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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

He joined before you did. Joined: 2008-09-02

and your point is?

he may of joined before me yet he did not say a word for 2 years?

Yes, very suspicious at least. :)

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Funny to read how one of the nations brain dead reporters are blaming the riots on Thaksin.

Heaven forbid if Thaksin were to be hit by a bus, this reporter would have to actually use his brain to determine the cause of the riots instead.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. This could also be said about reporters & some posters. :)

No matter how far a donkey walks it never becomes a horse . :D

:D I'll take you're word for it :D



Received the following SMS from The Nation:

CRES showed video clip of red shirt core leader giving orders to arsonists to set fire in Bangkok.


It is in my view permissible to issue an arrest warrant for Robert Amsterdam, Thaksins foreign lying mouthpiece for aiding and abetting civil unrest and lying to the world.


Arisaman and Nattawut are on video telling people to burn everything. That is going to be damning in court and in PR. Arisaman may also still be at large.

The financial trail is now also going to be interesting. Maybe if implications are found in what are now terrorst events then the seized money can be made available to those suing for losses over what happened. Therte is apparently 100 million in one UDD leaders bank account. That those on the list includes some powerful poltical and military figures probably means either we are in for a rough ride or a deal will be struck between them and government but likjely the firsdt in the current scenario. There is also the question of what happen to the PTP which has loads of people implicated in funding an organization that eventually called for and enacted a terrorist arson campaign. There is likely no simplke way out.

And the government will now need to move forward very qucikly on its roadmap to chanbge things to help the poor.

I cant see an election for a while, and even if there is one there may be a lot of current players who wont be able to play that game anymore

In the short term the fight will turn to international propaganda. It seems Thaksin was aware of this upcoming defeat when he hired one of the world's top spin doctors.

Hope they get the death penalty so the can burn in hel_l with Seh Daeng

And you'll be outside the court with banners demanding the death sentence, or safely tucked away behind a computer screen with the rest of the posters who spew out hatred at every given opportunity ?

You should tone it down mate, other farangs have to live in Thailand, they can do without being labelled the same as the haters on this and other forums.

Think about it.

Arisaman and Nattawut are on video telling people to burn everything. That is going to be damning in court and in PR. Arisaman may also still be at large.

In the short term the fight will turn to international propaganda. It seems Thaksin was aware of this upcoming defeat when he hired one of the world's top spin doctors.

From one of the videos of Arisman, many of his named targets have been hit, but there are still some remaining targets from his list that haven't been burned to the ground. I wonder when that will occur and what the ramifications will be. According to Arisman on this video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital, All Muslim Mosques, Government House, Important Ministries, Airports, Rajavithi Road, Bridges, Bank of Thailand, Commercial Banks, Military Barracks, Court of Justice, and NGO's

will all be destroyed....

"Not one of these will remain standing."

As for Arisman's arrest, he was picked up late yesterday at a Skytrain station and has been moved to the Phetchaburi camp with the other Red Leaders:

Arisman under arrest

BANGKOK, 19 May 2010 (NNT) — United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) core figure, Arisman Pongruangrong was arrested by authorities at 17.00 hrs at Pleon Chit BTS skytrain station.

Arisman is now being taken to the Naresuan military camp in Phetchaburi province for detention after his failed attempt to escape from the main rally stage on Ratchaprasong Intersection this morning.

The five core leaders of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), who surrendered themselves to police today included Puea Thai Party MP Jatuporn Prompan, Yosawarit Chuklom, Wiphuthalaeng Phatthanaphumthai, Nattawut Saikua and Korkaew Pikulthong.

They are all detained at the Naresuan military camp as well.


As for Thaksin's newly hired spin doctor, he's already made multiple gaffs and has come across very poorly.

It's hard to imagine this shady shyster is supposedly world class at what he does (spin doctoring). In this situation in Thailand, his stumbling, bumbling manner is the only thing he seems to be world class at.

It is in my view permissible to issue an arrest warrant for Robert Amsterdam, Thaksins foreign lying mouthpiece for aiding and abetting civil unrest and lying to the world.

Jeez, he's a Lawyer, what do you expect him to do ? :)


Jatuporn surrenders and then is immediately released. Parliamentary privilege in Thailand obviously allows you to be a leader of an armed group of terrorists, and incite your supporters to destroy a capital city. Not Amazing Thailand - just Stupid Thailand.

