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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

Would you have a problem with a minority expat from, let' say, India or China, verbally inciting anarchy and property destruction in your home country?

Why do you assume that political involvement requires anarcy and property destruction. You are either putting words in people's mouths or getting a bit confused with the simple comment yoshiwara actually wrote.

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Whatever our feelings or political inclinations we should as expats stay out of it, I am as a businessman in Bkk, whole heartedly against this government and their policies but idiots like this guy make us look bad, once again a stupid farang from Pattaya all over UTube talking _ _ _ _


He totally forgotten that he is not a Thai only a visitor, should not have said anything like that. He should surrender himself to the authority like the red leaders did.

Hold on a minute. You are all saying he shouldnt comment on the Thai political system. But you are all commenting on the Thai legal system of what should be done with him.

Sounds like double standards to me...

So, you consider threats to burn down down and loot Central World as "commenting on Thai political system"?

Not at all. But there are people on this forum stating that he shouldnt comment on the political situation because he's a foreigner. I'm saying thats great, but those people shouldnt then comment on the legal system if they practice what they preach.

...not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

A post which really sums up the depth and scope of the problems facing Thailand.

Fairly sure ALL people [be they red, yellow, back, brown or white] have rights.

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Throw him in jail for being extremely stupid, then put him on a plane with a "do not return stamp" on his passport. Ignorance is no excuse for a Brit to become involved in Thai Politics.

hahah his video is up on a PAD webboard.....

PAD web boards are in Thai for Thais. This is not one.

This is for expats and Thais if they want.

Just because many here disagree with the Reds 'actions',

doesn't mean we are all card carrying PAD members.

I only know of one or two that might have been once.

Most here sympathize for the want of better job and living conditions

in Issan and for ALL the poor of Thailand, not just Issan, and

many quite disagree with the 'Red Leader's methods' for getting this change.

Proved out this week by their end game; ruining Bangkok,

and making it HARDER for their followers legitimate goals to be reached.

Instead of helping Issan they will rightly be rebuilding Bangkok.

The problem for Issan is not tearing down the old system completely, Communist deconstruction style,

but to bring those needs squarely to the front burner... which they did months ago,

and then lost most of those gains in the months since, by being obtuse zealots, or Thaksin proxies.

Thaksin has set back the cause of rejuvenating Issan for years, no matter the best applied efforts of

Abhisit, Korn and a willing parliament of functioning MPs.

You need not have half a thought about PAD to see that.

I think your overreacting a bit much.... i am saying his video and pictures are up on a PAD webboard, i didnt say anything about this website...?


If Mr.Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent has recovered some of his senses today, I would suggest a quick trip to a friendly land border that has an exit to another country other than Thailand. :)


Because it is not in the interest of the government the truth will never come out, but many hours before the department store was burned down, groups of looting teenagers from the "rich" type, looted numerous of shops within the building. Other media than the yellow colored nation reported it. So I would not as of yet conclude that the fire has been started by reds. After all people tend to cover their tracks. A Briton, or a Thai is actually pretty unimportant it is all about the truth and not about Youtube movies that are easily taken out of context and used by a government that only allow one view through censured news broadcast. I would myself not believe the allegations for one second. It is a bit Noth Korea when I see thos people on stage. George Orwell is proud of this bunch of people.

Moreover criminals love to blend in when anger boils over. Local criminals were involved in much of the smaller fires, too easy for me to blame solely the reds. But the courts will heve a field day. Not one yellow arrested till of now for shooting people from under the monarchs portrait, no yellows in jail for the airport siege, no yellows in jail for the mnths long disruptions and very swift action on people walking the street during a SOE.

It looks to me the underlying problem does not go away, so we only have to wait for the next confrontation. ultimately the reds have the last laugh because they must be held elections, now or in a year whenever they are held they are won by the reds. hope they have made alist of authorities that must be replaced for mishandling the situation and using deadly force.

Buildings can be rebuild people not.


Because it is not in the interest of the government the truth will never come out, but many hours before the department store was burned down, groups of looting teenagers from the "rich" type, looted numerous of shops within the building. Other media than the yellow colored nation reported it. So I would not as of yet conclude that the fire has been started by reds. After all people tend to cover their tracks. A Briton, or a Thai is actually pretty unimportant it is all about the truth and not about Youtube movies that are easily taken out of context and used by a government that only allow one view through censured news broadcast. I would myself not believe the allegations for one second. It is a bit Noth Korea when I see thos people on stage. George Orwell is proud of this bunch of people.

Moreover criminals love to blend in when anger boils over. Local criminals were involved in much of the smaller fires, too easy for me to blame solely the reds. But the courts will heve a field day. Not one yellow arrested till of now for shooting people from under the monarchs portrait, no yellows in jail for the airport siege, no yellows in jail for the mnths long disruptions and very swift action on people walking the street during a SOE.

It looks to me the underlying problem does not go away, so we only have to wait for the next confrontation. ultimately the reds have the last laugh because they must be held elections, now or in a year whenever they are held they are won by the reds. hope they have made alist of authorities that must be replaced for mishandling the situation and using deadly force.

Buildings can be rebuild people not.

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Throw him in jail for being extremely stupid, then put him on a plane with a "do not return stamp" on his passport. Ignorance is no excuse for a Brit to become involved in Thai Politics.

My wife (Who is Thai) commented on various websites on the recent General election in the UK. By your (mad) reasoning I should call for her to be thrown in jail for being extremely stupid. After all ignorance is no excuse for a Thai to become involved in British politics.

