EarthAlien Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 One thing few are currently looking at is when the curfews are over and the military return to barracks who will provide security considering the police have shown they will not provide protection to citizens against crime from the reds? Dont think the authorites arent thinking about this and dont think the reds arent either. Excellent point Hammered,.. and right on the money IMO. It's a disturbing point and I see it is the Achilles heel of the current government and its sincere attempt to restore order and control. I just wonder how much influence ex pol general Thaksin still has over the brown quarter? In virtually every other civilized country in the western world you can rely on the police to uphold law and order and respond to civil unrest, but here in Thailand that isn't so and it is the one major factor that makes me very nervous and anxious about living here.
SabaiBKK Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 A curfew from 11pm to 4 Am is as ridiculous than banning sale of alcohol from 2pmto 5 pm and giving paracetamol to cure a broken leg. must be a Heckle (Suthep) and Jeckle (Newin) idea .... bunch of clowns. Wake up Abhisit , get rid of the bad elements and get more people as clever as Korn by your side .... Suthep is a PR disaster for the government. spoke with strong supporters of the democrats and they are all unanimous about suthep and newin. they are a stain on the image of the government
roykeanz Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 One thing few are currently looking at is when the curfews are over and the military return to barracks who will provide security considering the police have shown they will not provide protection to citizens against crime from the reds? Dont think the authorites arent thinking about this and dont think the reds arent either. Yeah. The cops have been an utter disgrace. And this is potentially a massive problem. Thaksin won't be satisfied with last week's destruction. It achieved nothing. Instead, it showed everyone his poisonous intent for Thai people and the extent he will go to get what he wants. It now seems that pure terrorism (without the pretence of the paid clapping sheeple) is his only option to get the Govt out double quick. Time's running out fast before the military reshuffle occurs. If it's status quo in September, his goose is cooked for another five years (assuming the insane douche lives that long!)
JackSterling Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 AMAZING THAILAND.. A land where the smiles are not real and common sense is something they cannot EVEN understand!
Sabre Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Ok, but what about the other provinces? Is the curfew still in effect there, or just Bangkok? Do you guys ever read anything properly-----MTOT---Curfew for BKK AND 23 OTHER PROVINCES----THAT MEANS YOU!!!!! I think that most people are too busy trying to think of something clever to post to read anything here carefully.
Backwoods Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I vote for a permanent Curfew. stop all the P**s Heads and criminals at night, Shoot them on sight if seen outside in curfew times. Nah go the whole hog and vote for a permanent 24hours curfew and shoot anyone seen outside, day or night including women and children even if going for food. It never fails to amaze me, how bold and stupid people can be when stating things on the computer! Bet you curled up in a ball and hid somewhere for the last few months! I moved over here 2 years ago to be with my wife, and been a guest of this country and before this junk, have never personnaly heard anything bad from people! Drunks a little loud, and young kids acting like kids, but have nver even though of leaving! I live a little ways from Bangkok, and my family as well as the villagers here treat me as anyone else gets treated, and am proud to say thekids still play in the streets without fear in our village! I am a Farang, and everytime I see someone like me, who is a guest in this coutry, talk ignorance, it makes me ashamed to be included as a foreighner! Joke about the people, country or officials at this time are not funny, or appreciated by anyone, and directly reflects on all of us, SO please let this country heal without the rude and unsoliced opionions or remarks.
kissrev1 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 <deleted>! That has got to be one of the most pointless acts of government I have ever seen, that's going some even for this government. Quite what this is supposed to achieve is beyond me. Of course there is still loads to clear up in the main trouble areas but this is just pointless. And everybody knows it, all this does is makes a geniune curfew when needed more likely to be ignored. It's over, let's just get everything back to normal asap, enough already. Amen, Brother! The whole thing has been completely pointless as of 2 days ago.
Colabamumbai Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I think it's great that many people here feel they can publicly post their illegal behavior, and even seem to flaunt it. The curfew is there for a reason. If the gov't didn't do what it did when it did, then I think Thailand would have been rapidly moving into a dictatorship. Shouldn't be so hard to just do what they say, regardless of other people's behavior. I fear this attitude that everything the Thai gov't does is stupid comes from lack of respect for who the Thai people are, or ones self fabricated image of being somewhat superior even if by associated through illusion. There is a curfew, respect it. The gov't says do something, do it. become a model citizen, better than your Thai neighbors if you think necessary. Some idiot was flaunting his bad behavior and ended up on YouTube, and everyone called him a dumb ass. I don't see the difference here. I be that there will be an increase in the population in nine months with the current curfew and most Thais at home.
talk2sam Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I guess a few more nights indoors with your wive or BF/GF wont hurt, Good time to make babies, thanks to Abhisit, multiple and fill the earth, people. make more Bastards in thailand.
way2muchcoffee Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 For people who object to the curfew, especially in BKK, they should consider that during each of the last few nights there have been continued attacks on banks and other buildings. How many more and how much more severe would those attacks have been if there were no curfew imposed?
