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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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I would hardly call inciting a riot and probable complicity in arson a minor offence !!

These are prison offences and he should spend a little time in the Bangkok Hilton to reflect on his history of violent behaviour

It is only a matter of time before this drug ( steroids ????? ) crazed idiot kills someone

see him in action here:

I don't see him anywhere in this video?

he is crossing the camera frequently but is best seen between 1-45 & 2-00

he has a blue shirt and shoulder bag


All those who issued threats and encouraged reds to burn Bangkok are responsible for what happened. The reds in their speeches and radio broadcasts have advocated arson for months even before their arrival in the capitol. Who can really be surprised that the brainwashed masses followed through even after their leaders abandoned them to save themselves? For those who value free speech and free press you should consider how it was used by the reds to breed protesters who were willing to die, to kill, to burn buildings and wage a war even after they had been given what they claimed to be protesting for. Thaksin has exploited these poor people in such a shameful way, I only hope that they will open their eyes and see how they've been used. At least their leaders can now join the elite class with the money they've been paid. I see that Jatuporn was only too happy to use his position as an MP to avoid detention with his fellow leaders. Arisman is in hiding still making demands, I hope the police come for him soon.



A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty.



A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty.



Jeff Savage, a British expatriate supporter of the Reds, said he was originally paid expenses by the movement to transport food and drink daily from his home town of Pattaya, southeast of Bangkok.

"I'm paying my own petrol money now so something's gone wrong somewhere," said the 48-year-old, whose wife is from Thailand's northeast. But he doubted that Reds' passions were likely to dwindle, even if their funding did.

"All my wife wants is equal opportunity for her daughter, an equal playing field. She doesn't want war or anarchy but it's got a bit out of control since people got killed," he said. "Since the deaths, it's got personal".

doesn't being paid to do a task require a work permit?

'I nearly killed someone at the ASEAN demo'

Savage also admitted taking part in the UDD (United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship) demonstration in Pattaya in April 2009 when the ASEAN meeting had to be cancelled.

There were fierce battles outside the meeting of the Association of South East Asian Nations at the Royal Cliff Hotel and windows were smashed and the meeting had to be abandoned.

"I nearly killed someone there," said Savage who is now in hiding with his Thai wife in Pattaya and says he may make a break either for the country or abroad.

see him in action here:

There is at least a charge of assault on police there,,,,,ill bet hes a football hooligan married to an ex/current bg that cant get his kicks at football games here and sees this as his new hobby, :)

A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty. :D:D:):D


:) Well he certainly got his 15 minutes of fame! When all this crap started I remember hearing something about harsh jail sentences for any foreigner involved in the protest. 5 years I think. You can't come to foreign country and expect to be able to get away with anything because you're a Farang,


A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty. :D:D:D:D

I wonder how long it will take for some of those who wanted to throw the book at him ( which he deserves) to start posting how Thailand is barbaric as it has a death penalty. :)


A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty.

Som Nom Na. I bet this thug is now literally crapppping into his diaper. :)

You see loads of these soft shandy drinking Southerners in England at football, all big mouths and acting hard then run away when the going gets tough.

Alot of these plastic ingerland supporting scum watch to many of those fake hooligan films.

I have lost count of the Southerners i have had to knock out when i go to Pattaya.

You couldn't knock a bottle over. Pattaya is full of badly dressed northen scum bags, no fashion sense whatsoever, fake stone island from the market, your poor, badly educated with no jobs, the south run you mackerels anytime.

Got to agree with you on this one :)


One day after the fiery destruction of much of the Central World Plaza mall on May 19, Internet conspiracy theories took shape regarding the "crazy farang" filmed several days prior. In a Youtube video, a Briton proclaims the mall will be looted and burnt.

Having spent significant time behind the barricades of the reds' fortified Silom camp, I had seen this man several times. He never spoke in a normal tone of voice -- always shouting and screaming. It didn't take a DSM-IV diagnosis to tell he was emotionally disturbed.

