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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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This entire situation keeps on getting more and more chaotic as each hairbrained solution is attempted. The government is much like Heracles, but drunken on their own personal gain and fear of loss, or whatever. The government cannot kill an ideal. It can remove people, or shoot them in the head, but those people will be replaced by the many who stand behind them.

To the individuals who condone the actions against the people who subscribe to the red-shirt views, and to the individuals who take satisfaction with human beings suffering at the hands of the media and powerful, rich people who can get away with anything; to those individuals I turn my head away in disgust.

There is nothing wrong with ideals. But if you want to join a movement to promote them, it pays to have a look at the company that you are keeping. If someone starts throwing in a lot of funding, you might like to wonder why.

There may be many idealists in this catastrophe, but there are just as many paid thugs; the leaders are without exception paid rabble-rousers, and their cause is a facade fot Thaksin's goals. More idealists may come forward. Let's hope that they can use discrimination and pursue their goals legally, it will result in a lot less heart-ache for them and their country.

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Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

Robert Amsterdam

They put it in the context of some random viewer that sent it. I'm not sure what to type. That just shocked me. I think they need a new research team. How irresponsible for a "international news agency"

That said if I ever get in trouble overseas, I'm calling him. Just Wow!!


Funny thing the guy used his real name. Mr. T might want to find another lawyer.

That is one of the problems of today's mas media - iphone twitter access to the media!

No self censor ship , no filter, no nothing as everything in this world 2 sides of the same coin!

Well as a simple fact: ha can't be "proven innocent", his guilt stinks all the way into the Andromeda constellation

and is written all over the walls of Bangkok!

let see the trails left behind by the just frozen accounts -

under suspicion to act as money transfer funnels for his illegal terror operations!

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For what its worth and its here say

the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

this represents 0.5%

of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

go figure!!!

Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

IHMO this is not true, they should report it to the nearest police station and replacement can only given where the card was issued.

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TAN: 7 red leaders to surrender: Jatuporn, Nutthawut, Weng, Jeng Dokjik, Korkeaw,Wiputalang, Nisit

Didn't they say they were going to turn themselve in on May 15th? Must have just lost track of the date in all the confusion... :)

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TAN: 7 red leaders to surrender: Jatuporn, Nutthawut, Weng, Jeng Dokjik, Korkeaw,Wiputalang, Nisit

Didn't they say they were going to turn themselve in on May 15th? Must have just lost track of the date in all the confusion... :)

Give them a break please they are quite busy running at the moment :D

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Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

Robert Amsterdam

They put it in the context of some random viewer that sent it. I'm not sure what to type. That just shocked me. I think they need a new research team. How irresponsible for a "international news agency"

That said if I ever get in trouble overseas, I'm calling him. Just Wow!!


Funny thing the guy used his real name. Mr. T might want to find another lawyer.

Mr Amsterdam better do what he's told now the devil has his soul. Thaksin has a track record of making human rights lawyers "disappear".

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Gun battle at Lumpini. Filmed black shirts with assault rifles firing at troops in park. At least 5 protesters injured /v @aleithead

This is going to be good PR for the government. The black shirts won't be able to hide during the day.

MRT? Tunnel Rats?

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I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


Actually, it was THB 1.4 billion (THB 800 million and THB 600 million in cash - two transactions).

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Haven't you so far said that ANY action taken by the government has been bad? All the while saying that the violent rhetoric coming from the reds leaders is "negotiation"?

Shutting down their communications and their funding makes sense to most people. Tell the protesters thay won't get paid. Stop the violent rhetoric and lies from getting out. Prevent mass calls for logistical support and red troop movements. Seems smart when dealing with an armed insurgency.

Dont you see the huge risk of Civil war starting today? This is the most important thing to avoid.....

Stopping this insurgency NOW will help in preventing that.

Jerry, I do have to give you credit for never wavering in your failure to condemn the violent speeches made by the red leadership. You are a credit to your belief that nothing they say or do is wrong!

I have never supported violent speeches and I try to cool down, I work for Peace.

the seizure of accounts will produce effects in several days and you are not without ignoring that financial networks can find alternate solutions, so it is not an efficient short term measure, the only immediate effect is to irk some moderate people in the red side and to push to more confrontation. It is at the opposite of what is required today for bringing peace, which is what want Thai Population.

The seizure of assets could have wait few days (or have been done without announcement)

Do not dream, I am afraid some people are waiting the crackdown for entering in the game. Already the upcountry is not quiet.. and if some Red leaders like Arisman are already out...it is probably for organising a ripost. The conflict today is very, very close to become a Civil war just waiting than some new actors enter in the game and it has been announced as probable by witnesses like Young.

I have never supported violent actions from both sides and I have supported the Government Roadmap...give me this credit, and above all I wish Thailand will not enter in a Civil War, but I am afraid that we are very, very close to, today.


you called the violent speeches (threats) negotiation tactics didn't you? You never renounced the reds and you equated the violence to what happened in France with Union riots and thus excused it as necessary to accomplish their goals.

You have condemned the government for each and every action they have taken and excused the reds for anything they have done. Even above you don't condemn the violent rhetoric of the reds. You merely state you didn't support it. While you condemn the non-violent action of freezing bank accounts.

Again --- stopping the insurgency NOW is the answer.

Then doing some education about what has REALLY been happening complete with witnesses that were part of the action.