Jatuporn surrenders and then is immediately released. Parliamentary privilege in Thailand obviously allows you to be a leader of an armed group of terrorists, and incite your supporters to destroy a capital city. Not Amazing Thailand - just Stupid Thailand.

Unbelievable how the hel_l could that be possible .


it's a good thing the military camp is big as more are soon to join:

URGENT: Redshirt leaders Veera, Weng, Korkaew turned themselves in

UPDATE : 20 May 2010

Redshirt leaders Veera Musikpong, Dr Weng Tojirakarn and Korkaew Pikultong have turned themselves in at the Crime Supression Division at around 1pm.

7 Redshirt leaders turned themselves into the police so far, with another leader Jatuporn Prompan to surrender on May 27th.

They've been charged with violating the Emergency Decree and terrorism.

Their lawyers denied the allegations.


Jatuporn surrenders and then is immediately released. Parliamentary privilege in Thailand obviously allows you to be a leader of an armed group of terrorists, and incite your supporters to destroy a capital city. Not Amazing Thailand - just Stupid Thailand.

Please,Please.Please tell me that they have at least confiscated his passport.

I wonder where Veera's been all this time and what he's been doing.

If He knows what is good for Him,He has been singing like a canary.

...on speed. But really, what do you think is going to happen to most of these fellows and fellowettes? Could it possibly be, not a lot.


We all saw the buildings burning around town, it wasn't the army or " mysterious blue shirts" who set them alight.

There isn;t much you can say about this kind of statment. Only, that as many other have pointed out, the red leaders are a truly apalling pack of scum.

The veiled threats against Appasits family are a particularly nasty piece of work.

Would be nice if the BBC or CNN bothered to call the red leaders on some of their threats, lies and distortions.

Red-shirt leaders pleading for an end to riots

By The Nation

Red-shirt leader Kokaew Pikulthong on Thursday issued a plea for the rioting reds to stop causing mayhem around the capital, making his final move before reporting to police along with two other leaders, Veera Musigapong and Weng Tojirakarn.

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"I beg all sides to stop inflicting any more damages to Thailand and causing more social divisions," he said.

He called on his fellow reds to immediately stop rioting by setting fire on buildings or causing property destruction.

He said opportunists and "men in blue shirts" must end inciting riots in order to frame the reds.

He urged the soldiers to return to their barracks, calling for an end to the crackdown.

He said the government and the media outlets should not try to fault the reds and pin a blame on them with exaggerated charges which will only lead to more hatred and reprisals.

He said all sides were equally obligated to stop stoking the inflammatory situation in order to restore normalcy.

"Although I have absolutely no involvement in inciting the riots, as a leader, I sincerely apologise for the damages caused directly or indirectly," he said.

He said even though he was in no financial position to compensate for damages, he was ready to be held accountable via the legal proceedings.

"My message to the red shirts is that our struggle is just and still ongoing, therefore we should not vent our anger by rioting," he said, urging the reds to conserve their energy for the struggle in the longer term.

"For those in power, if your view is the reds are the hired hands of Thaksin Shinawatra, then you should reconsider in light of the prove that the reds stand for an ideological movement which can not be destroyed by framing or killing," he said.

He concluded his remarks by calling on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to quickly dissolve Parliament and face the legal proceedings related to his role in the crackdown.

"If Abhisit keeps on ignoring the red shirts, society, his family included, will never be at peace because the reds will resume protesting with or without their leaders," he said.

In a related developwment, police detained red-shirt leader Worawut Wichaidit after he tried to walk out of Wat Pathumwanaram, the designated safety zone.

Worawut is being held at the Naresuan base of the Border Patrol Police, in Cha-am, Phetchaburi.

Jatuporn surrenders and then is immediately released. Parliamentary privilege in Thailand obviously allows you to be a leader of an armed group of terrorists, and incite your supporters to destroy a capital city. Not Amazing Thailand - just Stupid Thailand.

Unbelievable how the hel_l could that be possible .

Many countries have laws that give members of parliament immunity from prosecution while the house is in session, if not for their term. Many parliaments have procedures for revoking a member's immunity.

