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Thai Government Accuses Foreigners In Bangkok Arson


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I know plenty of people from Issan that would understand him well enough.

I also know most americans don't understand Farsi, but the language isn't the only issue.

He made threats of destruction on video that was clearly NOT EDITED.

Down for the 8 count seems a foregone conclusion.

Guy should have taken a powder yesterday or earlier.

I want say what you said...sorry but i cannot explain same you in english...i agree whit you.

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To think a lot of people on this thread actually think that some guy from London is the issue just shows your intelligence for what it is!!

Probably about the same level as the present government,which is not a lot.

The real issue hear is the stupidity of the Thai intelligence service(i am assuming they have one) and there is nothing to gain from publicly claiming that a farang is involved in any violence what-so-ever,or can anybody on this forum tell me different???

Is there something to gain for the super super Thai secret service!!

OR was one man from London the issue here in what has been a rewriting of the history books and am sure will blight Thailand for years to come? Of course this was not the only building torched and anyone who actually thinks he was there needs there head examining :)

Could you imagine the CIA or the British inteligence getting so worked up over something similar....NO..It is bullshit and underhand,which leaves me of the opinion there is more to this than a stroppy cockney spitting his dummy out.

Shame on the this government and shame on Mr Abhisit...i thought he had more savvy!!

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Like so many are writing - saying one thing and doing it are completely separate.

That's all there is to say on this until - IF - he receives a "fair" hearing can we throw our "judgment" about -which I'm never a fan of.

Obviously "opinions" on "him" - will keep coming in.

Nuff said.

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Is'nt there a thread just like this one somewhere else on TV. :rolleyes:

I don't recall any threads with the same title and OP.

Oh, and the term 'Bangkok Hilton' hasn't been used yet, although I'm only on page 9 so its worth me reading on.

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Agreed, this would be good all around.

And yes start PAD's trials out too.

Let's just clear the air COMPLETELY.

PAD set the Silver standard for this stuff,

but Red have passed Gold and went right for Platinum.

There is an abundance of incrimination that I can see,

more than enough to pick the best for a court.

I heard they were after the gold in CW but I didn't know they went right for platinum was there much damage? Isn't that where you buy the legal copies and legal fakes?

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Considering the language and attitude I have seen in the last 4-5 pages, I now understand why the Thais don't want any foreign intervention in their affairs. Hilarious. We're supposed to be on the same page here, supposedly. But that is not working out very well, is it? :)

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Like so many are writing - saying one thing and doing it are completely separate.

True, but (like so many are writing) if we are talking about terrorism, both SAYING and DOING are illegal, and both are punishable with jail time in the USA, UK, Australia AND Thailand.

Edited by moto77
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I wonder how many of the red-shirts said exactly the same sort of thing... my guess is thousands.

This guy is obviously a total moron, but to pick him out because he is white is just plain racist.

No he is being picked out because he walked up to a stranger with a camara

and said things totally beyond reason. He did this, never considering

it would be on Youtube in days. And then suddenly Central world is burning

and Gold shops looted and he is pictured in the red guards company smiling like a total pratt.

Nothing racist in this, he hung himself up to dry.

I agree 100%.

He was a white guy, in an Asian country, breaking the laws of that country. Therefore, he should be punished in accordance with the laws of that country.

Shameful behaviour from uneducated, manipulated Thais - even less excusable from a Westerner.

The uneducated, manipulated Westerners do tend to stick out in a BKK riot....

Just nominate him for this years Darwin Award and be done with it.

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You can yell fire at the shooting range fair play no issues.

But on a barricade, faced off with your countries army it's considered murderous and treasonous.

You can yell fire on a camping trip and nothing will happen,

but most will look around at the woods, just in case.

But yell fire in a crowded theater and people die being trampled, and you get prosecuted.

Culpability for use of words depends on CONTEXT.

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It's ridiculous that people are actually defending this clown on here. Wasn't he the big man on campus when he was spouting off to a camera in the middle of a political demonstration he should never have been at? I'll raise a glass if he gets some jail but he'll likely only be deported.

Hopefully, some (please be all) of his Farang "supporters" on this thread follow suit and leave this country in which they are a plague....not the solution. It's no secret that the majority are loudmouth, rude, and illogical......thanks for changing Thailand from the beautiful place it once was into a cesspool of folks that were rejected from their homelands.

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Is'nt there a thread just like this one somewhere else on TV. :)

I don't recall any threads with the same title and OP.

