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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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It is hard to get a extradition order to the numerous country's.

They will not honor it.

It will be soon that Thaksin goes to Fiji.

As the UAE is starting to be embarrassed by his actions.

My thoughts go to all the Thailand people who are suffering at this time

I don't believe there's any one-size-fits-all rule regarding extradition here. Some countires will honor it, some won't. T still has plenty of money with which to "persuade" some one/two/few not to. Of those who will, I doubt any would do so without PLENTY of advance warning to Thaksin representatives. T's travel and stay options might get limited, but I think it's unlikely he'll ever actually end up being extradited back to Thailand.

My theory is that at some point his medical condition will deteriorate (or be reported to deteriorate) to the point where he's permitted to return without fear of arrest on "humanitarian" grounds (in return for??? Who knows? Maybe giving up some former Red leader...). Maybe he'll even evolve into a Thai version of Yassir Arrafat perhaps and get a peace prize.

There's only one way to get him out, and keep him out, of the picture (and Thailand) in the long term, and I think we all know what that is...

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Updated: Ji Ungpakorn on anger

The Anger of the People is Justified

Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set of fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that Government buildings, banks, the stock-exchange, luxury shopping malls and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified.. why?


1. The Government and the army have repeatedly used armed soldiers, assassination squads, snipers and tanks to kill unarmed pro-democracy demonstrators since April. The death toll will easily reach 80 with thousands injured.

2. This state-sponsored violence against civilians was carried out in order that Abhisit’s military-backed Government could stay in power and avoid elections for as long as possible. It was never elected in the first place. The Government is a product of military and judicial coups since 2006.

3. The Red Shirts have repeatedly offered talks and compromises, yet the Government has answered with bullets.

4. In a Democracy, the people should be the ultimate decision-makers, not the military, the elites and the Palace. Any demand for democratic elections is totally justified, even if it disrupts shopping centres and luxury hotels.

5. Mealy-mouthed so called non-violent groups could never bring themselves to put the blame entirely on the shoulders of the Government, the military and Royalist elites, despite the fact that the violence was from the army. They never put their weight behind the huge struggle of the UDD leadership to try to maintain a peaceful and disciplined protest. This is because these organisations supported the coup in 2006 in the first place. They allowed the Government to claim that there would be no peace until the protests stopped.

Yet now that the official protest has been drowned in blood and stopped, there will not be peace because there is no justice.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

Your way was so so smart was it?

The city is wrecked and the fight will go on.

What an Einstein

How many inches is Arisman's neck? :)

This truly is a thread full of narrow-minded individuals. It utterly stinks of far-right wingism.

And you think that makes it OK to shoot, kill and propagandarize him and innocent people? <snip>

Now we're talking. Contrary to corruption charges, a lot of countries have the legal framework to arrest and extradite people wanted on terrorism charges. Thaksin can at least say bye bye to any first-world country for the foreseeable future - and maybe with a bit of luck see the inside of a jail cell very soon.

as long as justice is done he will be shaing that cell with abhisit.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.


Well the thing is his family need to be restricted too. If you take the fight to his kids he's sit up and take notice. Otherwise his kids travel where they please do his dirty work whilst he's lounging around somewhere else. It's ridiculous that his family isn't implicated in all that he's caused.

This time round people died and the damage both to infrastructure and tourist is significant so all so called "Red Shirt Leaders" need to face the music in the form of harsh sentences.

Thaksin will be definitely be on interpol most wanted list. Only Uganda and alike as save haven for him. I guess not more than 3 weeks and he will be caught.

On a BBC interview with Mr Korn, last night, she tried desperately to have it portrayed the government crackdown was really bad but Korn was far too clever for her. In the end she asked if he believed Mr T was the cause of all the problems. Without hesitation he replied "absolutely".

Seems strange entities like BBC like to portray the Thai govt in a bad light without truly evaluating both sides of the story.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

what you falangs miss is that a few elite run thailand.

you cannot understand because just see smiling face of girls in bars and think because you are on buying side rather than selling side you are part of hi so elite.

this thread about warrant is just so funny to us SCANDINAVIANS!


who are they ?

