bluecheesefan Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Is it really impossible to have any conversation without quoting whole thread in every-single-answer. If there is pictures they are also "quoted" sometimes even three...four or more on same page. What is wrong with you people, don't you really know what is thread about without quoting every answer in every your answer, less would be ok (just few words, or line or thing you're answering about, if really needed).Quoting all shit makes reading/answering threads really, hmm..., shitty. Especially with low speed net, waiting quotes after quotes appearing. Oh my Buddha. Thanks for wasting my time reading an entry by you that has nothing to do with the topic... is just a whining complaint on your part... and shows that you are a cheap axx for not spending a few baht more for a decent connection.
sarahsbloke Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 I don't feel myself bound by the drink driving laws, the speeding laws, the helmet laws or the no prostitution laws ....... so why would I worry overly about the no going out on a Friday night laws. I'm sure the army chappie will be happy with 200bht tea money to pretend he didn't see me. ... or if a 'protector' would like to join me at my table, beer on me all evening ...... followed by dancing and whiskey in the local night club.
TITI1971 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. This is the only thing I can say.... lose-lose solution... the problem will still be the same as the government will be blind of what happend all these bad days... and both sides will continous to mistake...
landofthefree Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 not happy about this curfew going on for 3 more nights. that leaves the weekend in ruins. anyone know if its still possible to go out for a few drinks in bangkok anywhere at all? Why can't you drink at home for a few night? Look how much money you can save. You can get a female for entertainment if you like and play some music on the stereo, will not be nearly as loud. You may even want to partake in a conversation with the young lady. Not the end of the world. A conversation! Are you sure? You have rumbled my game plan for tomorrow night just without the conversation!
Harpov Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 I read in the New York Times that the four leaders who surrendered yesterday, before the greatest unrest and the fires, at the speaking platform inside the Red Shirts area pleaded with those there to just give up that day and to pick up later on, that they could carry on this struggle later on. However, the crowd booed them! The leaders then left to be tried for treason. I really do not believe that, in the hearts of those who lead these demonstrations, they were at all intent on violence; they wanted to peacefully achieve something that the crowd really wants: liberty, equality and fraternity, not the "peace and bread" offerred by the Bolsheviks before the 1917 Revolution. I am sure that these people really care more about Thailand and the future of Thailand than people here seem to give credit. Why are so many here not interested in the deeper ideas behind the protests of the Red Shirts? Is it that you have a "position" here that is comfortable and, of course, with a higher economic level than most Thais will ever enjoy and you are afraid to lose it? Is it that you are carrying with you a certain sense that you are of some higher class or ethnicity than most Thais?When I move to Thailand in 2011, I know that I will be a guest there. I will act as a guest. I will, most certainly, develop friendships there as well with people of many "classes" as well. I would hope that we could discuss things that are happening in Thai social, political, economic and cultural areas openly and that they can educate ME. I will certainly not be there to dictate what the people want, need or do. When I was there for a month on Phuket, I was fortunate to make friends there and to be able, to this day, to ask questions honestly and to discuss them freely (of course there are some things forbidden and I will not go there with them at all as I respect that as a matter of course). As a "farang" myself, I will never stand in judgement of the actions of any group in Thailand for it is, most certainly, not my "place." Fortunately, you have this forum to talk in and to say as you please to the same extent as I have. Please, tell me, politically, socially and economically, where the Red Shirts are "off base" here! Also, what are the goods as well as the negatives of BOTH the Red Shirts AND the Yellow Shirts. What are, as you see it, the platforms of each group and how do they mesh or not mesh with the current Thai political, social and economic structure. What are the "classes" in Thai society? Where are you in terms of this heirarchy? Thank you so much. You may email me directly, if you wish to establish a dialog over time, at [email protected]. Take care. Hopefully, for now, this is settled. However, I am sure that this entire thing will be revisited in the not-too-distant future. Glad to hear that after 1 month here, and with intention to move here next year, that you are so well informed on the social, political, and economic situation that you are able to advise all us long term expats how we should behave. Thanks. Yes and didnt they make a movie about dudes like that. dam whats the name of that movie, it's on the tip of my tongue. Wait I got it, the movie was "Jackass 3" Dear Anyse, as you can see most ranting that goes on in this forum is not very constructive. However, just like you and myself, they have a right to express their opinions and raise questions. Do not be put off, and I'm sure you're not, about the answers you get in this forum. Fortunately there are still few people left in this forum who have the capacity and ability to analyse and understand the complicity of this issue from both sides of the barrigade, regardless the colour. Those posts are pleasure to read. All the best, H.
