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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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Well todays Sun newspaper in the UK is saying old jeffy boy is being looked for,......http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2981264/Find-Brit-thug-of-bloody-Bangkok.html

I can say Britian will not be happy that one of there own is now considered terrorist

There are very strong laws that can be used by england and America for this sort of thing

At a time when someone needs to pay for all the damage

I do not wish to be in his shoes

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You can see this guy is passionate about the red cause, he is just emotional maybe because he has witnessed so many people being shot???

Us Red Shirts feel strongly about this country and the way it should go. if you don't like it then go home and don't come back.

In my USA it was years before we had democracy and now every country in the world want the USA democracy.

:) I don't want it thanks though.


This video should be evidence to even those who say that it was a peaceful rally that in reality it was a place where violance was planned and encouraged.

But he's not even reading this. He's not getitng any abuse. You are all just spouting off hate filled 'and quite bizarre' comments. You all sound like a lynch mob far worse than anything in Bangkok. What ever happened to remaining level headed and civilized. It's just an idiot who was obviously missing some purpose in his life. And for the record there are at least 12 comments on this post alone saying that foreigners shouldnt get involved in Thai politics.

The fact that you are all dictating what the Thai judiciary should do when you are all foreigners is amusing to say the least though. Almost makes up for the embarrasing comments people are writing. I would be far more ashamed of Thai people reading these comments than of one man's actions.

Kananga. I agree 100% with your comments.

Like it or not we are all involved in Thai politics because politics effects our daily lives, from a change in visa regulations, changes in taxation levels, to a full blown election. I have met many Thai people who have made comments on the UK system and politicians and i enjoy their input. A free and frank discussion by all people is one of the keystones of a democracy. If you stifle freedom to pass comment, then you stifle democracy.

I appreciate that many Thai people and expats are feeling angry and threatened by the events of the past few days and weeks and it is very easy to focus on the actions of an outsiders to vent their frustrations which border in racism at times. But when people make sweeping vindictive statements they tar those who are their friends and innocent with the same brush as the guilty.

Like it or not the world is growing smaller by the day and in the coming years foreigners and foreign governments are going to play an ever increasing role in the shaping of Thailand's future. That may upset some traditionalists but often when tradition is confronted by progress, progress wins.

This guy is a tit, just like all the other people involved; so lets have a balanced comment, He and all the other Thai people who burnt down Central World are criminals and w**kers. They should all serve jail time.

Peace :)

I think living under military rule is going to some people's heads. The idiot threw a stick on the ground and shouted some nonsense to a bemused American. There's no evidence he committed any crime or incited anyone to do likewise.
Not sure about Thai law, but theres a couple of offences there IF done in the UK,

Under new laws there is no need for direct evidence

You can be arrested and held for an indefinate time as a terrorist suspect

and as I have said before he is only Farang

and some one need to help the Thai's save face

I am amazed Thaskin has not used him as a scape goat, early times as yet


Typical a-hole, he does not know anything about the crisis going on in Thailand, he's just jumping on the bandwagon for attention, he got it.


As a Brit I think it more important we sort out our own politics and electoral system before lecturing the rest of the world. :)

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

I don't think you'll find a nation anywhere on the planet that allows foreign visitors to participate in political activities. It's a visa violation.

How would you feel, for example, if a foreign country was funneling large campaign contributions to a particular candidate in your home country?

I'm personally on the hang-'em-high committee here. But I wouldn't go on too much about campaign contributions from foreign sources. Happens all the time here in the US. (It's "laundered" to a superficial extent, and often pays for lobbying efforts, but no one even tries to cover it up much.)

I would be surprised if he wasn't a member on TV I think I have read a few of his posts :)

Same thought went through my mind, which one of our regular red apologists is he? Must have been getting so upset with people telling him to get down to the rally and stop being a keyboard warrior he actually went and did it. :D

Prize nob, hamming it up for the cameras. Glory hunter that should and almost certainly will be deported. Let's hope that's accompanied with a lifetime ban on travelling to Thailand.

BTW, 'Steroids' sounds like a euphemism for something far less legal but impolite to mention in a news interview if you ask me.


The moral and lesson learnt from this should be.....

NEVER shoot your mouth off in front of a camera!!!! It WILL come back to haunt you!!!.

I dont remember seeing any thais spouting off in the miners strikes of the 70s ! :)

Huh? Surely you haven't forgotten the infamous Somchai Scargill? :D

I've been patiently waiting for the moron who opined that this undereducated, abusive and foul mouthed simian was a Cockney make a retraction. I doubt that said moron even knows where Bow Bells are.

I note that those from the UK who have or had the misfortune to live north of Luton have to chip in derogatory remarks about 'soft Southerners" probably out of the inferior complexes that are so common in the natives of their areas. Hitler's Luftwaffe didn't find the Londoners very soft targets, neither did those so very brave Yorkshire miners who pushed their women to the fore when confronted by a London copper during their violent protests against a sensible business decision by the Govenment.

