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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong UPDATE : 19 May 2010 More citizens of Montenegro?
No surprise there!! It's been clear all along that these simian, paid Red firebrands are really ... Yellow! :) Brainwash - and threaten - the 'cannon fodder' in order to get them to stay and confront the army, then run the <deleted> away yourself? (.... well, 'waddle' might be the properverb for these porcine p***ks! :D ) This clearly shows how they really feel about the so-called "marginalised, democracy-starved masses" they purport to represent! Shows too the real dark truth that's alwaye been behind this "Red" sham. :D Let's hope these rats are caught real soon and introduced to a lovely firing squad.

Obviously you and other posters criticizing the esacpe of red shirt leaders are not educated in protest or military strategy. Something akin to "hit and run" fighting or protesting. The leaders or fighters do not surrender but escape to keep the fight or protest going. The leaders are going to keep the fighters organized. Do you believe the leaders of militarized states (as in a war between two countries) are going to surrender in the face of an enemie's forces if they have the option of escaping? No...they will evade in order to fight again another day. I am amazed at the number of TVF posters who can not think logically. I am neither a red or yellow supporter...so save your ignorant hate for somone else. I hate Thaksin but understand why many people (red shirts, etc.) feel cheated by the removal of two elected PMs that were booted out by the yellow shirts. I agree with the few posters who are dismayed by the vile hatred and stupid comments regarding the situation in LOS. This situation might be the begining of the end to a country I enjoy. LOS could burn like LA during the Rodney King riots and the government/military is not going to be able to control rural cities, etc..

Please do a little research and get your facts straight before you make a complete fool of yourself before posting again my friend.

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Troops reclaim Ratchaprasong rally site

BANGKOK, 19 May 2010 (NNT) — CRES Spokesperson, Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd announced in a televised broadcast at 14.00 hrs that the troops have reclaimed Ratchaprosong Intersection, the main rally site of the anti-government demonstrators of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

The officers found massive weapon stockpile at the site, especially a depot of M79 grenade launchers being used against state officers.

The radical demonstrators this morning have illegally intruded and set the fire at government agencies and civilians’ households.

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Troops reclaim Ratchaprasong rally site

BANGKOK, 19 May 2010 (NNT) — CRES Spokesperson, Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd announced in a televised broadcast at 14.00 hrs that the troops have reclaimed Ratchaprosong Intersection, the main rally site of the anti-government demonstrators of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

The officers found massive weapon stockpile at the site, especially a depot of M79 grenade launchers being used against state officers.

The radical demonstrators this morning have illegally intruded and set the fire at government agencies and civilians’ households.

Here is a picture of anyone who is SURPRISED by this large weapons find:


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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Damned straight!

You mean straight angle. Its absolutely horrible to watch what happens right now, as it has been with government killing civilians the last few weeks, but why does it come as an surprise? It could have been avoided. The government could have ruled just fine without the SOE. They could have done so many things different. Instead they've chosen the very Thai way of denial and let the situation spiral way out of control.

Now more then ever Thailand need foreign intervention. If a government had let something spiral this much out of control in a European country they would step down. A all-party government formed. If the constitution allowed it (multiple European countries do not allow dissolving the parliament), there would be fresh elections.

Right now Abhisit is going down the road of anarchy that end in some sort of totalitarian state Myanmar style, most likely yellow, but might be red as well. Or we could see the rumored coup surfacing - what good that would do for prosperity and tourism...

Lay off the LEO it is affecting your thinking my friend.

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Tonight's "free fire zone" as you gleefully put it is just as likely to kill some poor resident trying to stock up on Mama noodles as it is to kill a red.

BS! The free firing zone is the RED SHIRTS! I was nearly hit tonight! everyone was scrambling away from on nut. anyone in a troop live fire zone would not be sitting to eat mama. I am guessing you're upcountry???????? 'cause you dont have a CLUE whats going on! the city is under siege. s_it I hear them pounding bkk bank outside and ..shots or rocks or bombs..not sure.

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UDD riots continue to break out in Bangkok

BANGKOK, 19 May 2010 (NNT) – Rioters of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) have started destroying public properties around the shopping district of Ratchaprasong and many parts of Bangkok as they are dissatisfied by the decision of their core leaders to end the rally.

About 100 UDD rioters lit up bang fai rockets and firecrackers as they hurled Molotov cocktails into Central World Shopping Complex. The first floor of the department store was set on fire, but security guards were able to control the fire at 14.30 hrs.

Other shopping malls and cinemas around Ratchaprasong have been set on fire and damaged heavily, including Apex Cinema and Siam Square area. Explosion-like sounds could be heard around the area.

Central Department Store has announced it will close all its branches in Bangkok and some other provinces for safety.

