet and bullet proof vest , poor lighting or she could have been a sniper target etc, the only thing wrong was that people in normal clothes were going to and fro behind her. Am I right about the press, those in the business know for sure, but this is my view.

I looked up the Amnesty web site today to get contact details. I noted there is a special section speaking out about the mistreatment of women. I included today in my TV posting a photo of the Burmese journalist who was assaulted ( words from the Nation) at the Wat where the women and kids are sheltering. She was being hauled off to the Red stage where I guess they were going to make her confess to her sin of saying some of the Red women and kids wanted to go home. Look into this, it is fresh, real and blatant thuggish behaviour. Seem like something the Amnesty boys would love to get their teeth into, it would make a good story. What are the odds however that we do not hear a word about this ?. The Burmese womans photo is below


You know what, Amnesty do some very good work- However this press release is nuts. They need to seriously wind there necks in. Even the leftist press are reporting live that the thai army are only using suppression fire to keep the reds contained. Yes there are casualties, and that is very sad. But if the Thai army actually tried to shoot to kill i think you'd find hundreds if not a thousand reds dead. The current casualty figures alone PROVE the army arent topping people willy nilly!!!!

Nonsense press release imho

I dunno which news you are watchin mate (probably the nation) but they are reporting that the soldgiers are shooting at unarmed people and even show an unarmed guy actually getting shot by hte military THEY WERE RIGHT THERE no question who shot the unarmed guy.


This is a good post from you Mr Pig, although I don´t agree with everything you write. This report is to one eyed to do anything good, by only blaming one side for what happens right now. when you write: "Your organization is a further polarizing element in an alreday difficult situation", I thin you hit the spot.

Agreed. You've pulled a rabbit out of you're hat little pig, Well Done!

Shamnesty, Shamnesty, Shamnesty, surely you can do better than this. :)

oink oink

I so not think anyone would try to convince a redneck like you. Do not get worked up now -you need your rest.

You couldn't have guessed any wronger.

Anyway, when somebody parks on a handicapped space, you think that's cool and we should treat him with respect, and see why he does it, stop our lives and respect his demands, and who cares that the rest of us all have to walk further (this is an allegory, my simple dear, meaning, we all have to work for money), some might just choose the easy way, even if it's against the law, but we should treat them nicely, because they are, humm, let me see, unarmed. Yes, that's it.

And democrats, obviously. Yes, I get your point now. You make awesome amounts of sense by calling me a redneck.

Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

Please explain why over 50 protesters have been killed by rifle fire and only one Army person has been killed, if the Red shirts are so well armed. And of course you are the final say about Amnesty international. I am sick of these purely unsubstantiated posts. All you show is your predjuices and your personal biases.

So many of the post on this situation in Thailand by ex-pats or other foreigners in Thaivisa disappoint me. To understand the situation in Thailand now you all need Thailand history course. Most of you are only concerned about your personal needs, rather it be my next beer, or your business.

Maybe you and AI need to see some wake up: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-445228

You know what, Amnesty do some very good work- However this press release is nuts. They need to seriously wind there necks in. Even the leftist press are reporting live that the thai army are only using suppression fire to keep the reds contained. Yes there are casualties, and that is very sad. But if the Thai army actually tried to shoot to kill i think you'd find hundreds if not a thousand reds dead. The current casualty figures alone PROVE the army arent topping people willy nilly!!!!

Nonsense press release imho

I dunno which news you are watchin mate (probably the nation) but they are reporting that the soldgiers are shooting at unarmed people and even show an unarmed guy actually getting shot by hte military THEY WERE RIGHT THERE no question who shot the unarmed guy.

Ive been at work all day and aint seen the news today, was goin off BBC and Fox reporting yesterday! If they shot an unarmed civilian for no reason then that is wrong! However i still say if the Thai army were actually aiming to take out unarmed innocents you would be seeing a much higher casualty rate, than what we already have!! No dont watch the Nation

The London-based rights group need to get their own country in order first!!


I totally agree with you, and I am from the UK. We allow anyone to rule the roost and walk all over us.

Who are these spinless individuals to give advice and get involved in Politics which not only doesn't concern them but is from a country far far away from the UK. Yes, it's you I am speaking about! sort out the problems in our country then give advice to other countries...

Shame on you!

Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

Please explain why over 50 protesters have been killed by rifle fire and only one Army person has been killed, if the Red shirts are so well armed. And of course you are the final say about Amnesty international. I am sick of these purely unsubstantiated posts. All you show is your predjuices and your personal biases.