Do they exist ?

Oh well back to the real world

It is a true shame that Thaksin is such a corrupt self serving individual and apparently now he's a terrorist. For he is truly a master of the political game. If he had only directed that political skill at the social ills of this country instead of at his families' fortune.

That he could master mind this tragedy from Europe and still find time to flaunt his ability to shop at a high end Paris boutique while the Bangkok elite are banned from the same ability by his own thugs, and now will be for some time. The symbolism in that one photo that was "captured" by someone in Paris that recognized Thaksin, is interesting.

This incredibly inept self serving government had ample opportunity to prevent or minimize the bloodshed. Were they able to do it; did they want to do it? No, they wandered into the well laid traps of his ambush as if compelled by their own arrogance and greed for power. Even after countless signs were put up on the trail prior to the ambush. "All these thugs want are bloodshed!" "They are not really negotiating, they are just dragging it out!" "These people don't want new elections. They just want to flaunt the government!" Thaksin knew that if his men taunted, challenged, and made them lose face he would get his bloodshed. You knew watching Ahibisit, on TV last week, that they were successful and that today was inevitable.It is interesting that after all this time, as soon as the government does a full on attack of the protesters (April 10 wasn't bad enough) the Red leaders throw up their hands and surrender. Now they will lawyer up, money up, and plead that their protests were entirely peaceful as they have been doing from the beginning. Claim that they were not associated with the men in black.

The men in black, I wonder how they will be tied to this, oh yea, Seh Deang. But he's dead.

Now the red shirts or what ever they re-incarnate themselves as in the next election, if this government can bring itself to have another election, will be using the images of this bloody crack down to entice the votes out of the poor ignorant red rabble that supports Thaksin and have won 3 elections already for him and his party. They won't even have to buy the votes. But I'm sure they will, just to be sure.

I don't want anyone to think that I admire Thaksin, I just don't think the current government is much different. They call Thaksin the number 1 criminal, only because he is so much better at it then the rest of the political leadership of this country. This attempt at placing a Terrorism label on him will be just as ineffectual as their handling of the "RED CRISIS!"

A Lemon is a lemon no matter how much sugar you use to sweeten it

I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

No one deny that Thaksin is a briber.. however, the government shouldnt kill those unarmed people just to keep their power... LIFE is more important than anything..

THAT is where Thailand's problem is concentrated since those people are dead poor!


Sorry to burst your bubble, but visit any African nation and then talk about poverty here in Thailand.

Most Thais are deeply in debt, and have financial problems due to lack of planning capabilities! But most people here seem to have food and shelter! A luxury in many countries around the world unfortunately!

Financial stupidity in the form of household debt spent on telephones, cars, televisions, and poverty are not the same.

Guess which Prime Minister openly promoted a 'borrowing-culture'? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a T and ends on Haksin!

The staged perception image of a raging class war in Thailand is nonsense! Its a prefabricated marketing lie made by the Shinawatra administration and its PR agencies.

The real class war has still to come, I'm afraid!

Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigation on Wednesday requested Criminal Court permission to issue arrest warrants for fugitive prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and nine others for alleged act of terrorism, according to DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit.

The court at first approved the request but later withheld the arrest warrant for Thaksin, asking for more time for consideration, Tharit said.

-- The Nation 2010-05-20

And how about this quote in the news only topic from today?

Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigation on Wednesday requested Criminal Court permission to issue arrest warrants for fugitive prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and nine others for alleged act of terrorism, according to DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit.

The court at first approved the request but later withheld the arrest warrant for Thaksin, asking for more time for consideration, Tharit said.

-- The Nation 2010-05-20

And how about this quote in the news only topic from today?

Fake Court?


Thaksin has become Thailand's own homegrown Osama bin Laden.

Let's hope he's easier to catch....at least we know he is actually alive.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


The Red leaders are all "Singing" at the moment, i am sure. Not a scrap of courage or integrity in the lot. Soon we'll have a detailed picture of the movement, the financing, and the scope and scale of the knowledge of the terrorist wing of the Reds. Haven't heard from Thaksin in a while? Suprised he hasn't been on CNN proclaiming his innocence? I'm not - his final war will be his ultimate downfall.