Car tyres are still burned in many areas, covering the capital city with thick smoke as chaos continues.

Throngs of UDD rioters broke into Maleenon Tower of Channel 3 television station on Rama IV Road.

The sixth floor of the tower was reported to be on fire while some properties around there have been damaged. Others are heading to Bangkok Post English Newspaper Head Office in Khlong Toei.

UDD supporters in many provinces of the country have broken into provincial city halls and clashes have broken out with local troops and police officers.

UDD core leaders recently announced to end the rally of the group as they have surrendered themselves to police.

UDD protestors were not satisfied with the decision of their leaders and decided to make independent movements by themselves.


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UDD riots continue to break out in Bangkok

BANGKOK, 19 May 2010 (NNT) – Rioters of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) have started destroying public properties around the shopping district of Ratchaprasong and many parts of Bangkok as they are dissatisfied by the decision of their core leaders to end the rally.

About 100 UDD rioters lit up bang fai rockets and firecrackers as they hurled Molotov cocktails into Central World Shopping Complex. The first floor of the department store was set on fire, but security guards were able to control the fire at 14.30 hrs.

Other shopping malls and cinemas around Ratchaprasong have been set on fire and damaged heavily, including Apex Cinema and Siam Square area. Explosion-like sounds could be heard around the area.

Central Department Store has announced it will close all its branches in Bangkok and some other provinces for safety.

Car tyres are still burned in many areas, covering the capital city with thick smoke as chaos continues.

Throngs of UDD rioters broke into Maleenon Tower of Channel 3 television station on Rama IV Road.

The sixth floor of the tower was reported to be on fire while some properties around there have been damaged. Others are heading to Bangkok Post English Newspaper Head Office in Khlong Toei.

UDD supporters in many provinces of the country have broken into provincial city halls and clashes have broken out with local troops and police officers.

UDD core leaders recently announced to end the rally of the group as they have surrendered themselves to police.

UDD protestors were not satisfied with the decision of their leaders and decided to make independent movements by themselves.


They're not terrorists! They are fighting for democracy! :) Defend these actions if you dare.

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Please do a little research and get your facts straight before you make a complete fool of yourself before posting again my friend.

I've done some research, and it turns out that the Thai judiciary is not quite as independent and as incorruptable as you think.

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Yesterday the government cut off the money source and today banks are burnt down - Go figure. This is a very sad day for this country and the whole situation is being played out by a few people in front of the worlds media, even the BBC and CNN have changed the tone of their reporting over the last 24 hours.

This will I feel be a bloody night, but no one can have any complaints in the morning. I personally know of one individual who has set off to help light fires and his is and always has been s**m with no interest in politics.

Thoughts with all the soldiers who have a tough night ahead of them and also with his majesty who must be weeping painful tears as the people and country he loves and has served for many years tear themselves and the country to pieces.

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Any confirmation on the report that Arisaman has been arrested?

According to some moronic post he is still running the mob and why he ran away but I think logic would dictate he is doing everything possible to get out of the country.

EDIT: Been away and trying to catch up on the news but Thai PBS says he has been arrested.

We will see but I think like Pedro01; it looks like something very organised. The moderate leaders have washed their hands of what is going to happen. The moderate leaders cannot anymore soften the situation and block extremists, we are on the worse scenario, if some military units join the Red Shirts we are in the Civil war....

I don't think soldiers seeing thugs setting fire to buildings such as Channel 3 with people inside is going to cause the soldiers to desert!

As mentioned by another poster, the red shirts have spent months demonising the government with violent and vile language, stoking the fires of violence, and many bored uneducated Thai youths love an excuse for some vandalism and violence if they think they won't get caught.

Civil vandalism not civil war.

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The reds camping out at Klong Toei remain sceptical that their leaders really turned themselves to police. They vowed to continue protesting.
My guess, long term damage from yaba addiction. These are the hard core, they must be arrested.
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Apparently this is just another excuse to blame the government and leave the red leadership that was calling for exactly this type of violence blameless.

jdinasia you are fully biased: I do not support the current violences. I am just stating something from experience...and I do not blamed the Government for what is happening now.....I am for peace and discussions not for Violence.

I do not support Thaksin and the Red Shirts leaders but I support the legitimate claims of the Northern population. I support the Roadmap. I do not support elections in the short term due to the current atmosphere; the situation has to cool down. Please take note of my positions and do not distort them.

Peace through negotiations. Weapons: NO from every side, disarmement of ALL militias, strict control of weaponry.

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Some of the post-surrender arson and looting


An anti-government "red shirt" protester walks by a shopping mall that was ransacked and set on fire during clashes in central Bangkok May 19, 2010.



Anti-government protesters pile tires on a fire at a shopping center Wednesday, May 19, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand.

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BBC showing APCs and water cannon in action.

