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Farang Threatens To Burn Central World Down And Steal Everything From It ..


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Screw deporting him, put him in jail here!!!

Now that this video is going viral (my girl showed it to me a few hours ago on some thai persons facebook) it should be easy to track this guy down and find him. Someone SOMEWHERE has to know him and where he is!!

The guy appears to have lots of tats on forearms...would be easy to identify him if he has a record....and I would say he would have one as long as his tattooed arms judging by his behaviour.

He's not that volunteer copper in 'Banged up Abroad' is he???? :)

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Hmm, he never had a tricycle in his youth, and finally, finally when he got a bike, ( with side wheels ) at the age of 12, he cannot remember ever riding it because it always had two flat tires.... sooooo sad.

But now, now he will show the world that despite his traumatised youth he can throw down a stick and stammer something.

It must feel good too, to be a member (kind of) of some organisation and belonging somewhere..


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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

It happened. So people knew it was going to happen 4 days before. I think that's pretty serious.

I am assuming this video was uploaded to youtube 4 days ago right...?

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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

We live in a world of terrorism , and you think it is ok and a joke , try it a few times in western countries and see how far you get. :)

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Suppose it implies there was a plan. Bit silly for him to advertise himself - though he spoke with such eloquence I'm sure the authorities will be too impressed to make an example of the foreign terrorist.

To be honest, I would think that it's quite likely that he's high on yabaa.

My exact thoughts...I think quite a few "reds" have been on Yabaa the whole protest.

It certainly explains alot.

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they say that everyone has 15 minutes of fame

lets make sure this shameful farang gets his 15 minutes via an expat forum and show that we care too

we should be grateful to all the Thai services who risked their lives and continue to do so to protect us from the red menace


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He guy is clearly mentally ill. Throws a stick down for no reason..then picks it up? He's just reacting too and feeding off the general rebelliousness. Like when chickens see blood.

He threw the stick down when the police officer said "deern pai deern pai" pretty much means "Keep walking, keep walking". Sooo yeah.... I hope they find him and shove him in Thai prison and leave him there.

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i'm so angry right now. if he doesn't hold a thai passport, (i doubt it), this jerk MUST be kicked out of this country ASAP. he doesn't deserve to be here. he's a disgrace for the entire expat community.

Edited by vasavoir
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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

We live in a world of terrorism , and you think it is ok and a joke , try it a few times in western countries and see how far you get. :)

a few times are unneccesary, you say bomb once in any context at a UK airport and you will immediately be invited to tea with Special Branch

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He guy is clearly mentally ill. Throws a stick down for no reason..then picks it up? He's just reacting too and feeding off the general rebelliousness. Like when chickens see blood.

Mentally ill or not. He was fit enough to come to Thailand and join the red-group. With this behavior and speaking one can regard him as a terrorist. The harshest punishment for this kind of terrorists who should stay out of this conflict. He's behaving like he is an important member of the reds, but really he is an easy tool. They're laughing behind his back.

He destroys the image of farangs causing not much trouble. He hurts you and me being a farang. So, punish and remove him , delete and vanish from Thailand.

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :)

Thrown out of the country? He should be arrested and charged under approrpriate statutes, followed by the appropriate sentence from life imprisonment to death.

I have no sympathies for farang who sided with the redshirts. They should share the same consequences that Thai redshirts face. There seems a very noticeable silence from the pro-redshirt farang crowd now.... Hiding in their closets I reckon hoping they don't get a knock on the door from security personnel. And they should. They betrayed the country that has permitted them to live here by supporting terrorism and sedition....

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This is just a part of a post I just made on another TV thread but I don't know how to move it over here where it is more appropriate, so I cut and pasted the most relevant part. I hope its not counted as spamming...

Whoever he is he has to be hunted down and put away. Better if it's done by the Farang community then at least we shall have helped in some way to help put our own house in order. Thinking outside the box for moment here: What about if the government or the many businesses that may have been affected by these (alleged) insane actions consider putting his face (and others) on T-Shirts in a most wanted poster type campaign and handing them out for free...

It could be an interesting business concept much like the playing cards they handed out to the US troops before Desert Storm...

There must be many thousands if not hundreds of thousands of photographs and video still images (just like the one shown of this Brit piece of shit) of all the demonstrators taken at one time or another.

All law abiding citizens in possession of such images (no matter how innocent that image may seem) should make those images immediately available to the authorities so that they may compile a data base of faces and actions in order to track those people down and bring them all to justice...

I am not an expert, but I believe there is facial recognition software available to enable this to be done and the relative government agencies should use their powers and authority to set up an independent board of enquiry and compile this data base ASAP.


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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

I wish the Thai Visa Mods would wack you with a Mod Hammer because you really are becoming an irritating troll insect flying all over the forums spitting out crap in the threads... :)

As for the idiot in the OP's video, I hope he gets his just rewards from the Thai authorities..

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :)

Throw him out of a plane would be better

Nosedive into Central World of course

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and you take this serious!

nice comedy value...

Didn't look like much of a joke to me. Not funny. Also... he said "we" clearly meaning the reds, and it sure looks like they stuck to that part of the plan. Honestly it sounds like the perfect idea for retarded reds.. get back at "the man" as central is owned by the yellows... simultaneously get some nice watches to sell... (I hope those were evacuated from CW a long time ago, I am sure they were actually)... looting and chaos, and back home... a genius plan which fits nicely with other brilliant plans the reds had...

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LOL So the tosser said he was going to burn down Central World... so what? Unless you can prove he did it, you got crap.

As far as I see it, any lunatic who has the balls to be with the reds through this crap until the bitter end is just as much one of them as he is one of us. Let him do what he wants and let the Thais deal with him in their own way.

Don't be wanke_rs and call the tip line on him. You don't call them on the Thais, so don't call them now.

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He guy is clearly mentally ill. Throws a stick down for no reason..then picks it up?

Kinda like Walstreetpro2, except he focuses his anger at the banks and pigmen of wallstreet who screwed us all over!! :)

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