His presence posed a threat to any Westerners, particularly journalists, who might be among the reds. Two photojournalist colleagues and I had established enough rapport with the "Men in Black" that they would hold fire when we entered and left the camp. Leaving only the army snipers to worry about.

On the morning of Saturday, May 15, we were in the process of doing this when the Crazy Farang ran out into the street to throw rocks toward the army, screaming "Thai Army fuc_ks!" and ordering the reds to "Kill them! Kill them!" They laughed at him. Obviously they were amused but didn't take him seriously. When an AFP reporter who'd stopped by told him to chill out, he screamed at him and tried to start an altercation. "They killed my friend! This is war!" he yelled. The reds threatened to kick him out at that point. It seems unlikely to me he participated in any conspiracy or any type of planning that might have led to the mall fire. I don't think he even spoke Thai.

I was there to document the greater conflict, so I didn't waste any further tape on him. Didn't consider him more than a novelty and annoyance. Someone who, at best, had eschewed the usual mechanisms for a typical midlife crisis. Yes, I'm muttering my unkind, internal dialogue in the footage.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

This is from today's London Evening Standard.

It would appear that Jeff is less 'sorry' than first reported:


Although Savage say he was not there he admits he was outside Channel 3 Television which was also set on fire and has been off air since Wednesday.

“I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them,” said Savage.

“The attack on Channel 3 was organised. I saw the elder leaders giving directions. The Red Shirts hated Channel 3. There was a BMW showroom next door which was totally untouched.”

Savage, who last worked as a hospital driver in Tonbridge, Kent, spoke after Thai police were alerted to the video taken by Scots teacher Andy McGinley, 28, from Glasgow. He said: “I could not believe what this idiot was saying. I just thought he was an anarchist but what he said was prophetic.”

Of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister who most Red Shirts want back in power, Savage said: “This has all gone beyond Thaksin Shinawatra now. I have no time for him. He's one of the elite. Nor do I have time for the foreign elitist scum in Bangkok.”

Savage is now in hiding with his Thai wife in the resort of Pattaya. “I am standing up for the poor,” he said. “The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin.”

Why isn't this man finding out what "medieval" really means? Surely he is now making a specific threat that, following his previous threat (and subsequent resolution of), should be heeded well. There is enough reason here to believe that this man might actually be getting information from a man who knows a man that is the man? Or are we happy to be threatened further here?

This is from today's London Evening Standard.

It would appear that Jeff is less 'sorry' than first reported:


Although Savage say he was not there he admits he was outside Channel 3 Television which was also set on fire and has been off air since Wednesday.

“I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them,” said Savage.

“The attack on Channel 3 was organised. I saw the elder leaders giving directions. The Red Shirts hated Channel 3. There was a BMW showroom next door which was totally untouched.”

Savage, who last worked as a hospital driver in Tonbridge, Kent, spoke after Thai police were alerted to the video taken by Scots teacher Andy McGinley, 28, from Glasgow. He said: “I could not believe what this idiot was saying. I just thought he was an anarchist but what he said was prophetic.”

Of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister who most Red Shirts want back in power, Savage said: “This has all gone beyond Thaksin Shinawatra now. I have no time for him. He's one of the elite. Nor do I have time for the foreign elitist scum in Bangkok.”

Savage is now in hiding with his Thai wife in the resort of Pattaya. “I am standing up for the poor,” he said. “The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin.”

Why isn't this man finding out what "medieval" really means? Surely he is now making a specific threat that, following his previous threat (and subsequent resolution of), should be heeded well. There is enough reason here to believe that this man might actually be getting information from a man who knows a man that is the man? Or are we happy to be threatened further here?

or, potentially, do I just want him to be made to be quiet? More likely :)

No sarcasm in that voice at all. Pumped up on steroids? I don't think so. Southern accent by the sounds of it too.

quote from the video, : 'We're gonna smash the ***** Central Plaza to ****. 'We're gonna steal everything out of it and burn the ***** down. Trust me, get pictures of that ****

The fact he is English does not mean we are all the same as he.

What bothers me is he was wearing black. Of all the colours he could wear he wears black and that is the colour of the Red Guards. Makes you wonder what he was involved in. He knew about the intended attack on Central therefore he must have been trusted with that information by the reds themselves, so had he 'proved himself to them in some way?