MuuDaeng Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Bluecheesefan you babaaboboo. It's not about couple of baht, it's about how things work better. For the records, how much you exactly wasted your time for my comment, with your speed of net and reading?
AlongtheChaoPraya Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 this might be a little evil of me, but am I alone in wishing Thaksin would make a triumphal return really really quickly, like tomorrow?...just to see how long he would last. I too would totally would like to see Khun Thaksin make a triumphant return very quickly - red carpet treatment, the screaming pro-reds swinging their flags and pictures, tears coming down their cheeks. Just to experience in person this one man with his vendetta - who never gave up - who had incited his followers with his passionate radio and satellite addresses in the beginning to mobilise his faithful followers and convince them to accelerate this charade which has been driving Bangkok and Thailand into the ground and polarising the country in such a way that they may not recover from for years to come. This guy that had the power to make the serious and moderate red leaders walk away from the ever-so-close road map. Whose power gave the hard-core reds the money and feelings of unlimited potential to desatabilise the country - and in which the ultimate cost would approach the unthinkable. A man who new all to well that, in a country not ready for Western-style democracy, how his people and many (most?) Thais in the rural areas are easily swayed by toiken entitlements and by hard cash. Yes, I hope he makes a grand entrance getting off the plane - and then - bam - he never makes it to the end of the tarmac. One man like Thaksin has been more that enough in the roller-coasting - but long and rich - history of Thailand. We can move on - but Thaksin is in the way and he has too much blood on his hands and has taken too much from his people for his own personal fortune and power-hungry greed with no regard to cost, lives or consequences. If any of you pro-Red falangs want to tear apart anything I say - with your know-it-all, and oh-so mature overview and understanding of the situation, my son-in-law (military) just had a bomb blow up too close to him and he was rushed to the emergency room. It took hours to find out if he was going to be okay. This pressure and tension finds me unwilling to tolerate any more. I can just pray the next few days don’t turn into sporadic attacks and non-sense and make it even more difficult for all of us.
cpofc Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Pardon me if I get back to the topic of curfews. I live Nth East of the city, about 20K from the action in dpwntown Bangkok. Everything here is shutting down already. The curfew might officially be 2100, but everything here, and I do mean everything, where I am, has shut at 1700. Bangkok Bank ATMs were all offline too. 40 Years I have been visiting/living in the Kingdom, been through a number of patiwats etc., but I have never felt the mood of ordinary Thais so sombre as it is today - They are worried. You can see it on their faces. Normally on any given daym I feel almost Thai. Today I really felt very much like a farang.
viking75 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Well, it's another coup against democracy. Abhisit has fallen but the army and elite won't let him hit the ground yet so has to stay in place only dead. soon non reds will tire of army strutting in bangkok, remember, most are Isaan boys and maybe get some pleasure to harrass the good middle class of bangkok!! "oops sorry maam, i have tear you Gucci bag when I check it" Is white middle class thai/chinese to enjoy search from issan soldiers for another week!!! we can see. so next we have middle class hate army because all terrible common dark skin people who make them stay home and watch army control TV.
bluecheesefan Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Bluecheesefan you babaaboboo. It's not about couple of baht, it's about how things work better. For the records, how much you exactly wasted your time for my comment, with your speed of net and reading? It isn't just the amount of time to download and read your comment... it is the hours, days... heck maybe even weeks I'll spend trying to get it out of my mind.
gemini81 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Bangkok = 3 southern provinces.Curfew looting arson robbing. please stop all these. thanks for the polite request, but it makes more force than that.