It has been reported that the would be looter abnd arsonist hails from Tonbridge. For the geographically challenged allow me to tell you that Tonbridge is in Kent, some might consider it 'stockbroker country', and it is about an hours train ride into London.

Then can be no doubt that Pattaya attracts the dregs of humanity and my guess, based on a long term residency (in Jomtien), is that the largest contingent of those are fellow Brits but it is debatable whether they form the majority or not. I would not be at all surprised if a large proportion of the the UK lowlives are on the run from the H.M. Customs and Revenue, credit card companies and banks, and other creditors. However it is worth pointing out that Pattaya consists of much more that the hel_l holes bounded by Soi 2, Beach Road, Walking Street and 2nd Road. Remove yourself from such and you will meet sensible, polite people, many from the UK, quietly enjoying their lives without disrupting the peace of others.

I was in a cafe in Essex once and a northern lorry driver came over and sat with us. He said and I quote "you southerners are nancy boys, you pay to much for everything" after being taken back by the intruding rude patron to the cafe I replied calmly before i slapped him..."the price of things are more expensive in the south, that reflects our wages" he just couldn't grasp that fact in his small pea sized brain and dribbled egg down his chin with a gormless grin, we then left him there on his jack jones to reflect upon his idiotic comment.

he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya

Of course...

Or maybe from his local pub "Dog <deleted>" :)

Come on Mr. Savage... by opening my TV profile you will know exactly who I am and where I am living -I have nothing to hide-...

And please bring your Chelsea Headhunters c#nts with you... we gonna have a party tonight! :D

"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Hes playing a very dangerous game in my opinion, probably a frustrated chelsea supporter that cant get his kicks at matches anymore, utter tw@t ! :D

Why do you have to now attack Chelsea supporters?

He's from KENT which also sounds quite like another word :D

Sadly they're are idiots all over the world. This one is from England.

I am from England. It doesn't make me ashamed to be English like some would say.

Keep the Brit bashing down please. We're not all alike.

I hope this fool gets severely dealt with. He's just an idiot with no brains.

Thank you

From a "tattooless" Englishman who lives in Red area but chooses to keep a low profile when there are delicate matters being addressed.

Up the Blues.... Double winners!!! :)


No worries , cool !

No worries man, take it easy. It only proved that you are just another human. Disappointed, angered , frustrated, helpless with a stick against fire power , sad and pain to see friends dying protesting peacefully and out of nowhere sniper shots came right across the road from neighboring high buildings like bees protecting its beehives.

Not that serious to send you to jail yet. To those who fired live ammunition and for those who gave orders to kill they are still at large. They are above the law. Killing and murdering of innocence citizens seems favorable and justified.

Well, on your part!!!! out of frustration you just babble something that you have no intention of doing or the least have no guts to take action on it. Anyway, as a foreigner from a developed and democratic country I believe that you have no part in it.

For those who, snub, angered and despised you are just small people trying to be heard. They probably are the ones who have never set foot at any one of the protest site or rather should I say they can't imagine how the protest site looks like. How much blood, wounded and dead are lying on the ground daily. Protesters have lost their love ones, relatives, dear friends in a peaceful protest only turns out to be a massacre.

I, for one Sir, take my hats off to you for bravely joining the red protesters. Not only are you one of the red but an active red protester daily camping out at the site. Your unselfish deeds in helping the wounded and cautioning protesters safety is heroic and should be complimented.

Those who have not experienced and chill away from being there in real life situation can’t feel or imagine what is like to be right where the action is.

It is not so much of anger where the protesters are camping out. It is the feeling of betrayal from the government ,the surrendering of red leaders ,inhumane treatment and tactics used against un-armed protesters, the anguish , frustration , shock, pain, cries, scream , tears , lost of dear friends , love ones , relatives , fellow Thais dead on the ground ,sleepless day and nights , frighten ,open to attack with no defense , helpless . Each and everyone at site, be it man or women. Young and old shed tears openly right from the bottom of their heart with pain. Un-expecting, un-expected, un-explainable, in shock that as a Thai National they are being treated without respect, without fairness, without justification.

The very thought of the Amart protesters who wore yellow shirt. They are not seen as dangerous protesters though they storm right into Suvarnabhumi airport, disrupting flights schedule, frightening, holding up tourist causing havocs inside the airport, causing traffic jams and holding road blocks.

Not enough yet, to show public the prowess of the yellow shirt. They marched right in with no resistance into Phuket airport. A high tourist destination, damaging all equipments plus the most essential air control equipments. This has cause much shame to the Nation, inconvenience to tourist and the government a huge sum of money to replace the damaged equipments.

The yellow shirts from the amart organizations do not have to go through humiliation and suffered the same faith with snipers and free killing spree as the red protesters.