Speculation? Yes. But I would have thought it valid speculation.

Get rid of him quick via the Hilton. What an idiot.

I saw this dumb a** hole on BBC World last week, right on the front line at Sala Daeng during a confrontation with army, again in 'Black Guard' garb, again 'hopped up', again talking inane bullsh*t about a "class war." So he's probably been a front-line 'soldier' for the terrorists since the start. Almost certainly part of the April 10th shooting at army/ supporters by the 'Black Shirts.' Possibly the attacks on civilians at Sala Daeng too. :D

By the look of him too, wouldn't be surprised if he is former British army. Any chance he was an army sniper??! ... that would be an interesting little fact to find out!! :)

He's clearly as dumb as a bag of spanners, coming out in the UK press and admitting it was him! Anyone with a fragment of intelligence would be lying very very low now. Thankfully, he's not got any of that! :D

Even on youtube, it's him - apparently under the handle SAIGONDISCO - saying;

'Right thats me in the video and lets get one thing straight I DID NOT BURN DOWN THE fuc_kIN MALL. and all you little peasants name calling me here would do it to my face. come to pattaya and see how big you all are.'

Wow! Great bravado! He may well find a few farangs taking up his 'offer'!

Interestingly, the tale of this douche provides us with a few things;

1. Evidence of what was clear - the arson attacks were premeditated, specifically targetted and well planned. By extension, as evidenced by the level of catastrophic damage to Central World, clearly the place was 'rigged' to burn fast (and surely explosives were planted there in advance and detonated at the 'proper time'.)

2. Evidence that certain so-called "Red Shirt guards" knew of this planned arson (of course many would, as they would have been the guys to rig the place!) ... and by extension that senior parties in the Terrorist leadership not only knew of the planned destruction but authorised it.

3. Evidence that the so-called "Red Shirt guards" and rioters were plied with Yaa-Baa (the 'steroids' this douche refers to) and other drugs (plus, of course, sangsom and other cheap hooch) to minimise their fear and maximise their violence.

4. Evidence - if anyone needed it - that the Red Shirt leadership's aim all along was violence and destruction.

5. An interesting question .... Why is he referring to people who rightly castigate him as "peasants"? Rather than being a term of derision, weren't 'peasants' what these Reds were claiming to fight for?! Is this a hint that the Red Shirt upper echelons - not saying this dick was upper echelon, but being a 'Black Shirt' he would have considered himself at a much higher level of importance than the sheeple - really despised the peasants all along?!!

6. An interesting question .... Since this idiot can scarcely speak proper English, it's more than probable he knows about two words of Thai. Therefore, who was giving him his instructions in English? The only Reds I've heard speak decent English were that Dr. Weng nutcase and the PR guy used by the leadership.

The British Embassy need to get their Police Reps chasing this moron down and, before deporting his ass to Britland to face charges there, meeting a few Thai coppers to answer a few important questions (aside from obvious questions regarding the Wednesday/Thursday arson attacks/ looting and his role therein) ... questions like; Who was really in charge of the 'Black Shirts'? Who authorised the 'Black Shirt' April 10th activity and who exactly were they targetting that night? Who paid you? Who gave you drugs? ... yada yada yada) :D

And they'd better move soon! ... This douche's 'pals' in the 'Black Shirts' certainly won't be very happy with his blathering right now! Wouldn't be surprised if someone was instructed to go "shut him up" before he gets nabbed by the cops and gets asked some serious questions! :D

Great post, and as no one else seems to have said it i will ,. ill bet anything hes a skint @sshole married to a BG and ONLY in this for the money, !,( there is mention of him taking money off the reds elsewhere )
While we are all attacking this English <deleted>

Everyone seems to have forgotten Mr Rambo <deleted> from Australia :)

Things have gone very quiet about him since his appearance on the Red stage

Has he disappeared ?

Was he escorted out of the country ? OR was he " dealt with " ? :D

Probably hiding in some quiet bar hoping nobody will recognise him

You mean this one?