ovaltina Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 I didn't say anything about everyone who looks like a farang should be out and about. Those are your words not mine, chief. Normal people means motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors, old men, young ladies, etc. Don't kid yourself for a minute that I, or any other foreigners in Thailand are the Prime reasons the curfew was put in place. Quite frankly, your concerns about how it would play to the rest of the world if a foreigner were hurt or killed is moot. Thailand has never shown much concern over that. My whole point. Beginning to end through this whole thread, is that the Thai government knee jerked an over the top reaction. They did. Full stop. The lack of any breaking news today, thus far at least, is just proving that point> I don't know why there are so many on here that are so adamant about railing against someone with an opinion. Have you been out today? I have. I drove through six postal codes in central Bangkok. It's a beautiful sunny day, and there is nothing untoward going on. Pull your heads out of the sand. The sky isn't falling, and as far as crippling this government goes, that has been pretty much achieved. It's a beautiful sunny day because it is Thailand in the summer. It's quiet / not untoward today because there is school holidays, bank holiday, and emergency services trying to restore essential infrastructure. There are not gangs of AK-toting thugs chasing you down the road, because it is day time and they prefer the cover of darkness. You can see this in recent events, they were generally resting in the days. The sky isn't falling, but a lot of hard working Bangkok families have lost jobs, income and sometimes sons & daughters because of the criminal Red murderers. This government is not crippled. It is the acceptable face of corporate SEA, it will stay until such day that Glaxo, Sanofi, Shell and all the others decide to put a new pretty face infront of the cameras. All in all, a lot of broken hearts around today, disheartened people picking up the pieces, like a bar-owner does the day after his family-friendly bar got invaded by a huge gang of drunken hillbillies. Bar-owner !! More booze examples!! This ain't no rhetorical industry-specific trauma....there ARE thousands of ALL kinds of businesses, 'picking up the pieces' as you say. Your points are well-made and pertinent, but why does this this obsession, generally, about how the alcohol culture obsesses the farang(only?) , repeatedly rear its head and seems to invade so many aspects of our discussion? Brewsta To clarify my irritation, Ovaltina, this is not a personal pop against you, but a general boredom of booze being such a common thread in many replies over the many years (15 years in Thailand in total so far) that I have loved to live in LOS. Have Peace Everyday Paul I share your feelings . I stopped drinking alcohol in 1990, and became a voluntary evenings alcohol/drugs counsellor the same year, in inner-city Leeds. I grew up in a home where dad liked to get drunk and swing the family round by their ears, as the saying goes. I have no love for the poison. My analogy metaphor thingy, was more that I was reminded this morning, watching the tearful Bkk people picking through the trashed zones, it just reminded me of the scenes in continental cafe's in the '80s when the UK football away teams used to get drunk & teach those froggys a lesson. Some poor French guy used to serving to little old guys with coffee & Gauloises and the occasional school-trip wanting icecreams, suddenly has to clean up after 50 drunken thugs with NF tattoos. Bangkok people are very tough and resilient, but they are resilient to things like heat & pollution and hard work. I don't think they know what to make of all this mindless hatred in recent weeks.
gemini81 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 this might be a little evil of me, but am I alone in wishing Thaksin would make a triumphal return really really quickly, like tomorrow?...just to see how long he would last. I too would totally would like to see Khun Thaksin make a triumphant return very quickly - red carpet treatment, the screaming pro-reds swinging their flags and pictures, tears coming down their cheeks. Just to experience in person this one man with his vendetta - who never gave up - who had incited his followers with his passionate radio and satellite addresses in the beginning to mobilise his faithful followers and convince them to accelerate this charade which has been driving Bangkok and Thailand into the ground and polarising the country in such a way that they may not recover from for years to come. This guy that had the power to make the serious and moderate red leaders walk away from the ever-so-close road map. Whose power gave the hard-core reds the money and feelings of unlimited potential to desatabilise the country - and in which the ultimate cost would approach the unthinkable. A man who new all to well that, in a country not ready for Western-style democracy, how his people and many (most?) Thais in the rural areas are easily swayed by toiken entitlements and by hard cash. Yes, I hope he makes a grand entrance getting off the plane - and then - bam - he never makes it to the end of the tarmac. One man like Thaksin has been more that enough in the roller-coasting - but long and rich - history of Thailand. We can move on - but Thaksin is in the way and he has too much blood on his hands and has taken too much from his people for his own personal fortune and power-hungry greed with no regard to cost, lives or consequences. If any of you pro-Red falangs want to tear apart anything I say - with your know-it-all, and oh-so mature overview and understanding of the situation, my son-in-law (military) just had a bomb blow up too close to him and he was rushed to the emergency room. It took hours to find out if he was going to be okay. This pressure and tension finds me unwilling to tolerate any more. I can just pray the next few days don't turn into sporadic attacks and non-sense and make it even more difficult for all of us. he doesn't deserve to perish or be burned or buried on their soil. he is a man with no country in exile, so why not make some funeral arrangements that reflect that?