How would anyone who is saint not remember what the yellow shirt did comparing to the red shirt? No one of Thai national can justify that the yellow shirts has not done anything wrong. The yellow shirt in fact is doing the right thing. They abide by the law and they are not considered as terrorist. Even though their act is more damaging than burning down of Central and the rest of the 35 buildings on fire now.

With such a huge humiliation of being treated as a 2nd class or slave class citizens, it is not easy to forgo the pain and sufferings to continue to live life normally.



People here are being too tough on this guy. Yes, he's a fool, but to his credit he understand that fact and is penitent.

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper...”

Let it go guys.

This guys on steroids? For what? He doesnt look like he exercises.

Yeah he must of only received the side effects like hair loss and mini testicles.

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

You are 100% correct, but we are not all like that clown. But many of us care about Thailand and it people


I really hope this fool is reading TV & sees what people think of his actions before the BIB rock up and lock him up :) - Som Nom Na springs to mind.

Anyway Jeff Savage, you can run, but you can't hide.

It will be good to see him on the news in handcuffs and leg irons.

I've been patiently waiting for the moron who opined that this undereducated, abusive and foul mouthed simian was a Cockney make a retraction. I doubt that said moron even knows where Bow Bells are.

I note that those from the UK who have or had the misfortune to live north of Luton have to chip in derogatory remarks about 'soft Southerners" probably out of the inferior complexes that are so common in the natives of their areas. Hitler's Luftwaffe didn't find the Londoners very soft targets, neither did those so very brave Yorkshire miners who pushed their women to the fore when confronted by a London copper during their violent protests against a sensible business decision by the Govenment.

It has been reported that the would be looter abnd arsonist hails from Tonbridge. For the geographically challenged allow me to tell you that Tonbridge is in Kent, some might consider it 'stockbroker country', and it is about an hours train ride into London.

Then can be no doubt that Pattaya attracts the dregs of humanity and my guess, based on a long term residency (in Jomtien), is that the largest contingent of those are fellow Brits but it is debatable whether they form the majority or not. I would not be at all surprised if a large proportion of the the UK lowlives are on the run from the H.M. Customs and Revenue, credit card companies and banks, and other creditors. However it is worth pointing out that Pattaya consists of much more that the hel_l holes bounded by Soi 2, Beach Road, Walking Street and 2nd Road. Remove yourself from such and you will meet sensible, polite people, many from the UK, quietly enjoying their lives without disrupting the peace of others.

And if ever there was a post, that epitomised the problems of Thai Visa forum debate, there could not be a better example. This gibberish above is nothing to do with the subject, but just a rant about the North and South divide in the U.K. and a rant about his perceptions of the ex-pats in Pattaya.


I think British prison would be too "nice" for this guy. Put him in jail here. You can't travel to other countries, break their rules and (apparently) incite violence and expect to just be shipped home. Crime in Thailand = Prison in Thailand.


The point that most of you are missing

Someone has to take the fall

Justice must be seem to be done as well as being done

This idiot has made himself open for the Police to save some face

Guilty or not Guilty has nothing to do with the end results

with some luck he will have information to tell the Police that will help make more arrests

But in the end

The Police will stand him up in front of the Media to show how good they are at their jobs

After 5 years in Thailand I have found

Somethings never change

Hold on a minute. You are all saying he shouldnt comment on the Thai political system. But you are all commenting on the Thai legal system of what should be done with him.

Sounds like double standards to me...

where did i say that??????????????

selective hearing

Actually 2 people died at Central World. So, if he was involved, it's manslaughter, not just arson.

In most jurisdictions, death caused in the committing of a felony is classified as murder, not manslaughter.


What an idiot!! He's OK to be thrown out of the country but not keen on being detained in Thai custody? This loser should have gone home a long time ago....


Steroids, hey? Well, there's one stint behind bars alone.

Here is the video... [click thru to You Tube to comment!]

Love the post script there from 'HEREWEGOHEREWEGO':

"UK Tourist Threatens To Burn Down Bangkok's Central World, May 2010. FULL TRANSCRIPT : Man : 'We're gonna smash the ***** Central Plaza to ****. 'We're gonna steal everything out of it and burn the ***** down. Trust me, get pictures of that ****. ... [Caution: Coarse Language + Englishman on Holiday PG15]. Please do not abuse foreigners - as foreigners are just as angry as Thais at this. Calling this dope a f*cking idiot, will suffice it. Please, don't refer to him as a f*cking idiot farang! After all, I posted this video and I am a foreigner [farang]. I personally spent a considerable amount of time capturing close-up images and sending his pics to all the major newspapers in the UK. Hopefully he will be as popular as Gary Glitter at home and abroad. If you visit expat forums such as 'ThaiVisa', you will see that the 'farang' is ready to lynch the pig."

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