It will change Thailand and it will even lead to it that the Country will change its name. What about the Poor People? Go to Isan, and see why they are mostly poor, because they think poor and act poor, most of them are in dept because they played and gambled away the money they had. Go to Poi Pet border and see how they can not run fast enough in to the casinos and gamble the earnings away.

Change of things has to start by our self only if we start to change will things around us change. What Thaksin and his Red Terrorists did was nothing else as pay the rubble and let them then run Free.

Yeah well peaceful and un armed People? Your Bio processor are well out of mind and sense. The Soldiers did what would have happen in any other Nation much earlier and with more loses of Life.

Khun Abhisit did a excellent job and has shown the Balls of a real human being and Leader. Try that what your red garbage did here in China or the USA and the dead count would be in the hundred if not thousand.

Thailand are on a cross road and changes will come, and maybe this time all of the thais will realize that changes are slow and painful and take time to build up momentum.

Best thing to do is change the name of Thailand back to Siam because thailand has nothing left to be proud of it.

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

it would seem the poster's expertise is limited to manure

Hi all,

Great thread on green manures, NTFs. Thanks a lot!

On the former, I've had decent luck with the Land Development Department office in Chiang Mai. I showed up out of the blue, speaking broken Thai and asking about green manures.

- remainder of post snipped -

It will change Thailand and it will even lead to it that the Country will change its name. What about the Poor People? Go to Isan, and see why they are mostly poor, because they think poor and act poor, most of them are in dept because they played and gambled away the money they had. Go to Poi Pet border and see how they can not run fast enough in to the casinos and gamble the earnings away.

Change of things has to start by our self only if we start to change will things around us change. What Thaksin and his Red Terrorists did was nothing else as pay the rubble and let them then run Free.

Yeah well peaceful and un armed People? Your Bio processor are well out of mind and sense. The Soldiers did what would have happen in any other Nation much earlier and with more loses of Life.

Khun Abhisit did a excellent job and has shown the Balls of a real human being and Leader. Try that what your red garbage did here in China or the USA and the dead count would be in the hundred if not thousand.

Thailand are on a cross road and changes will come, and maybe this time all of the thais will realize that changes are slow and painful and take time to build up momentum.

Best thing to do is change the name of Thailand back to Siam because thailand has nothing left to be proud of it.

Better Education for all - is the best way forward.

The Red leaders are all "Singing" at the moment, i am sure. Not a scrap of courage or integrity in the lot. Soon we'll have a detailed picture of the movement, the financing, and the scope and scale of the knowledge of the terrorist wing of the Reds. Haven't heard from Thaksin in a while? Suprised he hasn't been on CNN proclaiming his innocence? I'm not - his final war will be his ultimate downfall.

I saw him recently giving a video mesg...

he looked disheveled; eyes wild and voice breaking as when someone is really emotional.

My impression was he's completely lost his marbles.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

THAT is where Thailand's problem is concentrated since those people are dead poor!


Sorry to burst your bubble, but visit any African nation and then talk about poverty here in Thailand.

Most Thais are deeply in debt, and have financial problems due to lack of planning capabilities! But most people here seem to have food and shelter! A luxury in many countries around the world unfortunately!

Financial stupidity in the form of household debt spent on telephones, cars, televisions, and poverty are not the same.

Guess which Prime Minister openly promoted a 'borrowing-culture'? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a T and ends on Haksin!

The staged perception image of a raging class war in Thailand is nonsense! Its a prefabricated marketing lie made by the Shinawatra administration and its PR agencies.

The real class war has still to come, I'm afraid!

Its not a class war its a war played by international corporatocracy. Thaksin welcomed the big corporations selling projects, putting the people in debt and money in his pocket. Abhisit is more a Thailand for the Thais sort of guy and so pressure is on to kick him out. Saddam wasnt only about oil it was about knocking a country flat so that the Americans could rebuild it...........

The Will of the People was/is to have a vote. For this, they were killed and arrested.

Thailand's Tienanmen Square.

Did Tienanmen Square protestors have guns and grenades?

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!