TimeBandit2 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I don't understand why some of you think this is a good thing. But I also don't understand why you applaud when they raise visa fees, celebrate when tuk-tuk drivers beat up French families, and cheer when they raise alcohol taxes. You think that just because the government announces something or decides on a course of action that we should all just think it's great, shut our mouths and go along with it? Looks at the assumptions that carries with it: 1. The government is a unitary actor or at least behaves that way because they have a perfect system for reconciling all disparate opinions on an issue. 2. More action is better than less action, regardless of its character. 3. The emergency situation can be used to justify any action as long is it is verbally stated as part of a mitigation effort. 4. People have absolutely no rights. 5. There are no selfish interests at work whatsoever. 6. Authorities are capable of enforcing the issue in a manner that effective and furthers the stated goals. Isn't that a lot to swallow? If you trust the politicians, the army and the police that much I suggest you go back to kindergarten...
cannonball Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 It never fails to amaze me, how bold and stupid people can be when stating things on the computer! Bet you curled up in a ball and hid somewhere for the last few months! I moved over here 2 years ago to be with my wife, and been a guest of this country and before this junk, have never personnaly heard anything bad from people! Drunks a little loud, and young kids acting like kids, but have nver even though of leaving! I live a little ways from Bangkok, and my family as well as the villagers here treat me as anyone else gets treated, and am proud to say thekids still play in the streets without fear in our village! I am a Farang, and everytime I see someone like me, who is a guest in this coutry, talk ignorance, it makes me ashamed to be included as a foreighner! Joke about the people, country or officials at this time are not funny, or appreciated by anyone, and directly reflects on all of us, SO please let this country heal without the rude and unsoliced opionions or remarks. I couldn't agree with you more. Very insightful post. I for one was considering moving to Thailand next year when I retire, but am weighing all the pros and cons now very carefully. I am going to take a trip soon to the Philippines to check it out as another place to retire. I really fell in love with Thailand, its culture and the people, but everytime I see a foreigner do or say something out of line, I cringe. It's no wonder that in the big cities and tourist areas that they see us as nothing more than a target. I'll have to see what the future holds before I make a decision on where I will retire when the time comes. Gook luck and good on you for your words of wisdom.
dttk0009 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 You think that just because the government announces something or decides on a course of action that we should all just think it's great, shut our mouths and go along with it? No offense TB2, but unless you have citizenship here, then yes. You have no legal influence on how this country is run as a foreigner. No voting, no running, no voice. If you are truly so unhappy with how things are maybe moving to a country that more closely fits your moral and legal outlook would be best, or your home country where you have the ability to influence these things. As foreigners here we have the responsibility to obey the laws of the country no matter who is in charge or what those laws are.
jaannorgee Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 For all of us Foreignors who live or holiday here, let's just be grateful that the worst may be over. Reconciliation and country healing may take a few months at least and peace in the future is not guaranteed. Live every day as if it were your last and remember we will always be Guests in this wonderful country regardless of how long we have been here or how much we think we know.
Familyonthemove Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 We're being told that peace has returned to Bangkok, so why the need to extend the curfew?I tried to go to my office in Soi Chidlom on Friday but was not allowed through the last of three Army checkpoints and was informed it was still 'dangerous' in the area. The curfew must be really bad for many businesses - so there must be some significant issues to warrant an extension? were you here for the significant issues that occured wednesday? Hello, city under siege. They have a lot to clean up, look for any threats and ensure safety. Of course I was ... I really worry about some people on here .... but my point was that the government claims of returning to peace, re-opening of MRT and BTS etc do not tally with the extended curfew - so I was interested in any info an why the curfew has been extended. The Army guys working in the Chidlom area told me they had removed some C4 and ping pom bombs from the area, but they are still not happy about people going into the area and the curfew also continues. The curfew will have a severe impact on many businesses and will also discourage tourism for longer - so there must be more serious ongoing issues than is reported.
TimeBandit2 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 You think that just because the government announces something or decides on a course of action that we should all just think it's great, shut our mouths and go along with it? No offense TB2, but unless you have citizenship here, then yes. You have no legal influence on how this country is run as a foreigner. No voting, no running, no voice. If you are truly so unhappy with how things are maybe moving to a country that more closely fits your moral and legal outlook would be best, or your home country where you have the ability to influence these things. As foreigners here we have the responsibility to obey the laws of the country no matter who is in charge or what those laws are. Do we have more responsibility to obey the laws than Thais do? I don't feel some sort of moral imperative to obey laws, especially when the source of that law is questionable and not obeyed by locals. I may not have a vote, but that does not mean that I have no voice. You have a voice and so do I. This entire forum is testament to that. We have an obligation not to offend particular moral sensibilities (the monarchy, etc), but other than that what is this if not speech? Besides, it is local laws that preclude us from participation in the political system. How should that enhance my respect for the local legal system?
wlcart Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 As far as I know Monday is not a holiday correct? Having a curfew while working makes it difficult, just does not give you enough hours in the day to take care of business. I am just not that organized.