Conor David Purcell, a former Australian military reservist, is a long way from home. The 29-year-old has two infected hip wounds, no money, no passport and survives on handouts from his Thai and foreign friends.

138553.jpg WHITE FACE IN A RED CROWD: UDD fixture Conor David Purcell. His speeches have fired up the red shirt supporters.

But when he takes to the red shirt stage at Ratchaprasong, thousands of people stop and listen attentively to the Irish-born Aussie ``military'' man as he reads his speeches, which are immediately translated into Thai.

To the red faithful, he knows what he's talking about, whether it's discrediting government accounts of the Sala Daeng grenade attacks or the "criminality" of the April 10 bloodshed near the Democracy Monument.

The red shirt leaders nod their approval at Mr Purcell, who claims to have done "quite extensive" work with the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) and trained with the Singapore and Malaysia military.

"I don't think I should fight,'' Mr Purcell said when asked about his role with the red shirts. "What I'm trying to do is keep the world informed, those speeches which are then put on the internet are keeping the world informed.''

But in a conflict confused by multiple layers of lies and half-truths, Mr Purcell may only be adding to the puzzle by talking up his military credentials.

"You need to take what he says with a big dose of salt,'' said a source at the Australian embassy. "He's a big noter who gilds the lily big time.''

138554.jpg STIR 'EM UP: Purcell on the UDD stage with Weng Tojirakarn, translating the Australian's remarks.

Mr Purcell, who claims a political science degree from the University of Western Australia, says he had always been an admirer of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his poverty-alleviation policies. "His macro-economic policies, I thought, were brilliant; the fact that he seemed to be the first prime minister to focus on the poor and the majority of people.''

Mr Purcell, who says he is not paid by the reds, became "radicalised'' and "very angry'' at the Thai government after what he witnessed during the April 10 fighting, which left 25 people dead.

"The criminality on that day was very similar to Bloody Sunday in Ireland,'' he said. "It was an insult to any soldier, it was an insult to any rules of engagement, it was an insult to any manly sense of honour that they tear-gassed a crowd of monks and businessmen.''

He says he was injured by two silicon-coated bullets while trying to shelter behind an APC secured by the reds and now has a ``dirty wound'' which cannot be stitched and has to be treated with antibiotics.

During the skirmish he lost his Australian emergency passport and 1,400 baht. He signed a statutory declaration at the Australian embassy on April 20 detailing his ordeal. ``They said you have to go home straight away, then they walked back into their air-conditioned office and made themselves a cup of tea,'' Mr Purcell said.

The embassy source said Mr Purcell's behaviour and public statements were ``disturbing'' and they had advised him to return home. ``He's actually broken quite a few Thai laws,'' the source said.

Mr Purcell denies he has interfered in Thai affairs, saying he has only given a ``witness statement'' of what actually happened on April 10.

He says he is now working with the reds' legal and public relations teams and is "throwing ideas out''.

In his latest speech he asked the UN Security Council to refer the situation in Bangkok to the International Criminal Court and for the court to investigate the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation.

Mr Purcell says that when the protests are over he plans to continue his attempts to set up a charity here with connections to Vietnam and Cambodia.

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

I am with you on the latter part...

...but his careless words could be considered "incitement to violence" - a crime.

The fact that it appears to be acted upon (coincidence or otherwise) only makes it worse for him.

Hopped up on steroids?? Sure. Right. More like Ya-ba.

If he were wise (which, based on his recent actions, it seems not), he should high-tail it out of LOS ASAP,

and not return until (if ever) he is forgotten.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

That's hardly the same. Firstly, there were hardly any Thais living in the UK back then. Secondly, none of the Thais living there were miners and thirdly, the miners strike happened in 1984, not the 70s. Well?
I dont remember seeing any thais spouting off in the miners strikes of the 70s ! :)

It was a joke, ( well overdue ) and i couldnt be bothered to research the year,. sorry, !

I am. for one, am an advocate of throwing the book at him. Although I am not an advocate of CP, and shooting him wasn't part of the script.