Not content with breaking up the protesters and killing god knows how many in the process, these IDIOTS now want to go back and poke the hornets nest again, do they really think that arresting Thaksin for terrorism is a "WAY FORWARD"haven't they begun to understand how much the Thais hate them and their government??? What will it take?

If they arrest Thaksin then they also need to arrest Suthep for inciting murder!

On a BBC interview with Mr Korn, last night, she tried desperately to have it portrayed the government crackdown was really bad but Korn was far too clever for her. In the end she asked if he believed Mr T was the cause of all the problems. Without hesitation he replied "absolutely".

Seems strange entities like BBC like to portray the Thai govt in a bad light without truly evaluating both sides of the story.


No surprise at all the good ol' Beeb just love sensationalising Thailand. Last Oct I had a phone-call from a 'researcher' ostensibly for the production of a 'Human Interest Piece' Started off well enough, but all she really wanted was to blame the Thais for the idiots coming over here on holiday, renting a scooter, getting pissed and crashing it, then not being covered by the Thai insurers. The 'human interest' part being how, oooh, DANGEROUS, OOOOH it is on Thai roads. Told her these clowns get all they deserve, I wasn't having a bar of it, silly cow. But my God she didn't half push, trying to make me trip over my own words!

THAT is where Thailand's problem is concentrated since those people are dead poor!


Sorry to burst your bubble, but visit any African nation and then talk about poverty here in Thailand.

Most Thais are deeply in debt, and have financial problems due to lack of planning capabilities! But most people here seem to have food and shelter! A luxury in many countries around the world unfortunately!

Financial stupidity in the form of household debt spent on telephones, cars, televisions, and poverty are not the same.

Guess which Prime Minister openly promoted a 'borrowing-culture'? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a T and ends on Haksin!

The staged perception image of a raging class war in Thailand is nonsense! Its a prefabricated marketing lie made by the Shinawatra administration and its PR agencies.

The real class war has still to come, I'm afraid!

Its not a class war its a war played by international corporatocracy. Thaksin welcomed the big corporations selling projects, putting the people in debt and money in his pocket. Abhisit is more a Thailand for the Thais sort of guy and so pressure is on to kick him out. Saddam wasnt only about oil it was about knocking a country flat so that the Americans could rebuild it...........

Borrowing culture? so we in the west don't take out mortgages or loans for cars etc? It is done because people believe they can pay them back by hard work and a secure job!

Do not even try to compare Africa in this sense, those people are in another world, they would and will never progress, simple as that, the Thais in general are hard working people, the Africans...well, let's just leave it at that, except to say, they never even had the brainpower to utilise the WHEEL.

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

I don't know what he knows but I'll tell you what I know, No First World Country will extradite anyone unless

You are absolutely right. Didn't the Thai govt issue an arrest warrant for him already? He will continue to live free in the West, for all the reasons that you stated. The ones calling for his head will just have to live with this fact.

  • They agree with the charges
  • They agree that the sentence would not be greater than it would in the Country extraditing
  • That the Person would get a fair trial
  • And most important, that the Country the are extraditing to has a good Human rights record, with regards to prison conditions

On the 4th issue no First World country will extradite ANYBODY to Thailand as the prisons do not meet Human rights conditions

Regardless of what some of you think we are not all revengeful animals


It has become very clear that the likes of lemon123 and Dick Farang are neither well informed nor reasonably intelligent. They are not even understanding the posts but up by even the more reasonable posters. As I have said before, they are probably living up in the NE and have been listening and digesting all the claptrap that PTV has been brainwashing the rural poor with. Maybe they can read but comprehension is well beyond their brain power. Just look at all the clips on U-Tube - Nuttawut urging the burning of Bangkok and other places in the country, Arisman urging the people from the north and NE to bring glass bottles so that they can be filled with petrol and used as petrol bombs, Thakin urging his followers to fight to the death - the list goes on and on. These are not the actions of reasonable men. They are the actions of people who have lost some, if not all, of their marbles. Perhaps it would be better if they are found to be suffering from insanity and locked away for the rest of their lives. They are certainly not sane in the even the broadest sense of the word.

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