The law is being followed here. In fact, that's what this whole nightmare is all about -- following the law.

I saw a heart-renching short interview on TV last night. It was an old Thai guy with tears in his eyes.

He said he'd wanted to go home for a long time but the bosses wouldn't let him go. He was relieved to be on the bus he was sitting in whilst the interview took place. He also mentioned that he didn't get the money he was promised. He finished by saying "never again". (of course - all in Thai).

It was sad on a number of levels. I bear people like him no ill will - but the people that manipulated him - that's a different story.

Thank you Pedro,

I saw it, too. Should be mandatory for all Thais and farang who must understand that there are victims on all sides. Made me want to weep for him.

If anyone can find a link to that interview PLEASE post it!




See if these two yokels will still be smiling after just a few days of jail:

Yahoo News service:


Red Shirt leaders Weng Tojirakarn, left, and Veera Musigapong arrive at the Crime Suppression Division, a branch under the Royal Thai Police, to surrender to authorities, on Thursday, May 20, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand.

*edited to add"

Nearly forgot that Veera has already done prison time for lese majeste and thus will be no stranger to confinement. Perhaps he's smiling now, because he does know what awaits later.

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I welcome the posting of all additional news, but for easier readability by all members, please take the time to edit out all various computer language gibberish and excessive spacing between paragraphs. It makes things so much nicer and easier on the eyes. Thank you. :)

See if these two yokels will still be smiling after just a few days of jail:

Yahoo News service:


Red Shirt leaders Weng Tojirakarn, left, and Veera Musigapong arrive at the Crime Suppression Division, a branch under the Royal Thai Police, to surrender to authorities, on Thursday, May 20, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Veera is not unfamilar with the inside of a Jail ... and Weng is likely capable of living through adversity as well.


The so called red shirt leaders, can think themslves lucky they are being taken to their respective detention centres in air conditioned police vans and not thrown with their hands and feet bound onto the bottom of a truck and left to suffocate, with more people piled on top as happened under previous administrations headed by Thaksin. Neither will they have a bullet put through their head as in the case of so many "drug suspects" before they even got a chance of defending themselves in court. Guaranteed that no one on BBC or CNN will make such a comparison between the current and previous adminisrations methods of handling detainees.

The so called red shirt leaders, can think themslves lucky they are being taken to their respective detention centres in air conditioned police vans and not thrown with their hands and feet bound onto the bottom of a truck and left to suffocate, with more people piled on top as happened under previous administrations headed by Thaksin. Neither will they have a bullet put through their head as in the case of so many "drug suspects" before they even got a chance of defending themselves in court. Guaranteed that no one on BBC or CNN will make such a comparison between the current and previous adminisrations methods of handling detainees.

Nah, they are lucky the army didn't leave them on the stage after they surrender speech. The red mob would have had them swinging from the nearest lamp post in a jiffy.

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?


The so called red shirt leaders, can think themslves lucky they are being taken to their respective detention centres in air conditioned police vans and not thrown with their hands and feet bound onto the bottom of a truck and left to suffocate, with more people piled on top as happened under previous administrations headed by Thaksin. Neither will they have a bullet put through their head as in the case of so many "drug suspects" before they even got a chance of defending themselves in court. Guaranteed that no one on BBC or CNN will make such a comparison between the current and previous adminisrations methods of handling detainees.

Nah, they are lucky the army didn't leave them on the stage after they surrender speech. The red mob would have had them swinging from the nearest lamp post in a jiffy.

They'd need strong lamp-posts :)

I remember that fat Red absailing a$$ coming out his 4Star hi-so hotel. When he goes to the zoo, the elephants throw peanuts to him.

But how much time will they actually serve? Little, if any, in real terms.

Probably until the next election. If Abhisit doesn't hold early elections, that would be until about December 2011. So about 1 1/2 years.

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers, I just wish they take the IP address of every red sympathizer farang and deport him! red farangs OUT OF THAILAND NOW !

This is insane talk.

Seems that there are very few here who support the redshirt movement, or have they all been suspended from posting ?

The Reds are too busy to come here just now, love. They graduated, from flaming forumers to flaming buildings. Like evolution in reverse. I'm waiting for the hapless red criminals to drag us all the way back to the pre-paleolithic era, so I can see pterodactyls.

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