If Mr.Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent has recovered some of his senses today, I would suggest a quick trip to a friendly land border that has an exit to another country other than Thailand. :)

Why? He probably just got off the free bus that the authorities laid on to transport him and all the other "terrorists" home.


Anyone can comment as much as they like but this guy was seen in the thick of it.

Commenting is one thing getting involved with the front line is a completely different ball game.

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

Amen to that. Back in April, there were two Americans who got on the Red shirt stage at the Rajprasong site and declared that the protesters were just, that it took America over two hundred years to have a stable and mature democracy, and that Thailand could too. Would sure like to meet up with those two morons; The US wouldn't recognize true democracy if it kicked them in the head. Farang who stick their noses in someone else's business overseas deserve to have those noses lopped off and kicked out of the country.

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Sorry but i have tattoos and i live in pattaya...what picture you get my friend?

I have also family. son and some shop in bangkok, i dont go tu burn nothings and i stay in my house.


It's an embarrasment to all Britons here and back home. Our collectlive condemnation here, this form of self policing, goes someway towards repairing the damage done. He's shown some humility and regret but I agree, if he wants to truly atone for his lack of self-control and good judgement, show a little maturity, turn himself over to the authorities of Thailand. Confess to a uniform he made a mistake and leave the decision in the hands of the Thais.

Now that the world is a neighbourhood, time to make it a brotherhood.

There was a similar situation of an Australian who went on the Red's Stage.

I do not think he would be in the country too long either.

:) For crissake will you stop calling the fool an Australian ! He was a f---kg Brit and should be banned from re entering Oz ! Scumbag!


The Thais respect Brits for their (supposed) culture, civility, integrity, and all the other good things that were once the hallmark of a great society, but are sorely lacking in the case of this violent, lame-brained, sorry sack of s**t. I hate to think what this yahoo gets up to at Songkran! Deluded, frustrated with his own life, and living out his Che Guevara fantasties, he is the kind of reject that gives all farangs living here a bad name.

As foreigners, we were asked to stay away and keep our noses out - which most of us were happy to do. Bozo here chose to join the armed conflict and support the destructive radical militant fringe - not the poor and largely peaceful protesters who may have finally had their voices heard. Little Rambo here should suffer the same consequences as his murderous militant pals who have so badly harmed so many good, honest, hard-working people not just in Bangkok. but back up the supply chain to the home provinces as well.

A "class war"? Ha! Explain that to a nation divided by the blood-sucking Count Thakula who sent the death and destruction from Paris With Love, may he and his family and cronies rot in hel_l.

"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Throw him in jail for being extremely stupid, then put him on a plane with a "do not return stamp" on his passport. Ignorance is no excuse for a Brit to become involved in Thai Politics.

My wife (Who is Thai) commented on various websites on the recent General election in the UK. By your (mad) reasoning I should call for her to be thrown in jail for being extremely stupid. After all ignorance is no excuse for a Thai to become involved in British politics.

You're misreading the posts on here; no-one is saying you can't comment on the Political situation; but getting involved and joining in riots and protests is another thing altogether.

I think you sound as if we should just completely ignore what this person did and just let it be. Understandable if it was 4 weeks after the event; but he deserves all the abuse he gets.


This needs to be investigated by police immediately.

1.) He did know events in advance which where a threat to public and property. His duty should be to report such crimes planed to officials.

2.) Participating in the protest is not allowed for foreigners.

I think he really did know that in advance and also some details about it.

He was clearly upset because things didn't went as he expected and to make him feel better and somehow important he leaked that info to another foreigner, so he can feel as hero who is truly involved and knows something important.

He deserves at least that he get kicked out of Thailand without return.

Difficult for me to criticize this moron just in terms of being a Brit. We Americans have Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Terry Hannity. All have their own tv programs and making millions stirring up the uneducated with outright lies and political and religious nonsense.

And they can afford to pay the Michigan and other militias in case they need to take over Washington DC.

Thanks for providing such direct and irrefutable proof of the existence of American morons, as it should be comforting to our resident Brits, who of course hadn't the least suspicion.

Have you also been interviewed for youtube?


No doubt the police will soon be investigating another "falang committing suicide by throwing himself off his balcony while depressed"

The video has been reposted here:

From Thai people I have spoken with, this bloke might be safer in the hands of the police just now. His threat was a grave affront to many people, and if he's found, he could well be looking at an angry lynch mob. Everyone in Thailand with an internet connection has seen the vid and all the pics that have been posted in loads of Thai forums. He's probably now one of the best known farang faces in Thailand now.

Don't you mean shoot him!!

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

I don't have a problem with farangs having views and expressing them, nor do I have a problem with a certain amount of activism as long as it is within the scope of a countries laws, including joining a redshirt march. I feel that way whether here, China, the US, wherever...

But this has never really been about activism or progressive objectives, other than progressive in the eyes of Thaksin Shinawatra. This individual was participating in a violent mob and wearing redshirt guard parapharnalia. If this had been Al Qaeda and he joined such in the US - or quite possibly anywhere else - he would be under detention merely for supporting them. (For the record I think the US pushes many of the laws concerning material support for groups labeled terrorists too far, but I am just making this note here.) This video was well after grenade attacks on counter demonstrators adn police resulting in many injuries and deaths. And he was stating explicitly that they and by implication himself were going to commit a criminal and probably terrorist act. That is too far,... and he should suffer the consequences any other redshirt would have followed by deportation. If he does not love this country and support it he should not be here. If he incites arson that is criminal almost anywhere in the world. Maybe he regrets it now but... Says a lot about the link between steroids and aggression too... Just my view, but I believe he acted in a criminal manner both by participating in a violent mob and by making these statements...

Just my view...

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