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Order Restored In Bangkok And Provinces: PM Abhisit

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Abhisit should make available a long list of possible hand-outs and financial opportunities for the people in the North East.

Then he should explain how NONE of them will be happening due to the spending needed to rebuilt and cover the costs of the violent red mob. Then he should further show the new plan how to seize all assets of those who participated in the mob AT ANY TIME DURING THE LAST MONTHS to help offset some of the costs. Further he should talk a proposed law to also seize assets of relatives living with anyone who participated in the violent red mob activities.

Abhisit should make available a long list of possible hand-outs and financial opportunities for the people in the Army/Govt.

Then he should explain how NONE of them will be happening due to the spending needed to rebuild and cover the costs of their violent actions. Then he should further show the new plan how to seize all assets of those who participated and instigated the Army on Apr 10. to help offset some of the costs. Will not need a proposed law to seize all assets of relatives all costs will be covered, just petty cash.

Bugger They still get the handouts as well. They pay with one hand and, get double back in the other.

just like Mr Thak

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

You can not write,talk or speak English and that's a stated fact.

Now you come with some facts to back up your looney tunes please

I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

What resign become a group of terrorists resents the way they were treated. What planet are you on.

What do you think he should have done with them catered there meals sent in replacement ammo and run a day care for them.

Maybe pay for there rooms in the hotels they scared the honest people away from

85% of Thais you've spoken to? Wow - that's a lot! I mean, only 43.2% of Thais I've spoken to watch American Idol regularly. So that must mean there are wayyyy more disenfranchised Thais who hope for a "regime" change than there are American Idol fans. That's crazy!

Wait, there's another 82.7% of Thais (I know because I ...um...like actually took a real poll like and...um...counted and shit - which is how I arrived at such a specific percentage) that actually believe that what some people call swastikas are actually Buddhist symbols! So that means there are more nazis in Thailand than there are red shirts.

Were you replaying on someones post or just talking to yourself??

been hit by a sniper or so???

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must know many of the THAI elite, or maybe they are very polite and do not want to be confrontational with you

Fool nontabury

oh khun CYD,so does anybody who does not agree with you're limited thinking qualify to be classed as a fool ?


Maybe to help get things back into order, somebody could start a forum with suggestions to help the country.

Like go and volunteer to help at your local school. You could teach English, Italian, sport, cooking whatever, maybe you could be the lollipop man at the school helping the kids cross the road safely.

If some people with spare time on their hands help some people it would be good for all. (Yes, a lot of people with spare time on their hands sitting he writing .....) Ensure you get the right permissions. It would not be any good someone trying to help the country, getting deported because they do not have the right permissions.

Thais have a sincere desire to make a buck like the rest of the world but they have less opportunity and this is why they can be easily bought.

Less opportunity to make a buck? Let's compare this "opportunity" with America for example. In Thailand, anyone can set up a noodle stall on the side of the road and make a few hundred bath every day. In America, you'll need to wait at least six months for a permit to set up anything. In Thailand, you can sell stuff on the side of the road, or set up shop in a pretty decent mall with lots of foot traffic for relatively little rent. Show me some place like Platinum in America. In Thailand, you can grow anything you want on your farm and sell in markets without having to fear government agencies beating you down on taxes and misc obscure violations imposed by the FDA.

The fact of the matter is that if any one of these people who you consider have "less opportunities" move to someplace like America, they'd ask for a plane ticket back in a second.

Living in Thailand and having owned and run a number of business' in the US, I can say without any doubt at all that you are clueless about what you speak. For this reason, it isn't even worth continuing the discussion.


@Snaggletooth, here is a new term for you,"Wannabe Elite" for all those who are not elite but wish they were. You know its kinda like a wish sandwich, two pieces of bread, mayo, and you wish you had a piece of meat. They are living the dream of wishful thinking sucking down the fumes of BMW exhaust getting high on a soap box to talk down to rice farmers.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must know many of the THAI elite, or maybe they are very polite and do not want to be confrontational with you

Fool nontabury

oh khun CYD,so does anybody who does not agree with you're limited thinking qualify to be classed as a fool ?