Oh, and the term 'Bangkok Hilton' hasn't been used yet, although I'm only on page 9 so its worth me reading on.

He was talking about this thread

We talk here mostly about Mr. Savage and the thread linked above is about him. However running much longer so they already wanted to see him killled :D

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

How do you know what evidence they have .. or not? And after all this, and given the times, you're very stupid to be calling the Thai government stupid in a public forum. What an idiot.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Like so many are writing - saying one thing and doing it are completely separate.

True, but (like so many are writing) if we are talking about terrorism, both SAYING and DOING are illegal, and both are punishable with jail time in the USA, UK, Australia AND Thailand.

I can only imagine what would happen in Germany if a foreigner from the Mideast was caught on video saying to burn down the Reichstag building during an anti-govt protest...

So, don't blame the Thais for trying to catch that moron who wanted (and probably was involved) to burn down BKK.

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So, clearly, both the PAD and the UDD have threatened to burn buildings. And both of them were armed and shot people.

If your point is that both groups were wrong, you are correct.

Yep. And I'm also correct in that Abhisit needs to do something about the apparent double standards in Thai society, otherwise he will just deepen and worsen the divide. There needs to be something done fast about the problems in Thailand, or we'll see much worse in the future, I'm afraid.

Well how about Abhisit goes on TV tomorrow and announces that all the Red and PAD leaders are going to have their trials start in 30 days. The legal system needs to get its ass in gear to prepare evidence and charges against the reds, but where there is a will there is a way. 30 days should be enough. In addition, he is putting 40 names of judges into a hat the day before and they will be randomly drawn the day the trial starts.

The names of the sitting judges will not be made public, TV will be allowed in the court room, but the names and faces of the judges will not be made public.

He insists that all of the defendents cancel all public engagements for 30 days after the court date as this should be sufficient to render a judgement. No stays, no extensions, lets get on with sorting this mess out. Even handed, random and fair. If 40 judges isn't a random enough sample, make it 50 or 60.

It would be a start wouldn't it.

ALL RED leaders and all YELLOW leaders to stand trial in 30 days.

Now that would be the right move.

But it will never happen because some of them are in government now.

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I wonder how many of the red-shirts said exactly the same sort of thing... my guess is thousands.

This guy is obviously a total moron, but to pick him out because he is white is just plain racist.

No he is being picked out because he walked up to a stranger with a camara

and said things totally beyond reason. He did this, never considering

it would be on Youtube in days. And then suddenly Central world is burning

and Gold shops looted and he is pictured in the red guards company smiling like a total pratt.

Nothing racist in this, he hung himself up to dry.

I agree 100%.

He was a white guy, in an Asian country, breaking the laws of that country. Therefore, he should be punished in accordance with the laws of that country.

Shameful behaviour from uneducated, manipulated Thais - even less excusable from a Westerner.

The uneducated, manipulated Westerners do tend to stick out in a BKK riot....

Just nominate him for this years Darwin Award and be done with it.

don't you have to be dead to be nominated for a darwin award?

What is it that Thais like to say? coming soon? :)

I don't think there is any way to look at it other than this guy is a nut-job.  To say what he said to someone on camera and not think it would be on you-tube is mind boggling.

He was where he ought not be, saying what he ought not say, and now he deals with the fallout.  I hope for his sake, he is simply deported back to the UK. Thailand can ill-afford negative publicity about scape-goating and xenophobia that would undoubtedly come out if he is sentenced to a prison term here.

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What is the matter with all of you there has been 2 months of demonstration 4 to 5 days of outright and wilful damage shooting thuggery etc etc by the Thais (so called Red shirts) and you are talking about some minor incident by some Brit.

The next thing it was all an international conspiracy and nothing to do with with Thai people and their feelings about how their country is being run.

Sorry is already an international conspiracy, some days ago the CRES said that all video in internet was a fake and international media only thake video and pic against the soldier that shoot at civilian....cnn and bbc only put all article agaist thai governament....someone remember that?

I like to entertain the idea of "international conspiracy". Has there been any clear evidence on this theory on mayhem in Bangkok?

Thaksin, Hun Sen, Sea Daeng, Chavalit, bloodied brothers.

Is there a provebable connection right now, hard to tell,

is there reasons for reasonable suspicions.... surely.

Hun Sen certainly wants Thaksin in office more than Abhisit.