Looks like this is the end.

Sorry for the poor dupes who thought they were protesting for democracy (which they already have).

We now know this was all about power and money.

Hats off to Abhisit!

This sort of post just shows how ignorant many expats are about the political situation in Thailand. Thais DO NOT live in a democracy. They live in a military controlled environment. The top military generals allow elections and prime ministers to be elected.... as long as the leadership meets their approval. Case in point I believe the military threw out the PM on average every 4-5 years for as long as I can remember.

In the current situation...... the RED shirts are fighting for elections to be held. Thaksin was elected by popular vote and was the democratically elected PM for Thailand. He was removed from power while he was on a trip out of the country by the military. The opposing party said he was corrupt. ( Like corruption in not a part of every ruling party here in Thailand & most other countries. ) They held elections and the RED shirt party won and the military & opposing party found a way to kick him out & install their own puppet ( Abhisit ). RED shirts want a country where the people choose their leader and that is what they are fighting for.

I don't think it will change, but I hate to see so many people lose their lives when they are only pawns in the big fight between one corrupt party & the other ..... which is truly about money & power and who gets it.

JUST MY OPINION.....Thailand is a wonderful country with very nice people and they deserve better leadership of their own choosing.

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BBC showing APCs and water cannon in action.

Looks like this is the end.

Sorry for the poor dupes who thought they were protesting for democracy (which they already have).

We now know this was all about power and money.

Hats off to Abhisit!

This sort of post just shows how ignorant many expats are about the political situation in Thailand. Thais DO NOT live in a democracy. They live in a military controlled environment. The top military generals allow elections and prime ministers to be elected.... as long as the leadership meets their approval. Case in point I believe the military threw out the PM on average every 4-5 years for as long as I can remember.

In the current situation...... the RED shirts are fighting for elections to be held. Thaksin was elected by popular vote and was the democratically elected PM for Thailand. He was removed from power while he was on a trip out of the country by the military. The opposing party said he was corrupt. ( Like corruption in not a part of every ruling party here in Thailand & most other countries. ) They held elections and the RED shirt party won and the military & opposing party found a way to kick him out & install their own puppet ( Abhisit ). RED shirts want a country where the people choose their leader and that is what they are fighting for.

I don't think it will change, but I hate to see so many people lose their lives when they are only pawns in the big fight between one corrupt party & the other ..... which is truly about money & power and who gets it.

JUST MY OPINION.....Thailand is a wonderful country with very nice people and they deserve better leadership of their own choosing.

What a crock! They won their early election demand but decided to go to war instead of accepting it. Get with the program. The Thaksin reds have been EXPOSED. Now the entire world knows what they are about.

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Go figure, that promise they did keep.

Exactly. His last phone call before he surrendered.

Enough Evidence reds :)

I live in Nana and heard the two big blasts around 1:30...stood on my roof top and watched the fires spring up in a 360 arc around it. I counted 8 different fires spring up all within about 30 minutes of the first one. Some of them miles away, some close to each other. Yep, they certainly lived up to this promise. .

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The captains of the red pirate armada have left their boats - now the crews are looting alone.

Someone please go and sink their ships...

No, honestly, the signs for this tragedy have been around for years. In Sep 2009 I published an article (in German) in which I basically warned of anarchy and loss of control. The situation has deteriorated not just due to the protest leaders action. Thailand's social security system is very weak, rising unemployment and desparation have fuelled the conflict as much as Thaksin's money.

Blame also the judiciary for being biased (since its very existance in Thailand's democratic system).

Every year the revered monarch has told the newly appointed judges to fulfill their duties with integrity and honesty following the LAW. Well, make yourself a picture what happened...

Thaksin should have been removed by the legislative, not the army. That was the biggest mistake ever.

Anupong and his comrades know that and will not remove Abhisit but, there will be elections very soon for sure. The legal process must stabilize, corruption must be contained to a minimum level so that trust can be established again among ALL Thais.

I hold the corrupt judiciary responsible for the deterioration of Thailand's situation over the last years. That's why Europe or the US function well - there law is executed accordingly (of course, there are flaws within an acceptable range). Thailand has none of that. You have money, you can evade the law.

Thaksin's sentence was actually a positive step forward but, the failed action against the yellow protest leaders for their silly airport-sit-in just crushed the flower of hope for an integer legislative.

There I see one big reason for the abyss we see now in Thailand. Right now the only way out is executive power.

I always laugh when some posters in this forum critizise Thailand's ruling elite. As if there was no elite in any other country. The redshirt leaders are just as elite as their opposition.

Thailand will not be better off without an elite, that is irrational. Thailand will be better off with police and judges acting according to the law.