No only you Nontabury, Engage your brain before you post

Police fire tear gases, flares to release MPs, Senators held at Parliament 8 October 2008Thai News Service

More than 500 police backed up the firing of smoke flares and lobbing of tear gas at anti-government demonstrators surrounding Thailand's Parliament Tuesday afternoon in a bid to provide an exit for members who were 'held' inside the building by the protesters. Earlier People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) activists had allowed about 300 parliament officials and staff workers, as well as media who were on hand to cover Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat delivering his government's policy statement to parliament, to leave the building, but then the PAD decided that members of parliament and Senators were not allowed to leave the premises.

Police then opted to fire smoke flare and tear gas at the PAD ranks in an attempt to open a pathway to release those who were still inside the building, otherwise unable to leave.

Two Thai policemen were shot and injured.

Prime Minister Somchai left Parliament after delivering the government's policy statement by first climbing over the wall separating Parliament from the adjacent Vimarkmek Palace, where he flew out by helicopter to a meeting with the supreme military commander and the army chief at the Royal Thai Armed Forces headquarters on the outskirts of Bangkok.

After the meeting, Mr. Somchai told a press conference briefly that his government is trying to solve the problem and that the military has a duty to monitor and oversee the problem.

When asked whether he would resign from his post or dissolve the House, Mr. Somchai asserted he would not quit his post, a post he has held for only two weeks.

Opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, however, said after a second round of meetings with his party's executive committee and members that the ongoing tensions the country is experiencing has resulted from the government's decisions in dealing with, and mishandling, the situation.

Mr. Abhisit called for resolving the crisis through parliamentary channels. He affirmed that the Democrat Party "doesn't support a military coup", as it believes it is not a way out for the country.

However, Mr. Somchai must take the responsibility for the huge losses which are being incurred under democratic procedures, either by resigning or by dissolving the House, Mr. Abhisit advised.

Nice quote, whats that old story abut the spiders, the webs, and deception? I hear rose-colored glasses are selling cheap in Bangkok.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
That's odd. Many of the poor Thais I encounter daily working at street cafes and convenience stores in Bangkok tell me they despise the SOB. One old woman who often serves me dinner took her sandal off and beat Abhisit's image as he was speaking on television. :)

and after you ate her sandal, right you SOKKEPOK

A leader who brings a country through a bloody crisis is going to make significant gains in popularity. Abhisit is in charge. Thaksin will be fighting terrorism charges ...

Did you see in another thread that Thaksin is denying any involvement in the latest events :)

So whose money was paid to the Red Protesters ?

Who's money paid for the yellow? Why is it so hard to accept that Thai's have a sincere desire for a true republic, economic and educational opportunity and freedom which they don't have under the current junta.

Would you care to explain how you think the Thai Republic will be born? Careful now. :D

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

But hopefully the next "revolution" will be a real one and not the greed of an exiled billionare disguised as a revolution for the working poor. Like you've said... he used them. And it's really too bad. Because, as misguided as they are at the moment, they DO deserve a change and better opportunities. But this was obviously a very bad way to go about it.

Not the protests, but the protests activities of the "reds" was wrong and poorly planned, it should have been obvious to the red leadership that they had no chance to hold their position for long once the police and the army make their moves to remove them from their strong holds, moreover the terrible violent activities that took place were (due to past revolutional Thai history) predictable, and should have been avoided, they should have made their protests for about a week, get their message right across the country and then go home.

Revolutionaire political leaders that are certain of the support of the people should never try to confront the police force and the army since this will not only result in killing, looting, and burning, but also into a certain defeat, as indeed has been the case now.

Therefore, providing they really do have the support of the majority of the people, then the best solution is a 'general strike' in areas that matter, the police and the army can do nothing to prevent it, thus there will be no violence, and the government will have no option other than to negotiate in order to get the country moving again, the result of this would resovle the political crisis.

There's an underlying smugness to quite a few posts in this thread. Something along the lines "Yer, those Reds got their arse kicked good".