This might get uglier than it is now but if it does the government will just have to take further action. It will suck if this ends up with an insurgency fighting from places like the old CPT bases in Pecthaboon but things have radically changed since the early/mid 80's in technology to face down groups like that.

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

veen_NT: RT @WizardofWindsor: Breaking. Khon Khaen. #redshirts are storming the City Hall (TPBS)

Wed May 19 2010 12:02:29 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Not a bad development. If a red mob does a bit of damage in KK and Chiang Mai, the locals will get to see their heroes in action. Nothing like the sight of a rampaging mob to evaporate support! It's one thing for support of noble ideals, it's quite a bit different to see a pack of @$$holes burning your town.

I doubt it i am in Chiang Mai and to tell you the truth every one i meet is a red shirt supporter (That is not to say they all support violence) but i doubt if one would ever see a yellow shirt demo here in CM

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I read all these posts and I'm am utterly disgusted by many of the postings.

Please, show your pictures. You should be ashamed.

where is your picture chops ??

Hey, we're just posting. Its not as if we are illegally occupying the streets Bangkok and engaging in terrorism. So be a little tolerant, Kay?

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The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

Desperate chacters do desperate things.

Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

On the contrary, they are now being flushed out.

With dispersal easier to be dealt with.

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For what its worth and its here say

the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

this represents 0.5%

of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

go figure!!!

Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

IHMO this is not true, they should report it to the nearest police station and replacement can only given where the card was issued.

You are right. You have to go back where the blue book was issued. I.E. if you live in Bangkok and are registered in Si Saket, have fun on the bus, cause you wont get a replacement id card in Bangkok. Stupid policy, but it is the way it is. I have seen this multiple times even if you have a passport and a copy of the blue book, you have to go back to where the blue book was issued.

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I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


yes, and he is in contact, according to his own words, with the red leaders on a daily base to discuss the lottery numbers and the latest of fortune tellers. :D

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

It makes sense.

Issaan, the poorest region of Thailand turns independent.

Square Face returns as a hero to lead this promising Zimbabwe, as Mugabe II.

Bright future; Long live the Red shirts country!

Anyone wants to invest?

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

Give me a break :)

The red T-shirts want "beter living conditions" for this they need money.

Red's think that Toxin can provide them .

A smart PM ,gives them the confiscated Bilions of dollars from Toxin.

In return they have to bring in Toxin .

Fair deal,




Beat the enemy (toxin) with his own weapons (bilions of $)

Simple trick .

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The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

Desperate chacters do desperate things.

Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

Who cares? That's far away and there is nothing to do.

They are free to join PR Laos or Cambodia.

But seriously, the problem is not over, it might get even more difficult. All because of this maniac going shopping in Paris!

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This entire situation keeps on getting more and more chaotic as each hairbrained solution is attempted. The government is much like Heracles, but drunken on their own personal gain and fear of loss, or whatever. The government cannot kill an ideal. It can remove people, or shoot them in the head, but those people will be replaced by the many who stand behind them.

To the individuals who condone the actions against the people who subscribe to the red-shirt views, and to the individuals who take satisfaction with human beings suffering at the hands of the media and powerful, rich people who can get away with anything; to those individuals I turn my head away in disgust.

They can feed and nurture ideals, but these ideals take time to grow and require fertile soil.

But first they must kill the snake feeding on the seeds.

The snake is called Thaksin.

This time they must kill it instead of just chasing it away.

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

Give me a break :)

The red T-shirts want "beter living conditions" for this they need money.

Red's think that Toxin can provide them .

A smart PM ,gives them the confiscated Bilions of dollars from Toxin.

In return they have to bring in Toxin .

Fair deal,




Beat the enemy (toxin) with his own weapons (bilions of $)

Simple trick .

This idea I had months before. Unfortunately it is too late now, it won't work anymore.

Edited by moo9
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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

Thailand should receive more coverage in the US. The US should have more real issue and international coverage period. Problem is there has been a coercive dumbing down of the public in the US for so long they think important news is a gang shooting, celebrity sighting or ipad review.

Edited by losworld
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For what its worth and its here say

the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

this represents 0.5%

of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

go figure!!!

Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

Your statement is a distortion of the truth. Supporting documentation must be supplied, and in some cases, a respected professional to vouch for the person's identity. A thai friend of mine will have to travel from Samui to Kalasin to obtain a new ID card, even though she is in possession of an expired driver's licence with an easily recognizable photograph.

ohh boo hoo... so stay on and fight... doesnt seem like the Thai army are counting spent bullets...

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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

I disagree. US media should cover international events better in general, not only US war zones.

Perhaps someone doesn't want Americans getting any ideas...

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Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

Robert Amsterdam

:) and :D at the same time

I wonder if these lawyer's know what they have signed up for?

Do you suppose Thaksin has told them the truth?

Think any of them speak Thai?

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For what its worth and its here say

the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

this represents 0.5%

of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

go figure!!!

Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

Your statement is a distortion of the truth. Supporting documentation must be supplied, and in some cases, a respected professional to vouch for the person's identity. A thai friend of mine will have to travel from Samui to Kalasin to obtain a new ID card, even though she is in possession of an expired driver's licence with an easily recognizable photograph.

ohh boo hoo... so stay on and fight... doesnt seem like the Thai army are counting spent bullets...

When the reds are not counting M-79 grenades, who can blame them? :)

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