bluecheesefan Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 this might be a little evil of me, but am I alone in wishing Thaksin would make a triumphal return really really quickly, like tomorrow?...just to see how long he would last. I too would totally would like to see Khun Thaksin make a triumphant return very quickly - red carpet treatment, the screaming pro-reds swinging their flags and pictures, tears coming down their cheeks. Just to experience in person this one man with his vendetta - who never gave up - who had incited his followers with his passionate radio and satellite addresses in the beginning to mobilise his faithful followers and convince them to accelerate this charade which has been driving Bangkok and Thailand into the ground and polarising the country in such a way that they may not recover from for years to come. This guy that had the power to make the serious and moderate red leaders walk away from the ever-so-close road map. Whose power gave the hard-core reds the money and feelings of unlimited potential to desatabilise the country - and in which the ultimate cost would approach the unthinkable. A man who new all to well that, in a country not ready for Western-style democracy, how his people and many (most?) Thais in the rural areas are easily swayed by toiken entitlements and by hard cash. Yes, I hope he makes a grand entrance getting off the plane - and then - bam - he never makes it to the end of the tarmac. One man like Thaksin has been more that enough in the roller-coasting - but long and rich - history of Thailand. We can move on - but Thaksin is in the way and he has too much blood on his hands and has taken too much from his people for his own personal fortune and power-hungry greed with no regard to cost, lives or consequences. If any of you pro-Red falangs want to tear apart anything I say - with your know-it-all, and oh-so mature overview and understanding of the situation, my son-in-law (military) just had a bomb blow up too close to him and he was rushed to the emergency room. It took hours to find out if he was going to be okay. This pressure and tension finds me unwilling to tolerate any more. I can just pray the next few days don't turn into sporadic attacks and non-sense and make it even more difficult for all of us. Sorry to hear about your son in law... The number of tourists has dropped off signifcantly with the mostly peaceful Red demonstrations... now there has been significant fighting and damage I am guessing it will drop off more. If the Reds go into a sporatic attack mode it will most certainly drive tourism down even further. The government wants stability, but I fear killing Thaksin would only serve to bolster the resolve of the radical element within the Red's. So far the foreign governments have just closed embassies temporarily... what happens when they put Thailand on the "Do not travel" list? If this escalates Thailand is in for some very hard times. Curfews are nothing compared to what could lie ahead.
hardy1943 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. How about us flying into BKK Airport past midnight and supposed to be picked up from our hotel close to the airport?
hardy1943 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. How about us flying into BKK Airport past midnight and supposed to be picked up from our hotel close to the airport?
kissrev1 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. So your solution is that everyone that looks like a farang should be able to be out and about? And where exactly should we go since the rest of the millions of people are restricted to their homes? A taxi driver and "normal" people (whatever that means) that are breaking curfew is your reasoning for breaking the curfew as well? The vast majority of Red's are regular people that are fighting for something they believe in, but there is an element (obviously) in that group that would love to take this to another level with guns, bombs, fires and other destructive measures. They have already been named terrorists and if caught will be executed. What is there to lose now? You are foolish to act as though this curfew is an inconvenience when in all practicality YOU the foreigner is a prime reason why the curfew was put in place to begin with. How do you think it is going to play to the rest of the world when the first TOURIST from the UK or USA is blown away by a grenade while they are taking a stroll out on the street? The Red's did not get their way... what makes you think that moving them out of the downtown has broken their resolve? Stop crying about a few days of curfew and wake up to the fact that this isn't the typical "coup" scenario that we've seen in the past with the Thai government. This is a movement that has a strong support structure made up of (to use your description) "normal" Thai people. I hope that the radical element in that group does not go to new tactics including bombing locations where foreigners go so that they completely cripple this government. A curfew is small price to pay to help enable the military and police to stop, detain and disrupt the Red's that intend harm to society. Get a grip. I didn't say anything