How far would he go... maybe ask Viet Nam that question?

around 1992 the son of Ten siao Ping came to Chiang Maï with handicapped sportsmen ( he himself broke his legs "jumping" from a police station in troubled times before)

Of course there was a function with the top Northern Thaïland politicians .

(remember where Thaksin is from?) He addressed them thus ( words not accurate but to that effect according to someone who was there)

"I'm glad to be in Thaïland because it is part of China".

(in case you don't know, Sipsangbwanna in Yunnan , ( sip-song -na , 1200 fields) is where the Lanna (: na) Thaï people came from originally or so some say).

entertaining enough?

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That guy is the best excuse for a condom I've come across since coming to Thailand. Who breeds these people?

The Red Shirts are supposed to support the poor country folks but by their actions have put thousands of young girls who worked in these places out of work. Now the little bit of support they sent home each month is no more.........not the brightest way to go about helping your fellow Thais who kick with the same foot as you.

If this guy had anything to do with this I think they should be mercifuland just release him.....from the planet.

Edited by George4
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True, but (like so many are writing) if we are talking about terrorism, both SAYING and DOING are illegal, and both are punishable with jail time in the USA, UK, Australia AND Thailand.

Point taken.

I am in no way familiar with the law here in Thailand on how they would treat this particular case, but spouting something that comes across as inflammatory, i.e "he" suggests that an arsonist act will be carried out as opposed to the fact that he "actually" did it - for me - should be considered separate.

But you're right - unfortunately both "saying" and "doing" now, are treated in many countries - in terms of jails sentences - equally the same - which I think is shameful.

I'm not condoning what he said - just trying to draw a distinction.

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This proves two things:

Farangs should stay neutral and not become involved within the politics of Thailand, as this could have repercussions on all us, and Thaksin cant sing, he’ll never make the charts.

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This is the beginning : "The Thais are peaceful, the unrests was just a mirage and anyway all the troubles had been made by foreigners."

Do we bet?

The Asian man (who does not exist any way) will be supposed to be Cambodian.

Yeah that's a safe bet.

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If a Brit or a Saudi said the same kind of thing in the USA, especially while participating in an illegal occupation of an important part of the country, there is no doubt in my mind that person would be in serious doo doo. Probably prison. Probably a long time. I strongly feel the Thai government is within its rights to go after this man. I hope they show him mercy because of his obvious mental health problems, but I am a bleeding heart liberal.

Another point, I hope Thais don't get the wrong idea about westerners from this man. The VAST MAJORITY of westerners in Thailand (and if you don't like me speaking for you, tough cookies) are sympathetic to social justice issues but oppose the red shirt movement (mostly because of its ties to corruption/Thaksin and it's disgusting violent tactics). Also many or most of us don't even believe the reds are REALLY about social justice, more about a power/money grab for a different set of so called elites.

Edited by Jingthing
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on all rebuilds;






! :) !

Joint the modern world, enact/enforce modern life safety codes.

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Me not being a friend of the red shirts (and definitely not a Brit) must say that this bloke on the published video must be just a crazy a$$hole on drugs or totally drunk, because his behavior really is not what you would expect from a person with a sound mind. Deducting involvement of falangs in the arson(s) from this video does not throw a bright light on the research methods of any involved government institutions.

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I can only imagine what would happen in Germany if a foreigner from the Mideast was caught on video saying to burn down the Reichstag building during an anti-govt protest...

So, don't blame the Thais for trying to catch that moron who wanted (and probably was involved) to burn down BKK.

That's my point.

I'm sure there are many in the Middle East who HATE the West with a passion.

Stating something and doing it are completely different.

Ok - I might be way out here in terms that this case is "so" much more coincidental ...

But that doesn't make it so.

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Like so many are writing - saying one thing and doing it are completely separate.

That's all there is to say on this until - IF - he receives a "fair" hearing can we throw our "judgment" about -which I'm never a fan of.

Obviously "opinions" on "him" - will keep coming in.

Nuff said.

obviously you've never been to court or even the police station to have to answer of things you just said .

and I mean in a western country. When the words are recorded ( in my case, in writing, but a video would have done nicely) you suddenly understand the meaning of " deep sh*t" and the usefulness of a costly solicitor. Then you're in for a lot of money and a lot of time and energy.

and then I knew exactly what a "fair" hearing means : I could make my point about as much as dog crap under the sole of the prosecutor.I got out without a conviction thanks to my lawyer ; he had advised me : " don't try to show your side of the story, you'd only upset him".

Justice is a BIG machine .

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