wlcart Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 You think that just because the government announces something or decides on a course of action that we should all just think it's great, shut our mouths and go along with it? No offense TB2, but unless you have citizenship here, then yes. You have no legal influence on how this country is run as a foreigner. No voting, no running, no voice. If you are truly so unhappy with how things are maybe moving to a country that more closely fits your moral and legal outlook would be best, or your home country where you have the ability to influence these things. As foreigners here we have the responsibility to obey the laws of the country no matter who is in charge or what those laws are. No offense either, but does Thailand want to be part of the international team? Everyone should obey the law, and of course Farang should not get to vote, but to say people living and working in this country should have no influence once so ever just because they are not Thai is futile. That is one of the benefits to all countries fortunate enough to have members of the international community contribute. Imagine if Thailand have never been influenced at all by the outside world? Or if the west had never been influenced by the east. All voices should be encouraged. To think a foreigner knows nothing is as lame as thinking a foreigner knows everything. We all have a lot to learn from each other. The curfew effects day to day life for Thai and foreigners. This foreigner have no say attitude does not serve Thailand well.
SabaiBKK Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 For people who object to the curfew, especially in BKK, they should consider that during each of the last few nights there have been continued attacks on banks and other buildings. How many more and how much more severe would those attacks have been if there were no curfew imposed? proof that the curfew isnt working .... much easier to start a fire when no one is watching that in a crowded street
Tokay Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Honestly, will it kill everyone if there is just 2 more nights curfew?
pattayamick Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I lived in Bangkok during the seventies. We were under curfew for months. The current curfew is just a blib. Learn to live with it.
cdnmatt Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 For all of us Foreignors who live or holiday here, let's just be grateful that the worst may be over. Or the worst may be just beginning. Before, all the pissed off people were centralized in downtown Bangkok. Now they're spread out all over the country.
zthyadat Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 This is powers the military will find hard to let go of. Expect the threshold for imposing the curfew in the future to be greatly reduced.Anyone want to hazard a guess on when SOE will be lifted? Nonsense - just a wee bit paranoid, aren't we? It is just about tidying up the mess and making sure the don't get roving gangs with petrol cans roaming the streets looking for targets. What comparable events in Thailand's recent history would lead you to think this?
animatic Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 One thing few are currently looking at is when the curfews are over and the military return to barracks who will provide security considering the police have shown they will not provide protection to citizens against crime from the reds? Dont think the authorites arent thinking about this and dont think the reds arent either. Excellent point Hammered,.. and right on the money IMO. It's a disturbing point and I see it is the Achilles heel of the current government and its sincere attempt to restore order and control. I just wonder how much influence ex pol general Thaksin still has over the brown quarter? In virtually every other civilized country in the western world you can rely on the police to uphold law and order and respond to civil unrest, but here in Thailand that isn't so and it is the one major factor that makes me very nervous and anxious about living here. Yes a very good point, there is a reduced ability to maintain order here at the best of times. In ther worst of times this proves totally inadequate. What is to be done? Certainly Thaksin is tooth and jowel with elements of the police heirchy that he spent decades cultivating.
roykeanz Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 For people who object to the curfew, especially in BKK, they should consider that during each of the last few nights there have been continued attacks on banks and other buildings. How many more and how much more severe would those attacks have been if there were no curfew imposed? proof that the curfew isnt working .... much easier to start a fire when no one is watching that in a crowded street We all saw that theory unquestionably proven last Wednesday!! Keyboard anarchists and Red apologists are jumping on this one! .... Of course, it would be far beter if no curfew was needed. But, sadly, it still is. Don't start to think the terrorism is over. There are some real dark times ahead while lunatic Thacky - via his paid mercenaries / criminals - does whatever he thinks it will take to get the Govt out before the upcoming military reshuffle. Even the British media is starting to print some truths of Thaky's Terrorist Thailand ... Vengeful redshirts threaten tourism
animatic Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Honestly, will it kill everyone if there is just 2 more nights curfew? No, it won't. At night is the prefect time to set more bombs and prepare acts of horror, and the mindset is no doubt still there to do this. Revenge is a meal best eaten cold, but many still do it while hot headed. And don't imaging that a massive, group loss of face and fervently held dreams, will fade away in a night or two. There are some out there maad as a wet hornet, and waiting for opportinutiy still.
sausageandmash Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Crawler! I am happy with whatever the Government decides. If the Curfew helps to get Thailand back on its feet, so be it.
sausageandmash Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Was that around 1976? I lived in Bangkok during the seventies. We were under curfew for months.The current curfew is just a blib. Learn to live with it.
sausageandmash Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 A great use for Lily Allen's song. You just have to put up with the beginning bit, then it gets better. They should play this on every big-screen TV in Bangkok, after the curfew has been lifted.
julemanden Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 One thing few are currently looking at is when the curfews are over and the military return to barracks who will provide security considering the police have shown they will not provide protection to citizens against crime from the reds? Dont think the authorites arent thinking about this and dont think the reds arent either. Excellent point Hammered,.. and right on the money IMO. It's a disturbing point and I see it is the Achilles heel of the current government and its sincere attempt to restore order and control. I just wonder how much influence ex pol general Thaksin still has over the brown quarter? In virtually every other civilized country in the western world you can rely on the police to uphold law and order and respond to civil unrest, but here in Thailand that isn't so and it is the one major factor that makes me very nervous and anxious about living here. Maybe it's time 4 u to go home then
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