about everyone who looks like a farang should be out and about. Those are your words not mine, chief. Normal people means motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors, old men, young ladies, etc. Don't kid yourself for a minute that I, or any other foreigners in Thailand are the Prime reasons the curfew was put in place. Quite frankly, your concerns about how it would play to the rest of the world if a foreigner were hurt or killed is moot. Thailand has never shown much concern over that. My whole point. Beginning to end through this whole thread, is that the Thai government knee jerked an over the top reaction. They did. Full stop. The lack of any breaking news today, thus far at least, is just proving that point> I don't know why there are so many on here that are so adamant about railing against someone with an opinion. Have you been out today? I have. I drove through six postal codes in central Bangkok. It's a beautiful sunny day, and there is nothing untoward going on. Pull your heads out of the sand. The sky isn't falling, and as far as crippling this government goes, that has been pretty much achieved. You didn't say it, but it is implied that YOU should not be one that is touched by the laws of the land... a curfew is a law btw. And those "normal" people you list are only "normal" because you don't see them wearing red. What color do you think the Red's are wearing today??? RED??? The faction that is causing the problems are now considered terrorists and sticking out like a sore thumb wearing red is probably not their agenda today. Blending in is much wiser on their part. Are you just a complete dolt or what? What other reason than the protection of the city, the people and yes the farang would there be for calling a curfew? Certainly you don't believe that they did it to cause more pain to the economy do you? What reason could they have for keeping law abiding (you are not included here) people safe? Breaking the curfew is breaking a law. If IF IF... they had time to deal with your ridiculous axx they would have every right to jail you on sight... and as others have said... shoot to kill if they want. WHAT IS A CURFEW ABOUT ANYWAY? This is not the USA or UK where if a curfew is called and you are caught... the nice policeman calls your momma. As for knee jerking reactions... people burning down the stores and buildings in the downtown is not a big deal to you? Billions of baht in damages is not a big deal to you? Thousands of people out of work is not a big deal to you? You don't deserve to be in this country. You do not respect it or the people. No wonder the Thai people look at farang more and more like bad house guests. GROW UP. A curfew isn't a suggestion. It is a law. But on the other hand, don't take this advice... please go ride down to silom area tonite around 11 o'clock. Wear a helmet and wear Red. Lets see how far that gets you. My my my, but we are angry, aren't we? I never said I was going out tonight or any other night. I don't intend to break the curfew, but if I did, I would expect to find you there waiting to shoot me in all of your righteous sanctimony. I cannot do anything about the loss of life or property that has occurred here, but I beg to differ. I do deserve to be here. I pay taxes here, and employ a good many Thai people myself. People I respect and who respect me. It seems to me that if you spent as much time minding your own business as you do screaming at me on this board, the world would be a much happier place. You and a few other people on this site are the only ones yelling about laws. So I assume that you have never broken any of them, right? Don't bother to reply. We all know the answer to that. Ignore, ignore, ignore...zzzzzzzzz
AlongtheChaoPraya Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 this might be a little evil of me, but am I alone in wishing Thaksin would make a triumphal return really really quickly, like tomorrow?...just to see how long he would last. Sorry to hear about your son in law... The number of tourists has dropped off signifcantly with the mostly peaceful Red demonstrations... now there has been significant fighting and damage I am guessing it will drop off more. If the Reds go into a sporatic attack mode it will most certainly drive tourism down even further. The government wants stability, but I fear killing Thaksin would only serve to bolster the resolve of the radical element within the Red's. So far the foreign governments have just closed embassies temporarily... what happens when they put Thailand on the "Do not travel" list? If this escalates Thailand is in for some very hard times. Curfews are nothing compared to what could lie ahead. Very well said, bluecheesefan. And thanks for the comments about my son-in-law. They sent him back out onto the streets with all that armour and backback right away - no time to rest and recover.
gemini81 Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. well, then don't complain if you get into a bad situation. its there for your safety. After being lucky to live to tell about surviving lotus and the BKK bank sukhumvit yesterday, I can only say you're being an idiot ignoring the curfew.