'Could Face The Death Penalty', it is always a good line that. gets the juices flowing. revs people up. The Thais have never executed a (white) Farang. Not to my knowledge anyway. And they wouldn't do it to this bum. They are not that stupid. But in reality, these are quite serious charges.

By 'throwing the book at him', I would like to say, that i have no problem with the Thais making an example of him. You wouldn't be a guest in someone's home and then abuse their hospitality by burning it down and robbing it, or even threaten to. it is not on.

If he did this in my country, Australia, even with our piss weak criminal sentencing, he would more than likely do some porridge and then be deported.

I certainly would not like to be in his shoes right now.

Silly man.


what about admitting to nearly killing someone and throwing stones at police officers?

‘I nearly killed someone at the ASEAN demo’

Savage also admitted taking part in the UDD (United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship) demonstration in Pattaya in April 2009 when the ASEAN meeting had to be cancelled.

There were fierce battles outside the meeting of the Association of South East Asian Nations at the Royal Cliff Hotel and windows were smashed and the meeting had to be abandoned.

“I nearly killed someone there,” said Savage who is now in hiding with his Thai wife in Pattaya and says he may make a break either for the country or abroad.

see him in action here:



The real punishment for this human turd may come with the fact that he could be separated from his wife if he is in fact deprted and blacklisted as he should be. Make a stupid comment once in the heat of the moment then apologize and admit what you did was STUPID and wrong ok MAYBE we can understand that but to get on the phone later with the news rags back home and completely recant your apology and add more threats............f****** retarded!


A British man who was filmed apparently taking part in opposition rallies and calling for buildings to be burnt to the ground, yesterday denied that he had carried out acts of arson. Jeff Savage, 48, an NHS worker from London, admitted he was present when ringleaders decided to burn down a television station. The blaze trapped 100 people. Thai police said Mr Savage, who has a Thai wife, was wanted for questioning and could face the death penalty.

A fitting puhishment would be to let the public watch at maybe Silom Square on an advertised date, so we can eat popcorn and "boo" then cheer when the head rolls....guillotine.jpg




Excellent statement on the purpose of this forum.

Why do people get personal about it and even calling names and "shouting" in red bold letters. One thing

I learnt from this thread is knowing of the variety of expats - good ones, moderate ones, bad ones, and despicable ones. Like the old radio programme of Semprini with the introduction of music of - the old ones, the new ones and the neglected ones.

If you read my whole post, you'll see I was not writing in red, or bold letters. I was just as shocked by the rabid attacks on posters by other posters. I commented that 24 pages of posts was quite enough. (Enough for a news piece emailed to everyone's inbox and not a forum item) If you just stating in general, okay, but please do not attack me personally. Yes I used the word fuc_king, but not in a swearing way, more in a general everyday use kind of way. We all love to gossip like old women on here, but at the same time I stand by one of my original points, are we doing any good, are we helping any potential visitors to Thailand gain information?


my wife reads the Thai message boards and forums and she says they are referring to Jeff Savage as a "Dead Man Walking"

she said they claim to be sending people to find him in Pattaya this weekend

as with most unsubstantiated claims on forums, you might want a pinch of salt with that .........

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

I am with you on the latter part...

Well I do have a problem. A nation's politics are a business for that nation's citizens and all other should <deleted> and keep out of it.

The only exceptions I would consider would be if the issue was transnational and involved human rights abuses, human trafficing or illegal trade in endangered species. Another example would be projects involving large scale environmental destruction.

This mindless thug is just another member of rent-a-mob. The bunch of hooligans who spend their lives travelling from protest to protest causing trouble hopefully, in their minds, leading to riot and looting where they can make some money. You see them at all the big summits, G8 etc, and most of them don't even know what they are protesting for. But they are seen tio be exercising their "democratic right" but unfortunately it's left to the rest of democracy to pick up the tab.

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

You're a prick of the first order, pal, and need a right kick up the jacksy. <deleted> do you think you're playing at? This place has enough problems without twisted aliens like yourself adding to them. You're an embarrassment and deserve to be treated more harshly than the natives.

Agreed - give him 10 years in the Hilton, deportation and blacklisted.

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