So many of the post on this situation in Thailand by ex-pats or other foreigners in Thaivisa disappoint me. To understand the situation in Thailand now you all need Thailand history course. Most of you are only concerned about your personal needs, rather it be my next beer, or your business.

Maybe you and AI need to see some wake up: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-445228

They are all fake reds :)

You know what, Amnesty do some very good work- However this press release is nuts. They need to seriously wind there necks in. Even the leftist press are reporting live that the thai army are only using suppression fire to keep the reds contained. Yes there are casualties, and that is very sad. But if the Thai army actually tried to shoot to kill i think you'd find hundreds if not a thousand reds dead. The current casualty figures alone PROVE the army arent topping people willy nilly!!!!

Nonsense press release imho

I dunno which news you are watchin mate (probably the nation) but they are reporting that the soldgiers are shooting at unarmed people and even show an unarmed guy actually getting shot by hte military THEY WERE RIGHT THERE no question who shot the unarmed guy.

Ive been at work all day and aint seen the news today, was goin off BBC and Fox reporting yesterday! If they shot an unarmed civilian for no reason then that is wrong! However i still say if the Thai army were actually aiming to take out unarmed innocents you would be seeing a much higher casualty rate, than what we already have!! No dont watch the Nation

I think 37 + dead is bad enough when a lot of those have been shot in the head by the miltary and its very clear they are targeting unarmed civvies I have used the word Murder multiple times and i just saw another report with the same word used in realtion to the thai military murdering its citizens in cold blood

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Thanks for that frodo. I had a series of questions I was hoping was asked, but wern't but then he made his point at 5:02-5:03 with just a few words.

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Thanks for that frodo. I had a series of questions I was hoping was asked, but wern't but then he made his point at 5:02-5:03 with just a few words.

hear , hear. Backed away at a million miles an hour when pressed. No credibility.


That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Official press release from Amnesty:


Related article:

Associated Press (AP): "Thai protests expose military rifts, incompetence"


Excellent, this will begin the process of bringing to trial those civilian leaders responsible - primarily Abhisit, & Suthep - for the massacre of largely unarmed civilians we have just witnessed. If not eventually in Thailand following a change of Government, then perhaps at the Hague.

The next Government will also need to investigate (perhaps using international investigators & accountants for the sake of impartiality) corruption in key ministries, and the improper granting of contracts to companies connected to prominent coalition politicians. Again trials of those presiding over this corruption as well as those specifically involved should begin once the evidence emerges - asset seizure would seem an appropriate partial punishment of those found guilty.

As far as I am concerned protesters are only peaceful when they disperse peacefully. Notice amnesty gives the murdered soldiers pretty short thrift. Who will be brought to trial for their deaths. Abhisit?? Jatuporn?? or no one?? This amnesty report is basically liberal nonsense based on the workings of an ideal world. The world is far from ideal. Massacre - not really - Songkran road carnage, now that's a massacre. If you confront a solider with a gun in a riot situation, and you are armed or not, don't be surprised if you get shot. Common sense if someones got a gun, get out of there quickly, don't stand around people who are throwing things and generally being aggressive towards the soldiers


Interesting. I just read the article. it looks like it was writen by a red shirt.

One other thing Thai visa maks it seem like there the army is breaking the law with there come on. Shame on you :)

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Thanks for that frodo. I had a series of questions I was hoping was asked, but wern't but then he made his point at 5:02-5:03 with just a few words.

hear , hear. Backed away at a million miles an hour when pressed.

Of course, its also pointless asking someones lawyer some of those questions because they will always be answered in the same way. Further to that, its my humble opinion, that most lawyers wouldn't have a clue about what their clients have really been up to anyway. (& thats not a critism either)

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Thanks for that frodo. I had a series of questions I was hoping was asked, but wern't but then he made his point at 5:02-5:03 with just a few words.

hear , hear. Backed away at a million miles an hour when pressed. No credibility.

All lawyer speak, mouth moves, but actually says nothing - How much does a sniper cost? <deleted> a snake just like Taksin. Addressed the needs of the rural poor. Exploited their needs more like it.

There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

It would also be interesting to know what those 279 were doing at the time they were injured.


I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

Wrong they are not live firing Zones they are Life firing zones read the signs again! :)

There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

I would like to know how many people the reds have shot that would be interesting

I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

What is Thaksin's lawyer doing visiting the red shirt compound?

That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

You still don't have a grasp on what actually and legally happened.

Go to the back of the class, there's a good boy. :)

That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

I could have sworn that the current government offered to hold elections 6 months from now.

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