bluecheesefan Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 My my my, but we are angry, aren't we? I never said I was going out tonight or any other night. I don't intend to break the curfew, but if I did, I would expect to find you there waiting to shoot me in all of your righteous sanctimony. I cannot do anything about the loss of life or property that has occurred here, but I beg to differ. I do deserve to be here. I pay taxes here, and employ a good many Thai people myself. People I respect and who respect me. It seems to me that if you spent as much time minding your own business as you do screaming at me on this board, the world would be a much happier place. You and a few other people on this site are the only ones yelling about laws. So I assume that you have never broken any of them, right? Don't bother to reply. We all know the answer to that. Ignore, ignore, ignore...zzzzzzzzz You can always tell someone that knows they made ridiculous comments... when confronted with it they go into ignore mode. What happened to "hey aren't I allowed to say my opinion on here?" haha funny. I guess my opinion of your opinion isn't as important as your opinion... lol. BTW you already broke curfew or don't you remember? You employ people? Very scary. Bar owner probably and this isn't about curfew as much as it is about lost business revenues... thinking about yourself again. Try using the curfew time to reflect on your life.
phuketsigel Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top Three nights of Curfew will make little difference to Pattaya's problems but they may make a big diffence to Thailand as a whole. Do you want take the chance of having burning buildings in Pattaya. That would be more economically damaging. Idiot: Are you in pattaya right now? There daily are shootings, fire accidents, crimes of all sorts, traffic accidents so abundant do you really think someone would put in the effort to burn something here? its as quiet as it gets. NO red shirts whatsoever. if there are incinerators so be it they will do their business with or without curfew. All I am saying is this: typical thai overreaction to make it look like they are doing something, that the govt has any clou what is happening, when in fact they do not have the slightest idea what their actual strategy is. closing the bars in walking street will certainly impress the snipers in rajprasong and silom I am sure. They will in fact be so scared by this demonstration of power that they will probably surrender.
Brewsta Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 sigh........this fixation with booze ...... Later. Brewsta
lilkitty Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare. How about us flying into BKK Airport past midnight and supposed to be picked up from our hotel close to the airport? Good luck to you. The curfew is effective from 9pm on.
lilkitty Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top Three nights of Curfew will make little difference to Pattaya's problems but they may make a big diffence to Thailand as a whole. Do you want take the chance of having burning buildings in Pattaya. That would be more economically damaging. Idiot: Are you in pattaya right now? There daily are shootings, fire accidents, crimes of all sorts, traffic accidents so abundant do you really think someone would put in the effort to burn something here? its as quiet as it gets. NO red shirts whatsoever. if there are incinerators so be it they will do their business with or without curfew. All I am saying is this: typical thai overreaction to make it look like they are doing something, that the govt has any clou what is happening, when in fact they do not have a slightest idea what their actual strategy is. closing the bars in walking street will surely impress the snipers in rajprasong I am sure. They will in fact be so scared by this demonstration of power that they will probably surrender. good move pissit. we are impressed If I'm not wrong, there were red shirt protests in Pattaya yesterday, as well as buildings reportedly set on fire. Maybe it's time to step outside the bar.
phuketsigel Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top Three nights of Curfew will make little difference to Pattaya's problems but they may make a big diffence to Thailand as a whole. Do you want take the chance of having burning buildings in Pattaya. That would be more economically damaging. Idiot: Are you in pattaya right now? There daily are shootings, fire accidents, crimes of all sorts, traffic accidents so abundant do you really think someone would put in the effort to burn something here? its as quiet as it gets. NO red shirts whatsoever. if there are incinerators so be it they will do their business with or without curfew. All I am saying is this: typical thai overreaction to make it look like they are doing something, that the govt has any clou what is happening, when in fact they do not have a slightest idea what their actual strategy is. closing the bars in walking street will surely impress the snipers in rajprasong I am sure. They will in fact be so scared by this demonstration of power that they will probably surrender. good move pissit. we are impressed If I'm not wrong, there were red shirt protests in Pattaya yesterday, as well as buildings reportedly set on fire. Maybe it's time to step outside the bar. just tell me where I will go have a look and post a pic! seriously
lilkitty Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Pattaya on fire??? Where? Have seen nothing. Don't know, ThaiVisa news clippings reported something last night about fires in Pattaya.
MuuDaeng Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Of course there is now all mom's little criminals out all around Thailand, but Pattaya was extremely quiet after yesterday evening and toda y also, maybe they were a little late here on provinces as they set curfew as surprise (some friend was in Lotus about 8.30 pm and they just threw people out, all things had to leave there without paying in hurry etc)
DrThomas Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 i have no problem with that. make it a week, make it secure, make it like it used to be. definitely relieving to know something is being done about it. Reading Taksin's tweet messages, he's not the most liked person out there, don't let a few fool you, or them really. It's never going to be like it used to be.....
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