I hope those institutions wake up. If not, the destruction will drag on until one side will be strong enough to establish a dictatorship like Cambodia, Iran or Burma. And there will still be an elite folks.

Great post, spot on !! :)

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A coup? Let's hope not. Complain about Thaksin or complain about Abhisit, but nowhere can a military operate a government. Dictators can operate a government but a military can't, in matters both foreign and domestic. After the Sept '06 coup the military announced it would get out of government and it indeed did 14 months later, after 14 months of ineffective and inactive government except for the commissions and constitution the military wanted. In Burma, to cite one typical instance, the military in government are simply thieves and murderers who steal from the state while the population lives in anarchy peppered with fear.

Ordinary Thais must solve the urgent problems free of all coercion and passe' institutions.

they're NOT! They're not solving it! This city is out of control! I was almost hit a half hour ago. I am guessing you are not in BKK at the moment!

Perhaps you miss what was the underlying point. To the extent that the City is still suffering of renegade Red thugs, that is the responsibility of the army. The army has all the capacity to restore order. If they cannot they are incompetent (which I dont believe they are.)

So the idea that their incompetency should lead to them taking over and running the country is pretty absurd.

Personally I think Abhisit has handled the situation extremely well. Even some of the Reds leaders should receive some respect for realizing when the end was enevitable, they stayed and did their best to minimized the casualties to the peaceful protesters.

I also think that the army are more responsible, given their resources, for letting things get out of hand. Violence only started when they became involved and they clearly could have resolved things a week ago. If there are still terrorist actions out there then the army should deal with them. If they cant, it is really against an argument for a coup and military takeover, rather than an argument for one.

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Any confirmation on the report that Arisaman has been arrested?

According to some moronic post he is still running the mob and why he ran away but I think logic would dictate he is doing everything possible to get out of the country.

EDIT: Been away and trying to catch up on the news but Thai PBS says he has been arrested.

We will see but I think like Pedro01; it looks like something very organised. The moderate leaders have washed their hands of what is going to happen. The moderate leaders cannot anymore soften the situation and block extremists, we are on the worse scenario, if some military units join the Red Shirts we are in the Civil war....

I don't think soldiers seeing thugs setting fire to buildings such as Channel 3 with people inside is going to cause the soldiers to desert!As mentioned by another poster, the red shirts have spent months demonising the government with violent and vile language, stoking the fires of violence, and many bored uneducated Thai youths love an excuse for some vandalism and violence if they think they won't get caught.

Civil vandalism not civil war.

Not the meaning, some people (too many pages for finding the posts-) with an indepth knowledge of Thailand have underlined that -inside army- there were some factions close from the Red Shirts, and that they wanted to position themselves in a near future. The issue is not at the level of individual soldiers but at higher levels. Is is true? that is the question....they will choose the best opportunity to act? Will they do and if, when?

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I am guessing you're upcountry???????? 'cause you dont have a CLUE whats going on! the city is under siege.

Close to Rajprasong actually. Its all quiet here now, I was just going out to get some noodles in fact.

Get your rations now before curfew start at 8pm. Meanwhile be careful and watch-out unsafe area.

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A coup? Let's hope not. Complain about Thaksin or complain about Abhisit, but nowhere can a military operate a government. Dictators can operate a government but a military can't, in matters both foreign and domestic. After the Sept '06 coup the military announced it would get out of government and it indeed did 14 months later, after 14 months of ineffective and inactive government except for the commissions and constitution the military wanted. In Burma, to cite one typical instance, the military in government are simply thieves and murderers who steal from the state while the population lives in anarchy peppered with fear.

Ordinary Thais must solve the urgent problems free of all coercion and passe' institutions.

they're NOT! They're not solving it! This city is out of control! I was almost hit a half hour ago. I am guessing you are not in BKK at the moment!

Bangkok now is under the siege of Red anarchy which is why I support the shoot on sight orders concerning looters, rioters, gunmen etc. My post was focused on the coup d'etat as a presumed solution to civil division and disorder. Last month I was in Ratchprasong for a full week, Reds controlling my life, my comings and goings but the Reds then were anarchists with bosses - the Reds now are anarchists absent their trainers.

A curfew in Bangkok is tuff to enforce for reasons some posters have mentioned but also simply because a curfew in Bangkok is like martial law in Thailand - TiT. Clearly, however, a curfew tonite and the next several nites is a must both in the city and in the SOE provinces. The Reds are running wild and shooting wildly all over the city to torch Bangkok and burn it to the ground. There's shyt happening up North.

The silent Red posters are simply on the horn getting the present take of the situation from Montenegro, Paris, Khon Khen. When the first few of them post the new take of the present situation, the rest will quickly follow. But right now any attempt to defend these violent rampaging criminal thug Reds is just unthinkable to even the reddest of Red posters.

Edited by Publicus
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