I guess when your only got slingshots and Molotov cocktails eventually you do get your arse kicked when the other side has lots of guns, grenades, snipers and APC's!

But it ain't over! There is no sea change for millions of Thai's that want a better life for themselves and their families. The PM may talk of change, but words don't make for a better life for the average man on the street.

There has to be new clear programs to promote social justice, fairness in the workplace and some sort of safety net for people to fall back on in times of trouble.

Unlike the present system of limited services (should that be almost non-existent?) to the community and a basic meal at the Wot for the needy, a new system needs to be seen to be working in a fair and honest fashion.

Otherwise, the problems will fester under the surface only to blow up again in possibly worse ways.

Wednesday on Petchaburi road no slingshots, but M16's and Uzi's plus handgrenades, keep it real man

What has he been doing since he seized power?

Seized power? Yet another that needs to engage the grey matter before engaging fingers.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.


I have been reading post after post and it is just mind boggling how many brain dead people have connections to a computer.

We have just come through a horrendous situation. There is plenty of blame to go around. To put it all on one side is truly monumentally mindless. It is equal to the Farong who stops to help at the scene of a accident and is charged with causing it because he is there.

Half the people while not giving a balanced point of view did not make the other side out to be the villain the other half are sorely in need of that free education Abhist talks about. JMO

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.

And the same goes for all those that say everyone hates him, They must only have red shirt friends.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Never imagined people would still be rehashing a simple statement 11 pages later. I stand by my statement, despite the several nasty PM's ive received.

It is not enough that those of the illegal violent red mob now must hide their faces in shame. They need to be brought to justice.
"Living in Thailand and having owned and run a number of business' in the US, I can say without any doubt at all that you are clueless about what you speak. For this reason, it isn't even worth continuing the discussion."

Both posts from the same forum member, one minute its demonization and justice, the next its anyone who does not think like him is clueless and not worth debating.


Abhisit is a true hero and now has proved he can lead this country through any crisis. Expect to continue to see some great things ahead for Thailand due to his leadership regardless of any further terrorist acts by the communists reds..

What has he been doing since he seized power?

Giving more free education to monkeys who not care to be sent to school by there braindead parents from CM-CR etc

The rest of the time he has been defending the country from low-life crap as that you are.

that's for a lot of us enough for now, he has brought more good to uor country as any red-scum will ever do or have done.

What did you bring, violence and destruction, well done moron

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.

He has just never been beyond the air conditioning.

A leader who brings a country through a bloody crisis is going to make significant gains in popularity. Abhisit is in charge. Thaksin will be fighting terrorism charges ...

Did you see in another thread that Thaksin is denying any involvement in the latest events :)

So whose money was paid to the Red Protesters ?

Who's money paid for the yellow? Why is it so hard to accept that Thai's have a sincere desire for a true republic, economic and educational opportunity and freedom which they don't have under the current junta.

Wished we had a junta, then we would have been relieved from your comments in 5,4,3,2,1, now

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.

He has just never been beyond the air conditioning.

Somtum, are you Abhisit's illegal Burmese maid that he keeps in the basement? You need to get out a bit more.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.

He has just never been beyond the air conditioning.

Somtum, are you Abhisit's illegal Burmese maid that he keeps in the basement? You need to get out a bit more.

Crancking, but funny

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You must only have friends that are Yellow shirts.

He has just never been beyond the air conditioning.

Somtum, are you Abhisit's illegal Burmese maid that he keeps in the basement? You need to get out a bit more.


Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

You must not know many decent Thai people. Decent Thais are hopeful for a new beginning. I am colored blind. I live in Thailand and right now I am in my home country visiting family. I can tell you that the rest of the world knows what has happened via the news. When you pay for a mob to protest, and when the leaders turn themselves in there is no control over the mob. These past few months have been more or less a payed mob to cause chaos. Not even close to a organized unbought protest. Night and day. As far as the press is concern they saw enough to be able to print both sides of the story. Thaskin strategy was doomed to fail from the beginning. When you have leaders with no mind of their own and follow blindly Mr. T strategy and were themselves bought what other outcome could be expected

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